Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD

Hi All.

Putting together a reference level system.
My Source is predominantly standard 16/44 played from a MacMini using iTunes and Amarra. Some of my music is purchased from iTunes and the rest is ripped from standard CD's.
For my tastes in music, my high def catalogues are still limited; so Redbook 16/44 will be my primary source for quite some time.

I'm not spending DCS or MSB money. But $15-20k retail is not out of the question.

Upsampling vs non-upsampling?
USB input vs SPDIF?

All opinions welcome.

And I know I need to hear them, but getting these ultra $$$ DAC's into your house for an audition ain't easy.

Looking for musical, emotional, engaging, accurate , with great dimension. Not looking for analytical and sterile.

Showing 35 responses by joecasey

05-28-14: Audioengr
Shaw - I have not heard the new Directstream, but I have heard the Vivaldi in two different rooms at RMAF. The Overdrive beats it IMO. The Analog DAC was compared in the latest Overdrive review. The Overdrive beat it according to the reviewer. I have heard the Wavelength, Berkeley, Ayre, Chord Qute, and Bryston. Overdrive beats all of these. My roommate used the Lampi7 in his room in Chicago Axpona. He says the Overdrive beats it too. I have not heard the top of line Resonessence or the Bricasti yet.
Audioengr, Bravo!
From AC, "Red Wine Audio RWA-Z1ES-3 Impressions" thread
Basically the RWA-Z1ES leve 3 is a sensational sounding source. I have had a lot of DAC/Server combo's in the past and this one is my favorite in sound quality and function. For reference I have owned the Bryston combo, The Lampizator Big 6/mac book, modded Mac Mini/RWA Isabella DAC, Mac Mini/Tranquility DAC SE, Wyred4sound server Mytec DAC, PSA Perfect Wave II server/ DAC and some others. To be fair I know my system better now and may have it optimized better at this time to get the most of what the RWA-Z1ES Level 3
A never ending list of contenders.
but I am skeptical that a tube swap can be transcendental.
YES, some tube rolls are TRANSCENDENTAL. Based on Jafox sonic priorities, UN VT-99 is probably not for me.

I think you should maximize every DACs capabilities before the shootout. Otherwise you are NOT hearing the best each can do so IMO, wasting your time.
Have you tried the Final Drive yet with the preamp?
Steve (Empirical Audio), is it safe to say your Final Drive is virtually a Music First or Bent TAP-X without a volume control?
06-16-14: Audioengr
"Steve (Empirical Audio), is it safe to say your Final Drive is virtually a Music First or Bent TAP-X without a volume control?"

Essentially yes, except for the transformer quality. I have an all-silver Music First and the FD beats it hands-down. The FD is in two chassis on purpose, so the fields do not interact. I use better switches than the MF. The MF also has some strange wiring in it, different for left and right channels on grounding...
Steve, have you considered/tried adding a volume control to the Final Drive?

With 99.9% of DACs volume control in the digital domain, any truncation of bits will decrease resolution so why not add a volume control to Final Drive?

I have a friend that replaced his TRL Dude with Dueland caps ... latest model Dude with a Bent AVC-1. In his system, AVC-1 is superior and I guess best caps are NO caps. The Bent has 7dbs of gain so not totally passive. Thinking buying one to play with and roll different types of wires. Wondering how Final Drive with volume control will compare to AVC-1?
06-22-14: Kernelbob
@Jwm, My PSA PWD-MkII took a month to fully break-in. Now, I wasn't feeding it digital input 24/7, but it was powered on for the duration. After two weeks it was at its nadir. At the end of a month it had blossomed and pretty much reached it's performance plateau. So that's around 720 hours. Had it maxed out at the two week point, I would have sent it back. My ARC REF-3 also took a month to settle in.
That's interesting. Not to be argumentative, when I had PSA PWD-MkII, I heard no noticeable changes after ~50 hours.

In general, I agree with Grannying ... my system sounds different depending on my mood, alertness ...
Grannyring, that's great you're still finding improvements.

We all get bored with our system and need a change sometimes. I use tube rolling and switching between SS and tube components. It's much easier than buying new gear. :-)
07-05-14: Grannyring
I like my Romulus player more than the Lampi/Offramp combo. It is an amazing player that is so natural and full bodied in presentation. Very few know about it, but it draws me into the music more and is just more musical to me. Aphile terms don't explain it, just an ease that invites.

Remember, I don't have a computer front end anymore. If I did, then an Offramp and Dynamo power supply in front of the Romulus would be a must. The combo would be stellar I am sure. I just don't want to deal with the rigors of computer based audio at this time in my life. Downloads, ripping, back-up, computer details etc...

