Used audiophile preamp

 I’m looking for a used  audiophile preamp either solid state or tube. Looking for recommendations. Prefer less than $4000. Currently own Jeff Rowland Consumate preamp, phonostage and power supply.  Older technology but still excellent. What does newer technology have to offer over what I have?  Soundstage? Musicality? My system includes Linn turntable, Odyssey Kismet monoblocks, Spatial M3 Turbo spkrs, Schitt DAC, Cambridge CD Turntable, PS Nuwave, etc.  Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated. All input welcome. Thanks.

I owned both ET5 and ET7 and in my opinion ET7 is a improvement over the ET5. In many ways there is no comparison. Improved clarity, dynamics, staging, imaging, and noise floor. Top end extension on ET7 really shines and is sweet. ET7 series 2 has a bit more refinement.
 Every CJ preamp has its charms! 
Conrad Johnson pre's are really what they are know for best, although their amps are incredible. CJ Premier product line is usually Stereophile status such as Premier 16LS; Premier 17LS, etc (not Premier 18 in my opinion) ET5 is newer and in ways superior to their new mid product the ET7 (have not heard the ET-7 series 2 which came out w/ in a year of the ET7 release.  Just some recommendations. The price is now always an indicator as well. The Premier 17LS in ways is less liquid than 16LS, but not in a bad way. Most everyone I know who has had a 16LS, had a 17LS and could never completely decide which to keep so they ended up keeping both because there is the slightest difference. They all sound like CJ pre's though. 
If you are thinking of tube amplification, i agree CJ....Quicksilver is great too and huge bang for the buck.   I would also recommend going Rowland amp if you were to make an upgrade and stay SS.    My preamps up until recently proved to be the bottleneck of my system,  My c-j pre sounds fantastic and I'm fairly certain it would be big $$$ to improve it.    I upgraded my amps since and they too were an improvement but I honestly think that pre is so good I could upgrade my other components further and the preamp would not be outclassed.

My point, if you have a great pre there are probably better ways to spend your money.
Perhaps rather than replacing the amps consider an upgrade with new high end capacitors in the audio path.  Many have had success with this approach.  Mundorf Supreme Silver, Gold, Oil (1200 volt versions), Miflex, Dualand, several others.  Find a reputable shop who has worked with your equipment.   Personally this has worked wonders for my vintage tube equipment and some SS as well.  
 Thanks all for your input. I have a dedicated listening room which I just built during a basement build out.  I have bass traps and I’m experimenting with different traps etc to optimize room acoustics. The Rowland is exceptional. I purchased the Rowland Consumate and phono stage 30 plus years ago. I was curious to know if newer preamps had significantly improved in musicality and sound stage, etc. No gotta haves but love to hear recommendations.
For a coherent musical and neutral piece I think the Rowland is very hard to beat. But many people have systems that other pre’s may have better synergy with. Depends on what kind of sound you are going for.
My friend owned an Audible Illusions preamp and recently purchased the  Primaluna Prologue preamp.  The Prima is much more musical, was more open sounding (bigger soundstage) and was just rally nice to listen to.  For the $2300 list price, it was a nice addition to his system.  Way more musical.  I do like the Don Sachs recommendation also.  I just built a 6SN7 preamp design although I won't sell it for $1799 starting price like the basic one from Don.  It compares nicely to the DHT preamp we also build.  You cannot go wrong with either if you like a tube sound versus SS sound.  I prefer tubes as you can see as I find SS just a little dry for my old ears.

Happy Listening.
Save your hard earned money and buy this one from Don Sachs.

For around $2,500  it will blow you away. You will have to spend $5000 on the over priced ones out there or more to out perform it. Contact Don and talk to him.

I enjoy both my old Conrad Johnson PV11 and new Schiit Freya. Go with tubes, whatever the brand - I am also very pleased w/new PrimaLuna power amp and would try them for preamp. I would try Schiit Saga as a trial into tube preamps if you dont need balanced, Freya if you do. Then you have money left over for a decent phono preamp (I still use the CJ PV11 as my phono preamp but am considering options if I go with a low output MC cartridge).
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How about telling us what you feel is lacking in your system ?, as it could just be upgradetitus. How about better room acoustics.  Enjoy ! MrD.
Might want to consider one of the YBA pre amps that come up occasionally. Great value in a well designed and feature laden component. I love the way they implemented the volume control on the remote. Hard to explain why, seems more logrithmic than linear if that makes any sense. 
You will be wasting money trying to replace the Rowland! Better you bought a Rowland amp instead and sold the Odyssey's!
That Rowland preamp will be hard to beat! Why be so dissatisfied and wish to change?
I loved my Primaluna Dialogue Premium. Parts and build quality are excellent and the sound is "modern," full range.

Made music from my Sonos listenable.