Trade- off, power SS vs tube magic.

As everyone knows, tubes are expensive. Can a higher power SS substitute for this "subjective" magic. One reviewer said he made the transition and did not miss the tubes. What do you say? Let's try to keep the speaker variable out of this.
I owned a Plinius SS amp before I switched to tubes (Rogue Audio).  I was very happy with the sound of the Plinius amp and preamp.  They just were not as reliable as I would like.  Every two years I would have to travel to the repair shop.  Hopefully the Rogue Audio will not have that problem...but of course I will have to replace the tubes eventually.  
Audiofeil, where are you? I have given you all of the details in regard to my speakers. Would you like more?
Orpheus10, have you considered active crossovers and some sort of multi-amplification?
If you do not account for the speaker used, then I am comfortable describing any good results obtained as "magic" or perhaps more accurately "luck".
While I was pecking away on my keyboard, Tvad, once again, was out in front and, as usual, more eloquent.
Rrog and Rleff,

Perhaps I could have worded it better. All I was trying to say is that, in trying to describe a tube amplifiers sound, it is not unheard of for someone to state that a particular tube amplifier's sound has more in common with solid state than the typical tube amp. For instance, I have frequently heard it said that the sound of modern tube amplifiers is more solid state like than older vintage tube designs.
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>>Ridiculous . . . Do some homework on the subject. <<
>>Speaking only for myself, I am not like you and the other morons you speak of. <<
>>However, you fit well into that grouping based on this and other threads. <<
>>That being said, I know the subject matter. <<
>>It would behoove you to have a modicum of it before blasting others.<<

Audiofeil, this was a completely civil conversation before you joined in.

Who exactly provoked you? Take your time.

"it's called tubelike if it's SS and vice versa."

I don't think I have ever heard someone say this tube amplifier is the most solid state sounding yet.
The question with tubes is: "how would you like your signals to be distorted?" (I think most people refer to this distortion as "warmth") To that extent, if your interest is in tubes, then the only answer is that you have to listen to each amplifier in question and pick the one that colors the signal in the manner that is most pleasing to your ears.
The one quality I consistently prefer in tubes over SS is in creating the perception of dimensionality, or body.
I've been reading these posts thinking that eventually, I'd get a better handle on your question. That's not meant to be a put-down; there are just different ways that I can interpret your question. If I interpret it literally, the answer is easy because when you use the term ""subjective" magic", you're question implies its own answer: everyone will have to decide for themselves. You can't ask for an objective answer to a question with subjective variables.

If I may suggest a question that might serve your purpose and get you a better response, it would be something like: Is there some ineffable quality exclusive to tubes (tube magic)?

Tubes and SS share most audiophile desired virtues to some degree e.g., warmth, soundstage, transparency, detail, dynamics. Each design has it's reputation for providing a mix of those virtues with different relative values. If a designer develops a product with virtues typically associated with the other design, it's called tubelike if it's SS and vice versa. But if there exists an ineffable quality to tubes that some might be sensitive to and others not, that will be the determining factor in the question of whether or not solid state can replace tubes.
Wow! Maybe we should ask you, Can a higher power SS substitute for this "subjective" magic?
Audiofiel,T-vad, onhway61, malfan; my speakers are custom built 3 way. The crossover was designed by an eccentric engineer who did nothing else. It utilizes Solen Metallized polypropylene capacitors for the woofer, and Jantzen Superior Series Z-capacitors for the midrange and tweeter. The tweeter is a ESS Heil air motion transformer, the mid driver is Vifa 6 inch mid woofer, the woofer is a 12 inch Pioneer. Each driver has it's own crossover, that means three crossovers per side. Speaker wire is maximized for each driver; copper silver composite for the tweeter and so on. It is a 3-way 4th order T-type; the crossover frequencies are 400/2500; 92DB efficiency. At present, they are operating on the 4 ohm out of a tube amp.

The ESS AMT is a dipole, this accentuates the "Holographic" sound stage which is behind the speakers, that appear for the most part to be useless pieces of furniture. Non audiophiles have to get up and look behind the speakers for hidden speakers, since that is where the sound is emanating from.

If this is not a good enough descripiton, I can provide more.
Orpheus10 I have audio valve challangers and jeff roland model 6 mono's;my 2 sets of speakers are soundlab m2's and usher rw729's.I listen to both combos when I feel like moving gear around and the tubes seem to me in my enviroment to present a more lifelike/realistic presentation of the source material;however the rolands do sound very tube like as well but I still prefer the tubes.
My taste in music run from jazz,vocals,easy listening,acoustic,and pink floyd even drops in now and then.
So rather than actually state what speaker/amp you're currently using and asking for a comparison/comment to the BAT amp you instead ask a vague question about solid state vs. tube amps. Then you compound it by getting snippy with those who point out your fallacious premise. If you don't like how the thread has evovled, you have no one to blame but yourself. A direct question based upon factual info would have gotten you better responses.

