Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD

Hi All.

Putting together a reference level system.
My Source is predominantly standard 16/44 played from a MacMini using iTunes and Amarra. Some of my music is purchased from iTunes and the rest is ripped from standard CD's.
For my tastes in music, my high def catalogues are still limited; so Redbook 16/44 will be my primary source for quite some time.

I'm not spending DCS or MSB money. But $15-20k retail is not out of the question.

Upsampling vs non-upsampling?
USB input vs SPDIF?

All opinions welcome.

And I know I need to hear them, but getting these ultra $$$ DAC's into your house for an audition ain't easy.

Looking for musical, emotional, engaging, accurate , with great dimension. Not looking for analytical and sterile.
I haven't heard the Romulus yet guys.

I didn't go to Audio Connection yet as I am waiting for the call from John that it is ready for a home audition.
"Matt, was at Audio Connections yesterday and got to hear the Romulus with the Vandy 7's in the big room. HOLY CRAP"

I think this sentence was confusing to some. It doesn't say, "Matt was at Audio Connection yesterday". Meaning that Matt (me) was at audio connection yesterday.

It says, "Matt, was at Audio Connection yesterday". Meaning: Hey Matt, I (meaning Ctsooner) was at Audio Connection yesterday….. Not meaning that Matt himself (me) was at Audio Connection. hehe

Just clarifying. I think many were confused.
I've been tellin' you guys that the Romulus is very damn good! But everyone wants to hear opinions from the guys who post 20 times per day. I don't post often, but I know what I'm hearing!!
I suspect that all the quality tube Dacs/CDPs sound excellent.

I myself am desperate to hear the DHT based Lampi Big7. From what I am getting as feedback, this is the new DAC standard. The lucky 20 people who own one need to stop keeping this secret to themselves.

Hopefully, I get to hear one next week in NYC.
Matt, you are correct, that post was confusing!, just as you said, I thought you were there, take a ride over there matt, a sure way to straighten out that ill said post.
Guys, sorry about that post. I have MS and often have some congnitive stuff when I post. Hard to explain it, but thanks for understanding.

I heard it on the Vandy 5's too and it was still HOLY CRAP. Heck it should be for the price. All of your DAC's should sound pretty awesome for the price point. Like anything else, there are some differences that each person likes or doesn't like. That's what makes this thread so much fun.

Matt, if you are going to head over there to check it out in the store, let me know and maybe we can coordinate it so I can come down too. that could be fun. Just love listening to good music.
"I myself am desperate to hear the DHT based Lampi Big7. From what I am getting as feedback, this is the new DAC standard. The lucky 20 people who own one need to stop keeping this secret to themselves." - Wisnon

There's one for sale over on Audio Circle.
07-19-14: Abruce
Theres one for sale over on Computeraudiophille
I've seen 3 for sale so far. That's what happens when you lose a shootout. All returning to a CD player ... computer audio is a bust! LOL!

I myself am desperate to hear the DHT based Lampi Big7. From what I am getting as feedback, this is the new DAC standard. The lucky 20 people who own one need to stop keeping this secret to themselves.

If desperate, buy a use one? "Lucky" if they don't take a bath selling them. There's also Agon listing for Big 5 and Big 6. Cycling through as if yesterday news. Next!
Yes, I saw the Bebop post about selling and now he is having 2nd thoughts...
He thought the Vol control could replace his CF pre and since its not better, he was thinking of all CF gear...but CF does not do DSD and B7 DSD is da bomb....

"losing a shootout??" Hahahah. Too funny. That is the thinking of gear of the month and it has happened to Aesthetix as well.

Big7 is NOT the same Dac as Big6. Big7 is the ONLY true DHT Dac on the market. To write it off without a listen is very foolish in my opinion...especially if you want to hear Hirez and DSD in all their glory. CDPs cant handle that.

Just to let you know, this is what 2 owners posted recenly posted:

"Yeah.. Agree with Al and Philip. I have not for a second considered giving up mine - there are so many things this DAC does amazingly right that I'd never do that! Lukasz and Fred have been exceedingly helpful the whole way. Contact them and see what they can do. The Big 7 is an insane value in the rarefied world of audio, IMHO."

"Why is up for sale? If its because of not wanting to use a preamp I think that is insane . No DAC should drive an amp straight, it's just not what the intention is. If you can make it work all the better but for me I like a dedicated pre amp. As for the sound of the B7, I feel it's above my MSB stack in both pcm and dsd . It has qualities of the MSB but surpasses it in overall sound, being you are there and analog sound. As much as love the MSB its clear to me it is beat. In fact the B7 is better than any DAC I have heard to date.
Not saying I have them all but enough to know its tops for me to stop looking. Now if lampi comes out with B7 plus well then I am in. But why is the DAC up for. Sale anyway. ??? As for service there is no other DAC maker who caters to users as lukasz does . To make custom changes for people is way beyond anyone I know of.
Many of those Big5 and Big6 for sale are just owners trading UP. There is now a backlog and commensurate waiting time for Big7s.

