Schumann Resonator

I got 2 of these from Amazon...careful that free returns are applicable.  I charged them up, turned them on and holy moly.....they do help with my system.   What I hear is between instruments, a definite difference in upright and electric bass, wider know...all the good stuff. At first I thought it might be increased brightness, but is still the same in that regard.  I still can't believe it, and will listen again tomorrow (saved the packaging for the return)...but today, I'm about to keep them.
I must say that sometimes in a relatively balanced resulting S.Q. , after many experiments, sometimes with only a minor change in appearance the complete S.Q. MAY dramatically change improving or losing the quality which was reach with other means till this change...My system has not achieved his evolution till recently and each time i was thinking that it was optimal and i was wrong.... 😁

For example the exact right balance between reflecting and absorbing acoustical surface...May create a huge impact....

Lately my few inches shortening of a few straws, the neck of my Helmholtz pipes and tubes grid...Create great impact....

Other examples are possible...I lived through many....

The S.Q. is a very sensible equilibrium between many known and unknown or underestimated factors in the 3 working embedding dimensions...

Our own capacity to detect these changes is less linked to supra normal heraring that did not exist for me anyway, than to my listenings and experiments history with the SAME gear in the SAME room....I call that learning to hear in some specific environment.... It is not a power in itself of discrimination applicable anywhere with any system in any room.... It is an HABIT.......Hearing is an habit that also can lose his power if transfered suddenly in an another environment than the usual.... 😊

It is the reason why blind test could be important and it is for the same reason that they cannot play a great active role in an evolutive learning specific habit context.... They are more useful in a social and scientific way and GENERAL environment for designers and customers etc....

For someone learning his own audio specific environment, his own room and his own gear, it is more an experiment he can try partially for sure, not scientifically, and i did it by accident many times unvolontarily....It surprized me a lot when it did....The unconscious was knowing that something was lacking not my consciousness  at all,at the times when these accidents has occured...It percolate from my unocnscious to my consciousness that something was not right slowly... It surprized me....It proves to me that some changes were real not borderline placebo....Some were probably borderline placebo...

But i dont like when people  apeak always of "placebo effect".... An incremental series of positive changes accumulating in months cannot be illusory.... One change times to times could be and has been for me surely....It pertain to my personal habit my learning history with his own deceptive way and his own powerful way also.... IT IS A LEARNING experience not a capacity given at birth.....

Speaking of that bad2design  link up your patent you mentioned somewhere sometime. Let's see it.

Didn’t mean for you to get all angry and pouty, miller.
Thought it might have helped you come to terms with why your stereo sounds so lousy without cable elevators.

Post removed 
..and in my system cable elevators had absolutely no effect..either positive or negative
It is clear to me now I have vastly misjudged the reading comprehension of (some) of my audience. I say some because while it may appear to you all you are the only ones here, let me assure you many others read and do not comment precisely because of all the blather and attacks they can see coming if they do. So while they get it a lot of you do not and so I will try and be real clear and simple: 

Double-blind tests are where people who cannot hear go to hide the fact they cannot hear.  

Got it? Good. I will now leave you to blather endlessly back and forth among each other pretending anyone cares. Bye!
Just think of all the time, money, and energy he would have saved if he thought of doing that first...
@millercarbon- I have to agree with @thecarpathian. How can every little thing be “startlingly better”? There is no scale of degrees of improvement? Suspension helps turntables, phono stages, amps and preamps, speakers all incredibly? Nothing is a subtle or mild Improvement? NOBODY else says this.

I am not by any means on an upgrade treadmill. Amp is 15 years old. Cartridge 10 (replaced identically last August when the stylus wore out). Turntable is 2, but I don’t foresee a change (maybe the arm if I get really antsy) conditioner around 5, speakers are only a year, but they replaced 25 year old ones. Hardly an upgrade treadmill. Like I said, the suspension upgrade was startling, but it is hard to imagine tens of more tweaks having the same impact, but I am certainly open minded to what has the potential to do so.

