300b INTEGRATED AMP Suggestions

This will be my first post here but I have enjoyed advice from this site for quite some time.  

After living for many years with the Rogue Cronus Magnum I am interested in downsizing a bit to a smaller, more finessed system built around a 300B integrated amp.  I am intrigued by what I have read about SET amps and given my small room and musical preferences I think this could be a fun switch.  I have been looking at the Cary CAD-300sei amp and am leaning that direction but wanted to put this out there to see what comes back before I jump.  (I like the reviews and the positivity around Line Magnetic as well, however I'd like to stay away from the 845 tubes for heat reasons)  My musical preference is generally around folk, singer/songwriter, jazz etc but not limited to.  My budget is around 5k new or used.

I know speakers are a huge part of this equation as well.  I currently have some KEF r5 speakers that I would likely be looking to replace with something from Zu's line depending on where I end up with an amp decision. 

I'd love to get any recommendations.
See if you can find a used Art Audio Diavolo with built in volume control.  It will shine like the sun when paired with axis.  You can find them commonly in the $3-$4k range.  

Line Magnetic definitely offers 300b SET integrated.

Very intriguing new model ."Line Magnetic Audio 210IA integrated amplifier review NEW"
This is from their upper tier Silver series, better power supply and output transformers. Very high quality and heavy duty parts and construction. 5K new.

You have a plethora of excellent quality choices new/used in your price range.
For a small sample,
New, Coincident Dynamo MK III 300b.
Used, Mastersound Compact 300b
Trafomatic Experience 300b
Audion Audio 300b
Allnic T-1500 300b
Melody Audio 300b
Audio Space MK II 300b

The list can go on and on for good quality 300b integrated amplifiers for 5k or less.
My advice is pay attention to the level of quality regarding output transformers and power supply..
These are crucial parameters for SET amplifiers. This is  the last area you want  to go cheap. Be certain to have speakers that are reasonably high sensitivity. In a smaller room 92 db and higher is preferable. Equally as important is an easy speaker impedance characteristics/load.

A good quality well implemented 300b SET will bring your music to life . Excellent realism if done correctly.

@charles1dad   I thought the LM210IA had been around for many years?  Is there a newer model iteration of it that I'm not aware of?
My fault, I was trying to provide a link for a "new" review on Mono and Stereo 2021) . You are correct that 210ia has been in the LM line up for awhile and is well established.
Just a couple weeks ago I heard a Cary 300 CAD-300SEI powering a pair of custom horn speakers and sounding really excellent. If you can look for a used unit from the Dennis Had era at Cary distinguishable by the old Cary logo.
I agree with Charles (as usual) that high quality parts in SET is utmost. I add that the higher efficiency in speakers the BETTER (given you like that speakers character traits. I also agree with Jond (not politically🙄) 😄 his recent experience with original Cary' and custom horns undoubtedly sounded very good!! (and I wasn't there. I will never stray from SET.
"I will never stray from SET"
So well put @isochronism. That’s exactly where I find myself after 12 beautiful years of owning my 300b SET. @jond I bet that combo you heard was "really excellent ".

Given the direction @dholmes189 is headed he has the opportunity to assemble a truly superb sounding audio system. As long as he resists the (potential) temptation to sacrifice true quality to save a few dollars 😊.
@isochronism I like how you think about audio let's never ever talk politics again. ;) @charles1dad It was really magical at Deja Vu Audio a new speaker they had just finished a full range 12" Fostex driver mated to a vintage horn tweeter. It made Somethin' Else sound like something else! I came home played that album and almost cried with dismay, there's just something about SET's and horns!
J.S Bach on his deathbed said: Don't cry for me as I'm going to where music  come's from" My opinion is SET get's you close without dying. 😊👍 jond, I do appreciate. We are here in this life to learn, unless we give consideration to both opposites, that will not occur.
I know that you live in the vicinity of Deja Vu Audio. I have never had the pleasure of visiting them but they certainly have quite the word of mouth reputation. I'd loved to have been there  to hear the magical presentation of the iconic "Something Else"
“ J.S Bach on his deathbed said: Don’t cry for me as I’m going to where music come’s from"

Closely followed by :
’ where’s my bloody vesper martini and a line you lazy b*****d “
There is a talented American builder Aric Audio who could build you a terrific 300b SET integrated amplifier.   You have the flexibility to choose and upgrade output transformers and other specific parts.
Not a ONE.. 

