Schiit Freya +

Read some interesting reviews of the Schiit Freya +  tube based pre-amplifier.

Seems like it competes way above its price range.

Has anyone any direct experience with it?



I put a new bat  in the remote and it works great now. I re listed it, had an offer, someone else bought it then immediately canceled the purchase, I couldn't accept the other offer cause technically it's sold, Can't respond to offer either, or person! This is a Preamp from hell.  But it works.

It seems as though the remote does work, I have to be pointed directly at the little light on right.  The buyer claims he wasn't turning the volume when It was making the same noise as when the volume is changed, a flaky buyer! I recon he just didn't like the freya and had a way out. I'll continue to test it. 

I've owned an original version Freya for years (many other preamps preceded it) rolling various tubes through it and settled on NOS GEs. Seemingly its only flaw is its price as it's just too damn inexpensive for many audio snobs. It's a superb preamp, coherent, very quiet, the volume system clicks like it's supposed to and it clearly earns its place as a Stereophile Class A product. Nobody makes a preamp with the astounding performance of a Freya, including the ability to switch it from passive to tube instantly with all the inputs and outputs most could need. Around a grand...yeah man. Use it with a Pass XA-25 or Dennis Had single ended tube amp.

Probably the best resolution with a flaky buyer, minus the remote problems. Try a new battery before you give up on it.

If the volume is relayed control, I'm pretty sure it will buzz via the remote. My Rogue sphinx does that and it's normal

I took it back. Got it today.  When you turn the volume it makes a noise, it's supposed to make this noise. Tubes are fine. Maybe the buyer wanted to try one out before purchasing one and He had an out because I didn't know he was moving the volume and he assumed it was bad and I didn't ask. Now the remote doesn't work the volume though. Im the fool. 

The buyer wants to keep it, I've offered to send him a refund twice! He's contacted the factory is all I know. They said to try new tubes. I think he's perturbed I sent out an untested unit, It played just fine a year ago. I should've plugged it in and made sure it was working. I even doubled the package for safer shipping.  Like I say I won't guarantee a tube anymore on a sale of a unit. I'll  have to make a restitution of some sort. 

Brunomarcs I have one. It’s the tube that makes noise, the jj don’t make noise on mine. Probably Schiit will honor your warranty as long as you let them know, They have good costumer service.

@brunomarcs The buyer has sent a video  of the crackling noise and now says that's gone. Now the volume is making a noise. I've offered to refund him but he wants to send it schiit for repair.

I would offer to take it back again and if he still wants to send it to Schiit for repair, then that is on him. As for the volume making noise, it does. Is it coming over the speakers or just the relay clicking?

The buyer has sent a video  of the crackling noise and now says that's gone. Now the volume is making a noise. I've offered to refund him but he wants to send it schiit for repair. I just wonder if the delivery man dropped the box although it hadn't any damage. 

I thought the freya was an amazing piece of gear for the money, you couldn't find a used one in the world at that time 2 years ago,  now there are quite a few pre owned for sale. 

@brunomarcs I sold my Freya plus and shipped it to the guy and he's called and said it's making a crackling noise? Sounds like it's coming from the tubes. Anyone have experience this? Does it in all three modes! The stepped attenuator isn't the problem he says.

If it is happening in all three modes, then I don't think it is the tubes. The Freya + turns off the tubes in the other two modes, so they should have no effect. 

Is the sound in both channels or just one? If just one you could have them swap the tubes front to back to see if the problem changes to the other channel. This would show that it is the tubes.

I had a similar problem with the first Freya + that they shipped to me, and it was not the tubes. Not sure what the problem was, but they replaced it immediately.



I owmed it for a year. Very good pre-amp for the price, sound is warm and engaging.  Itubes get really hot along with the machine as others said.  If you plan to tube roll, the socket might be pulled or potential.damage to the sockets.  Its definately worth a try for beginners.  SS is more my taste I feel.