Even @mahgister admits variations in improvements with various experiments he conducts. You criticize double blind testing. I wonder why....maybe you would fail to recognize the removal of cryo from some wires, springs from a power conditioner, SGs? I’d like to hear of any documentation of how any testing was actually done.

I do admire your passion for the hobby and would love to hear your incredibly complex system, but would not fly coast to coast to hear it. If I ever found myself in Seattle however (hasn’t happened yet) I will reach out to set up a time to stop by.
During the middle of one song (I had my eyes closed) ,Chuck took the cables off the Cable Elevators; I immediately heard the sound become distorted and muddy.
So, with all the time and money you’ve spent, with all your decades of accumulating audio knowledge, with all your testing, tweaking and experimenting, with all your careful equipment choices of amplification, source, conditioning, cabling, room treatment, Moabs, etc....
Unless you lift your speaker cables off the floor, your system sounds (quote) "distorted and muddy"??!
Wow. And you dispense advice like you know what you’re talking about...
Hardly a flattering endorsement of your audio prowess, the synergy of your equipment, and your Moabs.
Exploration is the key word.
No boxes no interference from 
90 degree angles. Tom

Simply marvelous listening to the paint take effect. Have my 4 subs off just to get a handle on the mains. This new Purifi 6.5 in driver goes low with great control and clean midrange. So far the treatment to the out side service was different right away. Kinda like a fun house mirror at first with imbalance left to right but 24 hrs later with just the monitors going more and better bass..lower noise floor,  stage is rock steady backround vocals a plenty but they could use more jump towards my that because there is less noise or there needs to be more time as well as play time. Overall a very positive difference. Next week some symmetrical cubic crystals in line with my chair and Music Fan in the glide path. Then Mr. Schumann enters the laminar flow line up. Kool..Tom

This conversation is wearing really thin.   Those who want to experiment then do so, those who don't go away.  They work for me ....that's all Im interested in.   The reason I put the original post on is to inform there may be a way to make your listening experience more valuable.   Those who wish to close their ears and think they're opening their brain....should be on another forum
I think that is what MillerCarbon does. He knows in theory it improves the sound and does whatever he can in that regard. It's a free country. I like to justify any expenditure. I find it hard to beleive he can hear every single thing he's done and when removed he would notice it. Double blind test would be nice to hear. 

Double-blind testing is the refuge of tin-eared wanna-bees. I've demonstrated this so many times with so many different things over so many years it is hard to do anything now but laugh. I could tell you so many stories but now I don't even have to do that any more, just refer you to my System page where you can read Deborah's comment for yourself: 
During the middle of one song (I had my eyes closed) ,Chuck took the cables off the Cable Elevators; I immediately heard the sound become distorted and muddy. 
"Had my eyes closed". So in other words literally blind. Just want to be sure you caught that. Had no idea it was coming. Literally double-blind. I got so many of these, you don't even know. This one I love because she wrote it herself without even being asked. Beautiful. 

Every single thing in my system is like that. Nothing is there because: theory. Nothing is there because: reasons. Only reason any of it is there is because I tried it and heard it was better. Not teensy bit better either. The kind of better a woman listening intently finds startling. Yes every single thing is like that. Even the freaking rubber band trick. Don't miss that one! 

But hey, I get it. You have no idea. As much as is shown and described on my System page, I was just reading it, and surprised to realize it barely scratches the surface. Yes indeed I really can hear every single thing. You would too, if you had the time. You really should come hear it. For what some of this stuff costs it would be worth it to fly out here just to learn what is possible. For what you would save buying tweaks that work instead of running the upgrade treadmill it would totally be worth it.


Good link but you could take its argument any way you chose.
Thanks for your open mind being a glimmer of hope for others....

Just a word about truth: truth is something we must love and live under.... It is not reducible to the facts which are accepted or not by science or religions....

Truth is not only and mainly a value associated with facts, the so called "truth value" in the logical meaning of the word, truth is not reducible to facts in this world.... It is a light who shine through ANY world and through all beings... It is first and last an ORIENTATION of the heart and mind toward love and the absolute.... It is not also a religious matter.... The finger pointing the moon is not the moon... Truth could not be also the matter or the main  subject of a science without heart....

