What is an excellent power cable?

Looking for a high quality power cable. Anyone recommend anything? Also, is a quality power distributor important as well? 
@xenon,Patrick has a 6' Crossover PC listed here on the Gon.  You might want to check it out. 
Next month Audioquest will come with new cables with the same kind of technique as the Hurricane and Tornado. One about 500 dollar and the other one under 400 dollar.
I've got quite a few brands of power cords from all budget ranges including many mentioned previously in this thread (i.e. Shunyata, Verastarr, Signal, Maze, Pangea, Supra, MIT and others).

Other than avoiding anything by Synergistic Research like the plague, I can't give definitive advice like others have given. 

Personally, I would recommend waiting on power cords until the very last thing to upgrade.  Ironically, the worse the power supply in your equipment..the more improvement a power supply can help.  Thus, it's better to just save up and address the problem at its source...get better equipment with better power supplies.

If you notice, external/third party power supplies are all the rage now in digital.  That's because people realized it's the power supply more the power cord that impacts performance.  Power cords were just a primitive band-aid.

Certain power cords can also hurt your overall performance.  Some of my highest cost cords sounded the worst on other people's systems and gear.  Sometimes shielding a power cord is better...sometimes it's worse...etc.

Theoretically, a low inductance power cord cord can make a difference on any gear.   However, the delta in improvement - both measurable and audible - isn't always very big or guaranteed positive.  Many of these high dollar cords are just show, not substance.

If you do get a cord, always get a trial period and experiment on different gear. 

xenon, don’t know what you will end up with, but to this day I have probably 10 power cords laying around that I occasionally put back in my system as I change it, to hear the difference they make. A few, I am glad I still have, others I’m not. There is no definitive answer to your question for an excellent cord. Audition -Audition-- I researched my ass off years back and tried many kinds of cables at $500 and under, both new and used (from Synergistic Research to VH Audio, to Shunyata to WireWorld etc. What may be excellent with my stereo on any given piece of gear may be only average or worse on a given piece within your stereo system. To play in this arena, you shoot craps and gamble and try and listen and sell and return and listen some more.
My whole system is Shunyata... Sigma Digital for my cd player, Sigma HC for my amp , King Cobra CX for my preamp. All with outstanding results. Would never change them. 
Flyby?  OP??  You still out there somewhere???  Anyway...

+2 Cullen Cables for your budget. Take advantage of free trial. And yes, power distribution is VERY important. Here’s a very simple and popular power distribution strip that doesn’t have any crap in it to muck up sound...


Best of luck.

I've had great results from Clarus Crimson HC power cords for my amps and Kimber PK-14 Palladian for the other components. 
Might want to try Rob Fritz’s Audio Art cables. Great construction quality and a nice evenly balanced SQ. 
Cullen Cables are fantastic. Over the last six months I've replaced all my cables with Cullen. Very happy with the results.


I guess my budget is around $500

I'd contact Patrick Cullen: http://www.cullencable.com

I just received three of his Gold Series cables (10 AWG).  Patrick's cables are very well made and well within your budget.  I don't think you would be disappointed.

I have not posted much in the forums in quite a few years, but the Triode Wire Labs power cord I have (the Eight+))sounds very good on my integrated.  Also on a different note, although the Pangea power cord I have always ends up discarded, disconnected, and laying in a corner, it's nice to see elizabeth still posting. 
All people overhere talk about brands and products. But when you have no idea what the properties are of each individual part in your system you will never have any idea which one will be the best.

Beside this the acoustics and other parts (like smog, magnetism and high frequent noise) who negatively influence both sound and stage all limit you in the level you can get out of each powercable you use.

When you would like to understand audio you first need to learn to understand sound and all the properties on which sound is founded.

When you are at home and listening to your system you are listening to a sound and stage what is being created by all the properties of all the different parts in your system and the parts who negatively influences the sound and stage like the acoustics, smog, magnetism and high frequent noise.

This proofs how compex sound is. You need to be able to think and work in properties when you want to understand why the stage and sound of your system is what you hear.

