Used DACs for sale - help me choose

Considering purchase for under $1k the following and interested to hear which you prefer / recommend? Why?



Bel Canto 1.5


Kingbr stole my words. I have a Denafrips Pontus 12th anniversary and it outshines all the DAC's I had before it. The Ares 2 would be very similar, I am thinking. 

Definitely Denafrips Ares II 12th. Nothing I have owned comes close. I have had Schiit Bifrost 2, NuPrime DAC9-SE, Parasound ZDAC V2. The Denafrips has a sense of realism and a 3D like soundstage unlike no other DAC I have heard. Not taking anything at all away from the other DAC's it's just the Denafrips is that good. The Bifrost is also an excellent DAC, but for me, in my system the Denafrips (same price point) is a step above. You can get this unit brand new through Vinshine Audio for around $900 US. Their shipping is super fast (I received mine in less than 1 week) and their customer service is excellent!


Best of luck!

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I'll agree partially with Samureyex; Buy a new Gustard X16 for $500.00 anywhere.  I have been continuously amazed at how good this sounds, and if a new technology comes out you haven't sunk a big amount of $$. 

If you are going to buy used, there is the likelihood the model will be out of the warranty period.

When selecting models have a investigation to learn if there are upgrade packages on offer for the model, this can prove to be a very beneficial method to getting further up the ladder in performance quality.

In some cases for not too much monies outlaid for a upgrade kit, a DAC can be produced that will hold its own against substantially more expensive models.  

IMHO,  anything spent above $300 new for a dac these days and you reach the law of diminishing returns.  For instance,  a Schiit Modius $229,  or ifi Zen Dac Signature I or 2 $249 - $300 are such high value products, that it pays to listen to them before you go down the dac rabbit hole.  If you want a better dac you can always spend more. But at least give these a try.  😊

+1, I agree with the above choice of the Ayre CODEX DAC. This DAC sounds excellent and should be priced under $1,000.

See this link for an Ayre CODEX DAC

If you can stretch budget to buy a new Gustard R26 or look for a used one possibly within budget, you will be happy for a very long time. There was a sale recently that dropped the price down to $1,500. No longer active last I checked. 

Also when it comes to R26, there are ways you can improve it even further once you're ready. Just make sure you like the R2R sound, and the R26 is not your average R2R. 

I own the Musician Pegasus R2R NOS DAC that is excellent and you can get it used for $800 below.  Plus, you can add something like a Pegasus Pisces or Denafrips Iris DDC and take advantage of the Pegasus’ i2S input that upgrades its performance significantly over SPDIF.  I bought a used Iris and was surprised at the increase in performance, so a good future upgrade to look forward to.

If you’d prefer Bel Canto I had this DAC 3.0 VBS in my system on demo years ago and it’s also excellent, especially with the VBS power supply.  Here’s one also in your price range…

I had them in my system too far apart to make any meaningful comparisons but would put them both on the same level and doubt you’d be disappointed with either.  Hope this helps, and best of luck. 

I honestly don’t know what to recommend you that’s under $1k that is high-performance. the MHDT Orchid dac and Musical Paradise D2 dac are high performance but slightly out of budget.

Highly recommend people to STAY AWAY from Topping D90SE dac. Very homogenous boring sound.

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I would pass on the OPPO as they are defunct.   Consider a used Border Patrol if you don't need DSD.     The RME adi2 can be had for less and is a good DAC.......

No experience with the Bel Canto but they make good stuff