It is the reason why i like your post...

My best to you....

«Why did you count your money Groucho?»-Chico Marx

«I trust my mothers’s love and numbers only»- Groucho Marx
Schumann Resonators over 12,000 views and coming up on page 6....who would have thunk it!
First, Schumann resonance is an electromagnetic field not an acoustic signal. Second the amplitude of the field is on the order of 1 picotesla and can only be detected with highly sensitive antennas and instruments. The magnetic coil used to detect Schumann resonance typically consists of tens to hundreds of thousands of turns of wire wound around a highly magnetic core. Further, 1 picotesla is many orders of magnitude smaller than the earths own magnetic field. All this is to say the idea of a Schumann resonator improving sound is pure nonsense. However It does beg the question as to what a person thinks is true versus what they want to think is true. What do you think millercarbon?
I think we are talking about two different things. You are talking about an extremely weak field, and we are generating the same sort of frequency only about a billion times stronger. All you have to do is compare something as obviously simple as the circuit boards power consumption to figure that one out. You spent a lot of time Goolaging up factoids without bothering to understand a word of it. That is what I think.


Good link but you could take its argument any way you chose.

In any case, external interference in scientific research ("flagrant conflicts of interest") cannot be a good thing. 

Or are scientific independence and impartiality already things of the past? 
Did they even exist then? Or ever?

In any case we must surely be at a stage of enquiry that's unprecedented in the whole of human history.

So many subjects now find themselves under an increasingly bright worldwide spotlight at the same time by so many people. 

From election conspiracies, the legitimacy of the moon landings, the relevance of the 7.83Hz Schumann Resonance, the supposed death of Paul McCartney, the assassination of JFK, 911, false flags, the covid response, flat earth proponents, the decades old digital v analogue debate, spikes v springs etc.

A kind of intellectual theoretical Darwinist battle is being played out on a daily basis. What will eventually emerge may well be the truth, or it may not. 

Hopefully some bright sparks with never before seen levels of accessible data at their disposal, will be able to make the same kinds of groundbreaking discoveries that the ancient Greeks were able to via sheer force of reason.


Skeptical of Medical Science Reports?Carlton Gyles  Oct 2015

'More recently, Richard Horton, editor of The Lancet, wrote that

“The case against science is straightforward: much of the scientific literature, perhaps half, may simply be untrue.

Afflicted by studies with small sample sizes, tiny effects, invalid exploratory analyses, and flagrant conflicts of interest, together with an obsession for pursuing fashionable trends of dubious importance, science has taken a turn towards darkness.'
All this is to say the idea of a Schumann resonator improving sound is pure nonsense. However It does beg the question as to what a person thinks is true versus what they want to think is true. What do you think millercarbon? Perhaps it is time to go back to the books.
First SOME change in the noise floor of my house may be detected by audible effects... Adding or substrating a number of appliances is an example of this...

Second the connection of the S.G. to the electrical grid of the house modify it, no question.... Is it audible? Yes by me and some others who experiment it ...Why? Perhaps by virtue of the low frequency and his addition to the noise floor and his effect on it...I am not a scientist tough for sure... Why can i differentiate 2 distinct effects when i put quartz or shungite on the S.G. or on top of the main electrical box of the house? i can differentiate it and anybody can replicate that in his own main electrical box.... Those who NEVER experiment has no right to always speak of "placebo", being theONLY explanation for ALL cases, when the experiment proposed is SO SIMPLE to try and verify...

Third dont turn an intelligent remark of you in a war against a user which is by the way not responsible of the S.G. publicity by himself.... It is me, among others, who speak about the S.G. to him...

Four in science some undetectable very small effect could stay undetectable without the appropriate instrument to detect it or even a human sense to perceive it.... Ears are not only the biased gross measuring apparatus that it seems only and always to be for some.... Hearing is very complex phenomenon.... And ears can detect something very faint, directly undetectable at his own scale, percolating from some scale to another scale by his effect producing finally an audible effect.... It is one possibility...There is many others...