After 116As in the 90s I gave up the ghost..

Great 300 valves are starting to have NUTSO prices.. WE at 500.00 a pair (90s) was thought to be NUTS. 1500 - 2000.00 for 80% original 300s.

NO, plain and simple NO... Way to many other valves that sound better at 1/10th the price. They were never meant for music, they were meant for voice transmission over long distances and extreme longevity..

If your really stuck on 300s look at Cary for the money.. They sound good at least.. Almost as good as modified WE 116a

I agree...300b have gone thru the roof in price and quality. There are other tubes out there that are also great and sound amazing.
I was on the 300b merry go round for over a decade....then I switched to an integrated 2a3...never looked back.
Also the Almarro 318b is a great set with a bit more oomph!
Precisely why it’s strictly a matter of individual taste and objectives. A talented and knowledgeable amplifier designer and builder can choose from a variety of output tube types and create a fabulous sounding amplifier. 300b, 45, 2A3, 211, the list can go on and on. People can post here and say this tube sounds better than that tube. You will never establish universal consensus, Taste is personal (As only it could be).

If someone doesn’t like the 300b or believes that it is too expensive, okay that’s fine and understood. The OP expressed a specific interest in 300b SET amplifiers and I can completely understand this and yes encourage and support him. The premium tier 300bs are expensive and in my opinion worth it. You receive superb sound quality and impressive tube life longevity. An excellent tradeoff in my estimation.

If the OP had shown an interest in an el 34, 845, PX 25. or whatever I would support that endeavor as well. There are  so many terrific directions one can elect to pursue that can result in excellent outcomes. The superb 300b happens to be one of them.

Talented builder + good design and implementation +high quality parts= very good sounding amplifier. Best of luck @dholmes189 (The OP). You’ll love a 300b SET amplifier if you decide to  acquire one.
A work friend and fellow audio lover had a small Cary 300B amplifier driving Audio Note speakers, I don’t know what model, but they stood on low-boy stands. The sound was really impressive, sounded like a real voices real guitars and so on
I've had a number of tube amps over the years and wanted a SET....  the 2a3 wasn't quite enough power for me ,  the 300b 's 8 watts should be plenty .   The parts spec on the ToolShed amp is high,  it will use Amorphous Core OPT  made from Hitachi FineMet ., 1% tolerance resistors,  silver foil coupling caps.    If its as good as other ToolShed owners have told me it will be , I'm not going to worry about what 300b replacements cost.    I have heard more than a few people say the new WE300b are worth every penny.   
"If someone doesn’t like the 300b or believes that it is too expensive, okay that’s fine and understood. The OP expressed a specific interest in 300b SET amplifiers and I can completely understand this and yes encourage and support him. The premium tier 300bs are expensive and in my opinion worth it. You receive superb sound quality and impressive tube life longevity. An excellent tradeoff in my estimation."

My sentiment , exactly 
I enjoyed building the Elekit TU-8600S 300B Tube Amplifier Kit ($1995). As always, I added a number of my own refinements. The result was outstanding sound quality for the money compared my reference 300B monos.

The downside is only one input and no remote volume control.


If someone doesn’t like the 300b or believes that it is too expensive, okay that’s fine and understood. The OP expressed a specific interest in 300b SET amplifiers and I can completely understand this and yes encourage and support him. The premium tier 300bs are expensive and in my opinion worth it.


Thanks DAD, I needed to be straighten out.. I love Rolls-Royce thinking.

I’m just TOO CHEAP, plain and simple, knowing I’ll get there just as fast in my old pick up truck. A 100.00 flat tire is fine. A 1000.00 flat tire is not..

6V6 - KT90s have and will always serve well.. After that it’s all splash and "look at me" I got, 120, 150, 2000s(LOL) oh and 300s. It only took me 12 years. Western Electric 166a.. I had the best... No doubt..

