Best budget streamer on the market now?

I know there have been lots of threads around this subject but the market moves forward very quickly on this tech so....

Using Google Chromecast Audio right now for my two older systems and while I do not have a problem with the units themselves the control app, BubbleupNp leaves something to be desired constantly crashing on my android phone.
Now maybe someone knows of a better more stable app for starters?

Failing that all I need is the ability to connect wirelessly to my home network ( has to be able to connect to Qobuz!) and be able to send an analog out signal via stereo rca ( my older system integrateds do not have any other options).
No other features required.

Thank you.
A vote here for the Cambridge CXN (V2)...   not totally plug and play if real sound is your thing as it was quite "screamy" and tilted up out of the box.  Audioquest power cord ($230) fixed part of that, the rest was fixed with a Straightwire Expressivo interconnects ($400)...    and two weeks of burn in. Tonality very relaxed and honest now.  Very happy with the result.
Lol to that.

Amazon have some work to do for sure if they intend to take over the streaming world as they have online shopping.
I am a Tidal HiFi subscriber.   I am also an Amazon Prime member.  My impression of the Amazon interface is that it sucks.  More even than Cambridge's Tidal interface.
Thought I would check back in and update.

Moving to Amazon Music means at least on my android phone that I can cast to each Chromecast unit direct from the Amazon Music app.
Works extremely well with zero crashes or glitches so far.

IPad is another story as it only supports airplay devices.
A quick get around on this is not quite as convenient but the SQ makes up for it.
Connected by lightning to USB powered hub into my Ayre EX8.
Running Amazon Music app it instantly sees the hub as a Bluetooth device( most odd as I am NOT using bluetooth but it works!).
Streams at 24/192 where applicable and sounds fantastic imho.
I use a Tunebox2 ($75) into a Schiit Modi Multi-bit to stream Amazon Music HD from my iPhone or MacBook.

Max quality tracks play at 24-bit/48khz.

I’m sure there are much better setups, but this works flawlessly for me. 
I received my Node 2i today. It was challenging at first getting it to network up. iPad users may find it useful that joining the Node to the WiFi network is done by adding the Node under “add Airplay speaker” in the iPad settings. The routers WiFi password was not necessary. BluOS app -To add radio presets, start a radio station, go to presets and push the + sign. Tone control is Menu, Settings, Player, Audio. I like this app. So easy. For the money I’m totally pleased. The DAC is noticeably better than the Sangean WFT-1 it replaced (now $350), but just. I see a better DAC in my future somehow. No rush. Speaking of rush, I ordered the Node 2i from Bright Audio in nyc and it showed up in exactly one week, drop shipped from the distributor. Still $499 and 10% off coupon for my first store purchase made it about $451, shipping to CA included.
I think the CXN was a great choice at it's original price. It's an easy choice at the sale price. 
Cambridge CXN V2 is on sale at Music Direct $725 until they are gone.  I ordered on yesterday.
On a Google Nexus6P w/ Android 8.x the BubbleUPnP app has been rock-stable for me for nearly two years - can’t remember a single crash. Check that you’re on latest Android version compatible with your phone. If it’s a carrier-subsidized unit you may be running into some incompatibility bet. BubbleUPnP and the carrier/manufacturer-hacked version of Android or their bloat-ware.

Like cal3713 said, email the BubbleUPnP developer - he’s responsive and cares.
Uberwaltz, I have the Yamaha WXA50 in my secondary system.  It works well as a streamer, but the DAC SQ isn't very impressive. If SQ means anything, I'd avoid that series.
Uber - I’m using Volumio (29 Euro/year for one device) with Raspberry Pi (~$50 + <$30 for a case) and with Tinkerboard S (~$100 + <$30 for a case). I like the user interface and it supports Qobuz and Tidal, as well as local or network storage of ripped files in most formats. If you’re at all technically inclined, you can have all kinds of geeky fun with these for a few hundred bucks all in. And I’m pretty pleased with the results. ( You can control it all via web browser, Android, or iPhone/iPad.

