Best CD player from this list

Hi all,

Question 1: Which is the best sounding CD player from this list:

1. Cambridge 840c

2. Cambridge 851c

3. Ayre CX-7e MP

4. Bryston BCD-1

5. Meridian 508.24

6. Rotel RCD-1572

Question 2: Which player in this list will sound best with a Levinson 383 integrated and Revel F30 speakers?  I would be using XLR connections. My cabling is Harmonic Tech pro 9 reference biwire speaker cables and pro silway II interconnects. I can swap out interconnects if there is a better match. Power cables are Audience Powerchord for both amp and cdp. I’m not looking to go with separate dac and transport as that adds more cost for additional cables, etc. My musical tastes are primarily pop, rock, electronic. 

Thanks for the feedback!



i had a meridian 508-24 for several years way back then, it is a good unit

then when dan wright made his first modded sony cdp's with tube rectification and output stage, i got that one, and played it against the 508 - it wasn't close... dan's unit made the meridian sound unrefined and overtly digital in comparison

The 508.24 was Stereophile A, and one of the finest players I’ve owned. But it’s ancient by today’s standards. 

Thanks again for all the feedback. Based on all this info, I decided to give the 851c a whirl. I recently picked one up on the used market from the original owner. It arrived this past week and had one demo session thus far. I have much more listening ahead, but my initial impression is that it’s a much more fuller sounding, more dynamic and more detailed player vs. the 840. I immediately noticed some details in my reference music that I had not noticed before. The 851 also seems to sound better with my interconnects… Harmonic Tech pro silway II. I was initially beginning to wonder if the silway II’s were a little too lean and detailed for the 840; which they still may be. I will continue to update as I get more listening time under my belt. 

I just retired my Meridian 508.24 and I think the sound quality still holds up pretty well today. However, that model is nearly 25 years old and I wouldn't recommend buying one unless you were able to get it dirt cheap.  I doubt you can get parts to keep it running.

Have you considered the Marantz SA-K1 Ruby? Great sound with both CD and SACD. Very well built to boot.

I have a Cambridge 851C  cd player and really like it, but I could also see the Ayre or Bryston being just as good or better.

+1 on the Simaudio... I have a Moon "Nova" and it’s so good it replaced my Linn, Ikemi. Twin internal Burr Brown DACs - truly a magical piece. Not sure your budget but pre-owned maybe around $7-$800+/-. I’d search out a good used one. Just my opinion. GL!

I have the Simaudio Moon 260D transport with DAC and it is an excellent CD player built like a tank with a good DAC and also has balanced XLR outputs. I also run my Bluesound Node 2i through the DAC in the Moon. Only downside is that it is not a SACD player.

I heard the cambridge 851C several years ago and it sounded magical.  i loved it.  better than my marantz sa8005 which is a classic.  highly recommended. 

Thanks for the feedback guys. To provide some additional info, I’ve been demoing a friend’s 840c. Of the list I provided, the two I’m most interested/curious about are the 851c and cx7e mp. The 840c sounds very good; especially with electronic music—i.e. Tangerine Dream, Jean Michel Jarre, etc. As another example, it also sounds particularly well with Pink Floyd’s The Wall. I feel this album was recorded in a manner giving it a clean, neutral sound. Perhaps slightly dry, but not flat. One thing about the 840c that is apparent is the difference in sound between the outputs... RCA vs XLR. This has been noted in both professional and a couple owner reviews, but listening first-hand really brings it home. I definitely prefer the XLR output as it is more dynamic with greater extension on both ends of the sound spectrum, as well as more air and openness... vs the RCA input. If I were to have any complains about the 840c, it would be perhaps a thinness to the sound. This can cause some brightness on music that is recorded  in such a manner to begin with. So maybe what I am looking for is more fullness, and perhaps a touch of warmth. However, I don’t want to lose the detail and articulation. 

mahler123:  My handle goes back to college. I had taken music appreciation as an elective and it really introduced me to classical music. When I was a kid, I played the drums and later tinkered with keyboards/synthesizers. I especially liked JS Bach’s organ works, and are still some of my favorite classical music to this day... along with a host of other composers and types of music. 


I would say the Ayre CX-7 mp. That is one of the most analog sounding CD players out there. Also, They are still servicing these due to still having plenty of CD Trays. They are coming out with a new CD player called the CX-8 very soon that will probably run you close to $6k. So at $1500 this CX-7 is a steal. Due to them making a new model you will be able to have this serviced till the second coming. 
I hope this helps. 

I would stay away from the Bryston BCD-1 player as they have been problematic, no parts are available for repair and the transport tends to malfunction over time. Two of my friends have them and they are now boat anchors.

I would suggest you look at a cd transport so you can incorporate an external DAC. This will allow you to swap out dac’s to get the sound signature you are looking for.

Question for OP: given your stated tastes in music, I’m curious why you chose J.S. Bach as your Agon handle?

Another Cambridge should be added to the list. Cambridge CXU is universal disc beast. 

I haven’t heard any of these players.  I do have the Bryston DAC3 which uses the same DAC as the BDP1.  I also have a Cambridge Audio streamer which uses at least one of the same DACs as one of the CA players.  The Bryston has by far the better DAC

Own No.2 and have heard 1 and 6. Can’t speak for the others but I don’t you can go wrong with any of them. The Meridian was definitely a well respected player in its days, at least in the magazines but unless you can get a laser head I’d probably look on. Between, 1, 2 and 6 I preferred the 2, the 851C as it’s more refined, accurate than the other two, but if you need help with poor recordings you might prefer the 840C. The Bryston and Ayre are probably great players too. I’d be tempted to try my luck on the Ayre personally, although the Cambridge players do allow for digital in as you might want to add a streamer later. The DAC in the 851C is pretty good. 

 Which player in this list will sound best with a Levinson 383 integrated and Revel F30 speakers?


hard to recommend a player since none of us know how your system sounds?

i have the Ayre cx-7 model , no MP and i am happy with it and have had it for a few years now.         only thing regarding this player is should i add a dac or not ?   i have inquired about this and i seem to get the same answer , is that they arent sure a dac will make much of a difference in sound .      i am sure there is a dac that would, but at what cost?

you have been in this hobby long enough to know that if you get something and you don't like it, then you turn around and resell it.