Five Wait before concluding in a definitive condemnation, the story has not ended yet...Take a breath and try a simple experiment... If not wait....,
Further, 1 picotesla is many orders of magnitude smaller than the earths own magnetic field. All this is to say the idea of a Schumann resonator improving sound is pure nonsense.

Six apply your wise maxim to yourself also, before warring against another poster, perhaps it is time to try a simple experiment:
However It does beg the question as to what a person thinks is true versus what they want to think is true. What do you think millercarbon? Perhaps it is time to go back to the books.

«Imagination cannot be completely replaced by doubt if we want to fly»- Anonymus Smith

«Music is like flying, the sounds are the wings, my imagination is the air sustaining them»-Groucho Marx listening to his new speakers without any Schumann generator in the room yet...

To be a bit provocative i will make this citation from a anteresting book: 

"Eyes lie," says auditory neuroscientist Seth Horowitz. "But the ears don’t."
These posts can get a little off target sometimes but most of the time the tweaks large and small do have merit and are grounded in science or at least a physical relationship between what is perceived and what is real.  Schumann resonators however are not one of them.  First, Schumann resonance is an electromagnetic field not an acoustic signal.  Second the amplitude of the field is on the order of 1 picotesla and can only be detected with highly sensitive antennas and instruments.  The magnetic coil used to detect Schumann resonance typically consists of tens to hundreds of thousands of turns of wire wound around a highly magnetic core. Further, 1 picotesla is many orders of magnitude smaller than the earths own magnetic field.  All this is to say the idea of a Schumann resonator improving sound is pure nonsense.  However It does beg the question as to what a person thinks is true versus what they want to think is true.  What do you think millercarbon?  Perhaps it is time to go back to the books.            
Sorry - I have no idea he was putting shungite (whatever that is) on his "electrical service" and where that ends.
I never say he use shungite, i only give this mineral for an example that is for me very known for affecting electricity power like quartz....For other reason than quartz... Others minerals will work or not i dont know which one eaudiotweak use...I experiment muyself with 30 different minerals varieties...Then i completely trust theaudiotweak....

Are you using a power conditioner to smooth out the power spikes?
Yes mainly for a minimal protector against surge but i added my golden plates to it and other minerals to decrease his negative effect with success...
Sorry - I have no idea he was putting shungite (whatever that is) on his "electrical service" and where that ends.

Like I said in theory it may have an effect. Whether or not you can hear it is another issue. Unless he shungites the electricity from the connection point to his house to the "outside electric service" I guess at the curb it makes me doubtful.

Are you using a power conditioner to smooth out the power spikes?
I am retired so my hobby is now my job as are mechanical parts for string instruments. Tom
What I add are elements 99% purity and above. 

Come on over bring your open ears and an open mind we can joke about after you get here. What I am doing is no joke. Tom
@theaudiotweak - is comedian your full time job?
sokogear, i can assure you that adding shungite to the paint on the wall will change the sound.... even if i have not devise this experiment i use shungite in my "golden plates" all along my electrical grid house....

I then has taken eaudiotweak seriously....Even if he will use some other minerals... it is an experiment.... Not a joke for me...
I think that is what MillerCarbon does. He knows in theory it improves the sound and does whatever he can in that regard. It’s a free country. I like to justify any expenditure. I find it hard to beleive he can hear every single thing he’s done and when removed he would notice it. Double blind test would be nice to hear.
First, when i add something in my room, for sure i listen and perceive a positive result on the spot or not... Is it really a physical, or acoustical or mechanical or electrical effect? Or is it a placebo?

For EACH minute one change i dont always know for sure even if a change is effectively perceived...

For EACH one big change i know for sure....An Helmoltz grid is not placebo...

The ionizers and the S.G. grid are not minute changes in my mind  even if they are not as powerful like an Helmholtz grid....They are enough impactful to dissipate any doubt and it is very easy to put the "on" button or the "off" button here...

For ANY change, we can add it or keep it out, repeatedly...But i has not done always that in the enthusiastic fever of the music listening experiments for ALL perceived minute changes...

