
Discussions gundam91 has started

Attention, PurePower owners23540
Signal interference - troubleshoot25091
Need help trouble shoot: weird noise29644
Options for unit that can stream music to USB DAC24883
Let's hear some cheers fom Avid Acutus fans31191
Drilling holes into the Michell Orbe SE subchasis?34196
Phono cables with angled DIN for SME IV and V arms206326
Experience with rewiring SME arm?133157
Amp Comparison procedure. Amp off when not in use?32948
Troubleshoot tracking issue37757
Anyone using Graham IC-70 w/ SME V?41175
Reference level cables that are 10-years old? buy?700316
Connecting a Step Up Transformer215977
Something warmer than the Nordost Quattro Fil?95557
What to look for in a sub?573710