They were special though..

Someone else has the best NOW.. I’m just fine with that. :-)

Until you hear my Cary V12r, then it's not the best anymore.. HUGE :-) 6V6-KT90s works just perfect.

I've got a pair of Sophia Electric 91-01 mono block 300B SET amps that I might be willing to sell. I purchased because I wanted to experience the 300 SET sound, and it is fantastic. But, I have too many amps right now and am moving so might be interested in selling. Not an integrated but with your budget you could add a Sachs preamp and have an amazing setup. I have a Sachs preamp and I'm never getting rid of it.

Thank you all for your advice and suggestions. Lots to process here and despite rising costs (of mostly everything in the world) I am still going to hold the course and pursue the 300b sound.  

I need to do a little more research and dig into quality of build and transformer spec as @charles1dad has suggested and then I should be able to base a decision from there.  

Again, thanks for the help and knowledge.  I am excited to join the club
I have the Coincident Frankenstein MK II 300b SET mono blocks that I bought new in 2009. I am using the EML XLS 300b. Other excellent 300bs I’ve had are Takatsuki, Elrog and Vaic 300b variant 32b.

I’ve had on loan from friends to audition the Sophia Electric Royal Princess, KR XLS 300b and 1980s vintage Western Electric 300b. All of these upper tier 300b sound splendid with their individual sonic signature/characteristics.

@oddifyl that Tool Shed amplifier I bet is going to sound fantastic!
Good luck,
You're just fine and we all are recounting our unique and specific experiences and perspective. I understand where you are coming from.  I've had numerous types of tube amplifiers that I owned or had extensive exposure to.  For me the 300b SET experience has been the most emotionally and musically fulfilling that's all.
"I am excited to join the club"

@dholmes189 welcome aboard and very happy to have you😊.
You are approaching this the right way. Take  your time, investigate and gain knowledge. Your budget will get you an exceptionally good sounding 300b SET.
You're just fine and we all are recounting our unique and specific experiences.


Western Electric 116a are special. Would I go back? Only if I could lift them. Over 100 lbs each, One of the few amps that really made Strathearn ribbons sound like nothing on earth. 

I sold the ribbons (financial issue at the time) and the 116a followed.
I had a son that spent 6 years on and off at Children's Hospital.. I almost sold the WIFE instead. LOL Felt like John Belushi in the Blues Brothers.. "How much for the girl'? How about you keep the boy and buy me lunch..

HE just got his second degree.. A lot smarter than his Dad that's for sure.. AND will never have to work like I did (my prayer were answered)

Sad, it would cost 50k  for ME to get that sound back, about 10k for the Strathearns, 35-40 k for the WEs. They were my Dads.  A present to himself after Korea. Military WE 116a.. I think he paid 600.00 at the "on base" surplus..

I sold them for over 15k and 4k for the Strathearns.. I paid  ALL the medical bills (1991) off.  The boy came home no worse for wear..

I dug out my Macs.. Never looked back..

@oldhvymec ,
Thanks for sharing that story. You have every reason to be as proud of your son as you are. Major medical situations regrettably  don't always end well. 

@oldhvymec I am glad to hear your son got over his medical troubles and is excelling! And trust me I know what you mean about that WE gear the prices are just staggering!

@oddiofyl I was looking around the Toolshed website recently that’s excellent gear I would love a full report when that amp arrives and of course pics on your system page.

@dholmes189 as my friend Charles said you are doing the right thing, researching, gathering suggestions and you are going to find the right 300B amp I am sure. Remember to enjoy the hunt as well as your amp when you finally decide!

And for all you SET guys I should say right now I’m listening to Claude Hopkins "Lowdown" on a 2a3 amp, but a pushpull 2a3 amp. It sounds fantastic and there are many ways to skin a cat in audio. If you need more power parallel SETs and well designed pushpull amps can also sound great.
"And for all you SET guys I should say right now I’m listening to Claude Hopkins "Lowdown" on a 2a3 amp, but a pushpull 2a3 amp. It sounds fantastic and there are many ways to skin a cat in audio. If you need more power parallel SETs and well designed pushpull amps can also sound great"

@jond +1, many roads lead to Rome.
And for all you SET guys I should say right now I’m listening to Claude Hopkins "Lowdown" on a 2a3 amp, but a pushpull 2a3 amp. It sounds fantastic and there are many ways to skin a cat in audio.

