Responses from displayname
Technics 1200G vs VPI Forever Model One Upgrade to a next level phonostage if you haven’t already to make either choice perform its best. Thank you, I forgot to add my other associated equipment. I meant to do that. I currently have a Hana ML on the Ultradeck, and I will likely car... | |
Analogue front end. You want more weight, scale and dynamics.Where do you start upgrading? I recently put my first MC cart on my TT, a Hana ML. While I was very impressed with the top end detail, I felt the lower midrange weight and bass impact were lacking. My phonostage (Sutherland 20/20) gain moves in 6db steps, 58db to 64db at the t... | |
SUT suggestions for Audio Note System I just picked up a Bob's Devices Sky 20-S sut this weekend. Very happy so far. I haven't test several SUTs, nor do I have a Koetsu, but I do know Bob had a Koetsu with him at Southwest Audio Fest. I'm sure he could walk you through which units wou... | |
SL-1200 G Power cable I haven't personally tried different cables on a 1200g, but I remember a Stereophile article where they reference using an AudioQuest Thunder with the 1200g. https://www.stereophile.com/content/technics-sl-1200g-turntable | |
Phono Cables for Sutherland 20/20 mk1? For anyone that stumbles on this in the future, I have a set of AQ Leopard on loan from a friend. They fit quite nicely, but unfortunately they aren't that easy to come by. | |
Comparing speakers at home questions I think it's totally up to you. A quick A/B swap can be a ton of fun. But that's also not how most people listen. So it doesn't hurt to try living with the new ones for a week to let them settle in and get more familiar with their nuances, then sw... | |
Southwest Audio Fest @bobsdevices - looking forward to seeing you there. I just started learning more about SUTs, and I was excited to see ya'll on the exhibitors list! | |
Lumin P1 or P1 mini? This page is helpful https://www.luminmusic.com/manual/model-differences.html | |
What a difference a setting makes. Sorry to dig up this older thread. Currently going through the break-in period with my Hana ML. The cart is on a Mofi Ultradeck running into a Sutherland 20/20. I've been playing with various settings, and I keep coming back to 58 db gain and 200 ... | |
How often do you upgrade turntable ? Got an LP60 and upgraded to a Uturn almost instantly. Kept that for about 2 years, and then moved up to a Mofi Ultradeck. Coming up on 7 years with that table, and just got a Hana ML so I suppose I’ll keep it for a few more years. I’m mostly dra... | |
Turntable Upgrade This is an excellent line up, and very similar to the lineup I have in mind for a potential upgrade. I'm curious why something further up the Clearaudio line isn't on the list. A Signature or Performance DC Air with Tracer arm would be in budget. ... | |
Southwest Audio Fest @hysteve This will be only my second show. I went to one also in Dallas two years ago, which was much smaller by comparison. Now that you mention it, I don’t remember turntables there either. I understand they will have thousands of records th... | |
Southwest Audio Fest I’ll be there! Very curious to see what rooms bring vinyl this time. Most rooms stick with streaming because it’s just easier to demo, but there were a few and multiple reel to reel decks. I’m curious to look at integrated amps and cables too. E... | |
Rosso Fiorentino Arno 40 speakers Great speakers/Beautiful music @dayglow I don’t know anything about Chario, but the look reminds me of Edifer. | |
Rosso Fiorentino Arno 40 speakers Great speakers/Beautiful music The Certaldo 2 is at the top of my speaker replacement list and very curious if the Arno 40 is a worthy upgrade over the Certaldo 2. Will be attending Axpona 2025 to narrow down my speaker choices to 3. @dayglow I've owned the Certaldos 1 for s... |