A Story about a Defective Signature Platinum

Last week I was listening to music at a healthy volume while sitting at my computer. I have an auto lifter (Little Fwend) and after the arm lifted I noticed a static noise with occasional popping coming out of the left channel about 40 dB down. At first I thought it was a bad tube but it disappeared when I turned the volume down. It is in front of the Preamp. None of the other sources had the noise. Swapping tonearm cables did not seem to change the sound but then I noticed that the sound was also in the right channel just farther down. Disconnecting the tonearm stopped the noise. I change over to an MC Diamond, no noise. Same with the Atlas, no noise. Swapped back to the MSL, noise is back.

The cartridge is exactly one year old but it rotates with two other cartridges and might have 75 hours on it. I called the dealer who told me to contact MoFi distribution, the US agent for MSL. Turns out the cartridge only has a 90 day warranty and I was told I would have to send it in for a rebuild for $6000! Can't they just fix the problem for maybe $500, No. Can't I just send it in for evaluation?  The stylus and cantilever are brand new. No, a rebuild is the only option and you have to do that through the dealer, click!  Most very expensive cartridges have a 2 year warranty on them not to mention that most companies would cover such a defect even off warranty as in the absence of physical damage it is obviously a manufacturing defect, a bad solder joint or maybe just two wires rubbing together. This is very disappointing and as far as customer service goes Home Depot is better than MoFi, Sears is better than MoFi! MoFI is right up there with Anthem Blue Cross! The service rep could have offered to look into it. Maybe communicate with MSL and get their opinion. I am sure if MSL knew about it they would gladly fix it and actually be embarrassed. The Japanese are like that. There is no way I can find to get directly in touch with MSL.   

$6000 is not an option. I am not going to throw good money after bad. I am also not going to off a defective cartridge on someone else. I am going to take the cartridge apart and reflow the solder joints and make sure the wires are separated. If that doesn't fix it, it goes in the trash.

Mistakes and defects happen, it is what you do about them that counts. MoFi failed dismally in this regard. MSL makes a fine cartridge but I would only get another one if they changed agents and increased their warranty. Obviously, I will avoid buying any other MoFi products myself and warn others about their customer service. I have no further use for the dealer who did nothing to help. I have had superb service from Musical Surroundings, Soundsmith, B+H Photo and the Cable Company. All handled issues with ease. Has anyone else had trouble with MoFi? What companies have provided you with excellent service when the sh-t hit the fan?




Steve bends over backwards to make sure his client is happy. He showed me pictures of the completed repair and an ohm meter plugged into the individual inputs showing 1.80 ohms in each channel. I had the cartridge back in less than 2 weeks.  Thank you for the recommendation!

You are welcome, @mijostyn! Steve and Ray at VAS are a real asset to the high-end community. He has worked on a number if items for me and always does a terrific job. Truly first class service. MoFi, take note.

The original "Mingus-Ah-Um" is already sooo good, it would be hard to beat or to mess up in reissue. LIkewise, "Tijuana Moods".  I would not have been in favor of that lawsuit, if anyone was taking a poll, because in the end we need to keep companies like MoFi alive for our own benefit.  They got the message without a lawsuit, and I don't hate the digital step in the modern era where hi-rez is so good.

@mijostyn Here I have to disagree with you, I think the law suit was entirely appropriate and warranted. Why, because these bad actors ( Davis and MoFi) had essentially created a bait and switch scheme. All the while stating their AAA source as a benefit to the a’phile consumer ( to justify their price), while knowingly reproducing a digital product. To that, their ’limited edition’ due to AAA master tape source fragility, was complete hogwash, given the digital source of the release.

I recently acquired the MoFi One Step Mingus Ah Um, and while it is a good sounding release, it is absolutely nowhere near what I believe it could have been IF it was a pure AAA release. Knowing what we now know of these LP’s, it is pretty obvious of the source IF you compare to a release from Opus 3 or their ilk in SQ. The Mingus AhUm sounds good, but it does not compete with many AAA masterings /LP’s that i have from a pure SQ factor...not even close.


I forgot to mention. Steve bends over backwards to make sure his client is happy. He showed me pictures of the completed repair and an ohm meter plugged into the individual inputs showing 1.80 ohms in each channel. I had the cartridge back in less than 2 weeks.  Thank you for the recommendation!


I personally think that law suite was silly. I have the One Step 45 rpm Countdown to Ecstasy and I have to tell you, It is as good as vinyl can get. Am I going to jump on all the others available? No, The problem from my perspective is that all of these re-releases are available as Hi Res downloads for $18.00 which sound just as good or better in most cases. This is my third version of Countdown. I got it out of curiosity. If you want to demonstrate vinyls potential, you can't do much better. 