I’ve also found some cases on Amazon that look at home with the rest of my system. (Benchmark DAC3 HGC, Benchmark AHB2,Joseph Audio Pulsars). You can get a decent power supply from $25 to "sky-is-the-limit", but I’ve had reasonably good price/performance experience with a Chinese (MeanWell) desktop supply for about $28. With the system above, I’ve added a linear PS and a USB REGEN device from Uptone Audio (adds $610) that yields noticeable improvements with some equipment combinations, but my brother prefers to use the Pi-based streamer that I built for him without either device from Uptone when used in front of his Rega Saturn R CD/DAC + Rega Osiris, so some experimentation helps here too. (By the way, there's some pretty interesting information regarding power supplies in general on the Uptone site.)

The choice of board makes a difference when I try to work with different DACs (functionality- and user-experience-wise). For example, the Tinkerboard S and my Uptone Audio USB REGEN don’t get along when using Volumio, but I find that the Tinkerboard doesn’t benefit from the REGEN nearly as much as does the Pi board. And the Volumio software is glitchy with the Tinkerboard and the Benchmark DAC but seems to work fine everywhere else I’ve tried it. These issues seem to be corrected by the developers as time goes on - Tinkerboard being relatively new vs. the Pi - but this is representative of the last time I combined the two.

So if you don’t mind a little DIY, this could be an option. Yes, the costs can escalate, but until I’m ready to spend $2000 and up for a turn-key streamer, I’m pretty satisfied with even the low-end results (as is my brother).

I probably have an older Pi board and a case that I’m not using lying around here that you’re welcome to try (if I can find it) that I’ll rebuild with the free version of Volumio (no Qobuz but supports rips). This would give you a sense of the low end of the performance you could ultimately achieve, but could be useful for comparison. Just message me and I’ll be happy to lend it to you.
Hi-fi cast installed and now will be a case of seeing how it performs over time.

Instantly saw both Chromecast units, my Ayre EX8, my PC NAS and my iPad.
Awesome sauce on that score!
I second the recommendation for the nodke 2i. I have 2 of them and it is stupid GOOD! And, fwiw, it also does MQA.
My other equipment: Modwright LS-100 pre, Krell kav-2250 amp, Legacy Focus 20/20 speakers.
Good Listening! 
Thx Mike
I will check that out as yes the Chromecast units themselves are fine just Bubbleupnp giving me fits.
If you simply want to give another Android controller app a shot, I found that Hi-fi Cast was a better solution with Chromecast than was BubbleUPnP.  It quickly finds both servers and players and has a reasonably attractive interface.  Just a few bucks to upgrade to premium version.
The ProJect S2 DAC does have a different DAC chip set and does full MQA. Better, is debatable. Different, yes. Streaming via the Node 2i even if you hand over another $400 or so to your dealer, does preserve the good user interface.
Amazon Music Unlimited HD is a new contender.  Their library is very large.  Most of their hi res plays 24/96.  However, I wish their interface looked like TIDAL's when streaming through my Bluesound Node 2i.  Only problem I am having is trying to determine if adding a Pro-Ject S2 DAC improved sound quality as suggested by the dealer.  I am beginning to think playing the Bluesound by itself sounds better and I am also beginning to hear the difference when playing MQA.
I’m using a exaSound Sigma streamer as my main electronic music listening device with good results, although at $750 it may not rate as "budget."

It got a brief good review from (I think) Kal Rubinson:

@tlee1, have you tried the bluesound with the iFi reclocker? I wonder about the value of the  Nodes as merely streamers. 
I'd just pick up a used desktop PC.  The mini Dells are perfect.  Install Jriver media server.  Ad a wireless remote, and you are up.  Ideally a high quality DAC card, or a USB DAC is the final touch.  All easily done for less than $300.  
I consider that the Node N100, 2, and 2i are all a good choice not just because they sound good, but because the BluOS apps and total capability of streaming, from paid services and any radio station that streams to even some pretty obscure podcasts. The free updates to both firmware and apps is incredible.

