Thanks for posting this. I'm Jewish and I love this Pope and his message and actions.  Now I like him even more.  I can't imagine he has an expensive system, but perhaps some manufacturer will gift him one. 

Thought that Catholic Priests, Bishops, Cardinals and Popes are committed to a life of poverty??????????????????

Sorry raised Lutheran just another way of spelling Catholic only no kneeling or sex scandals.

I assumed the angels just sung now I am stumped. Also Jewish though Secular and I also think this Pope is the bomb.

Post removed 

And YOU are worried about priest? I'd say look out for yuviarora. I guess you're speaking of David playing the harp to soothe Saul's tormented mind. It's hot over there and David had killed a Lyon and a Bear as a sheppard. They didn't have AR15s you know. AND He was NO BOY.


Not sure about his system, but I'm quite positive he must have GF Handel - Messiah in his collection.. probably multiple performances;



🙄....and y’all think I’m weird....

Just sayin’, the man could have any performance Live by asking, and most would consider it an honor to do so....

...and ’reproduction’ in the Vatican?!

If Trojan is looked askance at, Memorex surely is...’streaming’ likely has a connotation as well 😜....

I'll bet you won't find a vinyl copy of Too Tough To Die by The Ramones in his collection.

The pope covers up for pedophiles and my post gets deleted? 

Effed up world this is. Up is down.

Let's all celebrate the woke pedo pope, and all the pope's that came before. 

As long as he is on board with Vaccines and Melting ice caps, doesn't matter how many kids skeletons are buried in his closet. 


Yayyyyyyyy for the pope 🤸🤸‍♂️🤸‍♀️

Love this thread 💗