Accuphase Experiences

In my search for a new amp I recently a look at Accuphase. I’ve watch numerous demonstration videos to get a sense of their sound characteristics and I find them very appealing especially when directly compared to Luxman and MacIntosh. They tend to be on the slightly warm side of neutral with a very life like beautiful mid range, a smooth extended treble and a tight but not overwhelming bass. In fact bass is the only region where they are a light but not by much and only in comparison to other amps that excel in this range. But the area they excel for me is soundstage. It’s very wide and depth is very good but not like tubes. Also instrument separation is excellent . The whole presentation appears real and expansive. I liked it so much I’m going to drive 90 minutes to a dealer that has several models to demo. Hopefully next week. I really want to hear the P-4600 amp and the e4000 integrated. 

So has anyone had any experiences with Accuphase?  I would love to hear you opinions and experiences. 


I’ve watch numerous demonstration videos to get a sense of their sound characteristics 

You can really get a good sense of all those characteristics from videos? I'm impressed.

I’ve owned an E-50 integrated in the past. I really enjoyed it, although it was very dark in tone. Great for Jazz, however, I would not want that exact tonal signature now. I have a pretty high end system now with a Gryphon Essence Amp and Rockport speakers. I was running without a pre; Sound was pretty, very airy, transparent, good imaging, but not realistic and not overall pleasant. After comparing multiple tube and SS pres, settled on an Accuphase C3900. Frankly, you nailed its characteristics above, with the exception it has very potent and punchy bass. It added the right tonal weight to make instruments and voices more convincing and involving. Let us know how you feel about what you hear in person!

I bought a C-47 phono preamp, new, and was surprised at the non-existent noise floor. It is as quiet as a tomb. It also took a long time to break in.  It works well and it doesn't require a computer science degree to operate it. Everything is well laid out and is very straight-foreword.

I have their c2150 preamp. Marvelous price of equipment. Smooth and enjoyable.

To my ears it bested Luxman’s 900u preamp, and many others. You can see its

picture in my system’s page.

@rsf507 +3

My experience with Accuphase (E800, A48) is that they are ”polite” and uninvolving.

I have done a lot of comparisons in our audio get togethers 

vs Amcintosh, Luxman, Accuphase Boulder

this i280 AAvic integrated amplifier .

class D that is designed and built in Denmark to the highest standards 

and notonlyhasmorepower ,much much more blacker back grounds 

but just sounds more natural and youcan hear everything in the recording and still

have a nice natural warmth , they have theI180, under $$8k these are all integrated  amps . The I280,around $10 k retail , and theI 580 which is closer to$20 k all models over 300 wpc into 8 ohms much higher into 4 ohms .

they use tons of technology having many Tesla coils to lower the noise floor . Just

check out the reviews , then check out the technologies.  You will not walk away 

without being impressed , forget class D  .you won’t get the pretty meters but you will get excellent sound reproduction That will beat the competition. I was a  skeptic 

but not any more .

So many d-bags on this site... 

While videos are not the same as in person, you can still compare the sound between amps on the same channel provided the mic is the same. I have been doing it for years with 100% success in terms of identifying pieces I want to demo. It has never failed me.

Accuphase class A amps are the best I have heard to date, for my taste. Seems they do have a long break in period. Everyone in my circle owns Accuphase gear. Our local dealer recently picked up the line as well. Being connected to a dealer affords us the opportunity to hear a wide range of brands over many years. 

@jfrmusic Good for you. Enjoy!

This is a video from the SWAF in Dallas, this past weekend. Many Accuphase components, including the AC-6 cartridge. The first 2 songs are from the Accuphase 770 SACD. The third song at the end is analog. There amp is the A-80.


I have an Accuphase 380 integrated. In my system, the bass is not polite. This is in comparison to my Pass 250 and Hegal 390. I find the sound to be very natural and engaging. Build quality is second to none, IMO.

Can Accuphase integrated amps be operated as an amp. For example can you by other pre amp and use the volume control on the DAC. I noticed a power amp XLR input on the e4000. 

Post removed 

So many d-bags on this site... 

Really? For stating an opinion? Me thinks izj is the pot calling the kettle black.

Sorry, even if the video was recorded with the same mic, there are far too many variables to get a true sense of the sound of any component on YouTube. Features, looks, someone else’s opinion - sure.

I applaud the OP; they did their best to discern some differences the best they could from home, and are now planning on auditioning in person. Sounds about right to me...

