Are manufacturers having discussions removed from Audiogon if they turn negative?

I have mostly been taking part of this forum occasionally, and from a distance if you will.  I have to admit I don't really know the kind of things that can go on, disputes or disagreements that can occur.  I have occasionally done searches in this forum using the search function to only come upon a thread that has been removed, oddly enough.

I have seen some discussions, and taken part in some others that become somewhat of a debate on certain brands, and they have become critical in some instances.  Usually fans of the brand in question rush to the defence, and from what I've seen, a healthy discourse occurs, with back and forth and occasional posts removed.  I'm thinking of smaller internet direct manufacturers such as your Emotivas, Schiit Audio, Ascend Acoustics and the like.

What I'm wondering is, have such companies had negative discussions stopped or removed?  Has anyone been part of similar discussions in which moderators suddenly step in and either lock or completely remove a discussion?


Showing 5 responses by 2psyop

Audiocircle does this more because many if not all of the manufacturer forums are fanboy types, once a person starts to talk about real troubles with equipment the moderator, usually an owner of the manufactured product removes the thread (discussion). They can, and have in many cases, banned a poster from discussions of their products.
I had a very bad experience with a manufacturer. His business is a niche sized in the audio world. I am here to tell you, despite my repeated efforts over not months but years I just got ripped off and he was unwilling to admit the faults of his amps and preamps. I lost a lot of money and every time someone asked questions about his gear in a forum, I spoke about my experience. So NO not everybody in the manufacturing world will help a buyer when they have a problem. To my amazement, this guy did not want to honor his work and did not have a problem risking his reputation. New sales are a high priority for some brands, customer service and customer satisfaction are a low priority for some of those same brands.
“...Discussions removed....if they turn negative “
An important distinction here is truth, honesty, facts and reality. If your post is negative but is truthful, factual and based in reality than it should not be removed. But those are just the kind of posts that would be removed. Manufacturers don’t want that honest bad stuff to get out. If they cut corners, place bad batches of transformers or capacitors in equipment to save money and that equipment develops problems they don’t want to take responsibility. If the negative posts are not factual, not honest or real I think the manufacturer has a right to get rid of it.
Please don’t take offense to this comment, it is meant to help many fellow audiophiles. With so many great audio companies out there (including speaker companies) why would anyone take the risk with their money on a company with a growing bad reputation?? I have never understood this. Many people rely on just “great sound” or the fanboys writing things like “these speakers are the best” but what about customer service, warranty, parts, proven
history of the company, the research of said company and details of any deal made or where on earth a manufacturer are making and shipping the speakers from??? I mean, don’t be gullible when you pay mucho dinero for a product because you might get ripped off and just look stupid.
Audio forums are a bit like reading the comics in a newspaper or watching an animated movie. It’s fun, sometimes entertaining, funny and educational but you can’t take it seriously. Forums are mostly for selling gear and where people feel good about what they bought, which in turn, when they talk about how good xyz amps sound, others often buy them. I don’t take forums too seriously...
especially when hack salesmen barge in with hi-brow arrogant comments. I never buy from them.