Synergistic Red Fuse ...

I installed a SR RED Quantum fuse in my ARC REF-3 preamp a few days ago, replacing an older high end fuse. Uhh ... for a hundred bucks, this little baby is well worth the cost. There was an immediate improvement upon installation, but now that its broken in (yes, no kidding), its quite remarkable. A tightening of the focus, a more solid image, and most important of all for my tastes, a deeper appreciation for the organic sound of the instruments. Damn! ... cellos sound great! Much improved attack on pianos. More humanistic on vocals. Bowed bass goes down forever. Next move? .... I'm doing the entire system with these fuses. One at a time though just to gauge the improvement in each piece of equipment. The REF-75se comes next. I'll report the results as the progression takes place. Stay tuned ...

Any comments from anyone else who has tried these fuses?
oregonpapa, I enjoy hearing you have had and liked the Atma-Sphere gear. Like with any other amp but, perhaps OTL's especially, having a good (impedance match and) power match is vital. Yeah, for me, the transparency and tonal quality they bring, especially in the midrange is addictive. The speed at which they work is also quite remarkable.

I may just stay right where I'm at for a long, long time yet...

Earlier in this thread there was discussion of audio  equipment designers and builders regarding the use of premium fuses in their products. Of course the verdict is mixed among them.  There's a review of the highly praised French made TotalDACd1-6   on the 6 Moons review site. The Manufacturer offers the SR Quantum 20 fuses as an  upgrade in his DAC.  He believes that it is a clear improvement of the stock fuse. I don't know if he's aware of the Black fuse or not.   So some builders believe in these fuses and some don't. This review also offers interesting discussion/comparison  of the R2R ladder vs Delta Sigma topologies. 
Oregonpapa wrote,

"1. Green paint for CD's. Black paint for CD's.
2. Tice Clock.
3. Don't recall the name, but a black box with a power cord attached that when plugged into any outlet was supposed to lower the noise floor. It did absolutely nothing.
4. After market turntable mat that did nothing except slow the speed of the turntable motor.
5. CD mat ... no change.
6. After market jumper cables for the speakers that actually degraded the sound.

Couple things.  The green pen is a little trickier than folks realize.  The green should only be used on the outer edge and black should only be used on the inner edge.  Black should never be used on the outer edge or on the label.  Mess you up. The black box sounds like the quantum corp. Symphony Or Symphony Pro or the one that preceded them, all of which I had good luck with.  Knock on wood.  The Mpingo disc, very tricky to find the place where it actually makes a big difference but it's there.  When I first heard what the Mpingo disc can do I almost evacuated a brick.  I showed Pierre at Maplshade the Mpingo discs back in 1997 at the show and he insisted on using it on the floor right in front of the system. 

Geoff Kait
machina dynamica

Well, gents, this thread goes on and on, with a lot of chatter, and like the discussions with my girlfriend, they reach no conclusions.  I have a Don Sach's tube preamp, a modest Emotiva 5.1 amp driving a pair of Linkwitz LX mini speakers, with an Ayre DAC, upgraded Oppo 105 and a SOTA Sapphire TT for the poster who asked about my rig.  This thread has devolved into a theological debate.  I have tried a bunch of tweaks over the years.  Steve McCormick's steel spikes 30 years ago were and are fantastic for heavy speakers on carpet but the new appalations of them are goofy expensive and of dubious value (Stillpoints).  I tried SR's Magic Dots which made no difference to my ears. They are a silly notion, but were worth a try.  I tried a couple of Shakti Blocks, to the amusement of my audiophile buddies.  They were totally ineffectual, quite silly really.  I have tried expensive power cords with my former Modwright amp/preamp and found no sonic benefit.  Each and each piece went back for a full refund.
I tried two or three of Herbies tweaks -- tube dampeners and isolation devices, and back they went for refund. My $.05 silicon tube dampeners function just fine.

I guess from the number of folks on this thread who find the fuses, etc. improving their system, I think that is just great.  They don't cost much and if they, like speaker cable elevators, do something to improve the sound of their system, then what the hell, go for it.  I do advice you to turn in your "BS filter" to what is being said in an advocacy of these tweaks and understand that folks like GK, who chimes in on this post with baffling assertions coming from the realm of pseudo-electronics, have economic skin in the game to entice you to try the expensive stuff they peddle.  

