Wireless speakers

While In have a dedicated room for serious listening , I would like to add some wireless speakers to my living room for music in general and when company comes over . I will probably just stream from my phone . I have tried Sonos products but found them to be rather mid- fi than hi-fi  sounding . Has anyone added a second source of music to their home  using current wireless technology and was pleased with the results for what I would call general listening ?


I’ve bought three pair of Edifier speakers for friends’ houses and have been pleasantly surprised by the build quality and sonics.

There are several wireless models, here’s one. https://www.edifier.com/global/p/bookshelf-speakers/s3000mkii

+1 @sfar  on the Edifier speakers. Have them in the garage and exercise room.  Have also recommended them to friends.  

Did a pair of Swan M300 MKll  for my brother-in-law. Very impressive sound. Full sound with strong bass. Adjustable tone controls and remote control. Stream straight from phone using AptX HD. Good looking also. Highly recommended.



Hello @jdsmichaels , have you tried the new Sonos Era 300 speakers? I think they sound great, and super EZ to set up.  I have previously used Bluesound and these are way better.  Also B/W which sounded great but was not EZ.


there are several surprisingly good really high end streaming loudspeakers


There are at least three real high end companies which make truly high end streaming loudspeakers:

got kef ls 50 ls 60s

you got cabasse pearl and rialto

and the dali Rubicon 6c which are amazing.

Dave and Troy

Audio Intellect NJ

Wireless Streaming Specialists



Thanks for everyone who responded so far , never relized there is so many choices ! .

@OP The System Audio Silverback 1's are excellent. I'm not sure if they are available in the USA but they are well worth listening to - in a completely different league to the likes of Sonus. They are in the same ballpark price-wise to the Kef LS 50 Wireless ii.

Post removed 

The Cabasse Rialto are fantastic. I'm also impressed with SVS Prime Wireless Pro

I had a chance recently to hear KEF something & the Sonus Faber Duetto..The KEF was like listening to music coming out of an aluminum can compared to the naturally organic warmth of the S.F..Yes,the KEF have a wider,deeper sound stage WITH THE RIGHT AMP,BUT the S.F. are more forgiving of less than stellar amps or source material,have MUCH BETTER tonal color overall & more naturally textured bass..

yes Tony, we are how many dealers have three s treaming loudspeaker lines on display?

how many people even know that dali makes amazing streaming loudspeakers?


we have all three kefs

we have three different cabasse models

we had both dalis streaming loudspeakers

not to mention active elacs and ATCS

We have a pair of Buchardt A10s in our family room for general listening through their wireless hub. Wonderful sound, easy integration to multiple sources including the TV. 

the cheapest option though is: "in your head". No wifi, bulky boxes, power cords, arguing with the wife about placement. Sometimes I can play it for hours before the battery runs out. 


Just a joke, sorry @jdsmichaels !

Check out vanatoo speakers for a budget and technology friendly solution. They exhibited at the Pacific Northwest Audio fest, and are very good sounding. They have a 30 day return policy.