And, Accuphase isn’t good or bad. It is a very stable company with a particular vision for their ideal sound, which tends to be built more from the bottom up than from the top down. In the past, I feel that some Accuphase equipment sacrificed soundstage and airiness to achieve the warmth and density. I feel this has been dialed back, and the touch of warmth is achieved without much sacrifice to other qualities. That said, people who find preference for B&W speakers combined with analytical electronics are not the target market. Different strokes for different folks. For me, the way my Accuphase pre adds weight to bass, vocals, and instruments like tenor sax, piano, etc....that is my nirvana.

With good flat response headphones and a good DAC you can get a very good sense of a component’s sound characteristics on YouTube.  You have to listen at a slightly elevated volume. Some demos sound terrible but there are a lot of excellent examples. An in comparison demos with the same track you can easily toggle between components. works particularly good for amps which have very slight and unique differences

I have owned the E-380 integrated for a couple of years and have similar impressions on the sound characteristics many have noted. Quality of the build is excellent and the price is getting better for US customers I understand so it would be a excellent foundation for a quality system.

Funny how some words can capture a sound signature quite accurately, I agree with the polite quality mentioned, there is an understated nature to the sound but it is far from dull. I think that perception is in part due to the balance of many qualities and a really black background. I live in a condo so need to show some restraint in the decibel department, but when you turn up the volume the dynamic qualities present in no uncertain terms and never appear strained.

I am not sure what you will be pairing it with, synergy is no small issue, but a great choice to build or evolve many a system IMO.


Audio group of Denmark class D amps will be outdated in a couple of years. Unless there is an upgrade plan. I do not know if that is offered. 

We all know Accuphase excels Luxman, Resale value holds ground. Hope your audition goes well!!
Additionally every system will sound different per set up and room acoustics. I think your steps of choosing what works best is a wise move towards whatever you choose to purchase. 

Best luck!! 

I will be auditioning the Bryston 4b3 Monday and the Accuphase P-4600 on Wednesday. I did find out the you can run the e4000 or e5000 Integrated amps as an amp bypassing the entire pre amp section by using the XLR power amp inputs. 

I will report back on my auditioning experience. 

I think what so far has impressed me about Accuphase is their natural sound that can be listened to at any volume. As you increase the volume the overall character stays the same. I like that. 


Your ears do not deceive, as you nailed the characteristics of Accuphase. Specifically, their CD/SACD players exhibit a rich, golden tone (if this is your preference). Have a fun time with your audition. Afterwards, post the Dealer and experience. Enjoy the Music!


Happy Listening!

Accuphase is my favorite brand. Build quality, functionality and the sound is one of the best you can get. I own A46 with C2450, and I'm very happy. Recently I added E5000 and I can not believe how good it is. I think that all new integrated amplifiers from Accuphase are amazing. I auditioned A300 mono blocks with DC1000 DAC, C3900 preamplifier with DALI Kore and it was the best sound I ever experienced.  Accuphase matches well with most speakers. I'm getting very good results with Dali Epicon 8, Dynaudio Confidence and Focal Scala Utopia Evo.


In our audio group we have heard mst everything 

the latest from Denmark AAvic i280 forexample under $10 k integrated and much more detailed refined and musical then Accuphase, Luxman , pass labs, McIntosh  And  others and it’s class D . 300wpc into 8 ohms night and day much blacker back ground and many technologies unseen before and no peer at its price point.

totally a revelation just haw far digital has come , I know of No class D That is better sounding as well as the class A AB above ,read the reviews. Then go listen.

@vassilis_t ...Thanks for posting an example of the German Physiks' drivers. although the cabinets beneath look like cr*p.... *imho*

I've been messin' 'bout with diy'ng Walsh drivers for over a decade and enjoy what they accomplish, even from my hands with crude means....

Yes, they're omnis'..... so is Life. ;)

@asvjerry: Hi- I posted for the Accuphase gear which was fantastic. The A-80 amplifier, the phono and cartridge certainly compete with 2, maybe 3 times the price of competitive products. I am very impressed with the Accuphase A-80. Working with the Unicorns, it did not use more than 200 w/ch. Regarding, the Unicorns are unique on how they look and in their design. Maybe the best single driver speaker or at least one of the top 3. The paradox is that all women that have seen them, they love them. hahaha

@vassilis_t , *G* Yeah, 20wpc ought to be sufficient.....@ 200, you're skating close to the old Ohm formula "Sounds great @ 200, RUD @201...."
I'm driving mine @ 20ish and play loud enough to satisfy after they break in (Yup, just like any others...).