To finish, rolling tubes is an extremely worthwhile tweak to consider and the sonic effect of different tubes can be profound.  BTW, I have $3.00/ft Neotech speaker cable in my system and I am completely happy with it, after comparing it to far pricier cable. Whitesix

Hi r_f_sayles,
I use the Ocellia Silver Reference IC and SC.  They're a fine match with the Coincident components and speakers. 

You bring up a very good question. The Synergistic Research Red and Black fuses do have a different sound. The Black brings more music to the ear but (to me at least) is able to also have a better sense of flow to the music. The original Synergistic Research SR-20 and The Black are my two favorite fuses in the Synergistic Research line up. I do think the Black gets so many things right that it is worth the highest cost of the three SR fuses.

If you are able to audition the fuse with a 30 day trial I would do so. I hope you will report your findings.

David Pritchard
oregonpapa very well said indeed! One man's distortion is another man's great sound!
wolf-garcia ...

Your point is well taken. I've come to the conclusion, based upon your last post, that you've arrived at your opinion based upon your FAITH that you know the SR fuses won't work in your system. Thanks, I get it  now.  :-)

PS: to arrive at the correct percentage figure, just divide my 190 posts and Charles' 173 posts by 60,000.  

r_f_sayles ...

I used a pair of  Atma-Sphere OTL 60 watters for a couple of years in my system. They were way under powered for the application ... driving a pair of Acoustat  IV electrostatic panels.  A mid-range to die for, I must say ... and very tonally correct. Very musical as well. I also had the opportunity to hear Ralph's various pre-amps in the same system. Lovely, to say the least.  I would love to hear Ralph's amps on a pair of Harbeth's. I'll bet that would be a great match. 
There are millions of Mormans and I remain a committed atheist. If somebody sent me a pile of these fuses without a ransom fee, I'd try them and then report that they don't work just to continue to make my point…I have no wiggle room. So now I have to go through all 60,000 Facebook views to see what percentage are from oregonpapa charles1dad…this is gonna take a while.
Yes, Charles. I have the Atma-Sphere OTL MA1 Mk3 Silver Edition. But I am yet to fund the four large fuses for them (don't believe the heater would show any benefit with hi-fi fusing). It's on the list, but I just dropped a little cash for a pair of used Coincident Extreme speaker cables for my monitor units on the CPREt's, had the old standard CST on them. I see you are utilizing non Coincident cabling. How do you like it?  And just picked up a real good IC for the critical phono to pre connection. So, all things in good time. Cheers!

wolf-garcia ...

Only you would have taken the time to do the math.  More important is how many in the hobby have improved their systems by what we have posted here. SR has linked this thread to their Facebook page and its gone international. If you'll take the time to notice, we are almost at 60,000 views. I don't know the number of course, but I'll bet that SR has sold thousands of their Red and Black fuses as a result of this thread. And I say, based upon the result obtained, MORE POWER TO THEM.  

Now then wolf-garcia ... what say you?????
Consider the number of individual listeners of these fuses who have successful results compared to the number who have not, pretty high ratio. I would not expect 100% consensus of opinion with these fuses(or any product for that matter). 
Note that 42% of the posts on this thread have come from 4 individuals, with oregonpapa currently ahead of charles1dad 190 to 173. Come on charles, you're SO close!
Hi Frank,
I'm awaiting shipment of the O'Dette Lute CD.

Hi Whitestix,
I done quite a bit of tube rolling of various components over the years. As you note some changes are immediately obvious and some were subtle at best.   I have no way to explain your results with the SR Red fuses so I just simply accept your individual outcome.  

The effect of the Black fuses in my system were more noticeable and dramatic than a number of the tube comparisons.  Those were simply my results based on listening.  Although we had very different outcomes with the fuses I won't cast negative assertions and judgement towards you. You make many broad based assumptions about the many posters here whose results differed from yours.  All manner of audio products will inevitably yield a range of results from one end of the spectrum to the other.  Why the need to denigrate listeners whose impressions are contrary to yours?  The fuses were unimpressive for  you,I understand that.  For the vast majority on this thread the fuses have been a smashing sucessful tweak.
Years ago, I had an audio salesman try to talk me into a solid state amp and trading in the tube amp I was using at the time. He made the claim that what I was listening to in the tube amp was "distortion." My reply to him was ... "well, if that's distortion, give me more distortion." 

If the SR fuses and power cords are "Voodoo," then PLEASE, give me more Voodoo.  :-)
geoffkait ...

  "Well, for one thing that’s not really skepticism ..."

I was referring to those who "know" the fuses don't work without even trying them. 

   "Just curious, which tweaks did you try that didn’t work for you, that you felt burned by?"  

