The New Lampizator Horizon DAC

On Saturday, I was lucky enough to be invited to the unofficial launch of the all-new Lampizator Horizon DAC in Los Angeles.  I have a Pacific and love it but I was intrigued to experience whether the Horizon was that much better.  So, My wife and I drove the 6 hours from Arizona to attend.  

The event had about 18 people in attendance and featured Lukasz Fikus, the owner and brains behind Lampizator.  We had a 5-hour listening session which included direct A/B comparisons between the Pacific and the Horizon, operating the Horizon without a preamp, and finally tube rolling.

My impressions were the Lampizator created a DAC that could change people's minds on comparing digital to vinyl,  The amount of detail, smoothness, clarity, speed was incredible.   For those interested in tube rolling the options are almost endless and I heard firsthand many different tube combinations which changed the SQ of the music.  Finally, at the end of the session, we ran the Horizon without a preamp.  The preamp used in the system was Lamm and the whole system was well over $700k.  So we are talking about a very high-end component grouping.   IMO, the Horizon DAC delivered about 95% of the sound without a Preamp.  It was super hard to discern any differences in SQ.

This DAC was so good that I ended up ordering one.  For anyone going to the Tampa Audio show, Lukasz Fikus will be there to officially launch the Horizon to the world this weekend.  It is definitely worth a listen.



Lot's of good DAC's but what a great getting there. Arches and Yosemite and the other are wonderful places. Yep those places are better than any audio component.


@abd1 - yeah that's love.
My wife came with me on a road trip from Texas to Washington to listen to two systems, and I had to get trips to Arches National Park, Mt Reinier, Seattle, Lake Tahoe and Yosemite to sweeten the deal. My wife did agree to me buying a turntable, budget wasn't discussed.

Yeah his wife really loves him.

Congrats on the dac. Don’t ever be ashamed of enjoying what you earn, as long as you’re not hurting others. Sad when people shame others because they can’t afford the same choices. Make your choices with your wallet and hopefully no one shames you.

But let me get this straight…. Your wife accompanied you on a 6 hour road trip to listen to $40000 dac? Then you bought the dac and she knows what it cost? My only questions are where did you meet your wife and does she have any sisters?

This message is intended for Tuckia08

Good Day

I commend you on your comments re: the Lampizator Horizon Dac. For some reason many who do not have the means to pursue the high end, spend way too much time decrying the buyers and equipment that is not available to them.

I think it is a sad reflection on humanity and the negativity that flows way to frequently without any justification or purpose.

Good Luck.

PS Please keep us informed of the results of your planned purchases. 

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@willgolf It is sad how this thread could have been such an asset yet there are a number of posters that can't just refrain from negativity. We all have the ability to change the channel. If you are not interested or even offended, you can just go elsewhere. That's what many of us do already. I wish you well in your audio journey and I'll see you over on WBF.

I know the limits of what I can afford toward this hobby, and it is fun for me to find an upgrade to my system of which I can afford. Therefore I will never disparage anyone who can afford ultimate highend products. When I am fortunate enough to listen to one of these ultra systems,  it gives me a goal to shoot for. Even if I never obtain it, I will try to come as close as I can to that quality of sound. This helps me improve my system as I trek along the hifi journey. To me, it's all about the fun and beautiful music!

I wish people would go back and re-read my original post.  I am going to take this thread down tomorrow.  Everyone is entitled to their own opinion but I find many of the comments to be not constructive so therefore, this thread does not provide added value.  

@pesky_wabbit It‘s called capitalism, if you are new to the west it may seem strange at first..

Well that is a kinda interesting observation in the context of the life journey Mr Fikus and many many millions of others have experienced in what may be becoming a distant memory.

For the one person who doesn’t remember, Poland was a communist state until about 1989-ish.

I ordered a Lampizator Horizon a couple of months ago.  I've owned a Pacific DAC for several years and will be trading that in toward the Horizon.  Once I get the Horizon installed and settled in, I'll post my impressions to this thread.


To begin, the private showing of the Horizon DAC was hardly an "advertisement" by or for an anointed few. The new owner extended an open invitation to all several hundred members of the "What’s Best Forum" and about 20 accepted his gracious hospitality to gather and hear a piece of gear in a collegial and private setting. Even you would have been invited had you known about it. It was hardly a secret. It was, in fact, a remarkable gesture of grace extended to audio and music lovers without prejudice (of which I doubt you are capable) for the type of gear they owned, the type of music they love, or their social or financial status.

Indeed, your remark that "the best DACs were made in the late 1990’s" justifies my last comment regarding your obvious bias. As long as you are free to post your unnecessarily hostile comments, may I suggest that sometimes, it’s better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt.


Re read my post 

The comment “ Your value analysis wasn’t asked for” was posted by @ghasley  

This was my own comment directed at @ghasley actually in your defence !

” Neither was your critique of what he said! But you went ahead anyway.”

I hope this clarifies my post. 