BTW, a watt is a watt. A tube watt a millisecond after clipping can be different than a solid state watt under the same circumstances. But again, much depends upon the specific speaker load.
It's nice to be among geniouses (is that the proper plural for more than one genious). I know that P = E x I, and several other formulas for "watts". But what I don't know is how to substitute "tube watts" for "SS watts"; and I would appreciate it if no one told me "Watts is watts".
Don't connect the BAT up to your speakers though. Leave the speakers
out of your evaluation to remain true to the spirit of the thread ;)
Hack, it's amazing that you should mention the BAT VK 500. That's the amp I want to audition and compare to a tube amp.
One observation...if you keep the speakers out of it, both SS and tubed amps begin to sound remarkably....alike :?)

Seriously, you just gotta listen to a lot of gear then buy what you like. Both tubed amps and SS amps can sound good but they tend to have somewhat different strengths. Don't forget about hybrids - check out Lamm, Moscode and others. Make sure you have enough power for your sp...kers and room size. And, don't worry, once you settle in on something you like, something else will come along that you think you like better.
"One needs a good dealer after reading this."..............Totally agree with Bjesien,s comment. Oh well I learned Audiofeil is a dealer and all this time I just thought he was using. Cheers
I was entralled with my BAT VK500 solid state amp, but I'm not surprised given BAT's preference for tubes. It's really hard to say whether it was "tube like" as I have a BAT tubed preamp, but having used other SS amps since then, I have to say BAT had the tube sound dialed in on their SS amps. Stupid good, kicking myself for selling it.
"This would be a good time to let people know that you are a dealer."

Not that he needs my help, but I have to throw in with Audiofeil on this one. In addition to the reasons already mentioned, Audiofeil has served as nothing less than Audiogon's most stalwart advocate of dealer disclosure when it make even the slightest sense.
The answer is that this was a troll from the outset and you all are providing the entertainment that the OP sought in the first place.
FWIW there is something special I hear from tube amps that no SS amp has imitated. The answer is not slow, dark, warm to excess, rolled off, droopy, syrupy sound either, quite the opposite, I get crystalline top end, holographic imaging. and transparency. I will admit SS has generally better bass emphasis extension and control. That said my tube amps with my speakers deliver very satisfying bass never the less.
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>>08-18-10: Sounds_real_audio
This would be a good time to let people know that you are a dealer<<

Sure thing soundsreally.

Simply point out the manufacturer and/or model I've mentioned which connects me to a financial interest in one of their products.

Take your time.
I wish you could 'leave the speakers out of it'.
Sorry, no can do. What you get as sound is not just 'amp' or 'speaker', but the combo. Happy combo makes good sound. mating a speaker with hi impedance swings and huge phase angles on even the best tube amp will probably result in unhappy. Likewise, a good, well executed SDFR design may be happier with tubes.
It's all about that mystical term....'synergy'.
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To answer your question and in my opinion, NO. There are plenty of variabls as already stated about plus your own preerences. That being said, there are ways to modify both to make them better but I have never heard a SS amp do what a tube amp can do in the right system. Same goes for a tube amp. Trade offs can be limited but then it comes down to person taste.
>>08-18-10: Orpheus10
it's just that not everyone appreciates my sense of humor<<

Not true at all.

I find you an extremely comedic character.
I'm with you Bojack, it's just that not everyone appreciates my sense of humor.
Music is a peaceful endeavor, so let's leave the flames at home, OK? As Prince said, "I have two sides, and they both friends."
Orp10, if you're one of the few that can appreciate the subtle nuances that ONLY a tube amp can deliver, then why did you ask the question in the first place? Not that I agree since I sit listening to magical music provided by my humble
SS system. And Class D amplification at that. (Previous amp was tubed)
I forgot, this is "Audiogon", not "Musiogon". Those of us who can appreciate the subtle "nuances" that only a tube amp can deliver; must contend with those who can not.
I have never heard SS sound like tubes, not even several Pass amps said to be the closest thing. The speaker variable you choose to leave out of equation makes it impossible to answer, though you may not like that answer, some speakers will work better with SS, magic or not, and will make some great tube amps sound terrible, tube amps need smooth speaker impedance and the higher the better, if you don't have that, and SS amp is likely to be preferable.
There's no such thing as magic, tube or otherwise. And you can't keep the speaker out of the amplifier equation.
Am I to ass-u-me the speaker will work equally as well with tubes or solid state? Is the primary concern the amount of power or sound quality?
Well I was going to post, but shall decline due to my moronic tendency to point out the obvious.

Enjoy your search for amplifier nirvana.
Mlsstl, you may have given me "my" right answer. An amp for 5K puts out 250wpc. With a tube amp it's not a matter of getting 250 wpc, but how many WPC can I get for 5K. Of course both amps must deliver the sound quality that we demand.