I have heard accounts of many others who report the same! I enjoy running both a LM805ia SET and a Luxman MQ-88uC push-pull. Always wanted to try a quality 2a3.  And I'm still hunting for a 300b as well!
I went looking for a 300b amplifier for my headphone system. I am a big fan of Woo Amps and have owned two. After a lot of research I bought a WA-5LE and upgraded all the tubes to highest level. I was very happy what amp did for my headphone system. So much so that it triggered a huge upgrade to my main system and finally had me purchase a tube amp (ARC Reference 160s). This gave my main system the natural musical sound of tubes without having to go crazy on buying incredibly efficient speakers. Honestly, my headphone and main system have a very similar sound character. This worked well for me to actually own a 300b system without the compromises in a main system.
Post removed 
One of my best buddies has a Toolshed running Cornwalls in his fishing rod building A frame workshop.

He loves it. I have heard it while i watched him wrap an 11’ salmon rod - liquid, engaging with nary a sin…maybe a slight lack of drive vs. a Mac240…. but nothing keeping a smile off our faces…As others have wisely said - there are many ways to get musical bliss. Not everyone appreciates an 11’ rod, or a 300 b amp and therefore choose a different line in life..

Enjoy the journey and the music.
Thats good to hear,  I can't wait !!!    My amp is now in queue to be built, should have it by the end of the year.   Should sound great driving my Forte
I believe that I am familiar with the sound you are searching for.  Once you hear a great SET amp, everything else kind of becomes, ehh..  That said, have you thought about Decware?  I have their integrated and what it does is take a EL-34, a pentode tube, and runs it as a triode.  A great EL-34 is much more affordable than a great 300b.  I have found the sound very similar to what you are looking for and you can roll tubes on the Decware.  I would also be sure that you keep your old system or gift it to someone close, so you can hear again.  Your brain is wired to that reference point and you will from time to time crave it, kind of like White Castle hamburgers. 
Take your time and look around. If you want a 300B SET, don’t compromise. There is no amplification device that equals a SET amplifier. 300B tubes are expensive but they are very long lasting and sound great. 

I’m unfamiliar with the Zu line of speakers. Depending on how efficient they are, you could also consider 2A3 or even 45 SET. Long story short, you have many options. SET aren’t as numerous though and there are few on the used market at any particular time. Be patient and keep your eye on all the online markets.
I originally thought two Decware Zen mono.  Thought about Whammerdyne 2a3 amps , but I didn’t think 2 watts would be enough for a 99dB sens speaker.  
My last few amps were 40  watts and could drive several 88-89 dB sens speaker to fairly loud levels so 8 watts should be plenty 
Someone whose opinion I totally respect likes Tube Fantasy amplifiers from China. There is a pair of PSET300b for sale on Audiogon. 
Thank you all for the input and assistance.  I have made the decision to go with Aric Audio to build one of his beautiful Super 300b SETs for me.  (Thanks @charles1dad for the recommendation)   

I've gone back and forth on some of the other brands and makers you all have suggested, but in the end, I am very much drawn to the bespoke build from an artist and craftsman.  

I'll have a couple weeks/months to wait before it arrives but I'll be sure to keep you all posted how it comes out.  

Again, thanks to everyone!
Congratulations!!! That's an excellent decision and Aric will  build you a superb sounding 300b SET amplifier. He'll definitely guide you right in regard to output transformers and high quality part options.
@dholmes189 Awesome news congratulations and good luck with the anticipation! And if you can splash out on the best output transformers Aric offers, OPTs really make or break a SET amp. And yes follow up and we will of course need pics!
I have made the decision to go with Aric Audio to build one of his beautiful Super 300b SETs for me.

Great choice. Be careful, many folks will be coveting your amplifiers.