

Responses from dynaquest4

Please recommend speakers
if you cannot get towers for your larger room, then here is another vote for KEF LS-50s  
Walmart, 97 cents, for Vibration Control
I wrapped one around my right pinky flinger and my typing is now twice as fast.  Be sure to wrap counter clockwise...otherwise will slow you down.  
Does Power Cord Require Burn-In To Sound Good?
"What are non audiophiles doing on an audiophile site?"Why trolling of course! Actually a true, intelligent "audiophile" is more likely to call BS on snake oil tweaks than one who THINKS of himself as an audiophile. 
Does Power Cord Require Burn-In To Sound Good?
Why is that people with a grudge and an agenda masquerade as audiophiles and get their sadistic kicks haunting and trolling audiophile sites? To, of course, balance all the unscientific, unproven, useless bull crap that is put out on this forum... 
Does Power Cord Require Burn-In To Sound Good?
Again I ask: why do anti-audiophiles post on an audiophile site? Because the definition of an "audiophile" is subjective.  Often, an audiophile is one who says: "...and if I spend that much money I KNOW it will sound better!"“It is easier to fo... 
Does Power Cord Require Burn-In To Sound Good?
Ha, ha....it doesn't sound different because there is no difference.  Just witness the wiring before and after the power cord.  Hope you didn't get sucked in to spending too much!However this does not apply to lamp cords.  A better quality lamp co... 
Who thinks $5K speaker cable really better than generic 14AWG cable?
ctsooner...your post is overly defensive with no new information.  As Shakesphere said: "Methinks thou dost protest to much." 
Who thinks $5K speaker cable really better than generic 14AWG cable?
ctsooner: Wires, cables,etc. make very subtle differences (not necessarily positive) at best and if at all.  As soon as you said your wife, without cueing, said she noticed a "huge difference," I knew the rest of your post was BS.  And now we are ... 
Thiel is officially closed!!
Having the right product at the right quality level at the right time with the right marketing and run by the right leadership is a slippery balancing act.  Nakamichi is a good example. 
So What Is Real?
"....any silver version of AQ’s interconnects vs the corresponding copper version will change the character of a system greatly."Please! Greatly.....greatly? Perhaps there might be a subtle difference but it would be hardly audible; and that diffe... 
So What Is Real?
My point was that it’s already been argued for decades, what’s left to argue..... The troll is the OP who's been around long enough to know exactly how these types of threads end up. He's just baiting people. Methinks thou do protest too much.  I... 
So What Is Real?
Always cracks me up when a guy like the OP brings up a subject that has already been argued for decades like they’re the first ones to ever think of it I'm sure the OP is glad he was able to provide you with a moment of enjoyable humor.  That said... 
So What Is Real?
"I suspect I'm being trolled by @dynaquest4 "There it is....just as when bible beaters end a conversation about the true existence of divine intervention or the efficacy of prayer, and run out of counter points, they drop the "God works in mysteri... 
So What Is Real?
Holy Crap!  Just did the math.  18,000 LPs (and not counting the CDS and 78s he boasts) equates to buying a LP every day for 50 years. I'm throwing out the red BS flag on that one. 
So What Is Real?
$165,000 on a listening room is an extreme example of the cost involved when the financial  principle of diminishing returns is ignored.  This poster could potentially have achieved 95% of the sound quality he was looking for at the $50,000 mark. ...