Right now my music collection is more enjoyable with the Romulus as a one box solution.
I'll give you 3 months and you'll be on another bus. Never seen anyone cycle through more gear ... not a negative but just an observation from a new member.
It's interesting the 2 Audioengr critics are owners of PS Audio Direct Stream. Is it possible they're a LITTLE upset DS got CRUSHED!!!! in Mattnshilp's shootout? Did I say got CRUSHED!!! Is it a coincidence? LOL!

Erikminer, I have no problems with manufacturers defending themselves especially an ONE man operation. Any negative rumor can break their business so they have to explain their side of the story.

Ozzy, you mentioned Audio Advisor no longer want your business due to your 30 day trial program usage. Did you abused the system? You even joked about ... sounds like you're a customer from hell. BTW, did you requests a refund from Audioengr after the trial period?

Mattnshilp DS sonic description is consistent with many I've heard. I'm NOT surprise DS crashed after firmware updates since I have experience with PWDMKII/bridge. PS Audio give software a bad rep.
I actually have a more affordable DAC in my plans, that supports DSD (and native) for the masses that must have this. Its probably a year off. Too many other things on my plate right now.
Any plans in adding DSD to ODSE?
CORRECTION to my previous post:

What I meant to say is, Valid shootout is between Off-Ramp+Romulus DAC vs Romulus Player. Replace all the ODSE with Off-Ramp.
Grannyring, glad you are happy with your system.

I love trying new gear and playing. Call it a sickness if you want. I think it is an interest and curiosity:-)
That's how one learn and grow by being curious and experimenting.
In addition to the VS models, can we get Natalie Portman and Gwyneth Paltrow?
Why DOWNGRADE the pool? LOL!
08-06-14: Mattnshilp
Rsf507 - if your going to insult me, don't do it right on my thread....
Your thread? This is a PUBLIC forum so members can post positive or negative comments.
08-11-14: Agear
08-11-14: Erikminer
30,000 hours to break in.. gotta be typo that's more than 3 freakin' years!
Erikminer (System | Threads | Answers | This Thread)

That was no typo. This dac was designed for a dedicated and chosen few with true zeal and audio endurance to scale this Mount Everest of digital reproduction.
What's the rest of your system?
Gents, let us return to audio-centric topics please. G.
No thanks to Sharia Law Agear, attacking and disrespecting women on an audio site. Agear doing what Agear does best. Audio ISIS. Unfortunately we're sure what his particular cause is....:

I would report him to Audiogon and homeland security. LOL!!!
Ha! I am just a more extreme version of you...
Please don't insult me. I'm nothing like you, Radical Sharia Law ISSI Muhammad Agear. You are the definition of War On Women.

BTW, do they allow audiophiles under Sharia Law? In 2 years, we will be under Sharia Law or speaking Russian so making preparations. FORE!!!
Funny today there's a story Manual transmission is becoming extinct in US.


I am a closet...
I knew it! Agear, what are you really trying to tell us? Have some courage Woman. You can do it. Are you going to live a lie your whole life?

Agear doing what Agear does best. Audio Benghazi. Unfortunately we're not sure what his particular cause is....: until after the election. Impeach and trial him for MURDER!
10-04-14: Audiolabyrinth
Hi winson, I agree with what you have said, however, keeping up with this thread for as long as I have, I do find that I have alot of the same tast for sound as matt does, cheers.
So you and Mattnshilp must had listening sessions TOGETHER?
One thing that has been brought up by all is a basic cable. Question for said designers, why don't you just get the best cable for your product and ship with it?
What's best? What's best for some but not others. Same reason why MOST companies don't use rare NOS tube for stock. They know end users will roll what's BEST to their ears.
PDK vs manual is, coincidentally, very much akin to CD vs LP.
Mattnshilp, exactly my thought except I will concede PDK is superior to manual if performance is major criteria. Tiptronic was a joke but PDK is the real thing ... no human can process faster than a computer.

08-11-14: Wisnon
Granny, this is not your Daddy's Lampi!!!

Lukasz took it to another level. i am not joking when I say I am jealous.
Find a way to audition one, even for the fun of it. You will be amused.
Don't give him any ideas. With the smoke coming out of his ears, I'll give him 2 months now and he will be singing, so relaxing ripping cds ... LOL!!!
To achieve such results can take many months or more of system tuning, exhaustive tube rolling efforts, and finding that magical IC between the line stage and amp. The easiest way for me to destroy a ton of performance that I have achieved in my system is to put in any one of 95% of ICs out there in this link. And smearing is a major issue with cables in this link.
This is precisely the reason I find this thread entertaining but if you really want to find the BEST dac for your system, you need to maximize every dac ability and live with it for a while.

There are many ways to skin a cat so whatever works for you and having fun in the process.
DS will be interesting. A reviewer found equally excellent results from all digital inputs where with PWD MKII, bridge was the best. So with DS, maybe don't need OffRamp for best results?