My spouse loved my ESS amt drivers until a pair of Maggies' joined the, she's got a new fav that are less 'ignorable' in our 'living space'.

Go figure....


The only  consistent criticism of the Accuphase products sound is the while the upper and mid base is excellent the lower bass lacks impact. Did you find this to be true?  I will be testing this when I audition the P-4600 on Wednesday. 

Post removed 

@jfrmusic : This is NOT true at all for the equipment I have tried and own (A-80, C-47, SACD 770 and AC-6 cartridge). On the contrary, with the above equipment, it is world class bass. The speakers I have tested the A-80 with are B&W 801 Matrix S3, Wilson Benesch Discovery II, Yamaha NS-5000, German Physiks Unicorn and German Physiks PQS-302.

Never heard the P-4600, thus I have no opinion. It should be good. Make sure the preamp and source are up to the task. However, the new line up is significantly improved over past generations. 

@jfrmusic Try to listen to the A-80. It will drive most speakers, even though it is only 60 W/ch.



Thanks. The dealer will be using an Accuphase preamp, a Chord DAC and Harbeth Speakers. The A-80 is too big and heavy for my needs. Plus I prefer the A/AB line with more power. 


This is a video from the SWAF in Dallas, this past weekend. Many Accuphase components, including the AC-6 cartridge. The first 2 songs are from the Accuphase 770 SACD. The third song at the end is analog. There amp is the A-80.

Wow, that speaker looks unfortunate....a face that only the father (tinkering in his garage) could love.


I have an Accuphase C260 Control Preamp and an Accuphase A20y Class A amp. As I live in a codo I have to respect that timing is everything when listening for me. Low to moderate listening volumes is my usually listening level. The compensator on the preamp helps with low level the sound of my Accuphase pieces especially when delivering acoustic music ie. Double Base sounds precise and just right. Not overemphasized or foreign, it is especially wonderful for it's  mids and recessed highs, with just the right amount of cymbal and snare. It’s always a struggle to pic the Accuphase or my tube gear.

Adrian of Audio Excellence Canada has a refreshingly unique series of videos and reviews on youtube. He recently picked up the Accuphase line, and did a review of the A-80 amplifier. He summarizes the sound qualities, and compares them to some of the other high end brands he carries. I feel his summary of the "Accuphase Sound" is spot on, and is exactly characterizes what I've heard by putting  the C3900 pre in my system with my very neutral Gryphon amp. It’s worth a view.

Post removed 

Sorry. Been busy and forgot to post the results of my amp auditions. 

I liked the Bryson 4b3 demoed with the same DAC, Streamer and Speakers I own. The amp was very dynamic with a nice soundstage. Nothing to complain about but nothing that was significantly different from my current amp. This audition was at Overture in Delaware where I purchased my Streamer, DAC, and Speakers. 

My current system is

Aurender N20 Streamer, MSB Discrete DAC, Harbeth C7es-XD Speakers and the Benchmark AHB2 amplifier. 

I then auditioned the Accuphase P-4600. Few dealers around me but I found BEK in Allentown PA that actually had a P-4600 on demo and they had Harbeth Speakers. In this case the 5s. Eric who is the owner used a Accuphase preamp and a Chord DAC. The Accuphase sounded wonderful.  Very natural with a beautiful midrange and an expansive soundstage. It was however almost twice the price of the Bryston. So I wanted to give it some thought and maybe hear the Bryston one more time. The next morning I called Eric at BEK and told him while I really like the Accuphase I was conflicted over the price difference with the Bryston. After some discussion Eric gave me a great deal and since I really preferred the Accuphase I ordered it. It’s coming on the next shipment to the distributor which was scheduled to leave Japan on April 10. So hopefully I get it by end of April. 

BEK is A 90minute  drive from me. As part of the deal Eric is going to deliver and set up the amp for me which is great as its shipping weight is 80 lbs while amp is 66lbs. 

Bottom line is the Accuphase amp and sound had the exact characteristics that appeal to me and the characteristics I was able to detect listening to the YouTube demos especially the ones from Asia that are extremely good recordings. 

Did you bring the AHB2 with you to compare, sighted though the comparison probably would have been? It's easy to travel with! (I have one.)

