Responses from dinosore
Sirius XM for 80 year olds....... fool's errand? SiriusXM is available in BluOS on any of the Bluesound products. Once it is set up, just access it wirelessly through the BluOS app on the iPad. The cheapest unit that you can connect to their stereo is the Nano at US$349. This can also be done w... | |
Hearing Aids I got the Widex Moment hearing aids about a year ago, and I am very happy with them. I found them recommended on a lot of on-line audio forums as well as a few reviews focused on music listening. Unfortunately, they are not inexpensive. On the p... | |
CD player recommendation with good built in dac under 1k new or used? please and thanks I have a Musical Fidelity M2SCD, which retails for US$ 1,099. I actually just use it for a transport and run it through a Denafrips Ares II DAC (along with my streamer). However, it still sounds very good with its internal DAC. In the under $1,00... | |
Suggestions for a DAC/Streamer to replace BlueOS Node Streamer @sengha The Eversolo streamers will have an app where you can control them from your phone or tablet. Your other alternative with Apple Music is to connect your iPhone or iPad directly to an external DAC if you want high-res lossless. But then you... | |
Suggestions for a DAC/Streamer to replace BlueOS Node Streamer @sengha How are you using AirPlay now with your Node? If you are streaming from an iPhone or iPad, the Apple Music app will down-sample the stream to a lossy 256kbps. If you are using a MacBook Pro (according to Bluesound) the AM app will stream a... | |
Found a feature on Bluesound App that I didn’t know existed I use an iPhone and iPad to control my BluOS. Sometimes on the iPad, the resolution will not show up when you tap the HR icon when the device is in portrait mode. When I flip it to landscape, the resolution appears, and will stay there when I retu... | |
Audirvana streaming It sounds like Qobuz is only playing samples of songs. Is your subscription paid up or did you accidentally log out? Try logging out of Qobuz and logging back in and see if that fixes it. | |
Hearing aid question I am 67 years old and got the Widex Moment hearing aids earlier this year. I had my hearing tested in my mid-50s and it was pretty good, better than average for my age. However, I was starting to suffer from tinnitus. Not too badly, and it would c... | |
Starting Over and I need your help Your biggest issue is Apple Music. If you are using AirPlay2 to stream from your phone, the Apple Music app will down-sample the stream to a very lossy 256kbps. This is an Apple issue, not Bluesound. Try signing up for a free trial of Tidal or Q... | |
Difference between Bluesound Node, Node 2, Node 2i, NodeX The original Node was the big, ugly, plastic cube. The Node 2 was the introduction of the current form factor, with a new DAC. The 2i introduced AirPlay2 and dual-band wi-fi. I believe it used the same DAC as the Node 2. The next gen Node (N130) h... | |
USB output on latest Bluesound Node @rhtowson I'd like to know how you got your Node 2i to work with USB output, since that feature was added to the next generation, the N130. Are you sure of your model number? | |
Noob question about streaming . . . You should be able to stream Tidal through HEOS in your Marantz. I have no direct experience with HEOS, but most reviews I've seen consider it inferior to the Wiim or Bluesound software. Try it, and if it works fine with your Tidal subscription, t... | |
Bluesound Node help Bluesound has a web site with a support section. The web site also has a community forum where you can post questions and their tech people monitor it. Bluesound Support You can also initiate a support request through the BluOS app. | |
The Music Room I sold them some 20+year-old stuff (Meridian and Classe). The process was very easy - they send you a FedEx label and all you have to do is pack it up safely. I was very happy with the process. I thought the prices they offered were fair. Yes, yo... | |
Specific Node/Airplay question Be aware that when you use AirPlay2 on an iPhone or iPad, the Apple Music app will down-sample the stream to a very lossy 256kbps (versus 1,411 kbps for 16/44.1 CD quality). This is a function of the Apple Music app and has nothing to do with the ... |