881 posts



Your value analysis wasn’t asked for”


Neither was your critique of what he said! But you went ahead anyway.

Now that the thread has settlled down, just want to say congratulation may it bring you joy.


If you do not mind at all - Could you take pictures of the internal of the DAC?


Great! Just what the world needs - a €44K DAC. Parts cost is probably $2K - I am being generous! Audio jewelry for the 1%.

It‘s called capitalism, if you are new to the west it may seem strange at first..

Makes me wonder why some people claim to afford luxury equipment and can’t bring themselves to invest in a little bit of finesse, comradely, and even the most rudimentary manners.
I should think some decency should be common, and not a luxury.

If a member of Audiogon is susceptible to outrage and scorn of those who happen to be in a position to live a lifestyle seemingly unobtainable to themselves, perhaps more fulfillment may be found elsewhere?

And to anyone claiming 1990’s technology is where we should have stopped in the World of performance in all things audio, technology has certainly moved along. The fastest computer, the fastest car and the best audio playback systems from the 90s are measurably and demonstrably lesser than today’s technology, where pioneering has compounded upon a World of information sharing and engineering advancement.

Whenever an emerging technology is evolving, requiring hundreds of man hours to develop, the cost of development rests heavily on the early up takers of it. This is how it’s done, we should all be aware of this, and not be angry or afraid that we’re missing out. Some people pay the higher price to pave the way for technologies to develop, then eventually the prices of mass produced items are more affordable and volume is attained at significantly lower costs to customers, and often by even better quality by the time it's affordable.

I know this is sort of perpetuating what's going on here, but I can't help how sad and pathetic forums have become. 



Exactly so … My own DAC ‘s RRP is in excess of the latest greatest LampizatOr 

DAC … however unlike some I don’t feel the need to mention RRP’s 

Doubtful, but since most people don’t care what someone may or may not have nor what they paid, this is just a thread to discuss a particular dac, not an imaginary one.


Utterly pathetic … Your agenda is glaringly obvious.


” The "penny pinching" comment may have been an attempt at humor by that poster and it might have struck some as insensitive but audio gear at every pricing strata is a luxury, not basic sustenance “

Exactly so … My own DAC ‘s RRP is in excess of the latest greatest LampizatOr 

DAC … however unlike some I don’t feel the need to mention RRP’s 

@ghasley : you are a very nice person. I am afraid that trying to educate this tsushima person is like hitting your head against a brick wall hoping to break the wall. It's not going to happen. Your head will break first. 

They are your input conversion tubes.  there are two of them and the options are endless with or without an adapter.



The tubes are actually used as part of the D to A conversion?

They are your input conversion tubes.  there are two of them and the options are endless with or without an adapter.

I still want to know how the 6sn7 tubes are used in the Horizon dac, does anyone know?




At what price for a piece of gear is it no longer ok to post a thread and discuss? I believe I already commented on the $50k/yr earlier in the thread. I’m sorry if someone’s disposable income doesn’t meet their desires. Where is the line though? Are we not to discuss $25k gear because someone may not make $25k/yr? $10k?


The "penny pinching" comment may have been an attempt at humor by that poster and it might have struck some as insensitive but audio gear at every pricing strata is a luxury, not basic sustenance. Everyone on Audiogon has either been fortunate financially to varying degrees OR they have made decisions to do without some things in order to afford other things.


Au contraire … I do not camp , you need to go to @thyname for that.

For my part I took exception to @ozzy62 ’s comment

@willgolf don’t let these penny pinching rock throwers rain on your parade. Congrats to you! “

Replying …

” Are you being serious !?!? Calling out folks who might not even earn $50K a year penny pinchers for expressing their view … “

If you are obtuse enough not to recognise the point that I was making … well …

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@tsushima1 are you in that camp? Where its cool to snipe a thread on a high end audio site where generally speaking, most items discussed are variations of questionable value to those who either don't understand the topic or won't or can't spend the requisite cost of entry? Especially posting when the OP communicated that value input wasn't solicited?

Dear comment I receive from both family and friends is, "wow! You sure have spent alot $$$ on your stereo system!" This from a guy that owns a $25,000 boat he uses three times a years. Hobbies come with various price tags. Everyone on this site has been criticized for conspicuous consumption one time or another. A quality bottle of wine? $30? A night out for two $200. "Boys and their toys." New bed $4000. Kitchen cabinets $35000. Yes, my Dad was right, there are starving children in India. Honestly we all live better than we need. How much is too much for an interconnect ? Too much for a phono cartridge? My NOS tubes aren't free. My wife began to recite the audio purchases $$$ I've made in the past 10 years. (Credit card records are invasive surveillance!) Then I realized most of that stuff was sold down line to other audiophile newbies. (Usually .50 cents on the $1 but still)  Its one oasis of peace and magic in my life. Criticism of Wilgolf above got me thinking. Comments?



Your value analysis wasn’t asked for”


Neither was your critique of what he said! But you went ahead anyway.