For the rest of us that follow, maybe @mijostyn could produce a listing of Do's / Do nots for the investigation worthwhile considering in preparation to buying a Cart'.

The Bullet Point List, could outline learning about Cost from supplier, Cost from alternative sourcing, Warranty Terms considered fair on a Cart' of a Particular Value and what will be the best practices to be carried out by the Cart' purchaser/owner to keep it in a condition that is supported by the Terms of the Warranty.

For those who stumble on this thread in the future and may have not read the, whole of its content, this summary if offered up by the OP, who has now certainly showed themselves as an authority on such a matter, will be hopefully passing on Pearls of Wisdom to the interested parties.

Who knows the Bullet Point -summarised content, might even make ones grey day verry very blue. There is nothing like a good one liner, to get the audiences roaring with laughter. 


Given the disappointment of possibly having to write off an $11k a cartridge that you wanted to enjoy for some years, I think your comments have been very even handed and if Mofi follow through you have done a favour for the rest of us that follow. Congrats. 

@lewm  Or perhaps the Ministry of Silly Walks (J. C. - no, the other one)?

Glad to hear of it, Mijp. You deserved better.

@mijostyn  Good to hear that at least someone at MD is trying and willing to do the right thing. Pity that it took what was almost a public flogging to get that to happen. 

Nonetheless, I think MD were perhaps in a world of hurt after their MoFi One Step debacle and hopefully Davis and his ilk will soon be gone...


Tell me about it. 

@daveyf , @cleeds @dover  @mulveling @rsf507 @wrm57 

And to all involved. Jon Derda is insisting on sending me a check for $330.00  The Cartridge arrived back home today and sounds great, no noise noted. Jon Made sure I knew if the cartridge was not repaired he would take care of it. I will be watching the MSL website for the new warranty period and will report back.

If none of you responded to my post I have to assume I would have been ignored. The brisk response helped kick the brick upstairs to people who could remedy the issue not just for me, but hopefully for others that have MoFi soursed equipment and music that might develop a problem in the future. 

Cheers, The Buffoon. 

This discussion has veered toward the Abby Normal. (See “Frankenstein, Young” created by Mel Brooks et al.)

@cleeds I have now witnessed the work undertaken by VAS NY Inc being questioned in a very unkind manner, especially following what looks like a super support from VAS was put in place for this matter.


@mijostyn is stating "If the cartridge is not repaired" , as well as other suggestions there is concern for the repair on the Cart' being returned. 

Making references such as this and the other references made which are quite similar, are unpleasant and whiffy, I don't feel like walking by on such a matter, pointing out that there is such a attitude, feels better to me.

As for Mofi being innocent, I am not going down the rabbit hole, as for the supplied facts, is not the following a reasonable understanding.

The Cart' in question was Nine Months out of the warranty period when contacting Mofi, and even after learning the Cart' has been seriously assaulted ( in Cart' talk) by Tweezers, Mofi (knowing of such a assault on their supplied Cart'), have offered to step up, when the Cart' is now with a selection of treatments. One of these Treatments, is way beyond what they would expect a cart to be exposed to under a warranty. Mofi are the ones bending all their Warranty Terms and offering to take on risk here, hats off to them.

Mofi are allegedly reviewing their Warranty Periods (I strongly suggest they remain rigid to their Warranty Terms).

Mofi are looking into improvements with their Customer Interface, hat off to them.    If Transparency was made known for what the Warranty Period is to mean to a Customer, there will be a much more attractive sales service manifest.   

@dover Thank You for your assessment on the content of my posts.

It is a habit of mine to inquire about the cost of a service being selected to be provided. For myself, I like to know where my hard earned is going. Some call it due diligence to inquire about costs to be incurred, some might also call it a much mor e simplistic term, such as getting a quote.

It is no harm sharing some of the info that has been collected as a guestimate, I even backed it up with later found info, direct from VAS NY Inc. I felt I was in the ball park and did not see any need to tweak my made known guestimate.  

@dover  In relation to your previous statement,

" In my view the Distributor should have offered to have the fault evaluated by the factory. If it was a manufacturing fault - then they should come to the party. If they felt it was a user issue then they could stand by their warranty.

If I was the manufacturer and a cartridge was defective I would want to know what the issue was. "

I thought that was looking clear, if the whole of the Thread is read carefully, is it not? a 69 (not 70) Year Old Buffoon had their moment probing around the Cart' in questions very very fragile internals with a Set of Tweezers and Magnifying Glass. 

