Accuphase Experiences

In my search for a new amp I recently a look at Accuphase. I’ve watch numerous demonstration videos to get a sense of their sound characteristics and I find them very appealing especially when directly compared to Luxman and MacIntosh. They tend to be on the slightly warm side of neutral with a very life like beautiful mid range, a smooth extended treble and a tight but not overwhelming bass. In fact bass is the only region where they are a light but not by much and only in comparison to other amps that excel in this range. But the area they excel for me is soundstage. It’s very wide and depth is very good but not like tubes. Also instrument separation is excellent . The whole presentation appears real and expansive. I liked it so much I’m going to drive 90 minutes to a dealer that has several models to demo. Hopefully next week. I really want to hear the P-4600 amp and the e4000 integrated. 

So has anyone had any experiences with Accuphase?  I would love to hear you opinions and experiences. 


Showing 1 response by jred

Audio group of Denmark class D amps will be outdated in a couple of years. Unless there is an upgrade plan. I do not know if that is offered. 

We all know Accuphase excels Luxman, Resale value holds ground. Hope your audition goes well!!
Additionally every system will sound different per set up and room acoustics. I think your steps of choosing what works best is a wise move towards whatever you choose to purchase. 

Best luck!!