Accuphase Experiences

In my search for a new amp I recently a look at Accuphase. I’ve watch numerous demonstration videos to get a sense of their sound characteristics and I find them very appealing especially when directly compared to Luxman and MacIntosh. They tend to be on the slightly warm side of neutral with a very life like beautiful mid range, a smooth extended treble and a tight but not overwhelming bass. In fact bass is the only region where they are a light but not by much and only in comparison to other amps that excel in this range. But the area they excel for me is soundstage. It’s very wide and depth is very good but not like tubes. Also instrument separation is excellent . The whole presentation appears real and expansive. I liked it so much I’m going to drive 90 minutes to a dealer that has several models to demo. Hopefully next week. I really want to hear the P-4600 amp and the e4000 integrated. 

So has anyone had any experiences with Accuphase?  I would love to hear you opinions and experiences. 


Showing 12 responses by jfrmusic

Can Accuphase integrated amps be operated as an amp. For example can you by other pre amp and use the volume control on the DAC. I noticed a power amp XLR input on the e4000. 

With good flat response headphones and a good DAC you can get a very good sense of a component’s sound characteristics on YouTube.  You have to listen at a slightly elevated volume. Some demos sound terrible but there are a lot of excellent examples. An in comparison demos with the same track you can easily toggle between components. works particularly good for amps which have very slight and unique differences

I will be auditioning the Bryston 4b3 Monday and the Accuphase P-4600 on Wednesday. I did find out the you can run the e4000 or e5000 Integrated amps as an amp bypassing the entire pre amp section by using the XLR power amp inputs. 

I will report back on my auditioning experience. 

I think what so far has impressed me about Accuphase is their natural sound that can be listened to at any volume. As you increase the volume the overall character stays the same. I like that. 


The only  consistent criticism of the Accuphase products sound is the while the upper and mid base is excellent the lower bass lacks impact. Did you find this to be true?  I will be testing this when I audition the P-4600 on Wednesday. 



Thanks. The dealer will be using an Accuphase preamp, a Chord DAC and Harbeth Speakers. The A-80 is too big and heavy for my needs. Plus I prefer the A/AB line with more power. 


No I didn’t bring the AHB2 with me however the Accuphase clearly had a more expansive soundstage and better instrument separation as well as a slightly more larger presentation that wasn’t confined to a between the speakers image. Also vocals were slightly behind the speaker plane vs at the plane or slightly  in front with the AHB2.

Sorry. Been busy and forgot to post the results of my amp auditions. 

I liked the Bryson 4b3 demoed with the same DAC, Streamer and Speakers I own. The amp was very dynamic with a nice soundstage. Nothing to complain about but nothing that was significantly different from my current amp. This audition was at Overture in Delaware where I purchased my Streamer, DAC, and Speakers. 

My current system is

Aurender N20 Streamer, MSB Discrete DAC, Harbeth C7es-XD Speakers and the Benchmark AHB2 amplifier. 

I then auditioned the Accuphase P-4600. Few dealers around me but I found BEK in Allentown PA that actually had a P-4600 on demo and they had Harbeth Speakers. In this case the 5s. Eric who is the owner used a Accuphase preamp and a Chord DAC. The Accuphase sounded wonderful.  Very natural with a beautiful midrange and an expansive soundstage. It was however almost twice the price of the Bryston. So I wanted to give it some thought and maybe hear the Bryston one more time. The next morning I called Eric at BEK and told him while I really like the Accuphase I was conflicted over the price difference with the Bryston. After some discussion Eric gave me a great deal and since I really preferred the Accuphase I ordered it. It’s coming on the next shipment to the distributor which was scheduled to leave Japan on April 10. So hopefully I get it by end of April. 

BEK is A 90minute  drive from me. As part of the deal Eric is going to deliver and set up the amp for me which is great as its shipping weight is 80 lbs while amp is 66lbs. 

Bottom line is the Accuphase amp and sound had the exact characteristics that appeal to me and the characteristics I was able to detect listening to the YouTube demos especially the ones from Asia that are extremely good recordings. 

Yes the ABH2 is very nice amp. Very neutral and detailed. Great amp for evaluating all components in the system. But it just lacks that last bit of midrange body and  while it basically delivers whatever is connected before it with no coloration I find it just slightly missing something. I can’t really put my finger on it. Don’t get me wrong it really sounds very nice, clean , quiet and smooth. But when you compare it to an amp like the Accuphase it becomes apparent what I find missing. I also recently heard the Hegel H30A also with my DAC, Streamer and Speakers and that amp was amazingly good. Beautifully smooth, warm and with a soundstage that while not as wide as the Accuphase had tremendous depth. It clearly surpassed the Benchmark. However it $18k and over 100lbs. Beyond my budget and weight class. So I guess my point is that while the ABH2 is an amp with great performance characteristics and a very nice neutral sound especially for the money there are other amps that offer clearly better sound and of course for a lot more money. 


Did not get my Accuphase P4600 until June 3 as it missed the April shipment. Although It sounded really nice out of the box it took a couple months to settle in and open up. I’d guess 300 hours. Now it’s just wonderful. Open, clear with a very deep and wide soundstage. Imagining in particular is excellent. Each instrument is clearly defined in space and voices are lifelike. Speakers disappear and the image is set back just behind the speaker plane. I do not notice any frequency anomalies. Everything is smooth and even. Bass is very good. Something I thought might be an issue. Don’t even use my sub. As a Classical music listener strings are silken and brass is never sharp or piercing. I’d describe it as just slightly on the warm side of neutral. I can and have listened for hours sometimes up to 8 without any fatigue. I also listen to Jazz and Pop with the same result. Now it does let me know when a recording is not good but never in a way that makes them unlistenable. 

I seem to have more than enough power (150W per channel@8Ohms) as the meters never register more than 1 watt. I typically listen at around 65-70db. 

It’s beautifully made, a pleasure to look at and listen to. A noticeable upgrade over my Benchmark. So I’m very satisfied with this amp. 


Accuphase actually produces only 10,000 units total per year. That includes all models and 70 % of production stays in Japan. As I mentioned I had to wait almost 3 months to get my unit as I missed getting allocated to a monthly shipment. But the wait was worth it. Best Amp I’ve owned. Lovely musical sound with a wonderfully detailed soundstage. 


Yes you are correct. Had my number wrong. Thought it was 10,000 

 You have to be patient when ordering