What speaker could safely be ordered without hearing it first?

Hi everyone,

I’m in the midst of my speaker search and curious about something.......as noted above. There are some brands I would be interested in based on reputation, reviews, looks etc but may never be able to hear first.

I’m curious what the collective group thinks would be a safe choice having never heard them first. I know there are variables as in size of room, current gear etc. Just want to see what people would suggest. The one I would note based on what I have read is Joseph Audio. I’d also be curious if people would say the same about Borresen.

So it may be a frivolous exercise but I’ll ask the question anyway. Let me know your thoughts.


Isn't that sort of like ordering shoes over the internet? Only much more expensive.

At least if you are able to, get your favorite albums / cd's and audition them in a brick and mortar retail store.

I myself would have the attitude and intention of living with them having an idea of what sound character I'd like to hear.

Hi everyone, so quick update here....I did follow the bits of advice many provided here, specifically around a brand, buying used and also around following a house sound. I do need to write another longer post about the overall search and how my tastes have changed dramatically as I get deeper down the rabbit hole, but that’s a story for another day.

With regard to the final winner.... see my virtual system (side note attaching here is such a pain!). Magico S3 MK1 in bronze.  @protegimus you were rather prescient with your comments yesterday.   

WAF was pretty high compared to the straight black and works well in my room. With regard to sound, well let’s just say the first thing my wife said was "man these image really well compared to before"....SOLD!

Post removed 

OK so I did an upload to one of the free sites.  I have a little cleaning up to do but this is a preview....they seemed huge initially but i'm getting used to them!  

Congradulations. Great choice. They look great as well.  Love the dog, with better hearing… if it was harsh sounding he/she would not be there.

Wow they look stunning in bronze and I know they'll sound awesome, I hope you're pleased!

See you've been busy putting some time into setting them up (measure, spirit level).
I'm guessing your sweetspot is mid cushion, may I suggest slightly more toe out - you want the tweeters firing just past (outside) your ears on each side.
Small changes will lead to optimum positioning. From experience, imaging is stunning!
A piece of string held eye level to the top of the speaker can make the alignment process easier, also useful for confirm equilateral positioning as Magico recommend and viewing of the beautiful assistant :)

I'm not sure how much my pair were previously played, they took quite a bit of running in for the balance to settle. They get fired up nearly every day now.

I also have a rug over flooring. I put a layer of mass loaded vinyl (Advanced Acoustics Soundproofing Mat) and later also some
Felt and Rubber, Acoustic Carpet Underlay beneath the rug to very good effect.

Meant to mention, don't forget to register them with Magico.

Peter Mackay took the time to send a personal 'welcome' and some excellent advice on care, setup and cables after I got in touch. Very genuine.

Hopefully the speakers I just ordered. I can’t believe I have done this again. But based on reviews I just had to have them. And there was simply no way to hear them first.

In the past I have purchased several types of speakers without hearing them first, all were sold or traded in quickly. But hopefully these speakers will break that streak.


dear all
i´m planning to buy bw 802 speakers with McIntosh Integrated.
is it worth waiting for blackfriday deals?
(did you see any discount on these itens last year?)

@mtbiker29 as a fellow phan, love the whole vibe of the room, and those speakers definitely don't look too big!  Congrats 

In the spirit of your original question, the only speakers I've ever bought unheard were the Dynaudio Heritage Specials (in thumbnail pic). I've had a pair of Contour 1.8ii for over 20 years and have been so happy I bought the HS almost out of appreciation for the brand. I absolutely love the way they sound and I'll never sell them.  Listening to the Bakers dozen right now. Also looking forward to the free webcast this Friday and Saturday for the Spac flood relief shows!  I have a Lytmi backlight system for my TV where I have the 1.8's paired with the Contour center.  The backlighting makes home concert viewing amazing since you catch the light show in scale. I highly recommend LED's + music.  The bedroom has a Govee setup. 


I ordered the Clarisys Minuet. Hopefully, I will have them soon. Maybe this week, but probably next week.


@perkadin thanks man.  That shot doesn't show the signed Trey poster off to the right!  Now that i've adjusted to them they fit in quite nicely, but took a couple days to get used to.  Oh and BTW they are sublime thus far.  One thing I did notice is just how deep vertically the soundstage is now vs. what I had prior.  I'm not sure if that's because the tweeter is 8" or more above the ear, but man it's working for me thus far.  I need to keep tweaking toe in....having friends over tonight to debut and will get their opinions.  

I really hope these sound as good as the reviews say, it was definitely a stretch for me financially. ozzy

@ozzy yes the Clarisys Minuet were fantastic when I heard them at this years Axpona. There were only 2 speakers that I was considering from listening to 80% of the rooms at Axpona, the Clarisys Minuet or the Franco Serblin Ktema's. (OK there was a 3rd...the Borresen M6 at just under $300,000 although I'd be homelss if I bought them not to mention 7 inches shorter!!!!) I did go with the Ktema's and after 8 days of non-stop playing they are sounding WONDERFUL. I'm thrilled and hope you are as well. Keep us informed on your thoughts.

(Dealer disclaimer) 

If you read the latest on Positive Feedback, there is a recent review about the Clarisys Minute speakers. Those are the exact speakers I am getting! So, they should be broken in when I get them. 

I just hope the reviewer hasn't wore them out...


Lots of speakers are bought this way. dealers can’t buy the speakers first and then resell them to you before you agree to buy them.

Most people buy speakers then upgrade. Not really possible to tell what speakers will sound like unless they're in your home

Rarely do dealers let you take speakers and try them out, not practical and they don’t have them in their show rooms.

Lots of people are buying on faith

I just placed a review of the Clarisys Minuet speakers in the Members Review Forum section.


Yeah, great table.

I was going to suggest Kharma speakers but apparently it's too late.