Don’t you love it when people can’t afford something they start bashing it? They have no clue how much the parts cost or how much r&d cost. So until you know exactly how much it costs to build it, you can’t or shouldn’t complain. 
I like dacs that are fpga based and have i2s and Ethernet inputs, I never use usb.

People complaining about tubes in a dac, so do these same people hate tubes in preamps? Amps?



Your value analysis wasn't asked for and, based on your post, the OP had premonitions as to why not.


Seriously, it's not anyone's place to determine value other than buyer and seller. Thankfully, amazing products developed at a pricepoint many of us can't or won't consider do trickle down into products that we will consider. It's all good. 

It would be nice to just focus on the music and the enjoyment we get from it whether it is a $3k system or a $100k system.  It doesn't matter.  It is all personal taste.

For those of you who want to buy my Pacific, it won't happen from me.  As part of the first 6 months of the launch, Lampi is offering a full 100% MSRP buyback of my Pacific.  So the Horizon will cost me about half with the trade-in.  That is a big saving.  I do not anticipate getting the Horizon until early summer.  And Yes I have the Coney sauce!


well if you want to get ripped off for $50,000 that's your choice because no way should any deck be worth 50 $100,000 even using the best parts out there that should maybe be worth five or six thousand, unfortunately



You could say the same thing about a sports car costing over a million dollars if you look at it that way. 


well if you want to get ripped off for $50,000 that's your choice because no way should any deck be worth 50 $100,000 even using the best parts out there that should maybe be worth five or six thousand, unfortunately many high-end companies are rip off artists.

700k and 50k dac!

I will run out and buy a powerball ticket and pray!

Then again even if I were to win I am pretty confident my ears are not deserving of 750k music system. Hope you enjoy the music more than your system! I do!

@rixthetrick VERY well said…I still remember twenty or so years ago going to demo a flat panel television and when my wife overheard it was $20k she started crying, knowing all too well that I had likely already done the deal and that I was just trying to get her buyin. LOL. I hadnt and I didnt.

I for one have sat and listened in rooms that I cannot afford (who knows what the future brings? Maybe one day, I will. ) and I have loved seeing beautiful things I will not likely afford any time soon.

@willgolf   You’ve obviously worked hard to be where you’re at, sorry for your blindness, but also good for you on accepting the trade off for more attention to hearing.

Thank you for sharing some good news on the higher end of the Audiophile spectrum of things. Just as automobiles in the last 10-20 years have brought the mainstream into the performance territory of the elite of yesteryear, pioneers like Lukasz Fikus will help lift the expectations of the market in Audio.

Better technology and sound reproduction can only help the audiophile community. As engineers find increasingly more affordable ways to produce what was once out of reach for the common man, we aught to applaud such advancement.

A great example of this advancement and modernization while becoming affordable for the common man, is the flat screen television. A $1000 4K television will easily surpass the older plasma 1080P televisions that were a good ten times that.
The humble personal computer is another good example.

Thank you for sharing what we all should look forward to in the future.

No one is forcing you, are they?

Fine post imo..I like reading reviews and post on gear I could never afford.One reason why I go to audio shows is to see and hear the upper end..I'm tired of reading about bs speakers that are junk and shillled to death..let's get back to what the site was really setup for ..the discussion of high-end audio like the former site logo use to claim.. OP,please keep us informed on your thoughts after breakin...



 I don't care what the intent of the post is. To some it initiates jealousy I suppose.

The op is happy. Good. The world can stand more happy people.

Is there over pricing? Absolutely. Do parts equate with cost? yes and no at times. I don't care. I know what I'm looking at and for me, I won't buy what I consider "non value'. But that's me and my purchase criteria. Other have different criteria and more power to em. 

Buy what you want if you can, w/o doing financial damage to yourself or loved ones. This trip around is shorter than you think.

Something you're not telling the community?


No. But there is something I AM telling the community. Ignore threads that don't pertain to or interest you. If you feel triggered, walk away. 

Pretty simple, huh?



Are you being serious !?!? Calling out folks who might not even earn $50K a year penny pinchers for expressing their view … 

Pinching pennies is just a figure of speech. I am in no way denigrating anyone for what they can or can't spend. Hell, I can't spend 50K on a DAC. But I don't hold it against anyone who can. And I don't talk about things I haven't heard for myself. Browse through this thread (and many others) again and see how many people have speculated about a product they don't have a clue about.

If I was pulling down 7 figures a year I'd have a 50K DAC myself. So to someone like @willgolf , I am pinching pennies. For me, the guy that buys an all in one rack system is pinching pennies. It's all relative and nothing means anything w/o a point of reference.

this is a veiled advertisement - most companies release a killer of all tsaps every half a year - a super novelty)))

in a year, your horizon will be called obsolete and offered to buy a new super DAC)))

the best DACs were made in the late 1990s (the industry spared no expense on good parts) - now almost everything is waste paper and endless unnecessary service functions)))

"Lucky"? Doubt that that was what got you the invite. Congrats on having that much disposable income and a wife who puts up with it.