Suggestion for best stereo amp ?

because of severe WAF, I must limit myself to stereo amp. After several years of happiness with my Krell Evo 402, I am starting to think there must be upgrades possible. Any suggestion ? For your complete information, I have a Krell pre-amp Evo 202 and loudspeakers are Wilson Audio Sasha.

What I most enjoy with my Krell: no limit to pure power, great bass and tight control. Enjoyable from very low level.

thank you in advance for your help.

Nicely put. This hobby is all about assessing or evaluating the performances of equipments and one’s setup and system by listening and trying to optimize the performance synergy between equipments in order to achieve best performance results.
It isn’t about taking up measurements or using measurements (numbers) as a tool to gauge or assess sound quality of audio performance.

We can refer to measurements only as guidelines, not as a tool or gauge to assess or define sound quality or performance. I have met in person and have spoken with chief engineers / designers at Naim Audio, Linn & Audio Research before and they once told me the same thing. We can use measurements only as guidelines but not as a basis to evaluate sound quality or performance. We have to listen listen listen.......

@ mzkmxcv, this is the second thread I’ve read where you were directly asked if you listened to items compared . Again you skirted a Yes or No answer by quoting reviews and tests . Why don’t you post on what you have listened to , we can all read reviews . I’ve had some experience with a signal generator and an ossillscope , but I’m not a tech savvy computer guy . As a Mid Fi guy I’m looking for listening impressions from more experienced audiophiles . Thanks to the rest of the contributors, Mike . 
I suggest Spectral amps. However, I think you’re looking for improved sound? If so some AC isolation is my first suggestion. I find Equitech 2Q to be very worthwhile to audition. You might be shocked at the improvement. A big Furman would also be beneficial. You could go extreme and by 2 used units. My experience is there’s no such thing as too much isolation. Cheers. 
+1 on the Naim 500 series power amp, analog preamp, digital front end (streamer/DAC) with Naim 500 DR power supply unit.

Or highly consider T&A gears they are excellent. The CH Precision, MBL, Tidal, Gamut, Audionet & Soulution are excellent too. The Gryphon that was recommended are also phenomenal. Gryphon makes excellent gears.
Instead of asking people on A'gon what to replace your Krells with shouldn't you be asking your wife which amps aren't going to pose the same response as the Krells ? 
Krell recently upgraded their line to “XD”. From what I’ve read its been well received. 
Consider the Naim 500 with the 500DR power supply.  It is incredibly natural sounding (especially when paired with the Naim 552 pre-amp).  The 500 is fast and powerful.  It is essentially two mono blocks housed in a single box.

Sounds like you enjoy the sound from the Krell/Wilson combo. The problem is not with your setup it is with your other half.

I have long been a Krell/Wilson listener and truly believe that you might regret a move to lesser (more acceptable product). 

Holidays are coming so consider that you are in a good leverage position.  To swap out gear will be costly and ultimately you might not like the results. How about keeping the sound system as is and make an investment in some Diamond stud earrings for your wife.  Ask nothing in return but that she tolerate your stereo problem.

This way everyone wins!   

Happy Holidays!

Totally agreed with kalali. You nailed it real good. mzkmxcv always thinks that measurements (numbers) define sound quality or is an absolute gauge to define sound quality. If that's the case we all would have had the same gears in our racks. Come on.....Get real! 
This hobby is about listening and enjoying to the music we love, it's about listening and how we perceive one setup or system sound and performance according to our ears. 

SS go with an FM Acoustics or an old Harmon Kardon Citation XX.

For tube find an old Lafayette KT-550.

These should solve all of your upgrade wants and needs.

Happy Listening.
Lots of folks trying to be helpful but to get a proper answer we’d need to know a few more things. Even then we’d be taking an educated guess as to what your ears will like and even more so, what the new combo will sound like together.
Are you sensitive to forward sounding tweets?
Are you set on class A/B?
What other amps have you heard on the Wilsons that sounded good to you?
That should help but even then it’s still no replacement for an in home audition if possible. I know it’s hard to do this without a good relationship with a local dealer, but it’s worth it’s weight in gold if you can.Scott
+1 @inna 

Gryphon is close to the absolute best. CH Precision is possibly closer. (depending on personnel preference)

Based on your remarks on amps, DACs, etc., it seems like you're convinced that only measurements define the sound quality of a component and you won't budge. That's fine but don't be so adamant  in trying to convince others. Like I said in a different thread, if measurements were the only criteria to assess sound quality, we would all have Benchmark products in our racks. Everyone else would be out of business.   
I think you'd like a Bryson 4B cubed or a top-of-the-line Pass Labs. They're powerful and nuanced and have superb dynamic balance excellent timbre and a velvety smooth transparency across scales. They like good cables, and they'll make those Wilsons divine. 

Sorry man, I won’t buy your BS. None of us agree that numbers (measurements) do not mean anything. I have spoken with couple chief designers / engineers at Naim Audio, Linn, Audio Research among others and they once told me that measurements do not mean anything and one can use them as a guideline only but they do not dictate or constitute the sound quality or how a certain gear will perform. Their statements are more valid than yours. They design hifi gears. We all would take their words and statements over yours.