@dover I do agree that Buffoon can be seen as unkind, but in the context of this thread it is merely associated with one who supplies humour/comedy, and this is a Thread full of it, especially from the OP, those tweezers and expecting special treatment are killing me 🤣. I wish Judge Judy could join in, she'd tell it as it is. In this case the Plaintiff would be laughed out of the Court House.

@dover I do agree the work Frankenstein Cart' or a derivative is not really attractive, I do believe my only usage of the term over my period of time as a forum member has been to help describe to others how some refer to Third Party Refurbed Cart's. My preference is nearly always 'rebuilt' and modified.

I certainly am not using the 'Franken' term, in the manner witnessed by others use of it over the years.

The Franken' Term has quite a history, it is seen to be used for more that 10 Years on this Forum, I see you have enjoyed using it in the past, especially as a unique derivative of the term, on the date of the 03-06-2016 at 10:45pm   which is shown in the following timeline going back 7 years.  


11,669 posts

10-10-2022 at 04:03pm 

Once you start creating Frankenstein cartridges, by changing or modifying cantilevers, styli, coils, suspension, bodies, etc,


whart's avatar


2,853 posts

06-03-2023 at 07:31am 

I use Koetsus in my main system. In my vintage system, I use a Franken Denon 103 that has a micro ridge stylus, has been repotted into a wood body and tweaked by Steve Leung at VAS.

03-06-2016 at 10:45pm 

dover: do you have right now on hand the 505?

If yes just try Baerwald or Löfgren alignment changing the P2S distance from Stevenson. Then listen and listen in between ( B, L and S alignments. ) and return here to share your experiences there.

If not, your post is useless and futile this time.

Through all your posts in this thread and IMHO your contributions helps to no one because you have not today facts on hand.

My Dynavector Karat Nova 13D is real and freshly rebuilt by Dynavector with an updated micro ridge stylus ( previously had a fineline ); it is not a frankenstein fake like the one you advertised on Audiogon.

MoFi gets little credit from me for making an exception to an absurd warranty policy as mijostyn’s thread approached 8,000 views. My personal boycott of MoFi and Music Direct will remain in place.

Good job mijo to leverage bad publicity into remedy. The problem is that you had to do it.



I wish to report that Jon Derda ... has made a very convincing attempt at rectifying this situation ... Time will tell, but I am inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt.

Yes, time will tell. I’m happy to extend the "benefit of doubt" to Derda and MoFi, but where the facts are plain and there is no doubt, they enjoy no such benefit.

Am I the only one wearing the spectacles that sees this thread as becoming a rip innocent parties to pieces threads, first Mofi ...

MoFi is hardly an "innocent party," based on the information here.

It is a shame to see such a anti third party service type, publicly and regularly spread their doubt on the qualities of the end result of the work completed.

Say what. Is this self parody or dissociative amnesia.

Most of what you posted was drivel. "$80 for 'this or that'", "Frankenstein", "buffoon"

being just a few examples. 


Am I the only one wearing the spectacles that sees this thread as becoming a rip innocent parties to pieces threads, first Mofi and then VAS NY Inc.

It is a shame to see such a anti third party service type, publicly and regularly spread their doubt on the qualities of the end result of the work completed.

With the knowledge at hand that the Cart' in question has been tampered with by a individual and their tweezers, it looks like to me Jon Derda, might be really bending their warranty policy, I am sure this is not how they intend to have supplied Cart's treated and then expected to be kept under warranty.  

@mijostyn Interesting that the VP of sales and marketing is now opting for a more ’customer friendly’ position than when you were apparently talking to his reps.

I wonder if the bad publicity that you were attempting to expose had an effect?

Presumably if your cartridge is still faulty, that the offer to repair it will be on their dime...and not yours?

@lewm , @cleeds , @dogberry , @rsf507, ​​@thecarpathian , @drbond ​​@mulveling 

I wish to report that Jon Derda, VP of sales and marketing, MoFi Distribution has made a very convincing attempt at rectifying this situation. If the cartridge is not repaired he promises he will have it taken care of. In addition new rules have been set for the customer service department and he is having the warranty periods of cartridges reviewed with an eye towards increasing them to the industry norm. 

Time will tell, but I am inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt. Afterall, sometimes you don't know you have a problem til it "swims up and bites you in the ass." 

Post removed 

I have had discussions over the years with a selection of Third Party Services, where my inquiries are initially about the Parts that can be made available to be used on a Cart' to undergo a full refurbishment.

Additionally, I have made inquiries to discover what is on offer as part of the service to be provided.

I have distinct recollections of the costs for the service, to include a thorough cleaning, an inspection at a set fee, parts and a optimisation of the internal parts.

