Responses from swede58
Have you been enjoying your Gryphon Diablo 120 integrated ? @ryder Great to hear. It’s a fantastic amp 👌 | |
What Speakers are you running with your Gryphon Amp? Again, he said that his colleague thought the Diablo 300 might be too lightweight for this speaker. The D300 is anything but lightweight and can drive any speaker out there. | |
Anyone bought a Gryphon Diablo 333? @tinian When I compared the 300 to the 333 at my dealer I think we were using a Soulnote SACD player (S-3). Not sure how good the internal Dac in the 333 is but I’m very happy with my K-05XD which I’m using with my D300. | |
Do you prefer tall speakers I definitely prefer tall speakers--at least 5 ft. tall. They reproduce soundstage height better than shorter speakers, and once you get accustomed to that, it's hard to go back to shorter speakers, regardless of what other charms they may have. ... | |
Anyone bought a Gryphon Diablo 333? it uses an ESOTERIC K-05XD SACD/CD Player & DAC, which in paper is far less superior to the Gryphon DAC 3, that the 333 uses internally. @tinian Why do you think the K-05XD is ”far less superior to the Dac 3”? Based on your description it s... | |
Does USB cable length make a diference? I was told the opposite, shorter for USB. Coaxial SPDIF and AES/EBU 1.5 meters is best. +1 | |
Diablo 333 vs 330 for SF Amati G5 Do you mean the 300 vs 333? If so I heard them side by side on YG Talus and Summit. Imo there was a small difference and not a significant step up. Ymmv. | |
Have you been enjoying your Gryphon Diablo 120 integrated ? @ryder Congrats. I hope you will be happy with the D300. I was also interested in the Pass int250 when I was looking for an integrated in 2022 but decided on the D300. The latter is much more powerful into low impedance loads, int250: 548W @ 2 oh... | |
Gryphon Diablo 300 Has Arrived: First Impressions. @ryder Great to hear. I had the opportunity to compare the 300 to the 333 side by side. Yes the 333 was slightly better but definitely not better enough at twice the price. The Essence is probably better if you have sensitive speakers but I’ve rea... | |
Have you been enjoying your Gryphon Diablo 120 integrated ? @ryder Yes if you like a softer, more colored sound you will perhaps prefer the 120. When I met Gryphon’s Rune Skov at a demo in Stockholm he described all Gryphon amps as neutral except for two; the 120 and Antileon. ”Not the most neutral amps bu... | |
Gryphon Diablo 300 Has Arrived: First Impressions. @ryder The 120 is softer, darker and has more rounded bass. The 300 is more neutral, more revealing with a tighter bass. Two great amps. Imo the 300 is very close to the 333, heard them side by side. | |
Pass INT-25, split decision and maybe option? @audiojan What happened to your Diablo 300 and W/P 8’s? | |
Bryston Bdp-3 Issue? Can’t comment on the BDA-3 but I would definitely not call my BDP-3 bright. I’m using it with an Esoteric K-05XD via Siltech 380 USB. | |
Audience FrontRow USB - I’m puzzled Me too. What a great resource 👍 | |
Lumin U2 or Aurender N200 Thanks @audphile1, very interesting. If you get a chance to audition a Front Row USB, please let us know how it compares to the Tyr2. |