In regards to blind tests that you mentioned earlier. As a matter of fact yes the four of us did blind tests from time to time but not all the time. My buddy owns a hifi store and he happens to be a dealer for PS Audio, D’Agostino, McIntosh, Classe, Audio Research, Naim, Linn, Rega, Wilson Audio, B&W, Sonus Faber among others. So after store hours sometimes we conducted listening sessions and from time to time we conducted blind tests but with no switch boards. Cause like you said before that switching should be made within 10 seconds. WTF! That’s not the way we compare between equipments or speakers. Just use common sense man! Hello??? Get real man! Nobody compare between two different gears or system within 10 seconds of switching.
Use your brain! That's not possible and it is not the way audiophiles make comparisons between different equipments or setup.

My buddy, who is a dealer for PS Audio, and I love PS Audio products. He sells lots of them more than D’Agostino cause PS Audio gears are lot more affordable than D’Agostino. So he is proud to be a PS Audio dealer and always push people to purchase their products but he and I and several other audiophiled agreed that the D’Agostino Momentum is a step up from the PS Audio BHK amps. They aren’t in the same league. The Momentum sounded more refined, more musical with better musical drive or rhythmic drive, better nuances, larger deeper soundstage sizes, better stereo imaging with better focus. better subtle dynamic shifts in timber, etc etc etc. But of course he sells lot more PS Audio BHK amps than the D’Agostino Momentum and he will keep on selling a lot of PS Audio products as they are great products especially for their price points. Nothing can beat PS Audio for similar price points.
Did you listen to both in a double blind listening with level matching better than 0.5dB and switching between them in less than 10sec? If so, your evaluations aren’t proof ...
Of course very few audiophiles listen that way. Even if they did, the results of such a test by themselves don't constitute "proof." That's especially so given your statement that such switching be performed in less than 10 seconds. That's not quick enough for a reliable test; see the work by Kruger, et al.


Did you listen to both in a double blind listening with level matching better than 0.5dB and switching between them in less than 10sec? If so, your evaluations aren’t proof. Sorry if that sounds snobby, just pointing out all the factors that affect our hearing. But yes, if you personally think it sounds better, then it sounds better to you, but it may not sound better to someone else, which is where measurements come in (and no, Stereophile’s measurements cover pretty much or all of the factors that dictate accurate signal reproduction (linearity with differing impedance, linearity with differing phase, THD, IMD, channel separation, squarewave response, S/N, THD+N, etc.); I won’t go into if second order harmonic distortion added in sounds better or not).

You cannot base solely on measurements. Many equipments that have great measurements or look great on papers don’t necessarily sound that great or musical and vice versa. Never look solely at measurements. You cannot evaluate the audio performance, sound quality and musicality based on measurement numbers. You will have to listen to the equipments and compare between them by listening to them, not looking at measurement numbers. Great measurements do not equate great musical sound and do not guarantee that.
Besides, that measurement that you posted was for the Momentum M300, not the M400. The M300 has been replaced by the M400. Just FYI. It’s not that it matters.

I have listened to the PS Audio BHK 300 monoblock amps before and they sounded terrific but did not perform on the same level as the D’Agostino Momentum gears. I used to own the D’Agostino Momentum M400 monoblock amps myself. Not saying that the D’Agostino Momentum is the best sounding amplifier. No.

Have you ever listened to and compared between the PS Audio BHK 300 and the D’Agostino Momentum M400 monoblock amps in actual listening sessions before? If you haven’t, I suggest that you shouldn’t be judging or making comments or making assumptions.

Lastly, looks don’t matter to me and have no influence and should not be the influencing factor in purchasing decision. We are not buying art sculpture here. It is audio hifi electronics and speakers for God sake. Of course there’s a plus or bonus if they look good but what matters is how they perform and sound and system synergy, which is the most important in achieving perfect blend and overall harmonic sound from your system.

You are getting performance that’s a bit worse than the $15K PS Audio BHK 300, so not worth its $55,000 price tag unless the looks are really for you. Also, not saying the BHK 300 is the best for the money, just giving a comparison.
I would get the Dan D'Agostino Momentum M400 monoblock power amps or the Momentum stereo power amp with the Momentum linestage preamp. 
This will be a great upgrade path. 

Gryphon could be a natural upgrade choice. I would get Gryphon preamp as well. But before all that perhaps you might want to upgrade speakers as well. In other words, upgrade everything, either all at once or step by step.
+1 Lukaske. 
Balance is key. You have to like it though. My audio note is very much balanced and natural sounding. When I put an other amp in my system that has less balance most of the time I like it more at first.  Mid range that is more pronounced is very attracting but after a while I notice that everything starts sounding the same to me. The unbalance or colorations if you can call them that way infuence every peace of music. 

I think that you can pick out “more” balanced and natural sounding amps when you listen to them side by side. It is a matter of preference and perhaps something that takes a little longer to notice. Like TV’s in a shop. The one that stands out draws your attention but if you look longer you find the one you like for the long term. 

I know, a lot of Americans loves Krell, Pass labs, Wilson,Magnepan,.. but the most important thing is a good and neutral position between high,mid and low. THe most if those systems give to much in low and influence mid, and a in some circumstances high to. You need a perfect balans: Audio Note,Gamut,esoteric,gryphon, soulution. And take “natural speakers,like the Ilumnia Magister. Best speaker i ever heard.
The new Jeff Rowland class d amps..
The best I’ve heard and gorgeous to boot. 
Check out the ps audio bhk 250 signature. I got a new one a few months ago and am very happy with it.
+1 on Ayre, and if you are in the market for Class D, I believe Atma-Sphere has one coming out soon. If Ralph puts his name on it, I will buy one in a heartbeat.
Parasound Halo

and a number of great Class D designs out there. Those would definitely help the WAF as they are small and easier to put away.