

Responses from displayname

Technics 1200G vs VPI Forever Model One
Upgrade to a next level phonostage if you haven’t already to make either choice perform its best. Thank you, I forgot to add my other associated equipment. I meant to do that.  I currently have a Hana ML on the Ultradeck, and I will likely car... 
Analogue front end. You want more weight, scale and dynamics.Where do you start upgrading?
I recently put my first MC cart on my TT, a Hana ML. While I was very impressed with the top end detail, I felt the lower midrange weight and bass impact were lacking. My phonostage (Sutherland 20/20) gain moves in 6db steps, 58db to 64db at the t... 
SUT suggestions for Audio Note System
I just picked up a Bob's Devices Sky 20-S sut this weekend. Very happy so far. I haven't test several SUTs, nor do I have a Koetsu, but I do know Bob had a Koetsu with him at Southwest Audio Fest. I'm sure he could walk you through which units wou... 
SL-1200 G Power cable
I haven't personally tried different cables on a 1200g, but I remember a Stereophile article where they reference using an AudioQuest Thunder with the 1200g.  https://www.stereophile.com/content/technics-sl-1200g-turntable  
Phono Cables for Sutherland 20/20 mk1?
For anyone that stumbles on this in the future, I have a set of AQ Leopard on loan from a friend. They fit quite nicely, but unfortunately they aren't that easy to come by.   
Comparing speakers at home questions
I think it's totally up to you. A quick A/B swap can be a ton of fun. But that's also not how most people listen. So it doesn't hurt to try living with the new ones for a week to let them settle in and get more familiar with their nuances, then sw... 
Southwest Audio Fest
@bobsdevices - looking forward to seeing you there. I just started learning more about SUTs, and I was excited to see ya'll on the exhibitors list!   
Lumin P1 or P1 mini?
This page is helpful  https://www.luminmusic.com/manual/model-differences.html  
What a difference a setting makes.
Sorry to dig up this older thread. Currently going through the break-in period with my Hana ML. The cart is on a Mofi Ultradeck running into a Sutherland 20/20. I've been playing with various settings, and I keep coming back to 58 db gain and 200 ... 
How often do you upgrade turntable ?
Got an LP60 and upgraded to a Uturn almost instantly. Kept that for about 2 years, and then moved up to a Mofi Ultradeck. Coming up on 7 years with that table, and just got a Hana ML so I suppose I’ll keep it for a few more years.  I’m mostly dra... 
Turntable Upgrade
This is an excellent line up, and very similar to the lineup I have in mind for a potential upgrade. I'm curious why something further up the Clearaudio line isn't on the list. A Signature or Performance DC Air with Tracer arm would be in budget. ... 
Southwest Audio Fest
@hysteve  This will be only my second show. I went to one also in Dallas two years ago, which was much smaller by comparison. Now that you mention it, I don’t remember turntables there either.  I understand they will have thousands of records th... 
Southwest Audio Fest
I’ll be there! Very curious to see what rooms bring vinyl this time. Most rooms stick with streaming because it’s just easier to demo, but there were a few and multiple reel to reel decks.  I’m curious to look at integrated amps and cables too. E... 
Rosso Fiorentino Arno 40 speakers Great speakers/Beautiful music
@dayglow I don’t know anything about Chario, but the look reminds me of Edifer.   
Rosso Fiorentino Arno 40 speakers Great speakers/Beautiful music
The Certaldo 2 is at the top of my speaker replacement list and very curious if the Arno 40 is a worthy upgrade over the Certaldo 2. Will be attending Axpona 2025 to narrow down my speaker choices to 3. @dayglow I've owned the Certaldos 1 for s...