Forewarning, I am merely a novice. I had a Chromecast Audio connected through a iFi SPIDF reclocker which I greatly enjoyed. Sound was great to me. The difference between the Chromecast alone and the Chromecast plus iFi SPIDF reclocker was night and day. I eventually started having so many connectivity issues with the Chromecast that I abandoned it and bought the Bluesound Node 2i. I haven’t looked back since. 
Auralic is a budget streamer for me. I don't know other brands because they're not easily available in Indonesia. Even for Auralic, when I bought it few years back, I had to fly to Thailand.
I’d buy the BlueSound Node 2i all over again if I needed another one. Tidal MQA is rendered very nicely and non-MQA is ok for casual listening. 
@uberwaltz If your only issue is the bubbleUPNP app crashing on your phone, you might look into getting an old used tablet or something to use instead.  I use an old samsung tablet and don't think I've had the app crash in over two years.  Same situation on my phone. 

Just looks like you've got some weird technical issue with your phone & the Bubble software.  You might even ask the BubbleUPNP developer about it.  He's been responsive to me in the past, even inserting a feature in the software for me.

Qobuz doesn’t have the resources to invest in user experience, design, library size, content curation, et al., to compete with Amazon Music. I don’t know how Qobuz will distinguish themselves going forward. Qobuz will start bleeding market share as people like me switch to Amazon Music. Plus, for less than the price of one high res subscription on Qobuz, I can get a high res family subscription on Amazon Music. I’m excited to introduce the family to high res content this Christmas.
I found Android to be a step behind the iOS when it comes to music server apps. It seems developers favor the iOS platform over Android. For non-iOS users, Roon is the only saving grace 😊
So yes ONCE I start a song I then get an option to cast it AFTER it has already started playing.
That's dumber than a box of rocks!

I want it to be like the iPad where I get the option to just cast to the Chromecast unit BEFORE I start playing anything.
On the iPad you just select your endpoint and it plays everything to there until you tell it otherwise.

How hard should it be for the android vetsion to be the same.
As I said
Its simply not there on my phone.
And if I have to START playing a song first to then see if it can be cast, well that's pretty dumb......
@OP, you have to select a song to see the cast button. Try playing a song then looking in the top right. I use android too. It’s an unfortunate user experience issue to Qobuz.

Google cast is the platform agnostic solution that small hardware manufacturers should be implementing to complete with those companies who also develop and maintain their own software. So far, the list of HiFi gear supporting casting is minimal.

I recommend trying the free 90-day trial for Amazon Music. Library of 50M songs in CD quality and under 10M in 24bit. The convenience might dissuade you from maintaining your home server. And the UI user experience tops Qobuz. Best.
So that got me thinking....
Dl the Qobuz app on my ipad and sure as sugar I can now cast direct from the app on the iPad.
But not from my android phone and the app is up to date so not sure why not.

Oh well have one solution for now......
That is exactly what I have read however on the Qobuz app on my phone there is NO option to cast.
Now I know there was on the Tidal app but it is just not there on the Qobuz app on my android phone.

Which is why I am using Bubbleupnp...
@dtx, casting goes over WiFi but you get to use your phone as remote, just like the bluesound app. You just get to use the UI that the streaming service built.

@OP, upon reading, I may have misunderstood you about casting.  I have heard that Bluesound is an amazing way to go. I'm considering it myself. However, now that I have a Chromecast Audio into an external DAC, an iFi SPIDF reclocker ($150) may be a much better purchase than a Node.

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that just streaming over bluetooth?  Isn't it true that you're not getting your Hi Res by streaming that way?

To stay on topic, I personally recommend the Bluesound Node 2 with an external dac..  I echo what many have said, it's a fantastic dac for the money anyway, but always benefits from an external.