I can't but help sense VAS NY Inc supplied all of this minus any replacement parts. The cost certainly suggest there has been more occur that just a mere reconnection of a wire to a lead out pin. I suggest prior to the working on the wire, there was approx' $80ish dollars tied up in cleaning and inspection, I would be shocked if the Soldering alone cost close to $220. 

The VAS NY Inc description does not seem to differ in any way too much from what I am already familiar with.

 " Additionally, we can perform custom modifications including switching styli, upgrading to mono use, cartridge cleaning, and coil demagnetizing. Cartridge inspection is FREE. All we ask is $45 to cover for any shipping charges if you do not want a repair. We will carefully inspect each cartridge that comes in and recommend the best option to you. Once the inspection is complete, we will call or email you about the details of repair and cost. The usual timeframe is between 4 to 8 weeks but it may be longer or shorter depending on the amount damage to the cartridge and queue of other cartridges waiting. " 


@daveyf  are you referencing the Shelter 501 / "Crown Jewel" debacle, or something else?

I've definitely been of the opinion that the high markups on distributor-imported Japanese cartridges are an extremely shaky value proposition, at best. When you can get the cart at half price or even less, and you set it up yourself, what is the value in service & warranty - even a GOOD warranty (which is not what you get with MD)? The topic of this thread just further solidifies my outlook.

"5000%"?  That's 50-fold.  So the "American Importer" was charging, e.g., $5000 for what cost $100 in Japan? Really?

A few years back, there was an ’American importer’ who was importing a cartridge from Japan, which was readily available over there, and adding close to five thousand percent mark-up for the uninitiated in the US. Interestingly, this chap was not that successful because he had underestimated the fact that a lot of his ’marks’ were going to be able to easily shop this cartridge pricing via the internet. Nonetheless, I understand that he made enough sales to be still considered as the ’go to’ dealer for this brand in the US. I happen to know of a fellow who was ’suckered’ in by this guy, to say that once he became aware of the ’markup’ that he was far from happy would be an understatement...to say the least! As for warranty, well as far as I now, it has not been needed, but the warranty from this ’importer’...also 90 days! Folks, like the OP is saying, one needs to do a little homework on these cartridges and their 'importers' before pulling the trigger on a sale.

"Buffoon" is hardly complimentary. I see no reason why we should not be civil.

I sent an older Kontrapunkt C off to VAS  two and a half weeks ago, so I should be hearing about it before long. I have hopes it will be as good as I remember, and perhaps better than the Cadenza Bronze that replaced it.


Steve had to splice two of the wires to get them back to the pins which is tedious work. The wire is litzed which makes it even more fun. I suspect it took him at least two hours so I did not think $300 was all that unreasonable. $30 was return shipping and insurance. 


Awesome! Fingers crossed for you - hoping this effects the full fix you're expecting. No doubt in my mind, a simple repair to lead wire as you've described here keeps it as a 100% factory original MSL Platinum. 

I'd almost question the need /justification for quoted repair cost given such a fix (most of the way to a re-tip for a single wire splice), but if in your shoes I would be grateful for service rendered nonetheless. 


That is my experience with the Japanese. They are honored that you have purchased their product and will bend over backwards making sure you are happy with it. My own perspective of them comes from purchasing woodworking tools. When it comes to edge cutting tools (planes, chisels and knives) and hand saws they handily make the best. This talent extends back to the manufacture of swords. Each tool (sword) is endowed with a spirit and given a name!  It is difficult to get the best tools and sharpening stones in the States. You have to develop a relationship with a store located in Japan. Fortunately, there is no protectionism when it comes to woodworking tools. 


It really distresses me that you do not know how to work with forceps under a dissection microscope. Tell me, Can you use a screwdriver? What about an adjustable spanner? They are safe to work with. You do not have to worry about any sharp edges. 

All the information, questions and responses in this thread have been appropriate, straight forward, well intentioned and very helpful with only one exception. Thank You all. 

The cartridge is supposed to arrive the day after tomorrow. I will let you all know the end of the story.

The 69 year old Buffoon.  


I buy Camera Equipment direct from Japan through a well known Export Service.

Prior to my adopting this service to purchase, I done my due diligence and found not concerning information to suggest I should be cautious.

I took the due diligence one stage further and contacted Camera / Lens Services who do works on behalf of the main Brands. I was informed the Service I was considering to purchase from, has 'never' not honoured a warranty works claim for a payment.

I queue jumped what was a common waiting list from certain UK suppliers, and bypassed what was looking like a year wait on certain Items being supplied through these UK retail outlets and also saved approx' 15% on the UK retail prices.

Additionally, over the past decade, I have £00000's spent on Vintage Japanese Imports, and have not really got any stories, apart from the extremely expensive recent air shipping prices to suggest a careful approach is required.  

