Underrated jazz greats

I listen to all sorts of music, but mostly jazz. There are many musicians who, for whatever reason, don't attract the attention that their great gifts possibly deserve. I would be interested to know who others think are hidden gems in the jazz world, who have contributed substantially to the genre.

I will begin with two musicians who I believe are outstanding, and deserving of the highest recognition.

1) Lew Tabackin - an outstanding tenor player, and a phenomenal jazz flutist in my view.

2) Sir Roland Hanna - tremendous command of the keyboard, and he thought around the perimeter of pieces to make them both musically and intellectually satisfying.

Very interested in others' thoughts.
Sam Rivers - Fuchsia Swing Song is a record everyone should listen to. Also Andrew Hill - Point of Departure has some of the most complex writing of its era, and is played loose enough that it still really swings.
Monty Alexander 3 alumni and bassist Paul Berner is finally getting some deserved recognition here in Europe, with his excellent Hi-res download, Road to Memphis.
The album which is best described as an''americana '' jazz sound track to the movie yet to be made of Elvis Presley's deal with the Devil( Colonel Parker) is a true gem.
There is a great interview with Mr. Berner on you tube, telling about the idea behind the album:
Paul Berner on Faust, Elvis ,Tom Parker and the Devil...
And there are audio examples of the album here:
If I was Neil Young I'd ask Paul Berner to be allowed to license the album, this is what Hi-Res audiophile sound is all about.
Paul Desmond was imho a "quiet" but phenomenal genius of the sax. I also think he was the "wings beneath" Dave Brubeck. With a lesser player on sax I think much of Brubecks work wouldn't have had near the popularity and recognition. In fact, as a big fan of the Dave Brubeck Quartet-with Paul Desmond--I don't think Brubeck had anywhere near the same output- in quality, musicality, inventiveness or popularity- after Desmond. I think the gel with Desmond was "magic", pure & simple. Probably as great as any 2 collaborators.
Horace Tapscott - a longtime mainstay of the LA jazz community was a piano player with a unique way of establishing musical momentum. His was the sound of inevitability.

Lenny Breau - So much talent that it had to hurt. Calling him a jazz player is too limiting. He was a universal musician.
'Water from an Ancient Well' is available on Amazon. Ibrahim was A.K.A. 'Dollar Brand'. Check under both names to see all his stuff.

Some people are not so much underrated, as they are not popular. And this can be for various reasons. Appearance, age, gender, race, style of play etc.... But the guardians, the enthusiasts, the keepers of the flame so to speak, they know!!
How about abdullah Ibrahim. If you can find it, Water from an Ancient Well. Great compositions ( Ibrahim is an Ellington disciplle), terrific band and outstanding recording.
I know many complain about the new Audiogon but I hope that people remain involved if only for threads like this which are invaluable for discovering new music. Thanks to all for posting. I will be purchasing several CDs or LPs based on this thread.
thanks to all for posting - I never suggested that Tabackin, Roland Hanna and Paul Desmond were not recognized in their genre, only observe that they get less attention as unique voices in jazz than they maybe deserve.
When I lived in Berlin in the 70's a lot of black artists lived there because the freedom from racism was exilirating.
Jazz IS underappreciated in the states. I just finished reading an interview with legendary Latin Jazz artist Jerry Gonzalez where he sez he's been living in Spain for the past 12 yrs due to being able to earn a better living there but more importantly, he feels his art is much better appreciated. This is a scenario, American Jazz artists living abroad, that's existed practically since the advent of Jazz. The U.S. has almost always had it's head up it's butt regarding Jazz. Sadly, in this day of American Idol I believe it's worse than ever before.
Of course I am referring to the USA. And Jazz is not appreciated would be a more accurate way of putting it. And thanks for the history lesson. :)
10-18-12: Rok2id
I think the truth is, that Jazz is underrated in this culture.

My friend, Jazz came from this culture, if you are referrering to the USA.
My vote for best thread! How about Billy Bauer, wonderful guitarist and teacher. Or Jimmy Bruno a monster guitarist a very nice guy (and guitar teacher).
I'm not a true blue jazz fan but if I had to pick someone who is underrated as a jazz great it would be Van Morrison.
First of all Stan Getz was hardly underrated.Obviously, If this list is any indication the late great Sonny Criss might be the most underrated. This Is Criss, Crisskraft,Saturday Morninig... Mr, Criss played alto sax.
Great and not (as) celebrated. Guitar - Steve Masakowski, Steve Khan, Phil Upchurch, Dave Stryker, Ernest Ranglin, Mark Elf. Bass - Harvie S. Harmonica - Hendrik Meurkens. Sax - Mark Turner, George Coleman. Trumpet - Claudio Roditi, Jon Faddis. Piano - Fred Hersch. And that just scratches the surface I'm sure.
Most of those mentioned are great, but are also quite celebrated within their genre'. I'm not sure they're really "underrated".
I second the votes for Paul Desmond, Kenny Barron and Sonny Clark. Also on sax: Dave Liebman. On trumpet, I vote for Tom Harrell - an absolute master at blowing in-the-pocket, economical solos. Piano - Michel Petrucciani. Not necessarily known as a Jazz artist, but who essentially played a jazz kit and a jazz style and I feel doesn't get his rightful due is Charlie Watts on drums.
Paquito D'Rivera - Winner of bookcases full of awards, invited to the White House and is loved world-wide. That said, he absolutely isn't even thought of by most Jazz-lovers when considering 'best of' type status. IMO, he's simply one of the finest musicians of all time!!
Stan Getz..the greatest Sax player who ever lived..won five Grammy's..whenever the subject of who was the greatest sax player?..Stan always gets snubbed..never makes the top of the list..His album Jazz Samba is the second largest selling jazz album of all time..Kind of Blue is the first..in 1945 at the age of fifteen..he played at Carnegie Hall with Charlie Parker..he influenced everybody.." If only we could all play like Stan "..Miles Davis.
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The post's on this thread indicate those who posted are true jazz aficionado's. During these times, I don't have money to waste; however, buying the best jazz is a necessity. Viridian recommended "Jaki Byard with Strings", which I have ordered. I think it would be helpful if everyone went through their collection and chose the best CD by the artist they highlighted, that's available.
Bobby Timmons was one of the all time greats. His work with Blakey and the Messengers is unforgettable, also with Cannonball and Nat Adderly. To me, he was the personification of "soul".
Bobby Timmons.
- I remember going to see The Eddie Gomez Trio play a Bill Evans tribute @ Cezanne in Houston in 2003. The other two in Gomez's trio were Stefan Karlsson on piano and Jimmy Cobb on drums. I brought a copy of Timmons' This Here is Bobby Timmons for Cobb to sign since he performed on the album (and his photograph was on the back). Cobb seemed surprised that I wasn't presenting him with the yet another copy of Kind of Blue like everyone else around me. And to go with that reaction the people waiting in line with their copies of Kind of Blue gave me odd looks at my copy of the Timmons album. It felt as though no one knew who in the heck the guy even was. What a pity.
Viridian - well said vis-a-vis Rashaan. There was an expression of true dedication to the medium.
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Fortunately, almost all of those mentioned are well represented in my collection; including Tina Brooks. I have him on Mosaic Blue Note LP's.

I would like to add Ray Nance; he played violin, trumpet, and could sing. While he is best known for trumpet, I like his violin. On Chico Hamilton's "The Head Hunters", I know there's smoke coming off the violin strings, I can smell it coming through the speakers.