This is the only way to understand and guide audio. All other options are all based on trail and error. And all have no foundation on which choices are made. It is that simple!!
An excellent power cable is any that is capable of conducting sufficient electricity to your component.
You've confused competence with excellence.
  More ramblings . +1 to Mofimadness on the Signal Cable Magic Power Cable. I’m running one on my Schiit Yiggy and I agree with him . On power conditioning Vs distribution , I chose the Richard Gray 600. It has six outlets and a quality cord . It uses a “ PARALELL CHOKE “ method . So being in parallel and having large capatance, it does not restrict current flow . You can turn it off and your equipment is still powered ( my Yiggy stays powered 24/7 ). I turn off my pre and power amp as I’m running NOS tubes . I’m running 96db speakers and it’s more then subtle when I introduce changes . I like the Gray very much and yes I did try “ Straight into the Hubble outlets “.
Consider new outlets too. I have the standard 15 amp circuits in my living room . I upgraded the 2  outlets to Hubbell . When I replaced some outlets in other areas of the house , I noticed that the connectors were a cheaply made push in spring ( no tension screw). List price on 2 Hubbell outlets is about $90. They have beefy screw connectors and grip my power cords extremely well . And like everything Audio , take time to settle in . Alao be advised that mine are 20 amp outlets on a 15 rated wire and breaker . So I only use 15 amp cords . Many people here have gone to dedicated 20 amp circuits , but that’s above my level at this time . So it’s my room and my gear , so it’s a hazard free situation . If I move I’ll put some 15’s in and take them with me . But to think that my entire system was powered through 2 outlets that cost about $0.75 ea and I’m pushing $10k in gear was an easy choice . So look at the reviews and pick a price point and change your outlets. My experience is that this will compliment what you are striving too achieve. I would also like to comment on the well founded recommendations and the politeness demonstrated  in this thread . Happy Listening , Mike B. 
That's one thing you find out.   Ask a question.   Come away knowing less
Then you started Out knowing.    There all good or bad.  It depends on how thay play togather with the system you have 
An excellent power cable is any that is capable of conducting sufficient electricity to your component. 
Spend $ 500 on acoustical room treatment instead - it will be money much wiser spent.
Actually, you can't know that, unless you're already familiar with his room and the treatments he's already undertaken.

Spend $ 500 on acoustical room treatment instead - it will be money much wiser spent.

Good Listening


I've tried several and at first, Nordost Valhalla2 was the best i could hear in my system . . . until i tried Verastarr Statement, which blew away the Nordost!!
I had that conversation with a manufacturer in the mid 90's when aftermarket power cords where gaining popularity. He said, the main reasons are cost and results. We talked about cords making a difference and he agreed that they did, however trying to decide on a cable that would work for all systems is impossible and if they upgraded the cord, they would have to pass the cost on to the buyer, who might not like it and replace it anyway. They included a decent molded, 14ga cord with the units and the customer can upgrade or not. You might also note that at shows, many exhibitors are not using stock cords on their gear.  
What a shame it is that manufacturers of high end audio equipment assemble their components with, of all things, a power cord that is incapable of maximizing the performance of the component.

Yes....said with tongue-in-cheek.

The Oyaide Black Mamba V2 or Tunami V2 are very good.



I can't recommend any audioquest power cords..they don't improve sound in my opinion.nordost are nice but can be a little on the bright side not to mention big $$$$. Had great success with oyaide tunami and it's well within your budget. .really like elrod a bit over budget but you can find some used and bargain the price down. .best of luck.
Has anyone here used the Maze Audio power cords, Audio Power Cables
I have been using their  Ref4 Krell power cords for years on all of my equipment and they really open up the sound and give your system a really black noise floor, they generally take me about 75 to 100 hours to burn in but after that you can really tell the difference over stock cables, and the prices won't leave you broke.
Distribution was indicated, and it’s important. It’s the beginning of the process to feed your equipment. 

You can begin by buying 1 cable and a good distribution outlet. These can also be picked up on the used market saving you money. 

From there go to the preamp then amps, then source as resources allow. One note: consider something with star grounding, it’s in the upper range category below and significantly helps define resolution 

Upper end:

Nordost, Ansuz, Shunyata

Middle end:

PS Audio, Furman 

To Xenon,

I see you have a budget of $500.00. Some of these power cords will be more than that obviously. I have been experimenting with a few in your price range: Anti-Cable, Audio Art, Shunyata Alpha Series (excellent cable), and lately Audioquest Storm Series Hurricanes (pricey). 

One thing to consider is the connector itself. Audio Art offers Furutech connectors on most of their PC's and I noticed a huge difference with the FI-28 Rhodium connector. Now, if you want to stretch your budget a little bit, the Audioquest Storm Series Thunder starts at $625.00.

