Trojan Warning?

Am I the only one consistently getting a "Trojan" warning whenever I open Audiogon lately? Malwarebytes is my virus blocker.


Nothing amiss here on my side except that I now noticed that Malwarebytes no longer shows up on my toolbar. For the longest time they've been trying to get me to purchase their Premium version, which I won't. I can only now access it when searching my Finder.

It could be some tactic to get you to buy their next level of protection if you only use their free version. An Apple tech told me to just get rid of it since their latest round of updates makes it unnecessary and somewhat incompatible with Apple's OS.

All the best,


Can you screenshot and/or right click and copy the link of the ad and send it into



Well, I attempted a screenshot which did not show up in my downloads, but now the warning has gone away. I suppose taking a screen shot is a new antivirus move. LOL

Will keep you apprised if it shows up again.

Nothing here on my desktop computer or iPad.  You may be getting a false positive from your anti-virus software.

Emptying your browser cache usually gets rid of local script-based junk pop-ups, and the associated malware scanning warnings.


I am trying to reach Tammy. Why is there no daily recap on Saturday’s any more? 

@tammyholt ^ ​​@ronboco

I am trying to reach Tammy. Why is there no daily recap on Saturday’s any more? 

@ronboco Please send me an email to about this.  

Every time I log in, I get a pop-up that says: "go away, you know nothing about audio and these members can't stand your woke rambling."

It would help if there was a filter button for certain users so that I don’t see their comments. Also a time travel button. That’s all for now.

@nonoise - for me, every time I went to the Forums, I'd get that warning message from my virus detector. 

@larsman - I hope they don't defund those detectors like they have been doing for others. I like to stay virus free.

I have seen no Trojan warnings today. By the way I am subscribed yearly to Malwarebytes, but I am not a "premium" member, so I am open to the possibility that they may have been trying to scare me a little into the more expensive package.

But the OS hasn't changed in 20 years. It's harder to use than Windows 11. 

I'm using Mac, so no Malwarebytes, no antivirus and no cryptic warnings.

Just added Audiogon Forum to allowed sites, so that will presumably stop the screen warnings.

None here on Mac Book Pro, or iPhone15,

iPad Air 2, the iPad is blessing for  I’m able 

to load my Music Library on at 128 GB.