If Sotheby were to auction off Mijo’s cartridge, it would fairly be termed "pre-owned, original", in my opinion. In the fine print, they would mention the bit about the defect and that it was repaired. But as long as it still has its OEM cantilever, stylus, coils, etc, etc, it’s not a Frankenstein.

As to cost, it is difficult to generalize about comparative prices (US vs Japan or elsewhere in Asia) of audio gear, as some equipment is not much different in cost, here vs there, and some other equipment is a little different, and yet some other equipment is very different in cost, usually cheaper in Japan vs the US. Much depends upon the US distributor and US dealer mark-up. The big Japanese store where I usually shop only because they have such a vast variety of audio gear on display, on demo, and ready to buy off the shelf, I think had MSL cartridges before the pandemic but not during our recent trip to Tokyo in May. Moreover, in general, there was a dearth of what we would call "high end" stuff on sale off the shelf of even fancy emporiums in Tokyo, compared to pre-pandemic, i.e., 4 years ago. I fear that the Japanese market is now entering a phase that we entered 5-10 years ago, where young buyers are simply not interested in the good stuff. Rather, they are interested in the cheap and portable, and internet connectable. So, high end stores were fewer and farther between. For one example, the store that sold me my Koetsu Urushi in 2009 and which was still in business in 2019, is now kaput. I've mentioned this before, but I have never seen a Lyra cartridge on open display for sale in Tokyo or anywhere else in the orient.  Possibly you have to ask, just as I had to ask about the Koetsu when I bought it. Also, if you buy in person, in Japan, the seller will honor the manufacturer's warranty just as surely as if you bought it in the USA. Promptly and courteously and even apologetically.

WOW! This thread does seem to be keeping the Moderators Busy, I hope all pulled post's are for the use of expletives or profane terminology only.

@rsf507 as I have previously stated

" I look forward to your corrections where applicable."

I have no issues with what is you're interpretation, my statement above, formed from my side of this open discussion, has made the views of others very welcomed.

@rsf507 As for you're statement,   

" As far as buying a MSL at less $$ yes just about any hi end piece of gear not made in the USA can be found on sites overseas for MUCH less and many USA prodcuts sold overseas can be found by non-us buyers for less $$$ as well. So what's your point? Are you trying to tell us things you think we don't know? "

The following is a copy / paste of you're earlier post in the thread, where a inquiry is made to discover where my alternative purchase option can be discovered.



2,092 posts


@pindac ​I do not need to Spend $11K on a MSL Signature, hence it is one that is on a shortlist to experience in use. I expect to be able to have one at the door, for approx' £4K+

Can you share where such deals are?​​​​​​


@rsf507 Have I not been quite helpful in my follow up supply of info that directly related to your request for info. Especially where the requested info, is in relation to a subject that it is seemingly obvious if reading your earlier inquiry correctly,  that strongly suggests you did not know where to source such a item to purchase. 

All my posts are offered up within a thread, are presented in a way to be helpful. This thread has a lot of ambiguity, that has left me with with suspicions, a probe here and there has lead to further info offered for evaluation that increases the suspicions. I do feel there is info now within this thread, that presents what is available to be considered if an alternative real experience is to be put in place, that can be used to experience the same Cartridge Model.

Another curiosity is that it is also not made known what VAS NY Inc's thoughts were on what was potentially a additionally required corrective works for the Cart'. After having received it, following a 70 Year Old Buffoon probing around the Cart's very very fragile internals with a Set of Tweezers and Magnifying Glass. It's not my Cart' or $11K so each to their own, was the Supplier given such info at the time the inquiries were being made as to where their support could be attained. It is plausible that @jonderda respectfully held back disclosing such info, that they may have been in possession off.  

The real intent underlying in my posts, is to be helpful to an individual who may stumble on a thread such as this as at a later date. I do feel the info that is discovered should be helpful for them to round off their intentions for a  decision that may be under contemplation. They might as well review the info that is a reality and the fantastical, it should all be laid bare and transparent, especially where Super Monetary Sums are being considered to be spent.



Thank You.


Steven Leung was a pleasure to deal with and I highly recommend his services, but other than repairing the MSL's defect he had no role in the quality of it's reproduction. This lies entirely with the designer Matsudaira san. Mr Leung does make his own cartridge, the Nova Signature for a very competitive price and I am very interested in giving it a spin. 

The value of the cartridge is a consideration only if you plan on selling it which I do not. I do not sell cartridges, I give them away or toss them in the trash. The technology has usually moved on and why spend $5000 to rebuild it if you are not guaranteed to get that back. I prefer to let the recipient deal with it. 

