Are manufacturers having discussions removed from Audiogon if they turn negative?

I have mostly been taking part of this forum occasionally, and from a distance if you will.  I have to admit I don't really know the kind of things that can go on, disputes or disagreements that can occur.  I have occasionally done searches in this forum using the search function to only come upon a thread that has been removed, oddly enough.

I have seen some discussions, and taken part in some others that become somewhat of a debate on certain brands, and they have become critical in some instances.  Usually fans of the brand in question rush to the defence, and from what I've seen, a healthy discourse occurs, with back and forth and occasional posts removed.  I'm thinking of smaller internet direct manufacturers such as your Emotivas, Schiit Audio, Ascend Acoustics and the like.

What I'm wondering is, have such companies had negative discussions stopped or removed?  Has anyone been part of similar discussions in which moderators suddenly step in and either lock or completely remove a discussion?

Tekton, as is often the case with criticized manufacturers, missed a great opportunity to reply to the OP with a reasonable confession that they lost an order or somehow accidentally bungled the thing. An apology! How innovative! That would have gone a long way to assuage the critics, and maybe a few reputation bonus points toward the company could have been salvaged from that. As it was, Tekton lost some credibility for sure. Also, Elizabeth, what are the black goo, magic paper, and Green threads? I need to see those!
Tekton, as is often the case with criticized manufacturers, missed a great opportunity to reply to the OP with a reasonable confession that they lost an order or somehow accidentally bungled the thing. An apology! How innovative!
It in't at all clear that the poster's complaint was valid. Perhaps that's why the OP deleted the thread. Perhaps that's why Tekton didn't apologize.
@wolf_garcia , @cleeds ,

There are always two sides to a story. But, in the Tekton case, the owner never articulated why the OP was incorrect nor why it would take this long to make the pair of speakers-despite his changing the original order.
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There’s no reason to doubt the OP’s veracity ...
It isn’t at all clear that the poster’s complaint was valid - it was just another post by an anonymous user. Perhaps that’s why the OP deleted the thread. Perhaps that’s why Tekton didn’t apologize.
I'd probably want a thread removed too if some ranting fool like me went on like I did ...
Exactly - you made my point. There can be good reasons to doubt the claims of a "ranting fool."
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Cleeds keeps repeating his chararcter assassination theory on any customer who complains ...
I have done no such thing, and clearly there have been too many issues for Tekton to be completely blameless. But neither to I accept every claim as unvarnished truth. There are almost always two sides to every story, and sometimes more.

Let’s remember that the OP himself deleted his own thread. It’s almost as though he’s retracted his claims. Oddly, a few continue to prosecute this case without any first-hand information.
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Hi cleeds. I pm’d the op a while back to see how it worked out. Tekton finally decided to work on his speakers and was sending him progress reports and pictures. So it appears to me that without him starting that thread, he most likely would still be waiting. I guess he was happy that progress was finally being made and ended the thread. Still don't understand why Eric posted the op was not being truthful without a single word to back it up. All the guy did was claim he paid for speakers months ago and had yet to receive them. Sounds mighty truthful to me...
It's surely good news if the OP is happy that progress is being made on his speakers. He deserves it.
you could see this coming with that thread. "The squeaky wheel gets the grease."
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I generally agree with what Bob (first poster) and Elizabeth stated as reasons. Generally, moderators will remove a thread if they come to the conclusion that maintaining the thread via constant moderating activity (reviewing flagged posts for deletion and removing such posts if warranted) is more work than removing the thread. Moderators are patient, to a point.

Manufacturers having contributed to a thread don’t have any bearing on the actions of the moderators, unless the manufacturers play a direct role in the moderator’s decision to remove the thread (for example, posting inappropriate content posts that trigger flagged posts for review).
I too would like to know if / when the poster gets his speakers.

I had a problem with Eric, but this was well over a year ago and I was hoping by now he would have got his act together. It reminds me of a company that was called "Pure Power" (this company made some excellent power conditioners) they eventfully went belly up due to mismanagement and screwed many people (it started with bad customer service)…

To me, it would be wise to not take anymore orders until the backlog is fulfilled.

Please don’t take offense to this comment, it is meant to help many fellow audiophiles. With so many great audio companies out there (including speaker companies) why would anyone take the risk with their money on a company with a growing bad reputation?? I have never understood this. Many people rely on just “great sound” or the fanboys writing things like “these speakers are the best” but what about customer service, warranty, parts, proven
history of the company, the research of said company and details of any deal made or where on earth a manufacturer are making and shipping the speakers from??? I mean, don’t be gullible when you pay mucho dinero for a product because you might get ripped off and just look stupid.
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About a week ago I pm'd the OP of the taken down thread to see if he received his speakers and if he was enjoying them. Haven't heard boo back. I guess his thread had served its purpose and he is no longer interested in commenting....
I have seen no valid, meaningful, or reliable suggestion, indicator, or evidence that Audiogon staff, moderators, or management limits, restricts, or regulates comments that are critical, negative, or unflattering of any business, advertiser, or user on this site.
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Elizabeth’s account (posted on 1/26) of her experience with Magnepan underscores why it is important to do business with quality companies that have a track record and are committed to customer service. It’s your money, so you decide who you do business with!
Elizabeth's account sounds like QC at Magnepan is performed by the night watchman.  Little known concept these days, it is called testing before shipping?
Some years ago when I had bought Legacy speakers, Bill Dudleston the designer/owner of Legacy halted all speaker shipping for a week. He had a head cold, his ears were stuffed up and he could not hear properly. Not one speaker was shipped at that time tell his ears were working properly again!  Story short, he listened to, and adjusted EVERY loudspeaker that went out of that factory. To me, that was pretty impressive QC.
One comment, one question.

Comment, if all a dealer/manufacturer needs to do is request that a thread that is negative to them be removed, what businessman would not do it, it makes no sense not to.

Question, Elizabeth's experience with the upside down tweeter makes me want to ask a really dumb question, which is, if you take your speakers and invert them so they are turned upside down, what, if any, is the impact on the image they portray?
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kosst, for the record, your opinion of cleeds makes no difference to those of us who like his posts.
Audio forums are a bit like reading the comics in a newspaper or watching an animated movie. It’s fun, sometimes entertaining, funny and educational but you can’t take it seriously. Forums are mostly for selling gear and where people feel good about what they bought, which in turn, when they talk about how good xyz amps sound, others often buy them. I don’t take forums too seriously...
especially when hack salesmen barge in with hi-brow arrogant comments. I never buy from them.
I think Audiogon is doing a great job to keep us out of legal trouble, by removing some edgy posts.

We may criticize something, and it's perfectly our legal right to speak out.

However, any manufacturer's corporate lawyer could also slap you with an defamation lawsuit.  It doesn't matter if your opinion is warranted - whoever has most resource to keep suing would win.
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Unfortunately, political divisiveness is now the norm, given our current administration's behaviour.
Like most things, it should be short-lived, especially in our Tweet filled world.
In the meantime, we can still enjoy the comments from posters such as Almarg, Eric-Squires, and Atmasphere.

Keeping us out of legal trouble? Whoa! Dude! Are any paddy wagons involved?
Pot calling the kettle black here methinks.
I will say no more, the OP knows what I am referring to......
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Uber, if you refer to it any more, it will disappear. Pretty much like mine did....