People say the DHT 45 output tubes lend unprecedented ease to the music. Like a Lamborghini cruising around in South Miami Beach....completely unstressed.
Many of those Big5 and Big6 for sale are just owners trading UP.
Didn't know NSA was also tracking Lamp sale activities.
NSA= national sales academy??? haha.

Talk to Berto and Gopher and they will let you know what the deal is. No need for high tech surveillance, they will tell you...Seven is the new 6. LoL

The Seven says "bring it on".
07-19-14: Wisnon
I suspect that all the quality tube Dacs/CDPs sound excellent.

A CD player or DAC has both a digital and analog stage. If analog stage is high quality, the unit is competitive when digital gets stale/old.

07-18-14: Agear
A shootout between in the ODSE and Romulus is in order....

My guess your motivation starting "Is computer audio a bust" after Grannyring replaced his ODSE/Lamp for Romulus. You are not comparing apples to apples until Aesthetix makes a Romulus DAC. Valid shootout is between ODSE+Romulus DAC vs Romulus Player. My guess Grannyring prefers Romulus over Lamp and just happens using ODSE.

JWM was NOT using ODSE and he replaced Big 6 with Romulus. So it appears owners are replacing Lamps with Romulus.
I know how its made and I have many pals who heard one and heard several other Dacs including other Lampis. I also recently heard an anniversary Shandling and a tubed Oppo running through a Big 6.

Big7 and Big6 are completely different animals.

If you are happy with your CDP, more power to you. People like different things and some people are just gear swappers, as that is their thing.
My guess your motivation starting "Is computer audio a bust" after Grannyring replaced his ODSE/Lamp for Romulus.

That would be incorrect Joey. I have had several friends do this recently (one with a vintage Marantz CDP) and I have read such verbiage online over the last few years. My curiosity was piqued. Its more of an intellectual exercise. As expected, people are all over the map.

You are not comparing apples to apples until Aesthetix makes a Romulus DAC.

Incorrect again. They do, Its called the Pandora. Its just a Romulus minus the CD tray. Either way, it would or could be an apples to apples comparison with the Romulus digital input. Adding the element of a plastic spinner would be intriguing as so many people aggressively pan them as an inferior and dated technology. Would the Offramp technology stand up to a lowly plastic spinner?

JWM was NOT using ODSE and he replaced Big 6 with Romulus. So it appears owners are replacing Lamps with Romulus

No, what appears to be happening is audiophiles are doing what audiophiles do best....:/ We huff and puff about our dac du jour and then its gone months later. Other than cables, I have never seen people hydroplane through so much equipment. Never mind the fact that the rest of the system is questionable. Audio tunnel vision says something must go! I have committed that sin repeatedly.

In the immortal words of Syntax:

06-04-14: Syntax
The best DAC? Always the next one.
Syntax (System | Threads | Answers | This Thread)
CORRECTION to my previous post:

What I meant to say is, Valid shootout is between Off-Ramp+Romulus DAC vs Romulus Player. Replace all the ODSE with Off-Ramp.
Agear, I wish you guys had listened to the BMC PureDac. At $1790 retail it is the best production dac I've heard. I must use my prototype dac with my present music server as it uses the new JRivers MC 19 and outputs double DSD. It allows me to compare cds in double DSD through the Sabre chip to them in PCM at 44.1/16. It is amazing how poor a choice PCM is. I have tried PCM up to 192/24 versus double DSD and the latter wins hands down.

Since Sabre's best chip includes a separate portion that can do native DSD, if the designer knows how to do so, I think this is the wave of the future.
Ok let's get my thoughts straight. I left computer audio because all the computer stuff from ripping to downloads to backup and other stuff was stressing me. I hate working on computers and I am forced to deal with one all week on my job. I MUCH prefer touching my CDs and simply putting one after another in the CD drawer. So simple and easy and relaxing to me.

I did not think this would be the case as at first I liked the perceived ease of computer audio. But over time it became a stressor for me. Not good. I learned and took a chance as I like to try different things. I am open minded.

That is the only reason I left computer based audio. That is it. I have been clear about this on many of my posts. Computer based audio sounds every bit as good and better often times. Just a pain in the rear for me and to me.