@thecarpathian ,

I had a brief email conversation with Jon. He offered to look at the cartridge which had already been mailed to VAS. He did suggest having a phone conversation, but at that point I did not feel the need. 

Post removed 

@pindac "I now feel based on knowledge of the VAS effect, resulting from the work carried out by this service,  that the MSL Plat' Cart', is now a MSL/VAS Plat' Cart' and will be a unique/bespoke version of this model with a VAS interpretation for how it is optimised for creating a signal." 

I do NOT agree with your thoughts that this MSL Plat Sig cartridge is no longer an original MSL. Just because it was opened-up by a 3rd party and some wires moved and NOTHING replaced or changed, it is still IMO an original MSL cartridge. If someone opened a Krell amp and changed a fuse to a new fuse even if it's one of the exotic ones, would that make the Krell a "tampered" with and not original Krell? Have you ever seen the inside of an Atmasphere amplifier? The layout with point to point wiring is beautiful. Now open up many other brands and you will not find this type of execution but if you took any of these other amps and just moved the wires around so they don't cross each other (and I'm not saying unsolder and then resolder) but just move them around for best placement, does this now make those amps Frankinamps? I think not. 

As far as buying a MSL at less $$ yes just about any hi end piece of gear not made in the USA can be found on sites overseas for MUCH less and many USA prodcuts sold overseas can be found by non-us buyers for less $$$ as well. So what's your point? Are you trying to tell us things you think we don't know? 

Post removed 


I am correct/not correct, in my saying the Cart’ in question has most likely been faulty and one that has been possibly present during all made known user assessments from yourself?

I am correct/not correct, in my making it known a Cart’ such as the MSL Platinum can be acquired for much less than $11K, and without further investigation the warranty offered with the Cart’ bought as I have made known, is yet to be identified?

I am correct/not correct, suggesting your MSL Platinum Cart’ is no longer the Cart’ that commands a High Price, resulting from it supposedly being produced by the hands off, or close scrutinization of MSL Founder Yoshio Matsudaira, the Cart’ is now a ultimate expression of the designer Yoshio Matsudaira - MSL / ultimate expression of Steve Leung - VAS NY Inc Hybrid?


I am correct/not correct, in referencing from recollections, your stance on a Cart' only being assessed by the manufacturer for technical defects or works needing to be undertaken, my recollections not limited to a rebuild only. Suggestions are seen made by yourself, to adopt this method to receive support, as a response to inquiries made by forum members on much lesser concerning issues than that of  your own one reported on in this thread, even a general wear and tear issue is suggested to be a manufacturers treatment only. 

I look forward to your corrections where applicable. 

Don’t take my evaluations as a criticism, I have only used your present and historical supplied information to present the assessment.

Additionally, I can’t but help feel a much increased attraction to your Cart’ that is being returned to you after having undergone being improved via VAS NY Inc, as the Company selected for the carrying out of the corrective works Service . Such a Cart’ with a overview and treatment given to it by a service such as VAS, leaves me feeling that more, maybe much more is available than that what was present initially.


The repairs made to this cartridge are not going to change the sonic characteristics of this cartridge in any way. Nor did the original fault which was a noise in the left channel some 50-60 dB down. It will be easy to determine if the cartridge is fixed. The noise is either there or it is not. 

As for your comments on the pricing of this cartridge, the same can be said of any cartridge imported into this country, more so for any cartridge coming from Japan. The problem is if you buy the cartridge outside the usual channels the warranty is voided. The only company we Americans can deal with directly is Grado and I'd bet dollars to donuts I can get a better deal from any number of dealers than from Grado directly on one of their cartridges. 

You are correct in saying that I have said on any number of occasions, the only place to get a cartridge rebuild is the original manufacturer and I stick to that opinion, but in this case I was given no choice. The cartridge did not need to be rebuilt. It just needed a little repair which MoFi refused to do. At least now I can get my money's worth out of this cartridge. I will not be buying another and not because it is not a fine cartridge. 

@mijostyn Stated,

"The problem has already been adequately described. What I found on removing the cover was a filament lying across the lead out wires of the left channel coil which are tack glued to the body of the magnet on their way back to the pins. The filament was incorporated into the glue. I pulled up the hot wire and removed the filament. As I had removed the back plate and disconnected the lead out wires from the pins. It looked like two of the wires would require splicing which is beyond my capability. Steven has hooked everything back up and says the cartridge sounds "great." We shall see when I get it back in the system. The coils, suspension and cantilever remain unscathed. " 

 @mijostyn Stated,

 " In this case I think the problem was manifest all along it just took the right conditions for me to notice it.

There is no Secrets about @mijostyn's thoughts on how this particular $11K purchase price Cart', has undergone Scrutiny by themselves, for the sonic that can be produced and the values on offer from having it used in the audio system.