No I didn’t bring the AHB2 with me however the Accuphase clearly had a more expansive soundstage and better instrument separation as well as a slightly more larger presentation that wasn’t confined to a between the speakers image. Also vocals were slightly behind the speaker plane vs at the plane or slightly  in front with the AHB2.

I was also considering replacing my AHB2 with a P4600. Was going to drive to Safe and Sound in Massachusetts (about 250 miles, but near a friend's house) with the AHB2. I was looking for more "warmth". Went with an equalizer instead.

Yes the ABH2 is very nice amp. Very neutral and detailed. Great amp for evaluating all components in the system. But it just lacks that last bit of midrange body and  while it basically delivers whatever is connected before it with no coloration I find it just slightly missing something. I can’t really put my finger on it. Don’t get me wrong it really sounds very nice, clean , quiet and smooth. But when you compare it to an amp like the Accuphase it becomes apparent what I find missing. I also recently heard the Hegel H30A also with my DAC, Streamer and Speakers and that amp was amazingly good. Beautifully smooth, warm and with a soundstage that while not as wide as the Accuphase had tremendous depth. It clearly surpassed the Benchmark. However it $18k and over 100lbs. Beyond my budget and weight class. So I guess my point is that while the ABH2 is an amp with great performance characteristics and a very nice neutral sound especially for the money there are other amps that offer clearly better sound and of course for a lot more money. 

Congrats on your purchase and please post your impressions after living with the gear after a month or so.


Did not get my Accuphase P4600 until June 3 as it missed the April shipment. Although It sounded really nice out of the box it took a couple months to settle in and open up. I’d guess 300 hours. Now it’s just wonderful. Open, clear with a very deep and wide soundstage. Imagining in particular is excellent. Each instrument is clearly defined in space and voices are lifelike. Speakers disappear and the image is set back just behind the speaker plane. I do not notice any frequency anomalies. Everything is smooth and even. Bass is very good. Something I thought might be an issue. Don’t even use my sub. As a Classical music listener strings are silken and brass is never sharp or piercing. I’d describe it as just slightly on the warm side of neutral. I can and have listened for hours sometimes up to 8 without any fatigue. I also listen to Jazz and Pop with the same result. Now it does let me know when a recording is not good but never in a way that makes them unlistenable. 

I seem to have more than enough power (150W per channel@8Ohms) as the meters never register more than 1 watt. I typically listen at around 65-70db. 

It’s beautifully made, a pleasure to look at and listen to. A noticeable upgrade over my Benchmark. So I’m very satisfied with this amp. 

Thanks for checking back in. Accuphase build quality, fit and finish draws my attention even when I'm satisfied with what I already have.

The Accuphase A-300 monoblocks were named Amplification Component of the Year for 2024 by Stereophile - and short-listed for Component of the Year.  

That is no small feat for a small Japanese company that meticulously hand builds in small batches and makes only 5,000 - 6,000 or so components a year.



Accuphase actually produces only 10,000 units total per year. That includes all models and 70 % of production stays in Japan. As I mentioned I had to wait almost 3 months to get my unit as I missed getting allocated to a monthly shipment. But the wait was worth it. Best Amp I’ve owned. Lovely musical sound with a wonderfully detailed soundstage. 

Glad you are enjoying your new Accuphase, I consider my Accuphase preamp and Class A amp are my endgame system, but I still cant quite bring myself to get rid of my alternative tube receiver, which I like as well, especially with acoustic music.

According to the Management and Corporate Policy posted on the Accuphase website, they limit production to 5,000 units per year and are not looking to expand:

"One of the corporate principles that Accuphase has observed since its
beginning is the conscious decision not to pursue expansion. In a free economy,
most companies try to grow. However, demand is not unlimited. If we were to
chase the numbers, trying to sell more and more products and compete only on
price, we would lose our ability to create truly high-end audio components.
We therefore are not increasing our staff numbers (currently about 80, similar
to the time of the company's founding), in keeping with the principle of "small
numbers ‒ exceptional talent". Rather than trying to expand the scale of the
company, we believe in quality over quantity. We adhere to a low-volume
production schedule, building and marketing only about 5,000 units per year. But
with regard to the products that we are making, we passionately care about their
sound, their performance, their quality, and their design. We do not ship a
product unless it fully meets our exacting standards. This gives it lasting value
and ensures the excellent reputation of the Accuphase brand."