I should've mentioned also from now on if and when I sell any tube gear the tubes are free and not warranted, there just a bonus item. I'm probably gonna have to buy him some more tubes. 

Does schiit warranty there gear to the next buyer? Five year warranty and only 2 years old?

I sold my Freya plus and shipped it to the guy and he's called and said it's making a crackling noise? Sounds like it's coming from the tubes. Anyone have experience this? Does it in all three modes! The stepped attenuator isn't the problem he says.

Had the original Freya (with tubes). Kept it for a few years until it started making "tube farts". Debated on buying new tubes then read a glowing review of the Topping Pre90. Bought it and compared them. Kept the Top, sold the Schiit.

I bought a Loki but returned it after a couple of weeks.  Did not care for it at all.  I find it to be a beer budget sound.  Funny though, I bought a Bellari EQ570 to replace the Loki and I like it so much better. 

Thanks; migrating into a higher price point.

may revisit Audio Mirror after all

good price

good size

I’ve owned the SWL 9.0 SE twice. It is a much thinner sounding preamp than the others you are looking it. IME not Dan Wright’s best work, and I’ve owned nearly everything he’s made. Consider his LS100 instead. 

I would look up Aric Audio. Boutique, yes, however he uses basic designs and point to point wiring.  He has several models a various price points.  Worth a call. 

I have not tried that series of Rogue electronics, unfortunately. That said, it’s a 12au7 preamp. One recommendation, if you are capable of spending ~$3K on a preamp, is to look for a preowned PS Audio BHK preamplifier. Along with Vlad’s, it was the best preamp I’ve ever used in its price range. You can use it with 12au7, 6922 variants, and with an adapter even 6SN7. I tried many other preamps from Audio Research, Viva Linea, McIntosh and others and only owned two preamps that beat it (Modwright LS-36.5 DM, and the T+A P 3000 HV / SDV 3100 HV). 


Yes I was inquiring of Audio Mirror.  I am a little concerned about buying from a boutique firm; which might not survive if Vlad retires etc.

Just look at Black Cat Cables.

I rechecked Rogue; any thoughts on the RP 5 series?

I really didn't like this preamp BUT find me one preamp with great tubes like the 6SN7 that has balanced inputs/outputs for under $1k. 

I sort of concur. It’s flexibility at the price point is enticing for a new audiophile. I bought mine just to hear for myself. Going to keep it for a desk top system.


@mdrone I recall you asking about the Audio Mirror preamplifier in the past. That unit is leagues above the Freya+. I’ve owned the Freya as well as the Freya+. While the Freya+ was an improvement, it is still fairly fatiguing and isn’t even close to the best in terms of coherence. For a similar price, look for a preowned Rogue 99 Magnum preamp. It has a similar circuit design with four 6SN7, but it uses very good parts and it’s performance is a significant step above.

FWIW I don’t think the Freya+ punches above its price point in any way aside from the convenience of switching between passive, JFET and tube. 

Owned one for a few months, had the same issues as others have brought up and had to use socket savers but in the end I didn't like the sound and sold it.  It's great for the money, there is really nothing quite like it so it's a good intro into tubes.


Post removed 

I've owned one for a couple of months. I bought the socket savers as well. Mine came with Tung-sols. I found them to be too flabby in the bass. I also bought some vintage GE and Sylvanias. It's a good value and very flexible. Not an end game piece for me.

I have owned it for about 1 year and really like it. It replaced a Parasound P3 preamp. I gave away alot of inputs but gained that nice tube sound. The Schiit Freya + is very, very good for the price. The downside of the preamp, IMO, is that... #1 the tube sockets are attached directly to the circuit board. So if you tube roll alot, moving the tubes in and out of the sockets will eventually wear out the board they are attached to. #2 Because the tubes set down inside the chassis, the glass on the older tubes might come unglued as one must grab the glass instead of the base of the tubes (which you cannot reach once the tubes are in the socket). One can get quality socket savers for this, which I have done...These socket savers will raise up the 4 tubes and they can be taken in and out by the base, not the glass.