I know from my own investigations that a MSL Platinum is not a $11K Cart' to have it delivered to the door of the home, more on this later.

As a result of the above quoted and recently made known information offered from the OP. I have formed a re-evaluation of previously assessed information supplied by the OP about the MSL Plat', which has potentially been selected as a proportion of the used info, that encouraged myself to add the MSL Platinum to my Shortlist of Cart's that I intend to receive demo's.

I am happy to be corrected on the following.

My re-evaluation is based on the OP now stating they sense the faulty Cart' was in their possession throughout the time it has been put into service, or in this case, the estimated 75 hours of usage has been with a Cart' that has had a inherent fault. 

I now feel quite confident in my re-evaluation, as it is based on the OP's disclosure. If the OP is correct in their assumption that the now VAS treated Cart' had the fault when put into service. It now seems the MSL reports being made prior to the VAS intervention are not quite a MSL Plat' Cart', but a inferior version of this Cart'.

As a result it seemingly makes sense to discount any info that relates to the sonic produced by this particular Cart', as the sonic being described was potentially a tainted sonic with interference noise being present from the offset.

It took 70 year old ears a period of estimated 75 hours to discover such a detractor embedded into the sonic produced.

I might be quite wrong about the following and have no concerns for others to suggest a alternative approach.

Not Proven!, but a denial could have been in place by the Cart' in question owner, in relation to an area of the sonic that was a becoming a concern. The fault could have been 'pasted over' until it was at a stage of noticeability where even the oldest of ears could not avoid the impact it was having and the detraction it had become.

@mijostyn Stated,

" Steven Leung has fixed the cartridge and it is on the way back to me minus $330.00. Sure Beats $6000. "

What is assured to me, is that the MSL Plat' Cart' is now presenting something of it being a correctly functioning Cart' following this non-OEM - Third Party Service treatment.

The VAS work is extremely well supported and I regularly make this service known. 

I was instrumental in having a UK based Transfig' Proteus owner use this service for the non-working Cart' where the outcome was the Cart' owner felt the Cart' performed much improved, in comparison to the Cart' when in its prime as a OEM version. I was supplied a very generous thank you for my passing on info that lead to VAS.

The OP's MSL Plat' Cart' is no longer the OEM Cart' version, it is also thankfully no longer a OEM Cart' version with a fault.

VAS has seemingly put this issue to bed, even though the OP has remained sceptical on the matter. I presume this is relating to the OP's regularly seen stance that is seen expressed over many Post's, where the OP clearly suggests that the Manufacturer is the only entity that should receive their designs for a technical appraisal or undertaken work.  

 @mijostyn Stated,

" Until I set it up and have a listen for myself I can not be sure it has been fixed. It works but that does  mean it has been fixed. "

In relation to the above statement, would this be the claim, if the OEM received the Cart', I doubt it very much.  

I now feel based on knowledge of the VAS effect, resulting from the work carried out by this service,  that the MSL Plat' Cart', is now a MSL/VAS Plat' Cart' and will be a unique/bespoke version of this model with a VAS interpretation for how it is optimised for creating a signal.

I don't know any Third Party Service that leaves untouched, interfaces that are potentially needing a optimisation. Third Party Services, I feel are more attuned to the optimisation measures than the OEM, as they are getting the Cart' usually after some sort of settlement period for the assembles parts, such settlement can lead onto Sloppy interfaces, no one wants a Cart' returned from the service provider with approaching Sloppy interfaces.

I now feel as a result of the above that any reports offered on this particular Cart' are now not going to be a report on a MSL Plat', but what some might refer to as a  Franken MSL Plat', I prefer the term bespoke for the uniqueness produced.

For me the info shared on the sonic are coming from experiencing a Cart' that is now non-OEM, and in my world this is a Bespoke Produced Cart', and all offered up assessment/evaluation being read and absorbed by those with an interest in this Model of Cart' should keep this in mind.

For the Record, I own, use, and encourage rebuilt Cart's, ones that are definitely not OEM, quite far removed as a end product. I will remain a vociferous advocate of this as a method for the rest of my time using audio equipment.

I feel that the MSL/VAS Plat' Cart' is now the version where it is bespoke and offers a betterment than what was in place before.



my investigations have shown with both Shipping and Import duties the Platinum can be discovered an an approx' £5K purchase and the Gold an approx' £4K purchase. When using the option to show prices in USD, the GDP and USD are parity. I use From Japan, but the Items priced as approximates are to be found on 'Rakuten' in an outlet listed as 'Steroya'.

@cleeds \

No, not that I am aware of. 


