Spatial Audio Raven Preamp

Spatial is supposed to be shipping the first "wave" from pre orders of this preamplifier in May, does anyone have one on order? Was hoping to hear about it from AXPONA but I guess they were not there. It's on my list for future possibilities. It seems to check all my boxes if I need a preamp.


Indeed on the speakers.  I own 95 dB speakers that are an easy 8 ohm load.  The giant 84 dB speaker that takes 200 watts to wake up really don't sound any better to my ear.  In general they sound worse.  Give me a 90+ dB well behaved speaker every time.  Then I can drive it with a 20 watt tube amp and be happy:)

As for tariffs, we shall see.  Now there are more negotiations going on.  One thing business hates is uncertainty.  Consumers hate it too.

Do the tariffs affect the used markets as well? I'm thinking yes but not sure.

@dz13    Yes. Think of it in terms of shortages. This will push the used market up as new prices go up as well. Its a manufactured inflation. 

We make our boards here in the US, but I expect materials to make those boards, plus parts that go on the boards (for example, tube sockets, resistors, semiconductors, capacitors) will likely go up even if they are made in the US.


That’s the logic of inflation. Buy Now, because it will cost more tomorrow. Once this gets baked into everyone’s consciousness, it affects pricing (and expectations) throughout the entire economy.

Deflation is the reverse, but is far more dangerous, since businesses hate to sell at a loss, so prices are "sticky" in the downward direction. Deflation of much more than 1% is associated with demand collapse and economic free-fall.

The ideal target for stability and maximum steady-state growth is about 1~3% inflation per annum. Shocks in either direction are very bad.

@atmasphere Thanks for your response but what I meant is if I buy something used from a member in Canada, are tariffs going to be assessed? 

The current de minimis threshold for goods entering the USA is $800.  So used things from Canada under that value will not see a tariff.  They may change that, but so far that has not changed.   It is also where the gear was made.  If the seller can prove the gear was made in USA and not Canada, then theoretically, there should be no tariff.  Now if you were to buy a preamp from me, when I was still making them, it is made in Canada and worth more than $800, so it would see a tariff.  Or a speaker from say Troy Joseph Crowe in Ontario.  Made in Canada.  

So the answer is it depends:)