Now comes the Romulus dac/CD player. I love it. I prefer it in many ways from ease of use to a slightly different sonic signature. It is not as up front sounding as the Lampi/computer combo. It is less detailed however and some may certainly prefer my old computer based front end as it was killer. The Romulus does not stomp all over the sound of my old computer based rig. No way.

It is a preference thing. I like the natural ease of the Romulus. Some may find it too soft or relaxed. I don't. The EA Offramp with the Lampi and Apple Mini was superb and world class. It dug deeper into the music in some ways for sure.

I love trying new gear and playing. Call it a sickness if you want. I think it is an interest and curiosity:-)
Grannyring, glad you are happy with your system.

I love trying new gear and playing. Call it a sickness if you want. I think it is an interest and curiosity:-)
That's how one learn and grow by being curious and experimenting.
TBG - Ive had the BMC DAC in my rooms at trade shows, as well as the Overdrive SE. My partners in the room that sell BMC will tell you which DAC is better, a LOT better. The price difference is there for a reason. There is a lot more technology in the Overdrive. Contact Vapor Audio (vaporsound.com) They make some of the best speakers on the planet, particularly for the money BTW.

Steve N.
Empirical Audio
Audioengr, I only wished that they folk had listened to the BMC. Many of us think it is the best we've heard, but I would certainly concede that William's new server is better.
TBG, go read the DSD Dac review that Bruce Brown did for Stereomojo. He compared directly to the venerable PBD MPS5

I dont see a Sabre chip beating LPF DSD well implemented. THAT is pure bitstream DSD.

Vapor generally shows with Empirical and sometimes with Lampi.
07-20-14: Tbg
Agear, I wish you guys had listened to the BMC PureDac. At $1790 retail it is the best production dac I've heard.

Tbg, I have other friends who have lots of expensive dacs who also think highly of the BMC piece. That being said, extensive electrical grounding, mechanical grounding and power conditioning was necessary to extract its best. I think that is an another important take home point. Every dac described on this thread is fantastic I am certain. The question is how to extract the most performance from them to enjoy them for years (instead of a few months)....
07-20-14: Grannyring
I love trying new gear and playing. Call it a sickness if you want. I think it is an interest and curiosity:-)

Whatever you want to tell yourself Bill....:/
Hi all.

On vacation for the week in Maine.

Really really looking forward to getting my ODSE.
Still have the Aeris. Very surprised it hasn't sold yet to be honest.

Very curious about the Romulus. Really want to hear it in my room.
Honestly, I am curious about the Lampy 7 also. But the 7 has size restrictions that make it a challenge for me (the only place I can fit it is where my turntable is).

Also, the DSD-S is on its way. No idea what to expect with that.

So I've got at least 2 more auditions coming your way....

Stay tuned. :)
Also, the DSD-S is on its way. No idea what to expect with that.

The DSD-S is scheduled to arrive in NY this Friday. :-)

Power cord and a special USB cable are included, as well as SD card with demo tracks on both DSD and CD formats, including some recordings from my reference vinyl rig. :-)

Let's see if the DSD-S DAC will help you realize your dream about removing the preamp from the rack. :-)

Best wishes,
Alex Peychev
APL Hi-Fi, Ltd.
Matt just for fun, we should figure out a time/day to meet at John's to listen. I personally don't care about who wins what or what some folks think is best. I wish them all the luck in the world. I also thinks it's silly for folks to read what others think about a product, especially in this realm and make their purchase based off of it. I never understood that. I get it that some can't get out to hear everything, but why throw money at something if you or someone you really trust hasn't listened to it extensively?
It's sad to think that any company will/has be/been hurt in any way by anything posted here.

I'm not sure if everyone realizes that Aesthetix's has the Romulus/Pandora Signature (CD/DAC or DAC) coming out. You can get your old units upgraded. Tons of changes. John doesn't have it in yet as it's so recent. That's the one that Matt is waiting on.

The bottom like is that this is no different than any other shoot out. Different flavors for everyone. We all hear and like different things, but so many don't realize that. I notice that some posters here seem to have such strong opinions, but may not even play in this league and may not have even heard any or all of these DAC's. It's a very interesting read when you go back and check it out. I"m impressed that this hasn't become a pissing contest and I"m extremely impressed by Steve and his posts. I didn't know about your products until this thread, so that's great marketing. I hope that if Matt doesn't 'chose' your products that it won't hurt your business in any way. That would be a darn shame. In listening last week to vinyl vs digital, there is still a huge difference in sound to my ears. If you have a true hirez recording, then digital does things that vinyl never could, but vinyl still is so easy to listen to. If the sound of todays' high end digital comes down in price to the 3k range, I'm all in now that I've upgraded my vinyl to where I'm happy. That's just me thought and I fully respect those of you who are able to spend what it takes to get the sound that you want.
Although I would enjoy the social get together CTsooner, it is pointless to me to hear equipment anywhere except my system for an accurate comparison.

