Step up From Rogue RP-5

Hello, first time poster here. 
My system currently consists of Rogue Audio RP-5, Rogue MP-180 Monoblocks, denafrips Venus II DAC with Focal Sopra n2 speakers. That upgrade itch is there :)  I’m curious about the ARC LS28SE  also its big brother the 6SE in comparison. I like the price of the LS28SE more of course, but wonder what you give up from the 6SE. 
Love to hear your thoughts. 


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I used a ARC Reference 6 (not SE) for a while with Rogue Apollo Dark monos - it was great in that role. I preferred it to RP series Rogue. So a LS28SE or especially Ref 6SE might be a good move. To @russ69 ’s point, I do listen at louder volumes.

The Rogue power amps sound more "solid state" than most tube amps. The RP9 6H30/MOSFET hybrid also sounded much more "solid state" to me than other tube preamps. I also feel that Rogue’s tube power amps are more accomplished than their preamps. Match accordingly. The ARC Ref 6H30 phonos and pres sound very well balanced between the traditional tube and SS sonic archetypes. They hit the balance just right. If you need more tube flavor, you can go with a 6SN7 or 6922 based tube preamp.

Hello Soix, as my original post stated; I didn’t randomly say hey folks I need Preamp suggestions :) I said that I have the itch and those were the upgrades I was considering, who has experience with them. I want what we all want right? The full midrange, better resolving, tight bass etc etc. 

Larry, Focal Sopra 2’s are kick ass! Now I’ll tell you this, I heard some Rockport Atrias the other day and they were a different level, but they are still nice!!

What improvements are you looking for and what sound characteristics are most important to you?  Without this critical info you’re just gonna get recommendations on personal preferences that may or may not have anything to do with what you’re looking for. 

How do you like your Focal n2 speakers.  I just looked at their specification sheet and they certainly are high performance speakers.  I am thinking about the Kanta 2's or 3's.


i have had the cary audio slp 05 for a year and a half and just love the sound.  does everything well, works with tube or ss amps.  balanced ins and out.  

buy from cary direct and you will have plenty left for a world class phono preamp.

note, i did not get the ultimate upgrade or any upgrade options and glad i didnt, the sound topples anything i have owned or heard. 

You'll be walking on water with that budget. You can buy an end all be all phono with that budget as well.  I'm also considering upgrading from my Primaluna Pre to either an Arc Ls28se or Ref6 as well. I'll be following this closely. 

Great question on the budget Avanti. I want to stay below $10k if possible. Additional challenge is that I used the built in Phono stage of the RP-5. That means I will have to budget a stage. The Zesto Deluxe was on my radar there, but I think that’s another $8k also. So right there I’m looking at potentially $18k.

@audphile1 Rogue is great don’t get me wrong but Audio Research is Audio Research

I've owned a couple of AR pre-amps. They have a place. Mostly for systems that play at high volumes, very flat sounding (flat as in good). I listen at low volumes and prefer a pre-amp with a little more flavor. 

I owned RP-5 paired with Stereo 100. Great amp but preamps (RP-1 and RP-5) didn’t impress me despite endless tube rolling.
I owned several ARC preamps in the past as well albeit not in the same system and not paired with ST100.
I’d go for Audio Research LS28 or Ref and eventually upgrade the M180 to the ARC as well. Rogue is great don’t get me wrong but Audio Research is Audio Research.

Luxman Cl38U C. Excellent all tube preamp. Also includes a three tube phono w/4 step up transformers.


yes, i had the RH 5 strictly as a linestage and absolutely loved it, should have kept it.   extremely dynamic, neutral and transparent with a big tube soundstage.  using the balanced connections sounded best.  switchable gain was very useful.  

i liked the sound much better than the RP 7 i sold it for.  

Has anyone tried the Rogue RH-5 as a preamp? I know it is sold mainly as a headphone amp but it has both balanced and unbalanced outputs as well as line level inputs.

Thanks Craig! I should consider the RP-9. I’d like to know peoples experiences with it. 

You may also want to check out the older Athena or Hera which are no longer produced.  It seems like a lot of people prefer them to the current offerings.

Before spending the cost of the ARC, do consider the Rogue RP9.  It has an outstanding soundstage, superb airy, articulate and not harsh treble, well defined and articulate bass and a full midrange. It, of course, is matched to your MP-180 monoblocks.  Elsewhere in this forum, I compare the RP9 and RP7.   Also, contact Mark or Nick at Rogue since they may be able to upgrade your RP5 to a RP9 at a very reasonable cost.