1.  Green paint for CD's.  Black paint for CD's.
2.  Tice Clock.
3.  Don't recall the name, but a black box with a power cord attached that when plugged into any outlet was supposed to lower the noise floor. It did absolutely nothing. 
4.  After market turntable mat that did  nothing except slow the speed of the turntable motor. 
5.  CD mat ... no change.
6. After market jumper cables for the speakers that actually degraded the sound. 
7. ... more and more ... :-)

    " I can certainly understand the melodrama ..."

Melodrama? What melodrama? I'm just chronicling my experiences with the SR fuses. Geeze, Louise ... if you want to see melodrama, read the posts from some of the naysayers who haven't tried the fuses. *lol* 

    " It happens with cables, it happens with power cords, it happens with Mpingo discs, it happens with CD treatments, with demagnetizers, with contact enhancers and it happens with it happens with fuses."
With the exception of Mpingo discs, I have tried everything else above. Some were busts and some were major improvements. Some that worked were the result of trial and error. An example ... I've tried a number of contact enhancers and CD treatments. One contact enhancer gave an improvement initially but then eventually dulled the sound. It was a real bear to get it off of the RCA plugs and tube pins. Now, I just use Caig Red and Gold. Works great. After much trial and error, I've settled on a CD treatment formulated by a friend, the contents of which, he keeps close to the vest. For a solution to clean records on my VPI 16.5, I make my own. Its better than anything I've tried in the commercial products and it costs only pennies to make up a gallon of solution.  Oh, years ago, I bought a VCR tape demagnetizer from Radio Shack. I treat every CD with it after cleaning with my friend's CD cleaning solution. It really takes the digital edge off of the CD's that need it. They sound much more analog like after the treatment. 

And yes ... the direction of the fuse makes all the difference. Like going from a system that's out of phase, to one that brings you to a new level of resolution and musical enjoyment.  With all of that said, the SR fuses are such a revelation in my system, that I find it really hard to imagine that they don't work in every application. I suspect that the user isn't letting the fuse break in ... or that the system has some other problem attached to it.

On the other hand, there are those who find a really great single malt Scotch to be unpalatable, or are completely oblivious to a glorious rainbow or a beautiful sunset. To each his own ...

Take care ...

I agree about Audio Magic Super Fuse. That’s one helluva little fuse. And Skeptics enjoy the liquid filling. Mmmmm, liquid filling.  I used it in my long gone all tube Woo Audio headphone amp, whereas for my uber modded Oppo 103 the stock fuse was replaced by a copper thingamabob. Was that wrong?

Been out town oregonpapa. Your comment on my 90% profit note on 3/22.

I have no problem with that percentage" if-in-fact it makes a noticable difference."

                                       Just a statement.

Here are a list that I tried an own. 1.HI-FI Tuning all different #'s going back 8 yrs.

                                                     2.Snyergestics: All the SR series. & Red.

                                                     3. Furutech: T series

                                                     4. Audio Magic. Super fuse series.

What am using. Audio Magic fuses all the way. "I've not tried the Beeswax."

This requires (9) fuses for all of my Gear. If your addition is good. Then its

easy to see why 90% profit NOTE.   Has weight to ones wallet

 Now someone tell  ME which piece of my gear to try the BLACK fuse with FIRST to confirm it's a out & out revelation>> or not.!!


I liked the SR Red , but the original fuse has more body and weight in the sound, now, if black was better in these parameters than Red, this will be interesting.

  Synergistic Research Black fuese has more weight and body, midbass compared to Red???

I find it very interesting that so many of us are getting astounding results from the SR fuses ... and yet, there are the few who get nothing out of them at all. ... Why there are those who cannot hear the improvements is beyond me. A mystery to be sure.

Same reason one hears different degrees of improvement in components with aftermarket fuses where degree can be zero.

In my case, tube amp most sensitive, follow by tube pre and then SS amp = tube DAC.
Oregonpapa wrote,

"I find it very interesting that so many of us are getting astounding results from the SR fuses ... and yet, there are the few who get nothing out of them at all. I understand the skepticism though."

Well, for one thing that’s not really skepticism, assuming they tried the fuses. The word "skepticism" is usually reserved for those who refuse to try things based on some sort of gut reaction or the feeling that the laws of physics have somehow been violated. Or they just like going after audiophiles and audiophile tweaks. ;-)

"Early on in this thread I made the statement that I’ve been burned before by tweaks that didn’t work ... and if it hadn’t been for the 30 day return policy, I wouldn’t have tried the first SR Red fuse that I bought. I’m so glad I did. I can’t think of any other tweak I’ve tried in over 40 years in the hobby that has made such an outstanding improvement in the system."

