Spatial Audio Raven Preamp

Spatial is supposed to be shipping the first "wave" from pre orders of this preamplifier in May, does anyone have one on order? Was hoping to hear about it from AXPONA but I guess they were not there. It's on my list for future possibilities. It seems to check all my boxes if I need a preamp.


Showing 22 responses by jc4659

I placed my order 2 weeks ago and chose the cherry base.  The build should be complete by the end of May according to Spatial.  I will post my impressions after about 20 hours of burn-in.

@fthompson251 I pulled the trigger yesterday.  If it all works out as it should this will be my endgame preamp.

@terrapin77 Please post your impressions after the new preamp has settled into your system.  Thanks!

That should be a synergistic combination so I’m anxious to hear your thoughts as well as the comparison between preamps.  Thanks!

That’s great news!  What were you using for a preamp before that you will be comparing the sound to?

@donsachs Curious if you are using your pre with stock tubes or not.  I am expecting to receive my pre by the end of May but since I chose the cherry base perhaps a little longer. On one of the other forums someone who received their preamp commented "OMFG" upon first hearing it.  Waiting rather impatiently for the follow up.

@terrapin77 Probably more than a few Don Sachs preamp owners waiting on the sidelines. No pressure!  Don't try to write a professional review, just your honest thoughts will do as it's all subjective anyway.

@donsachs My system might respond well to the Linlai tubes.

@donsachs Hi Don. Initially the Raven will be paired with a Pass Labs X350.5 power amp.  At some point I’ll need to downsize the amp but ithe Pass drives and controls my Verity Audio Parsifal Encores very well. The analogue side is a Linn lip-12 with a rebuilt Troika MC cart into an Ayre phono pre.  On the digital side I stream or play files from a MacBook Pro running Audirvāna and Qobuz which feeds a Musetec DA-005 DAC.  CDs are spun with a Meridian 508.24 used as a transport only. While I will likely make additional changes elsewhere in my system I am hoping the Raven preamp will be an end game component.  The Raven will be replacing an Ayre K-1xe preamplifier which is itself very good.  Overall, I would characterize my system as slightly on the warmer side of neutral.  I am wondering if the linlai tubes in the Raven might be a better fit.  Open to suggestions.

Yes, that is how I currently run it.  I'll call David Whitt @ Spatial this week to inform him about the tube change.

@terrapin77 Thanks for posting your early impressions of the Raven preamp. Happy to hear you're loving it!  I'm not sure I understand the meaning of "the music floating around me" but as long as it sounds real (believable) is what's important to me. Do you mean immersive?  I can't say I've experienced this before in my system where all music is spread out in front of me and in a plane behind the speakers. I'll just have to wait a few more weeks to experience it first hand.  I look forward to reading more comments from you and others about the Raven preamp from Spatial Audio Labs.

@donsachs You touched upon the primary reason I am moving back to tubes from solid state. No question there are very competent solid state electronics that can create a 3D soundstage.  My Ayre K-1xe does a better job at this than the Ayre K-5xeMP preamp, for example.  I have been able to attain a wide soundstage that extends beyond the speakers and has good depth and height on certain recordings.  What the Raven seems to deliver as described by yourself and other users is what I've been missing.  The wait is killing me.

I am hoping to receive word that my Raven will be shipping by the end of this week.  I plan to post my experiences here after at least 20 hours of burn-in.

Heard from Spatial that my Raven should ship tomorrow.  I am very excited to hear this preamp in my system.  I will try to refrain from posting initial impressions until adequate burn-in (20+ hours).

My Raven preamplifier from Spatial Audio Labs arrived today and I thought I would post initial impressions.  More folks should be receiving theirs any day now so additional comments from them will be helpful.  The packaging was first rate and the box itself looked like it had been hand carried from the next town over.  Everything was pristine inside the double box and the finish on the preamp was perfect.  The only change in my system today was swapping my Ayre K-1xe preamp for the new Raven.  Everything else is the same.  The Raven has a cherry base and I upgraded the standard 6SN7 tubes to the Linlai elite version.  I let the preamp idle for an hour before listening to female vocals, then instrumental, then male vocals, female, etc... After only a few minutes listening the word that struck me first was REFINEMENT. There was no grain as one might expect with only one hour burn in.  Initially, I was pleasantly surprised how similar the Raven was to the Ayre; clearly better but not by a wide margin.  However, the gap began to widen over the next several hours.  Music was fluid, clear (like a sense of zero distortion), natural, well balanced top to bottom, and became more beautiful and emotionally engaging with every song I played.  I am astounded how good this thing is after only 3 hours.  I will provide more detail next week after spending more time listening but there is no question in my mind that this is an amazing preamp and I will be keeping mine.  I look forward to getting 20+ hours on it and reading the impressions of other new owners.

@donsachs Soundstage depth, image depth and pinpoint imaging is already better than the Ayre which itself was an improvement over the K-5xeMP in these qualities. 

Wash your hands often! Seriously, it's the single most effective way to ward off bugs from the mass transit petri dishes. Wish I still lived in Portland, I would have loved to meet you guys.

I have owned the Raven preamp now for about 6-7 weeks feeding a Pass X350.5 solid state amp.  Compared to my previous solid state preamp, a quite capable Ayre K-1xe, the Raven was better at everything but mostly in the areas of soundstage depth, image stability, 3-dimensionality, focus, clarity and tonal colors. However, I suspected that I wasn't getting everything the Raven was capable of  due to my interconnect cables which are a good value for their price but after having owned the much better Nordost Tyr 2 in the past, had certain limitations.  At the suggestion of Don Sachs I ordered up the top level 5.3 XLR anti cables from Paul Speltz and had them cryo'ed and burned in for 150 hours. They are used between my DAC and Raven, and from the Raven to the Pass amp.  Speaker cables are from Triode Wire Labs.  OMG!  The gains in clarity, transparency, speed, dynamics and image focus are off the charts.  Vocals are so clear that I can now understand certain words that I used to have to struggle to understand. My system now sounds leaps and bounds better than ever.  Even the wife agrees but don't tell her I have my eye on the Spatial Blackbird amps.  With a daughter getting married in the fall those will have to wait a while.

@lynn_olson I’m a believer!  The Speltz level 5.3 XLR Anticables are very reasonably priced in my opinion and seem to be a perfect match for the Raven.  Talking with Paul Speltz about his cables and pickleball among other things was a pleasure.  Many thanks to Don for pointing me in the right direction.

@fthompson251 The Raven did not have this effect (more pronounced bass) in my system. I find its frequency range is well balanced top to bottom. I opted for the Linlai tube upgrade to slightly counter a warmer than neutral sound produced by my speakers and amp.  I have been totally happy with the Raven and have had no issues with it at all.

My speakers are 89dB sensitivity and the volume on my Raven preamp at a "comfortable" listening level is 35.  Need those amp specs or something is amiss.

@phono2024 Congratulations on the new Raven preamp!  You have a very nice system. It's interesting that you "cannot comprehend what soundstage, depth, separation, air, fast bass, music floating in the air..."  I get all of those things to a greater or lesser extent and my Raven preamp is connected to a Pass Labs X350.5 amp which is a warmer sounding amp. It is rare for me to hear any music actually coming from the speakers (Verity Audio Parsifal Encore) as the sound source; the soundstage is open, deep, wide, holographic and as transparent and extended as the Pass amp will allow. I was curious what a more neutral amp like the Tyr mono blocks might sound like.  I have a feeling your system will open up with more hours on the preamp.  I also have Paul Speltz best XLR's and Triode Wire Lab speaker cables in my system.  Thanks for posting your impressions of the Raven preamp!