Where does your user name come from?

Hi everyone,
I'm curious to know what's the story behind your user name (or Alias)... There are a bunch of people that use their name (of parts of it) like myself, Albert Porter, GerryM5, Esoler...

But where does user name like Cornfedboy, Garfish, Calloway, Tireguy, SwampWalker (and many many others) come from? Any story behind?

Just curious
Just for the record, it was not i that gave "Clueless" his "crown of glory" : ) He emailed me and let me know this but at the same time, he would not say who it was. I "think" i can remember who it was, but i'm not 100% certain. Sean
so Sean you're not the only one here with a guilt complex? If you think it was me, well then I'll admit I think it might have been me, but I actually don't remember. Admittedly I have occasionally (actually rarely) picked on a few irresistables, but I sure don't make a habit of it. Not that I'm trying to claim that "esteemed member" status, anything but...
At any rate, when I met Mr. Ryder in person he didn't remark about it one way or the other. Still I wonder??? I will say that Craig is in reality anything but clueless, very knowledgable esp. about those tube things.
Anyway I'm like Mr. Porter; I figure the real thing is plenty good enough.
My real name is too long and few pronounce it right. Plus, when I first entered the internet fray, I thought people were supposed to use anonymous monikers. I played around with a few options but most were already taken in Yahoo so I settled on a combination of two nicknames. Fly was formed when an engineering fraternity (was much more fun than it sounds) pledge brother butchered my last name when we were introduced -- it stuck. Oz was formed more recently when my classmates (continuing ed executive leadership class, also was much more fun than it sounds) named me after the wizard himself owing in part to my data mining/data base responsibilities. Hence, Ozfly. Good post -- it was and will be fun to read the rest.
My name Gunbei, pronounced [Goom-Bay] is based on a ficticious samurai character from the early '70's Sword of Vengeance series. Some of you may know these films as Wolf and Cub or Baby cart or even by it's Japanese name Kozure Ohkami [Lone Wolf with Cub]. I grew up watching these films thirty years ago in the many Japanese theaters Los Angeles had back then. My namesake made his appearance in the fourth film known as Baby Cart in Peril. For those of you familiar with Kurosawa's films, well this isn't like them. Neither are these films like any of the cheaper, formula "Chanbara" TV series which were like a Japanese Gunsmoke. I understand that Road to Perdition borrows much from this thirty year old series. The photography and framing of each shot in this series let's you know artists and people that care were at work here. Here's a link to the episode Gunbei makes his appearance. He's the one on the right in the second photo with sword held high.

? http://blofeld.qbranch.s`e/~maal01/lwac/Meifumado%20The%20Lone%20Wolf%20and%20Cub%20movies%20Baby%20Cart%20in%20Peril.htm
Is this some kind of twelve step program where wh each have to confess a deep dark secret. Okay, don't tell anyone but I secretly lust after Albert Porter's cable.
My name was actually confered upon me by my younger brother after I left home and was traveling around the country. When I wrote to him instead of signing my name I wrote my initials NRK. The next time he worte to me he addressed the letter to anarchy, but wrote it more phonetically. It's not as interesting once it's been explained.
I really like the work "kinetic", perhaps because of a well-crafted line by Rush drummer/lyricist Neil Peart:

"...we break the surface tension with our wild kinetic dreams."

To me, music has an almost mystical ability to take you into altered states - to deeply MOVE you.

I figured that since "telekinesis" is the power to move things with the mind, then "AudioKinesis" would be the power to move things with sound.

I use my business name as a moniker for obviously self-serving reasons, but I do think it's a fairly cool business name. In real life, I'm Duke LeJeune.
I guess mine is obvious too... but it is really more pretentious than it looks :-) I came up with it when at having lunch with a couple of people during a computer conference. They were from the IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center - a very prestigious lab if you are not familiar with it. Anyway, we were going around the table, people saying what they did... you know: "manager of this legendary project...", "researcher of that bleeding edge technology..." I was admittedly somewhat intimidated, and so decided to go with the minimalist approach. When they got to me, I said: "I'm just a coder" and said it in such a way one might imagine Bruce Lee saying that he "just does martial arts"... :-)

I use this handle everywhere, and through it one can find me wherever I am as well as our dealership (audio federation - and I bet you can only guess 1/4 of the origin of this name :-).
It was back in '36, or was it '37, I was down in the Delta when I met up with a guitar carrying man who introduced himself as Lonnie J. He said that if I had some money he knew where we could get some homebrew and maybe some women. I was a little nervous, but it was getting near dark and even I knew we had to be getting out town. We ended up in a one-room country shack and things got a little bit crazy. There was a woman, I never did know her name, but she had a laugh to remember. There must have also been another man there too, cause the woman keep calling out to someone name "Bob". She kept saying "play it Bob, play the blues." The liquor was hitting me hard and the last thing I can recall was Lonnie, or was it Bob, saying he just finished writing a new song, he didn't have a title for it yet and he just called it "#29". I must have passed out, 'cause the next morning I woke up alone (and with no money) on the ground outside the shack. I stumbled back into the hut and it was empty - empty except for unsigned note. All it said was "We'll meet again, on highway '61".

I use the name in memory of Lonnie, the woman with the big hearted laugh and somebody named Bob. I despite the fact that I spent many a day sitting on bleachers out in the sun, I never did meet those people again out on highway '61.
It actually came about quite spontaneously when I discovered this site, or was it AA? I dig the warm glow of tubes and a hallowed film from the early 70's, The Groove Tube, remember that one when Wally and Beaver Cleaver made a cameo appearance? Yeah, now you remember.

