
Discussions mjmch2003 has started

PS Audio Stellar S300 + Magnepans..?28330
McIntosh Preamps - Moving Coil Vs. Moving Magnet Input50455
Low Volume Listening - XLR Cables ??243814
Pangea Audio Premier XL Digital Cable - Mini Review89670
In-outlet Filter/Conditioner Devices15641
Nuprime IDA-16 Owner's Questions29140
AC Cables - Flexible and Small Gauge ?20388
Bookshelf speakers that sound good on a SHELF or SIDEBOARD697424
Amazon Fire - anyone using as a streamer/transport WITHOUT the TV ?20352
iPhone into Bel Canto 2.5 ??29664
Line Conditioner - Small (3 outlets or less)226823
"One Box Solutions" - Suggestions ?495822
Amps for Primaluna Dialogue Premium Preamp30326
Electric Interference + Line / Surge Conditioning28118
Pre to match with Bel Canto amp s59298