Just curious, which tweaks did you try that didn’t work for you, that you felt burned by? As I already mentioned, there are many reasons why audiophiles sometimes don’t get good results even with the most reliable of tweaks. I hate to judge before all the facts are in but it certainly appears fuses are destined to go down as controversial tweaks, even twenty years after aftermarket fuses were introduced. Controversial because of the skeptics, controversial because results are somewhat mixed, and controversial because they are so small and innocuous.

"I’ve made similar improvements but its always involved major upgrades in equipment. A case in point was when I replaced my ARC SP-14 with the ARC REF-3. Or the ARC Classic 60 replaced with the REF-75. Those were major improvements, but not more so than upgrading to the SR fuses and power cords. Why there are those who cannot hear the improvements is beyond me. A mystery to be sure."

I can certainly understand the melodrama but it’s not really a mystery why some people cannot hear certain tweaks. It happens all the time. It happens with cables, it happens with power cords, it happens with Mpingo discs, it happens with CD treatments, with demagnetizers, with contact enhancers and it happens with it happens with fuses. We already know, for example, if the user inserts the Fuse in the wrong direction he might not like what he hears. Speaking of which, is everyone on board the directionality of the Black fuse, that the correct direction is determined by the letters S and R on the fuse? The dude with the DartZeel equipment reported otherwise, IIRC.


geoff kait at Machina Dynamica
George wrote,

"Well said Whitestix
There’s way too much voodoo in this industry that not substantiated with any technical explanation offered. (Note: that was almost a compete sentence)

EG: Shun Mook Mpingo room treatment devices.

After all every piece of equipment that everyone owns, is made using the laws of electronics and test gear to develop it. Anyone who has something that’s not made using these has voodoo gear."

George, we’ve already gone over all of that. There is nothing voodoo about the Mpingo discs. Ignorance of the laws of science is no excuse. The particular method of operation is actually provided on the Shun Mook web page for Mpingo discs. Don’t get so freaked out by such simple and easy to understand audio devices as Mpingo discs, tiny little bowl resonators, Shakti Halographs, Marigo VTS dots, Graphene fuses, or what have you.

"Knowledge is what’s left after you forgot everything you learned in school." - Old audiophile axiom

geoff at Machina Dynamica

I find it very interesting that so many of us are getting astounding results from the SR fuses ... and yet, there are the few who get nothing out of them at all. I understand the skepticism though. Early on in this thread I made the statement that I've been burned before by tweaks that didn't work ... and if it hadn't been for the 30 day return policy, I wouldn't have tried the first SR Red fuse that I bought.  I'm so glad I did. I can't think of any other tweak I've tried in over 40 years in the hobby that has made such an outstanding improvement in the system. I've made similar improvements but its always involved major upgrades in equipment. A case in point was when I replaced my ARC SP-14 with the ARC REF-3. Or the ARC Classic 60 replaced with the REF-75. Those were major improvements, but not more so than upgrading to the SR fuses and power cords.  Why there are those who cannot hear the improvements is beyond me. A mystery to be sure. 

Charles ... 

Did you get the Kapsberger/Dowling lute CD yet?? 

Well said Whitestix
 There's way too much voodoo in this industry that not substantiated with any technical explanation offered.

EG: Shun Mook Mpingo room treatment devices.

After all every piece of equipment that everyone owns, is made using the laws of electronics and test gear to develop it. Anyone who has something that's not made using these has voodoo gear. 


Cheers George



I am glad you tried the Synergistic Research RED fuse. As you did not hear an improvement I hope you were able to send it back for a refund.

I have done a lot of tube rolling and enjoy that part of the hobby. In the 6SL7Gt family, I am sure I have over 10 types. Of those the 1959 Hamburg Germany, Valvo, and the Italian Fivre do something special in the Zana Deux amp. The Tung Sols, National Unions, RCAs, Sylvanias,Brimars, Mullards, CBS, Hyltrons, etc.not as much change. Unlike the Red and Black fuses discussed in this thread, none came with a 30 day trial.

It is interesting that not many people seems to think that tube rolling is a fool's errand . I think rolling tubes , fuses and A/C wall outlets all change the sound in my systems.

I also think Power cords can change the sound of a system especially once one begins evaluating products not of the entry level category.

