Best CD player from this list

Hi all,

Question 1: Which is the best sounding CD player from this list:

1. Cambridge 840c

2. Cambridge 851c

3. Ayre CX-7e MP

4. Bryston BCD-1

5. Meridian 508.24

6. Rotel RCD-1572

Question 2: Which player in this list will sound best with a Levinson 383 integrated and Revel F30 speakers?  I would be using XLR connections. My cabling is Harmonic Tech pro 9 reference biwire speaker cables and pro silway II interconnects. I can swap out interconnects if there is a better match. Power cables are Audience Powerchord for both amp and cdp. I’m not looking to go with separate dac and transport as that adds more cost for additional cables, etc. My musical tastes are primarily pop, rock, electronic. 

Thanks for the feedback!



Showing 1 response by riley804

 Which player in this list will sound best with a Levinson 383 integrated and Revel F30 speakers?


hard to recommend a player since none of us know how your system sounds?

i have the Ayre cx-7 model , no MP and i am happy with it and have had it for a few years now.         only thing regarding this player is should i add a dac or not ?   i have inquired about this and i seem to get the same answer , is that they arent sure a dac will make much of a difference in sound .      i am sure there is a dac that would, but at what cost?

you have been in this hobby long enough to know that if you get something and you don't like it, then you turn around and resell it.