song recommendations for Klipsch Heresy IV's?

Good Day All,

Can anybody post track titles  that really shine on these speakers?  I listen to all music genres via Tidal, please and thanks






I had to think about this for a while, then it came to me. The audiophile standard: Diana Krall-Love Scenes.

If they are like my old heresy's, some 'fleetwood mac', some 'heart' sounded pretty darn good.

Test any speaker with intensive piano music:

Please note, it’s not me selling this beautiful LP. Worth every penny

Or see if your speakers could handle this concert:


Bob - Tangled Up In Blue.

People often think of Klipsch speakers as "rock speakers", but they can really shine with acoustic guitars and vocals.

First - anything by Rush. Rush sounds absolutely fantastic on the Klipsch heritage line of speakers. 

Second - I agree with @big_greg comment above regarding acoustic guitars. Mark Knopfler, Grant Green, Wes Montgomery, Kenny Burrell, Michael Hedges, Khaki King, and Neko Case all sound amazing on these speakers.  

Horns do horns well.

Art Farmer

JJ Johnson

Sonny Rollins

Frank Morgan

Joshua Redman

James Carter


Really ? Just play your favorite music, and if you do not enjoy it, contact me......

That recently released Steely Dan Live album sounds amazing on mine. The Heresy's also seem made for Allison Kraus's voice. Also was listening to Miles Davis sketch's of Spain and Dave Brubeck's West Side Story with a big ol' grin on my face last evening. 

Everything should sound fine depending on the quality of the recording. If not there is a problem with the set up. It is usually the room. 

thus far Horns are shining, most Jazz in general, and female vocals, usual suspects Krell, Jones, Adele, etc.....same excellence

the realism is great, been a while since I felt like i was hearing music instead of speakers







been a while since I felt like i was hearing music instead of speakers

That’s what horns do best…

been a while since I felt like i was hearing music instead of speakers

if that‘s what floats your boat

I spend my money to accomplish just that..

That's what its all about, the music.   I think the Heritage line do a great job of making music sound live , or alive however you want to describe it.   I like a lot of different music too, if you like the band Seether you should check out One Cold Night it's a live concert that sounds really good.   Sounds like live music