From the review:



Because I was perplexed by my observations that the DS (unlike the PWD) was insensitive to USB versus ethernet (for sound quality), I asked him about such things.

Smith: ‘I’ve tried to make the DirectStream as input agnostic as I can: the FPGA knows no difference between the HDMI socket I2S inputs, USB or the Bridge (all are I2S to the FPGA). Any differences that are left are things like ground loops and radiation from high speed signals that might interfere with the rest of an audio system.


If I was in the market for a new DAC, I would investigating something like Bryston BDP-2 to stream the data. It buffers data before play so SQ will be same from all storage device types, don't need a computer ...
07-19-14: Abruce
Theres one for sale over on Computeraudiophille
I've seen 3 for sale so far. That's what happens when you lose a shootout. All returning to a CD player ... computer audio is a bust! LOL!

I myself am desperate to hear the DHT based Lampi Big7. From what I am getting as feedback, this is the new DAC standard. The lucky 20 people who own one need to stop keeping this secret to themselves.

If desperate, buy a use one? "Lucky" if they don't take a bath selling them. There's also Agon listing for Big 5 and Big 6. Cycling through as if yesterday news. Next!
Many of those Big5 and Big6 for sale are just owners trading UP.
Didn't know NSA was also tracking Lamp sale activities.
07-19-14: Wisnon
I suspect that all the quality tube Dacs/CDPs sound excellent.

A CD player or DAC has both a digital and analog stage. If analog stage is high quality, the unit is competitive when digital gets stale/old.

07-18-14: Agear
A shootout between in the ODSE and Romulus is in order....

My guess your motivation starting "Is computer audio a bust" after Grannyring replaced his ODSE/Lamp for Romulus. You are not comparing apples to apples until Aesthetix makes a Romulus DAC. Valid shootout is between ODSE+Romulus DAC vs Romulus Player. My guess Grannyring prefers Romulus over Lamp and just happens using ODSE.

JWM was NOT using ODSE and he replaced Big 6 with Romulus. So it appears owners are replacing Lamps with Romulus.
One benefit of the mini is that you have a lot of choices about which software to use and how you implement memory play, upsampling, eq, etc.
IMO, too many options is the reason why so many tech challenged is having trouble with computer audio and reason Steve recommended Antipodes.
A brief off-topic comment: Matt, congrats on the new Porsche. I (and my wife) have been thrilled with our 2014 Cayman S, which as you no doubt realize is the hard-topped counterpart of your Boxter. Be aware, though, that its stock high performance tires cannot handle snow or ice (assuming they are the same tires as on the Cayman S), and MUST be changed to winter tires if you want to drive on those surfaces.
Almarg, I hope you didn't get an automatic Porsche??
Manual transmission is past history. Ferrari, Lambo, McLaren all don't even offer anything but paddle shifters. Even Porsche only offers PDK on the new 911 turbo. The human factor is the limiter to much faster 0-60 times. I had a 2007 911 turbo for years and it was manual. It was great but I never got close to the full performance out of it; it needed PDK. The cars speed and tech has superseded my ability to shift quickly enough. And I honestly like paddle shifting; it's like clutchless shifting, but I am still completely in control of when I shift, and what gears I shift into to. But then, in traffic, you can just pop it back into automatic and drive free and easy.
There's no question with technology, you get higher performance with PDK vs manual. Even F1 cars are PDK now.

We all drive sport cars for a reason. I enjoy the art/involvement of driving. Later Porsches are definitely superior and easier to drive fast but sometimes I enjoy the rawness of older models. Looking for add a 993, last of air cool and a nice bridge between old and modern. Price has skyrocketed so tough to find a decent deal.
After reading about Grannyring's system I also considered his fairly full on mods, but experience has taught me you don't get your money back when you move it on. I think i'm making the right call upgrading to a Vitus SCD-025 with the new DSD upgrade.
Didn't y'all got the memo? It's been a LONG journey and Grannyring finally arrived at his destination so NO more moving on. He will be buried with this current rig.

It's probably true Grannyring won't recover his investment in tweaks but most importantly he's maximizing his system and enjoying himself. I love these guys highest priority is resale value when shopping for new components.

10-05-14: Charles1dad
Hi Mel,
I'm certain that Grannyring's modifications to his Romulus improved his sound quality(I put the same Jupiter Cu foil caps in my amplifier, they're terrific). But as you correctly point out, improved sound or not, resale value usually takes a hit. I'd have to think that the Vitus CD player is a ideal fit for your system.
Doing a dandy job. Keep it up, Melbguy1 is working on his Halloween party invite list.
Minus the ridiculous political diversions ...
+1 ... and I thought this is an audio forum.

May be that's the US way, but we don't do that in Australia. Please lets be civil and well meaning in our conduct, or I'm out of here.
Don't let the door hit you on the way out, Mate!

What’s not civil on this thread? All good here and hopefully in the US.