I find it interesting and sometimes money and time saving to read what others have tried. Especially those who make changes in a systematic way and then have the talent to articulate the sonic changes they experience. None of us have the time to try all the tubes, fuses , or power cords out there.

Because of this thread I have tried the Black fuses and they have improved the sound of my systems. So I reported my results.

At I read about 6SL7GT tubes used in the Zana Deux amp. I tried a lot of the tubes and reported what I heard.

I hope you will list the components that did not respond to the SR RED fuse. It is possible you will save other owner's of the same equipment some time and money.

I do not understand when some people experience a different result than others, they feel compelled to cast negativity towards those persons.


Thank you for listing your components that responded to the SR Black fuse. I do think publishing specific component results will be helpful to future readers of this thread.

David Pritchard
On the basis of David's list above, I would add the following as benefitting from the SR Red and now replaced with SR Black fuses:

Bryston BDP-2
Bel Canto DAC 3.7
Primaluna Prologue Six
To recap Whitestix:  Many of us are paranoid and insecure. We are somehow guilted into trying foolish tweaks. Break in is laughable (we are all stupid). Better fuses are illogical if we just think about it (we act on emotions, not logic).  
Well, that's a fine entrance, Whitestix. Please list your components, cables, power supply in detail, and we will tell you why you can't get anything out of it. And, is your thinking from the AVA tradition?   

At the risk of being the denier of Oregonpapa’s experiential views on all things fuse and power cord-related, my experience has been quite different. The Red Fuse provided no sonic improvement in my system, none at least that could discern. I have auditioned a dozen power cords in my system with no benefit, although none admittedly cost more than a few hundred dollars. It has been a fool’s errand trying out these tweaks. That said, I have rolled NOS tubes in my preamp that have made very obvious changes in the sound. Some favored the LF and some the HF and some yielded a sublime mid-range response. These tube-rolling experiences were far from subtle, manifesting their sonic impact within a few bars of the music. Their effect was immediate. Other than with new speakers, the notion of "breaking in" gear, such as fuses, IC's and power cords laughable. 

My take is that this fuse and power cord business is reflective of the paranoia and insecurity of lots of audiophiles who are guilted into trying foolish tweaks thinking that such electrically illogical tweaks will reveal the sort of performance that their systems are somehow currently masking. Frankly, think about it for a moment... what is the logic in thinking that a fuse will make any difference, regardless whether it is cryo treated or not?

By all means, give these tweaks a try so long as can get your money back if they don’t please you. But don’t waste your time listening to the pablum on this forum "informing" you of what ought you to be hearing with them in your system. If they improve the sound in our system, keep them. If not, send them back. Cheers, Whitestix

It is fascinating to me that the Synergistic Research Black fuse has had a positive effect on so many different components.

Eddie Current Zana Deux OTL tube amp.
Emotion Audio Type 45 SET tube amp.
Art Audio PX25 SET tube amp.
Antelope Audio DAC.
Marantz SA11-S2 SACD player.
Marantz SA11-S1 SACD player.
Galileo Sub Woofer.
SVS Sub Woofer.
Zvox Home Theater System.

I am very glad Oregon papa started this thread.

David Pritchard

Hi Salyes,,
As I recall you have Atma-Sphere amplifiers. Are you using the Black fuses in them as well? 
R_F_Sayles ...

Like you, I'm astounded at the improvement in my system brought about by the SR fuses and power cords.

 A fellow audiophile friend, whose hearing I really trust, made the comment the other night during a listening session that the tonality of the instruments was "dead nutz on."  That, in my opinion is the ultimate test in an audio system. When the instruments sound "right," then its time to start thinking about sound stage width and depth. And, with that said, the instrument we are most familiar with is the human voice. Get that right ... and all else falls into place. 

As the burn hours (200+) mount on these SR Blacks I’m simply amazed at the focus they bring to voices. There is a solidity and drive they bring to the music. Leading instruments also get the benefit of this focus. And surprisingly, my lower midrange and bass have gotten a smidge rounder and fuller, and all of this is most welcome. Thanks again guys, you're the best!
wolf-garcia ...

You remind me of my son-in-law who wouldn't try smoked oysters because "he just knew they tasted awful." He denied himself of the pleasurable taste of smoked oysters for years. In fact, on one occasion he actually accused me of being on the payroll of an oyster processing plant.

One summer afternoon at a family get-together, and a number of beers later, I finally coaxed him to try "just one little oyster on a cracker."  He's been a believer in smoked oysters ever since.  

Needfreestuff ...

