RMAF 2016

Just read the press release from last week  that several Atrium rooms on the ground, 4 and 5th floors will be moved to smaller rooms in the tower and makeshift pods outdoors due to unforeseen construction delays. High Water Sound has been forced to pull out of RMAF because of this. Seems like terrible planning on the Marriott's part and terrible contingency planning on RMAF's part. CanJam will now be under a tent outside. Not sure why they didn't procure a wing or two at the Hyatt via cooperation with Marriott and run shuttles. Still not a perfect fix but better than pods and tents. I'm fearful several more exhibitors affected by this will pull out now. And this is the year I am going.........ugh.

No problem. Personally, I prefer higher level modern Canali and vintage Dior and YSL. As great as Kiton and Brioni are, they just don’t quite fit.
. Since there will be bunch of human traffic in/out= human body heat, will it be very hot in each rooms at the RMAF?
. With all that electronics turned on, via YouTube, I don't see Vendors even turned on A/C in their rooms ...
. Weather forcast shows 72/44F this weekend in Denver, Colorado but that's outside, so inside, is it still too warm for suits?
Post removed 
I do hope all that are even thinking about attending an audio show do go to the upcoming Rocky Mountain Audiofest a week from tomorrow. There will be an overwhelming amount to see and hear. Plus it is a great opportunity to meet the people who design, build, and review this equipment.

My solution to getting from the airport to the hotels at the Denver Tech center is to use the Denver Limousine Service Co. They use a GMC Yukon that can hold 7 passengers + baggage. Plus they will provide free bottled water to your destination. I have used them the last three years without a hitch. The price is $65.00 inclusive 1-7 people each way. After the frazzle of the airplane flight I have found the limo ride to be well worth the the price for the peace and comfort they provide. To make a reservation text: 720-628-0592.

David Pritchard


I do hope you get to go. The Marriott is full but there are multiple hotels in the area. I actually stay in the 5 minute away Hyatt.

David Pritchard

I'm thinking of going, I have never been to this event. But, the local Hotels look like they are already booked so maybe not.
3,168 posts
08-23-2016 3:43pm
I’m not sure how to do ’horning’, but I’m sure if I stick some of those Samantha Fox posters with big juggs onto cabinettes of my speakers they may possibly become horny.
LOL, czarivey!
there is actually a company called Horning that produces speakers - Danish company. here is the website:

I’m not sure how to do ’horning’, but I’m sure if I stick some of those Samantha Fox posters with big juggs onto cabinettes of my speakers they may possibly become horny.
Thank you. Too bad for me as I am interested in the horning speakers. Better to find out now certainly. That Marriott has been very due for remodel. 
I've gone to the show every year since it started. I was speaking to one of the vendors that will be exhibiting this year, and he was telling me that the show will probably be the smallest it's ever been. It sounds like a lot of the usual vendors will not be attending this year. I will go as always and I'm sure that I will have a good time but I used to go three days, then just two and last year only went one. Although I will attribute some of that to the fact that I get really tired walking as my years go by as well. I wish they would find another venue though, as the parking sucks.

I checked the cost for premium economy flights from the UK to Colorado early October - $1750!


Start your stair climb training early so you are ready to get to that top floor without that elevator wait !

David Pritchard

The sky won't fall, and we'll all still have a ball.  There is no way that RMAF will suck.

Of course these changes make for an unsettled pre show feel, but I predict there will be plenty to see and hear. Can Jam in a tent may not be a bad thing - that is what it was at Newport Beach for several years. I think that the headphone world is now advanced enough to warrant individual rooms and a quieter evaluation environment than the big open ballroom.

 CanJam 2009 in LA was a special event with it's small rooms and big hallways in which to stand and talk.

I am still planning to go, learn, and most importantly talk in person to the audio builders I respect and whose equipment I use.

David Pritchard


Blame the Marriott- it is not unlike that they did not know this show was coming in October every Fall?
Thanks for the info. I was planning to attend this year. Now I'll just push it out to next year..