The user interface is enough for me to recommend it. If you're not happy with your UI then that filters to your ears.  Its true.. Scientific and stuff.
I recommend you try the Amazon Music service. It has a bigger music selection than Qobuz and also supports casting. 

Amazon just released a $200 streamer too. Darko reviewed it. Check it out too. Darko says it's the worst streamer he's heard but unlike the Chromecast, the new Amazon unit also supports a home server. 

I use a Chromecast with Qobuz. Ditch that app. You can cast directly to the Chromecast from the Qobuz app by "casting." Click on a song. In the top right corner is a rectangle. Click that and choose the Chromecast attached to you HiFi. Then play the song.
It is not Chromecast being stable with Qobuz that is my main complaint here but the fact that BubbleupNp is the culprit as it constantly crashes on my phone.

As far as I am aware there is no other app to use with Chromecast that allows access to Qobuz.

Google play music is fine if you like playlists and low rez which I do not.
Keep the Chromecast and add one of those Topping or SMSL DACS. Well within 200 $ and the result will be better than any 300 streamer like Node IMHO. Chromecast is very stable with QOBUZ, I use it everyday without a glitch. If you want to play your own files Google Music is an option. The UI is not particularly inspiring but it is super stable. The only drawback is that you are adding one more box . . .My 2c.
Not nearly the cheapest, but very well featured for the cost is the miniDSP
$900 - Still a lot cheaper than other systems, with both Android and iPhone support.
I have the Bluesound Node 2i and absolutely love it, great sound for my bedroom setup. 

We have a little Streamer Easy-Stream Connect that will fit the bill. Beautiful App to use very stable, pics of screens on website. Supports all the major streaming services including Qobuz. + Tunin Radio. RCA output and multi room support £79 £30 delivery to US and sounds far better than a Chromecast
Hope this helps.

Hi Colin.

Crikey!…..after some hassle sorting out the set-up (probably me) and some running in, i’m pleased to say this is a little gem. It blows the Chromecast i currently use clean away and is a really nice listen. I didn’t expect quite so much detail or space around instruments, Certainly didn’t expect any sort of believable soundstage but its there……really impressive. Thank you.

I used the Chromecast for lazy listening. Stuff on iTunes, Spotify and Tunein mainly. With Tunein it was generally Crooze FM (an Antwerp based Jazz station……..with superb broadcast quality). With the Easy Stream, Crooze FM is quite astonishing.

So from me, its very positive indeed and now i’m keen to use your up and coming DAC. Please keep me updated.

Hi Colin:
All is good with Qobuz now! Thanks for your assistance.
This inexpensive streamer certainly sounds better, and often much better, than my computer/dac combination.
Take care.

I strongly 2nd the Aries Mini recommendation with the external LPS.
I own several of the Auralic products and they are the only Chi-Fi I've found worth owning.I regularly use the Mini and swap between UPnP & Lightning DS modes with ease and have never had the BubbleUPnP app or the iOS DS app crash (on LG and Samsung phones or iPad).  Even though the Mini supports an internal SSD, I prefer to connect it externally with a USB->Sata cable and a Samsung 1Tb SSD.  The advantage of going external is that I can easily swap it to my iMac to manage the content where file transfer is wicked fast.  In contrast to the internal SSD which is accessed via a shared folder and is painfully slow.
There have been just a few occasions where I needed to use the Mini internal DAC and it was super convenient to have that option.
I don't use the Roon support but it's a bonus to know it's available.
I sent an email to Auralic support recently, about the Mini, and they answered the same day with a thorough response.
I paid $450 for the Mini & LPS about 15 months ago and would do it again today if I were in need of another.  I've yet to find a downside to owning it.
Lol Uber I should have remembered and why did you get rid of it if I may ask? Oh wait let me guess you got bored and wanted to try something new? :-p
If this isn't for critical listening, would a 1st get Sonos Connect work for you?