At around 70 hours things will really start to open up and tickle your ear drums. Hang in there ...
Almarg wrote,

"Regarding quantum tunneling, as I pointed out earlier in the thread there is such a phenomenon (see this Wikipedia writeup). However, my understanding is that it has nothing to do with treating a material "with 2,000,000 volts of electricity in a process we [SR] call Quantum Tunneling." Or with application of any other especially high voltage."

Of course it’s not really Quantum Tunneling. Geez. The beauty of being a manufacturer is you can call your methods or products anything you want to. It’s called poetic license or whatever.  I have to say quantum tunneling certainly sounds a lot better than Super Zapping. Hey, I call one of my products Dark Matter. Is it really dark matter? Well, uh, no. I call another one of my products a Particle Accelerator. Is it a real particle accelerator like a Supercollider or the one at CERN? No, but it is actually a particle accelerator. So I get partial credit.

No man is an island. He’s a peninsula.

Regarding quantum tunneling, as I pointed out earlier in the thread there is such a phenomenon (see this Wikipedia writeup).  However, my understanding is that it has nothing to do with treating a material "with 2,000,000 volts of electricity in a process we [SR] call Quantum Tunneling."  Or with application of any other especially high voltage.

-- Al
I utterly disagree with the assertion that my last post wasn't funny…there were plenty of funny parts in it. At least 3.

I do enjoy this entire thread as a prime example of Audio Mysticism, and can further describe what I think is happening here (other than the relentless hard sell promotion by some, which I find unexplainable unless it's a scam promoted by SR). One reads about a supposed affordable tweak (although bathed in nonsense like "quantum tunneling" and fuse direction "absolutes"…which are absolute silliness, and using a "cost benefit" claim that ignores the "20 times more expensive than what you're using" part), sends for the tweak, and listens patiently for 70 hours (I fixed my timing error) of break in (!) after which one decides if the damn thing is in the right direction. If you don't hear the immense improvement claimed by the improvement claimers, there's something wrong with you…you lack listening skills along with your hundred and twenty bucks, so hey…you really want to cop the buzz…you want a miracle and maybe less hair loss…you want IN. Well Fundamentalist Fuse True Believers, you're in…

Mopman wrote,

"Geoff that made me laugh. Youn are a funny guy. Kinda like gene Hackman playing lex Luther in those old Superman movies. "

Mopman, you're funny, too but more along the lines of the other character in the old Superman movies whose initials were LL. 


Geoff Kait

Machina Dynamica

I have roughly 23 hours on the SR Black fuse which I installed in my ARC Ref 3 preamp. What I'm hearing is voices are very dynamic, they really sound great,  and everything else sounds like dsd on steroids. It's just too smooth right now, the sound has lots its edge, and the bass is not hitting with authority, somewhat disappointed but perhaps in time all will be fine.

needfreestuff ,That's how it sounds in my VAC pre with fuse in wrong direction ... out of phase sound.    Trying flipping fuse direction.   
I have roughly 23 hours on the SR Black fuse which I installed in my ARC Ref 3 preamp. What I'm hearing is voices are very dynamic, they really sound great,  and everything else sounds like dsd on steroids. It's just too smooth right now, the sound has lots its edge, and the bass is not hitting with authority, somewhat disappointed but perhaps in time all will be fine.
Where are the forum police when you need them? This back and forth bickering nonsense is getting way old... Guys,put a cap on it please and keep it on topic.
Geoff that made me laugh. Youn are a funny guy. Kinda like gene Hackman playing lex Luther in those old Superman movies.   
Mopman wrote,

"Unfortunately Geoff does not count in my book. He is apparently a smart and educated guy who loves theories and science fiction but has no credibility as a result of machina dynamica."

But your book doesn't count. You don't even have a book.
Mopman wrote,

"Geoff That I would buy."

But only if it came with a 30 day guarantee.
Here are some normal fuses pumped with bees wax, but I found that if I saved my ear wax and injected it, it was soooo much better, the difference was night and day, and my ears were cleaned out as a bonus.

I heard the bees wax requires 300+ hours of breakin.   I wonder how many hours for your down under ear wax?   LOL!!!

Mopman, judge not lest ye be judged.


geoff kait
machina dynamica
advanced audio conceits

If only someone with a credible technical  background would come on here and be known as a fancy fuse fan my interest might be rekindled.    Where are those people?   

Unfortunately Geoff does not count in my book.  He is apparently a smart and educated guy who loves theories and science fiction but has no credibility as a result of machina dynamica. 

"Investigation is the heart of all science"

Falls short when it comes to science fiction though.