Maybe we can find a night for you and Merrill and a few others to meet at my house for a listen.
ok, you got my attention, Aplhifi, what do you mean about the above statement, DSD-S Dac will help you realize your dream about removing the pre-amp from the rack?, please specify the brand and model if you are talking about a Dac that can run direct to amplification that sounds very good to you?
APL HiFi is the manufacturer. The model is the DSD-S.

He offered to send one to me for audition. I am happy to hear it if he's willing to get it to me. I will report honestly, as always.

It's not really my "dream" to run direct. I'd say my dream would involve several hundred Victorias Secret models, a remote island, a barrel of Hershey chocolate bars, a limitless supply of steak and no other man but me on the island..... Ok, and a good stereo. ;)
ok, you got my attention, Aplhifi, what do you mean about the above statement, DSD-S Dac will help you realize your dream about removing the pre-amp from the rack?, please specify the brand and model if you are talking about a Dac that can run direct to amplification that sounds very good to you?

It is this one here that can drive any power amp direct - DSD-S DAC

Well, not exactly a dream, but a wish that Matt has expressed many times on this/his thread. :-)

Alex Peychev
I prefer your dream matt, Best way to go out for sure!, Thankyou for the clarification on the DSD-S.
Alex, can you elaborate on that H-attenuator in DSD-S and why do you think it may sound better lets say than one implemented in Esoteric k-01. Did you compare your DSD-S running direct with other top shelf pre-amps? I know its all subjective,but still care to know your opinion. Thank you.
matt, I'll let you know when I'm down there next. That would be fun. Maybe we can get John over there with one of his toys. lol.
So the Romulus Signature is not in the store yet?

Steve just informed me that my ODSE will be shipping later this week. I'm SO psyched!!

I'll burn her in for a few hundred extra hours and let her sing. The DSD-S has some stiff competition. And I still have the Aeris.

Whenever the Romulus Signatire is ready, I can wait. No rush.

I am under the impression Steve has some new upgrades coming soon as well. I'll let him explain, if he wants to. Nothing available yet tho.
"Several hundred!!! You'd be dead within a month."

Nah. I'd pace myself..... ;)

I like Mattnshilp idea, much better than high end audio.

In addition to the VS models, can we get Natalie Portman and Gwyneth Paltrow?
In addition to the VS models, can we get Natalie Portman and Gwyneth Paltrow?
Why DOWNGRADE the pool? LOL!
Alex, can you elaborate on that H-attenuator in DSD-S and why do you think it may sound better lets say than one implemented in Esoteric k-01. Did you compare your DSD-S running direct with other top shelf pre-amps? I know its all subjective,but still care to know your opinion. Thank you.

Denon1, the attenuation in the DSD-S is obviously a hybrid design. This allows for lossless attenuation in the normal listening range (0 to -47db to be exact). Also, the DSD-S output stage is so powerful that can drive even a speaker direct (at the RCA outputs), not to talk about any power amplifier. I've made an RCA to headphones jack adapter so I can listen to my Audeze LCD-X headphones that are power hungry at 20 Ohms impedance. Results are quite nice. :-)

Hope this explains it.

Best wishes,
Alex Peychev
Aplhifi, this is all true of the BMC PureDac for $1790

Tbg, if you say so. :-)

Hopefully you can compare the BMC PureDac with the DSD-S some day soon and give your honest opinion about the audio quality difference.

Best wishes,
Alex Peychev

Enjoy your vacation.

Just to let you know that yesterday I heard the Big7 along with a Chord Hugo, DirectStream and MSB Platinum stach with Galaxy 2 cock upgrade and all I can say is Holeeeee Crap!

If curiousity kills the cat, lets sayou will need the 9 lives of a cat to stand a chance at survival. That beast is one smooth operator. the box is also the same size as the big6, but the 2 big EML 45 triodes to stick out a lot and look very cool.

As a DSD lover, i was shocked how close the PCM was to DSD on the Big7.

The Lampi-man deserves to take bow for his masterpiece. Loved the MSB stack too, but it was a tad bit starker/harder, though a tad bit more detalied too. Also cost about 3.5x as much too.
Does anyone know about the Big 7 for sale now on the Gon?

What options is it missing? What's its retail?

You guys are killing me!!!

One of you needs to buy my Aeris (or find someone to buy it). That would free up the $$$ and I might consider trying the Big 7 and reporting.

He's pretty local. Maybe he would consider "renting" it to me for a month...