If it's anything like my Hurricanes...Get ready for a mind blower.   
If you don't have to over-spend for power cables, but are looking for superior performance for a modest price, I can't recommend virtue audio cable (Jason Terpstra) enough. It is unbelievable what you get for your money. I researched this subject to death. I have a $35,000 2 channel system and I run his power cords and his interconnects. 
If you spent a few more bought thenew Verastarr foil powercords.
i just added one to my digital and it made a sizable difference in resolution .i had auditioned 2 other cablesover $1k as well 
but not detailedand refined buy if you don’t need the fancy  weave  covering you can get a nice break in cost call Verastarr and see what is available all his cables are very high quality.
Hi , I started with Pangea . Then I went to Silnote Poseidon’s, then on to Analysis Cables . I will be trying Maple Shades Power Cables next . Many manufacturers offer a 30 day trial period . Also allow for some breakin time . I can’t comment on the higher end cords , because they are above my “ Stereo Allownce “ set by my wife 😝. Remember “ It’s the Journey , not the Destination “. So Happy Listening , Mike. 
If you can get some used quality Audioquest power cords for sale such as the NRG-10, NRG100 or a NRG1000, now that they have come out with better models, go for it.  In the past I have bee able to purchase demo power cords from an Audioquest dealer when they come out with new models.  Thus I was able to purchase their NRG10's for $450 when they first came out and later some NRG100's for $500.  Al in as new condition.  I have always preferred the Audioquest models when they first came out with their NRG10's and 100's.
A good power cable needs to have solid construction, fit tightly in the wall outlet, and have good insulation. By the budget you say you have, I'm sure all your equipment came with this kind. You are going to hear the usual mambo jumbo of exotic cables that can transfer power in ways not known to physical laws. If we believe all that crap we'll need to change all the power lines from the power station, to our houses to begin with, since they are made of aluminum steel reinforced. Safe the money for speakers, amplification, wine or music.
Shunyata venom for sure 
u can buy 3 for $500 
I replace much more expensive cord with venom and never looked back.
I really wonder.... If those who claimed to have bad experiences with the Pangea cables have a vested interest elsewhere.  I never heard any of the negatives that some here are claiming.  If they were genuinely bad experiences? Its still no reason not to try them. It may be a fluke thing. They are well made and sell for a much better price than those ones others approve of.  They are constructed with Cardas cable and litz.  I think I may smell a rat... But, one never knows.
Easy choice.
Signal Cable.
Well constructed, the biggest bang for the money. I bought 2 for Adcom GFA5802 and GFA5500. It was shipped so fast. I received it before Hurricane Irma hit us in Hollywood, Fl.
As an Electrical Engineer, who works for Power Generation, Distribution and Transmission multinational corporation, I appreciate excellent work and materials, Signal Cable is it. 

I second-thirds? oh what the heck I would like to reiterate what Samac and Nonoise said at the begining of this thread about Cullen PC Crossover 2's. They PC's take a little bit of time to break in BUT when they do they add a wonderful neutral clarity to the music. I would also like to add that the Sonar Quest plugs are just great plugs and they are so reasonably priced (well reasonably priced for this crazy hobby).I have re-terminated some old lossless PC's with the Sonar Quest plugs and it was a very nice improvement.

Best wishes

I went from a Furman power conditioner & Pangea power cables to all Shunyata in my 'reference' system and have never looked back. I will say that the Pangea AC-14XL cable seems to work reasonably well with my source equipment (i.e. Oppo BDP) and I use their AC-9SE Mk II with the sub-woofer on my home theater rig, but I will no longer use their cables for regular amplification. Try a used Cardas power cable or used Shunyata, if you can find one - you can always re-sell them if you don't like them.
I use Harmonic Technologies AC-11's. Lower priced cords with good results in my system.
I tried cables from both signal cable and Pangea and all the cables did not work well in my system (every system is different).  I think a few users mentioned it but for me they sucked the life out.  The stock power cables were better.  For reasonably priced cables, I would look into cables from audiosensibility.com. They use OCC cooper and that seems to make a difference.  I also use Audio Art cables, both the Power1 SE and the statement 2 cables.  Great cables.  Good luck!
I've had a very positive experience with DCCA power cords on my amp. Shunyata also a good one to look at, their cables really lower the noise floor. Found the Shunyata Black Mamba CX not as appealing on my preamp, music seemed less dynamic but really liked it on my phono stage.
Post removed 
I bought 3 Nordost Valhalla 2 meter for $500 each. At the same time I bought Valhalla 4 meter speakers wires. The SC were in need of repair. I thought what the Hell I'll put the PCs in while waiting for the SC to come back from Nordost. I ran one into my pre amp the other into mu mono blocks. I run dedicated lines. Was never a believer of high end cables. That has changed. I got back the Valhalla SC. They are amost broken in. Given the MSRP of $52k, I would Have never bought them. My price of $3,120 all in repaired and certified. Side note, I purchased Tyr interconnects and additional PCs that  cost me more then my original investment. All good, system warrants it.

For $500 new the Synergistic Research UHF Black 10 gauge is really good on an amp.