Responses from dover
I'm new to Step Up Transformers @rmcfee I am quite familiar with both the Zesto and the Paua. The Paua needs to see a load of at least 470ohms. I fiound with my sample the optimum load at 1000 ohms. I would strongly suggest you try on the moving coil input on the Zesto both ... | |
I'm new to Step Up Transformers My Zestos does have a MC section - it has settings for Low Gain or High Gain. My confusion was because a friend with the same phono preamp as mine was telling me a SUT would improve the sound. And others online were saying similar things. ... | |
Rega Naia Aphellion 2 phono preamp OK the GH elevator is a step up transformer. I use a Zesto Alesso SUT, and it sure makes a difference in sound with the Aphelion2, more full bodied. No the Graham Lee elevator is a solid state moving coil head amp, it is not a SUT. | |
Some thoughts on dust covers I read up about the Wilson Benesh GMT One System turntable, which weighs almost half a ton and uses lots of materials science, university types and research grant money to minimise unwanted resonances. This behemoth does not have a cover, al... | |
Fidelity Research FRT-4 and Entre ET-100 step-up transformer SUT comparison Allnic AUT-8000 has 2 inputs and multiple gain and loading functionality | |
Fidelity Research FRT-4 and Entre ET-100 step-up transformer SUT comparison Air Tight ATH-2 Reference has 3 inputs and high and low impedance options - all switchable. | |
Garrard 301 - Project @lewm Dover, I own the old QS preamp that has a built in MM phono stage, along with its linestage, Yes - that's the one I'm talking about. In hindsight it may have been the power supply feeds to the tubes that had some design foibles that we... | |
Garrard 301 - Project Do you find that your preference for Telefunken or Mullard shifts depending on the type of music you’re listening to or is it the system’s overall tonal balance? No. I listen to mostly Jazz & Classical. My preferences are for maximum speed... | |
Garrard 301 - Project TFK ECC83s are so "legendary" for their "tonal richness" No they are not. Exact opposite - in the Marantz 7 circuit they are fast, reasonably transparent and very flat. I have a draw full of premium flat plate Telefunkins. They have never sou... | |
Garrard 301 - Project Sovtek 12AX7LPS is indeed not a separate “variant” of the 12AX7 but rather a Sovtek-branded 12AX7 with the “LPS” designation, So for those of us who speak English as a native language, the 12AX7LPS is indeed a variant of 12AX7, whether you subs... | |
The Shure V15 V with a Jico SAS/B stylus VS The Soundsmith Hyperion MR and Lyra Atlas SL @mijostyn Have you managed to try out the recommended capacitive loading ( 250-300 pf ) on the Shure yet. I am interested to know the results. Re Tympanis - I had a pair traded years ago, spent more time repairing them than listening. Fortunate... | |
Does Anyone Know the History of the Early Sota Turntables? Do you remember what they used on the Gen 1 table then? A rubber mat? This one came with a felt one but I fitted it with a rubber and cork one I had available. Depends what you call Gen 1. IIRC the original mat was acrylic. Definit... | |
Does anyone have experience matching an Icon PS1 MKII with a Soundsmith Zephyr MIMC Star? @flash56 Both the suggestions by @tablejockey are good options. Manley Chinook & Zesto Andros. I've listened to the Andros for a couple of years with a variety of cartridges - it's very good. musical and underrated in my opinion. | |
Does anyone have experience matching an Icon PS1 MKII with a Soundsmith Zephyr MIMC Star? @lewm You are muddying the waters again. The Icon PS1 MM input is 47k and an external SUT 1/10 will load the cartridge correctly. All you are doing is confusing the person who started the thread with your hypothetical postulation. | |
Does anyone have experience matching an Icon PS1 MKII with a Soundsmith Zephyr MIMC Star? @flash56 You have 2 easy options - If you purchase the Icon PS1 you would need to buy a SUT wth 1/10 step up ratio and plug it into the MM input. There are plenty of vintage units such as Denon AU320 or Denon AU340 that will do the job. Altern... |