Wireless speakers

While In have a dedicated room for serious listening , I would like to add some wireless speakers to my living room for music in general and when company comes over . I will probably just stream from my phone . I have tried Sonos products but found them to be rather mid- fi than hi-fi  sounding . Has anyone added a second source of music to their home  using current wireless technology and was pleased with the results for what I would call general listening ?


Showing 2 responses by audiotroy


there are several surprisingly good really high end streaming loudspeakers


There are at least three real high end companies which make truly high end streaming loudspeakers:

got kef ls 50 ls 60s

you got cabasse pearl and rialto

and the dali Rubicon 6c which are amazing.

Dave and Troy

Audio Intellect NJ

Wireless Streaming Specialists



yes Tony, we are how many dealers have three s treaming loudspeaker lines on display?

how many people even know that dali makes amazing streaming loudspeakers?


we have all three kefs

we have three different cabasse models

we had both dalis streaming loudspeakers

not to mention active elacs and ATCS