I can't say what it was exactly Lew. A filament is the best description I could come up with. It was covered in glue. It crossed over both leads, it was involving the left channel and I could find no other irregularities. Until I set it up and have a listen for myself I can not be sure it has been fixed. It works but that does  mean it has been fixed. 

@cleeds I think there are a number of unfortunate issues here. Each of us has their priority. Personally, i would be concerned with the apparent initial non-disclosure of the warranty issue, additionally the cavalier attitude apparently given to the OP, and the complete apparent lack of customer care and service.

For their rep to come here and be somewhat oblivious is also not a good look, but as Whart suggested, perhaps reaching out to this rep may bring some form of compensation to the OP. This is where I was going in my prior post, but I suspect it will result in ’cricket’s’ as to a reply -if the general behavior of this company is to be believed.


The following is the Link to Mofi Brands that are supplied.

In the Link, neither the Warranty Registration Page or the FOA Page that is covering Warranty, there is no indicator as to the period of coverage under warranty.

The following will be best to inquire about, learning if it is accurate in its relation to all products on offer



As said on many occasions, for the Buyer,  'Caveat Emptor',  is the safest structure to use when considering a purchase.

Most recently I had a experience where a used item import arrived damaged, leaving the import temporarily unusable.

After a bit of preparation to present my claim, I have been offered close to 4/5ths of the purchase price as a settlement and this more than covers the quoted repair costs. I class this as a Caveat Emptor result, as I am using the best shopping service I could discover, with the insurance that honours what it says on the tin.     


... Would this issue been covered under warranty since the cartridge is now a year old? Or, would you have requested payment for the fix?

The issue for me is not the ridiculously short warranty. It's being told MoFi can't be bothered to inspect and evaluate the cartridge and the only resolution is a $6K rebuild. That's beyond absurd. And the only reason MoFi is showing any interest in in this matter at all is because the OP subjected it to the court of public opinion.

The company is so tone-deaf that @jonderda wants to works towards some kind of "resolution" when the cartridge has already been repaired.

Forewarned is forearmed. Here is a link to the products the company distributes. If you purchase any of them, you are accepting the risk of similar treatment from MoFi.

Mike, When you use the word "filament", what actually was it? A hair? Or a piece of fine wire that wandered in during the manufacturing process? But it probably was not a conductor else your L channel would have been shorted out from new. Yes?  Could have been an insulated piece of wire that did not make electrical contact with anything by virtue of the insulation. I'm sorry to be dense; if you described this BEFORE sending the cartridge out for repair, I did not see that post.  (More than 120 of them now.)

@jonderda Question....let us say that the OP had sent you the cartridge for inspection and you found that a defective wire ( and/or other manufacturing defect) was the issue. Would this issue been covered under warranty since the cartridge is now a year old? Or, would you have requested payment for the fix?



I do not need or want any blows lessened. Cartridge had a problem. Cartridge off warranty. Cartridge fixed. End of story, for me anyway.

I think that’s smart. If it were me, I wouldn’t even accept a refund from MoFi. It truly is case closed, and it reflects very poorly on Mofi.

I would still have a call w/ Jon Derda. Maybe something productive can come from it.

Something productive may come from it for MoFi, but the matter is closed for @mijostyn. He has a life. He has his cartridge repaired. He has stated his case in public and he has moved on. MoFi told him to taken effin’ hike, so he did.

To the extent it’s a communication channel issue at MoFi Distribution, I’m sure the details of who you talked to, when, etc. could be helpful to him ...

If I were @mijostyn, I’d have exactly zero interest in helping MoFi at this stage.

I’m glad you got it fixed. Steve Leung has always come through for me

Same here. Steve Leung is one of the good guys in our little industry. There are actually many good people in this biz. And now, we know for sure, that MoFi isn’t in that league. Not. Even. Close.

Hey Mike, did MoFo even bother apologizing to you? I’m just curious.

Perfect opportunity for you to explain away your Company Policy to add $5k to the typical arrive at the door price for a Cart' and then for the $5K upcharge get a measly 3 MONTHS WARRANTY.

In the guise of being Transparent, why not have a Header on all Cart' Sales

                      3 MONTHS WARRANTY ONLY !!!!!! - BUYER BEWARE 



@mijostyn - I've followed this saga and given you my views along the way. I would still have a call w/ Jon Derda. Maybe something productive can come from it. I think he's pretty much the guy in charge on MoFi Distribution and my encounters with him were quite positive. To the extent it's a communication channel issue at MoFi Distribution, I'm sure the details of who you talked to, when, etc. could be helpful to him, and perhaps some good can come from this. I'm glad you got it fixed. Steve Leung has always come through for me and I've recommended him to others over the years.