But when something is lacking by accident or by experiment, you can verify if it is one positive REAL change or not...But if the change is very very audible what i call a big one, i trust my ears .... For some of the minute one, repeating the experiment was sometimes revelatory of a possible  placebo effect , not always....

But at the end with an INCREMENTAL series of hundreds of  additions, my audio system bear no more ressemblance at all with itself, before and after all these additions of controls devices in the three working embeddings dimensions... Then....

Explaining all that by placebo is impossible and preposterous for me....
 Very interesting experiment thanks.... we wait for the result....

My best to you....
I am going into my audio room to listen to the affects of the paint  I brushed on yesterday to my outside electrical service..some minerals contained.  Tom
In short, theoretically everything that touches the audio signal, power (from the electric company to the component) or sound waves coming from the speakers matters.

In reality, only some are audible. I have done several tweaks - in my mind if it is not immediately noticeable, it doesn't register. Break in period makes it almost impossible to notice. Especially if it is supposed to have no initial effect. At least when they talk of speaker or cartridge break in, the initial sound change should be substantial and only improve from there.

It seems to me that the ones affecting the source are the most impactful, and it is reduced down the line of the signal as it is further distorted. For example, vibration control on a turntable that is not a highly controlled table like an SME, such as my Rega P8, when put on Townshend pods  (seismic platform actually which I recommend more because you don't have to worry about positioning them - they come attached and fixed and individually adjustable for tension) sounded like a completely new table. When the same treatment was added to my solid state amp, I couldn't hear the difference. I put lesser vibration controls (read cheaper silicone feet) on that and my phono stage because I know they theoretically improve the sound, I just can't identify it specifically. I think that is what MillerCarbon does. He knows in theory it improves the sound and does whatever he can in that regard. It's a free country. I like to justify any expenditure. I find it hard to beleive he can hear every single thing he's done and when removed he would notice it. Double blind test would be nice to hear.

I appreciate honesty and transparency when assessing the impact of the individual tweaks. I was going to put some bass traps in my den as recommended by a member and in general. When speaking with GIK Acoustics, they reviewed my pictures of my room and because of the unique layout and placement limitations (and those of my wife) they recommended doing nothing when I spoke with him. I wanted to buy a couple things and the guy said for that small amount of treatment, I would not be able to tell the difference. What refreshing honesty!

I am trying to assess HFTs (under a different discussion) and would appreciate feedback on them from anyone who has tried them. They sound good in theory. This discussion seems to get big airtime, so I am hoping to get a lot of perspectives, especially from people more like me that have very good systems worth in the low 5 figures that blend into a non-dedicated listening room, not the ones that are huge, room consuming of mid 5 figures and up that are typically dedicated and set up for listening primarily. They look like demo rooms of audio stores, which is fine if that is what you want, all power to you. It would be nice, I just don't have the space/room that would make a good home for it.

I dont know myself how many cheap one  work for an  optimal audible difference.... 2 or more... Certainly i added more and it was better, but i dont advise to bought 12 like me .... 😁😊😎

Probably less than 12 will do.... Sometimes the "placebo" effect is also PART of  the explanation.... With the S. G. installed it is not placebo the main explanation of the audible effect for me, but with these numbers of 12 devices i play with, the "additional" effect is explained by placebo effect for sure in part... What is the right enough numbers: i will guess 4 or 5 not 12 .....Or perhaps a costly one.... But it is too costly for me to try only a "good" one....The price of 12 is a low fraction of the price of an Acoustic Revive one....

I only know that when they are accidentally disconnected or when i forget to open them "on", partially or completely , something is lacking in the sound.... It is not a blind test but it is enough for me tough...

And also the fact that putting shungite on top of  the caps or herkimer diamond affect the sound very differently exclude only a placebo effect sorry....

Others could do a blind test, it will be interesting...

millercarbon  I feel compelled to educate you on a couple of things after your baseless raving review of the Schumann Resonator post....