Onhwy61 - a very poignant tale. Don't give up, they may yet be back. btw, does Myrtice ring a bell?
back in the late 70's I had an EMT moving coil that had fairly low output and you could crank the volume(Gain) knob on my ARC pre all the way around and not clip the amp on most material. We called it visiting Max.
Ahh, The Groove Tube...Brown 25...It has the strength of steel, the flexibility of rubber and the nutritional value of beef stew. Brown 25...from UrAnus.
Pops was my grandfather - one of the coolest guys I have ever known - it's why I'm so cool...
Pops- I appreciate you clearing that up, I was indeed quite curious why you are so cool ;)
when i chose it i was playing a lot of phone and email tag with everyone i knew
Supposedly pronounced oo-la-la, I chose mine during a manic moment, when I think the most bizarre things are funny, but I don't really remember exactly why 'Ohlala'. I think it was from those damn Tresemme shampoo commercials. It is a little amusing when people are forced to refer to me by that moniker. Stay cool, Pops.
How do you think I feel on Ebay when I get a praise feedback from a sell and the seller ends by saying, " Thanks, Dorkbrains"
Winning aswers will be selected based on originality and coolness. Accuracy is not a judging criteria. And besides, T-bone, you peeked.
Thanks for the praise, Gunbei. I just got an e-mail from another Ebayer with username nutcase2. All it said was," Dorkbrains,cool name".
Lonewolfny42- Three parts of the alias :Lonewolf , most of my time is spent alone at work; ny , where I live ; 42, former member of rock group "The Harlots of 42nd. Street".
Ok I keep wondering about Swampwalker.

I guess the reaon is that I used to be a swamp walker of sorts. I used to be a transmission line walker for the power company(before my knee joints went to hell a year or so ago). I am from Michigan. We have swamps! Lots of them.For one example, If you look at a map of Michigan find Ludington on the west side of the state. Now imagine walking to Traverse City, which is north, and back. About 85 miles one direction on the right of way.(I had to walk back, since I worked alone and had to get back to the truck and head to the next access point)There are a few river systems that damn line crosses which means there will be low ground, and you guessed it SWAMPS! I have been through my share of damn swamps! Some you just have to turn around and walk back, just NO WAY to get through, then come back in from the other side. Winter is a whole 'nother story. Try walking on snowshoes all damn day, but you can cross a swamp(sometimes)on the ice. It's cold if you go throught that damn stuff, as I am all to well aware of. Now do this 4 days a week for ten hours a day. You get to know the state very well on this sort of job. A fellow "walker" came to a place he nedded to get through and asked a local about how he might best do it, and the responce(refering to the swamp) was,"Oh, you mean the BIG NASTY!"
I own several companies and one of my businesses is a summmer day camp. All the staff uses nicknames during the summer months. Being the owner, one of my staff gave me my nickname. For those that know me, feel welcome to call me Poo Bah, the Grand seems so formal at times.
I would feel more comfortable calling you Mr. Poobah. Being a peasant I have learned to respect Aristocracy.
I never thought I'd actually have to explain this, but more than one person has recently asked. I chose my user name because it represents what were ultimately seeking from our equipment (nothing) leaving only the music in it's entirety, and what it does to our mental state pursuing that quest.
Dennis is my middle name; the menace... well, I guess I just identify with that smark-alek prankster.

MrLabGuy, I have worked just about every job in a Laboratory from Phlebotimist, toxicology, to lab sales.
I had just retired from General Motors and was 51 years old. The TV was on in the background as I was thinking of a user name. On came a spot with Mr. Food were in the end he always says: oooww it's so good. I thought to myself,yes life is good,retired at 51 and enjoying life. Sogood51
I just checked up on this thread again, and Loose, I just about feel over after reading your response, I think I went out with her for a while too :)

Come on where are some of the other guys that post a lot around here Redkiwi, TOK2000, Muralman, Psychichanimal, and many more - Some of us are still curious critters!
Everyone involved in this hobby/obsession understands where my username came from.
Post removed 
Nil is first three letters of my full name Nilesh. 'thepill' was given to me (almost 10 years ago) by a designer at work whom I was giving pain (in his opinion-I was just doing my job!) while signing Engineering drawings for structural integrity....It rhymes and easy to remember.
The first 6 chacracters of the 6 words. Now, some body here gives me another one - 6ch - 6 channels or 6 gates or 6 senses or 6 channels HT audio, How's that for a username! I like it!...

... But I only have 2 ears, and 1 "mind"! And I cannot find my "mind", neither!!!... LOL
I thought I was one before I met all you guys (and gals ).You have tought me tons and I am greatful.Thank you all!!!!
Fraternity of satellite owners. I`ve had my 12' Paraclipse dish since 1985 and we`re a pretty tight bunch. I`ll go get a pizza dish when I stop caring for quality! Robin
I seem to have missed the start of this thread. .......nothing too original-- Garland is my last name and in college I was often called "Gar" or "Garfish". So it was just a nickname from long ago that I sort of liked-- brings back fond memories. BTW, the gar, or garfish is a fast, fierce, predatory fish of central U.S.

Great post by Onhwy61-- one of MY favorite Audiogon names. Cheers. Craig