Those that upgraded from Tekton

What did you move on to?


I think it’s time I move on from my DIs, I really like how they sound but they are just too big and opposing for my room. Would be interested in something front ported as I have a room that is wide but not deep (speakers are 8 ft away from listening position and only 1 ft from back wall).

Was thinking Cornwall IV maybe or something from Salk but those might not be an upgrade from the DI.

Up to $5k budget and prefer used. Powered by Line Magnetic LM805i

And please don’t come here just to talk crap about Tekton……….


“ Come on guys give tsushima1 give him a break.  He's already yawning and needs his nap.  You know how cranky he gets when adults keep him up“

Sadly so true … I am sorry to say, If only there was a modicum, a glimpse … even a spark of wit or originality I might stay awake.  

"And please don’t come here just to talk crap about Tekton………."

Read the post! Why the negative comments about speakers that the OP likes? Very strange!

The mere fact that I openly express a forthright opinion

You left out repeatedly

The mere fact that I "repeatedly" openly express a forthright opinion

Also not sure what you mean by forthright. I wish I could figure out the axe you feel you need to grind regarding Tekton but talk  about a shill. Who’s paying you to talk bad about this product?

There you have it … the product speaks for itself,  ergo no renumeration required. 

And another Tekton thread goes to s$&t in ….3…2…1……..





Tannoy legacy eaton can still be had for $5500 new. Front ported, and available @ upsscale audio. I am certain that they will not stay at that price very long, as everything is going up. I’m shocked the price on them in the US has not gone up yet, as they have in Europe/UK. Yes, they are big, in fact huge standmounters, but not ugly like, well, you know....

audioguy85's avatar


1,464 posts


Tannoy legacy eaton can still be had for $5500 new. Front ported, and available @ upsscale audio. I am certain that they will not stay at that price very long, as everything is going up. I’m shocked the price on them in the US has not gone up yet, as they have in Europe/UK. Yes, they are big, in fact huge standmounters, but not ugly like, well, you know....

Nice idea. I was researching used Stirlings earlier today. 

Post removed 

I demo'd a 35wpc Primaluna on my old Salk Songtowers. These have the same 88db efficiency as the Song 3 but at a tougher 6ohm impedance with a dip down to 3ohms. No problem...nice and loud...plenty of bass slam. And they sounded better on the 8ohm taps!

The Song 3 BeAT are an easier 8ohm load. All Salk speakers are relatively easy to drive with most modest/high quality power amps.

A good 30+w tube with a decent power supply will be fine. 

At 3am. this morning....thoroughly enjoying Miles D. and Linda R. on my Tekton Pendragons ( w/ 7 speaker tweeter array) and a little Makers Mark on the rocks. Was in Audio heaven with the Clearaudio Aurum Beta S cart. I love to just enjoy the Music and forget about what equipment is producing it. Heard the Volti in Tampa and was not impressed. Heard the Fritz and loved it.Alta Audio speakers are something special also. My next speakers will probably be the Cornwall IV...good luck to you.

Tannoy or Tekton....hmmm let me think about it.....


Seriously, I often forget about Tannoy and need to fix that.    Definitely an alternative to Tekton these days.

I really liked the Song 3 Encores at the RMAF.  Unfortunately, I had already purchased my speakers.  Wish I had waited for the show.  They sounded better than a $60,000 system next door.  However, Jim Salk was playing them through a pair of tube Monoblock's.  I wonder if the tube amps had something to do with it.  Maybe there is something about tube to consider?

Have you thought about Atc? I don’t know if they’re better or worse than what you got; probably they are just different. They do well close to a wall because they’re sealed and the SCM 40, for example, is a relatively small speaker compared to yours. You can get them used for around 4K, so it will fit your budget. See if you can find an opportunity to listen. I love mine. 

Went from DIs to Dynaudio Contour 20s. I don’t think I had enough power for those at the time and they didn’t stay long. Then got some Klipsch Chorus 2s which were fun but ultimately we’re not any of the things audiophiles look for besides being loud!! Sounded good with lots of eq. Then bought some Cerwin Vega DX9s (was on a vintage speaker rock trip). They were freaking awesome! ….. for some things. Rock is rock on those dudes, they had a built in eq that was just right. Liked the Cerwins way more than the Klipsch and I would not mind owning another pair some day.

Today have Pioneer S1EX and a pair of Focal 836W. I would say they both do certain things better than the DIs. The DIs were really fun though sounded huge and were fun to listen to. Very detailed and non fatiguing. Cabinet talked at loud levels and or the tweeters (mid range) was giving out. I would love to hear some higher end Tektons with a sturdier cabinet and possibly more “high end” drivers.  

Local ATC 40V2 near me for sale I have been eying m669. What have you compared them to? 

Honestly, the only direct Comparison has been older KEFs, so you should take my point of view with a grain of salt. I am a maniac researcher, however, who has studied and read a lot about this stuff, for what that’s worth.

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For a smaller room, were rear ported might be delicate to tune, may I suggest single driver with active bass. I have a been using rethm (maarga model for me), but Bhaava, or Trishna could  be excellent  in your listening space.


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I own a pair of Moabs with berillium tweeter. Compared to the 10K dynaudio contour 60 i owned previously the moabs are good upgrade. The moabs are much more revealing, wider soundstage and timbre is preciser. But the Moabs are not as good as the dynaudio contour 3.3 i owned 3 years ago, just before the contour 60. The contour 3.3 have two fundamental abilities. They nail timbre. You have constantly the feeling of the matericity of the instrument, brass, wood, strings and so on. Second they nail the soundstage in a way that the space entrolls in front of you like a map. This means that with a precise timbre and a precise soundstage you get immediately lost in the music. The only defect of the contours 3.3 is a lack of texture in the lower areas. The contour 60 fail both in timbre and in soundstage, and the moabs do better in both but do not have the magic of the contour 3.3. The moabs are better as the contour 3.3 only in representing the piano. So i'm looking to for an upgrade. But it seems to me that to get back the magic of the contour 3.3 i have to spend about 50k so probably i will go back to the contour 3.3. 

Preciser?? Matericity?? Entrolls??!

If we're going to make up words, my word is 'scrumtrulescent'.



why not look for some Dynaudio C2 or C4 ? Old fun sound should be an upgrade to the 3.3 I would think. Heard the S1.4 and the C1. Thought the C1 was much better. Never heard the older older stuff. 

Hmm won’t let me edit. Don’t know even how that came out like that! Meant to say older Confidence should be an upgrade to the 3.3 if you don’t like the new direction. Dynaudio is going. 

Also very interesting you prefer the old 3.3s to the Moabs. 

I have had the Tekton DI SE for about a month now. So far I like the speakers alot. I can run them with my smaller tube amp. I would say they go deep and agree with others the sound signature is different, although not necessarily better. Mine are not broken in yet. I have Vandersteen 2CE Sig II speakers with two Rythmik subwoofers and the sound is also good with different listening situations.

Not sure why people pit speakers against other speakers. The more the merrier, but as one poster requested..... if you have experience with a brand/model of speaker tell us what it is, if you don't.... just stay out of the conversation because it just shows ignorance and stupidity.