"Starting with one I added a couple at a time until now at 8 with 2 more on the way. Each one improved the same amount as the last. So much for the "law" of diminishing marginal returns. Some say they need to be 5ft off the floor. No idea where that comes from. Six of mine are about 5 ft up, but two are right on the floor and when turned off and on (I have them on a remote switch) it is easy to hear they all make the same difference." 

If you have never heard of proper methods for evaluating products or anything new for that matter, it's time you learn a little about blind and double blind testing.  By baseless I mean nothing in nature works as you claim and to hear the improvement of one little resonator up to 10 little resonators is impossible.  Human perception does not work that way, never has and never will.  Since you have so many of these little gadgets perhaps you could find a friend or two and set up a proper test environment per the following protocol.  I suggest the double blind method just to keep your friends honest as well....

When undertaking a clinical trial, the two major models that one can use are the single blind and double blind trials. Selecting the right trial is important since it can affect the outcome of the trial or introduce errors. The ideal model should be selected based on the type of trial and other variables. For any clinical trial, there are usually two groups of people who are experimented on. Members of one group are given a placebo, and the members of another group are given the treatment that is being studied. This is so as to compare the effectiveness of the treatment to placebo.

In a single blind study, the participants in the clinical trial do not know if they are receiving the placebo or the real treatment. This is done to reduce the risk of errors, since some participants might produce spurious results if they know that they are taking the placebo or medication. In this model, the experimenter monitoring the participants knows which individuals received the placebo and which ones got the treatment under examination.

In a double-blind study, both the participants and the experimenters do not know which group got the placebo and which got the experimental treatment. This is considered to be the superior model of clinical research since it eliminates outcomes that are produced due to placebo effect, as well as observer bias by the experimenter. The fact that the experimenter does not know which group received the placebo or the experimental drug means that the risk of conscious and unconscious observer bias is reduced, making the study more accurate.


An important remark about Schumann generators:

S.G. cannot do the impossible and give to us a natural musical timbre accuracy for example.... They can contribute like ionizers do...

But natural timbre accuracy PERCEPTION dont come DIRECTLY only FROM the speakers design either ....I suppose for sure we speak here about any relatively good speakers and for sure their design play a critical role...

But natural timbre accuracy PERCEPTION or experience come DIRECTLY FROM the room acoustical settings contributions...

And no S.G. or ionizers could replaced, only by itself, passive materials acoustical treatment and certainly not more active (non electronical) controls like Helmholtz grid....

Then yes S.G. are cheap and audible positively for many who will bought them....

But there exist no miracles in Acoustic....Only laws....Complex one...

The main criteria to know for sure if your system is accurate and high fi is not soundstage or imaging "per se", it is natural instrumental TIMBRE tonal accuracy perception...

Here the room acoustical settings are critical in the process of making possible the recreation of the Timbre instrument "envelope" perception ... No turntable or dac can give it by ONLY itself.... It is the room acoustical synergy settings controls with the speakers which is the key... S.G. are only a small contribution...Like ionizers... Like many others ....

The more powerful are passive materials treatment with the right balance with absorbtion/reflection/diffusions surfaces and volumes...And activation of the room with Helmholtz pipes and tubes or bottles... Secondary more passive resonators could also give something...

Then wait for a possible pleasant surprize with cheap S.G. but not for miracles and in some case if the noise level is too high no audible effects....

Still hard to dance to....even now.. ;)

"Difficult Listening Hour" isn't for the weak or inattentive....*S* 

'minimalist music', like Aphex Twin or raw riot riffs....  
(Thanx, Capt. ...*G*)....Zappa's humor hax...deadmic3 cube kulture...Heilung renorelics...

Theze R hour clazzikx....😜
...I suspect everyone needs a jolt at this time of night....or whenever you are...

Gain to 10.5
34:16>36:30; 38:46 for the summary, 41:07 if you're into it.... ;)

Knock the dust off those resonators 'n woofers....

...and Good Morning, ESTime....*G*

..."elongated molecules"...!?

I'll apologize for 'elongated cynicism' up front...😬
That is the sort of thing that sneaker-wearing comet clan kooks staked their lives on and lost big time....

Being crude...I've got something 'elongated' to beat that theory into the dirt....and it's not physically a part of my physiology....🙄

I've inhaled a lot of things...but nothing has Ever made me buy that concept, noooo....
Post removed 
The SteinMusic Harmonizer looks interesting it claims to "elongate the air molecules " of the room. I wonder if these elongated molecules are still breathable?
Silence elongate the branching connections of brain cells....

I will apply this to myself before shorting mine....

But perhaps are you serious in your interest for the stein gear? if so i apologize...

I had an indigestion of sarcasms lately....I begin to produce too much of them myself it seems....

Sarcasm is a contagious disease....
The SteinMusic  Harmonizer looks interesting it claims to "elongate the air molecules " of the room. I wonder if these elongated molecules are still breathable? 
Did you invest in one, or are you just being "funny?"
I took his post seriously but you remind me that he is rarely serious save for free sarcasm at the others expanse, especially if they speak about low cost homemade devices, which is very easy to do....

He recycled perpetually the "tin foil hat" joke usually....Which is not a proof of great imaginative power....

I permit myself to say so because of this arrogant order to "scrap" the cheap one and the suggestive advice to bought costly tweak, coming from someone who always mock any unorthodox way....

I took his post seriously because usually they are only short sarcasm....Perhaps i was deceived by this longer one.... And i admit that i always trust others first.... I prefer to be trustfull to others in a first move....

I am doubtful now that he really recommend this Stein gear, except for sarcasm....

Anyway i will apologize if he rectify me....If not, it is call "trolling", the practice of those who suffer boredom to stir a pot only to create negative reactions....He is not malignant tough....

For boredom i recommend reading some unknown genius: Malcolm de Chazal, but it exist only in french.....


William Blake could replace it.....

This translation of Chazal comes from wiki , it can give you a flavor of someone who has never known boredom and took not much  time for sarcasm:

«Half-opened petals give the flower an adenoidal look.

We know the halls of the eye like welcome visitors but we live in our mouth.

Any man who acts singly in the press of a mob will get trampled. Shifting into reverse while making love can kill you.

Immediately before it falls, water turns into a living being as if a person’s soul had just slipped into it: look at the way it bends and twists, writhing in desperation. (What if you threw a not quite cold corpse out of an airplane—would the dead awaken?...)»

Then we can safely assert that "sarcasm" is often born from an aborted perception, or from an experience that never took place and replaced it...True imagination has a large wingspan , never walk, but fly..... Humor is not sarcasm...

Scrap all these inexpensive units that will stop working within a few months, and go for gold.
Some of mine have worked for near a year 12 hours a day till now....

10 bucks chinese one...

Or rather, go for the SteinMusic Harmonizer H2 Plus Signature, combined with 5 Blue Suns (a must).
What this very expansive "tweak" could give me that I don’t already have , modulo my homemade no cost embeddings controls?

Why is this so?

Right now i listen to a sound that none of my 7 headphones never give me from speakers in nearfield listening...I put my headphones in a drawer for many months now.... And in regular listening position all instruments fill my room with natural timbre....

Did i need a little more for many thousand dollars more? 😁 Thanks, but not for me....Perhaps for those who dont need to spare money....

Consumerism blinders, upgrades, "tweaks" are not my listenings low cost experiments with the 3 working embeddings dimensions homemade controls...I call that true audiophile experience for the " poor".... The experience is not poor at all, the cost is very low contrary to all audio consumer mythology... The fact is some science like acoustic dont need to cost money to be used....Save if you are a seller of acoustic products...

For sure it is more easy to buy a good "tweak" and plug it no more job needed...But remember that no tweak can work marvel in ALL 3 working dimensions at the same time sorry... Many devices are needed for each one of this embeddings dimensions, especially the acoustic one; only one will not do, even a magical one....

Experiments ask for time but are more fun and cost me peanuts...

Keep the "tweak".... I will keep my money...

By the way i am sure that this is a good product...

But i prefer to stay creative and richer...Anyway i dont need it....
