Reasons not to freak out about tube supplies

I found this fairly persuasive. Of course, freaking out is not really a good plan about anything.



@kennyc Thanks. I have refrained from asking the question, "Well, it seems Russian tubes will not be running short, but should perhaps they be boycotted for ethical reasons?" because that would likely start a food fight/hissy fit/barroom brawl. (Such brawls are all the more inevitable when the answer is easy and the inconvenience is acute.)

Grant Fidelity responded to my email promptly! I just emailed them this week on Monday 3/14, asking if Linlai was going to start producing KT88/6550/EL34. I received a response from Grant Fidelity (Rachael) the next day in regards to my question informing me that Linlai was currently working on a KT88 for production that would hopefully be available soon. I was very excited to hear this!!!

I have purchased tubes from upscale Audio in the past, and I have been very happy with both their service and tubes. What I took from the video was that he was just warning his customers to not get taken advantage of, and be patient which I think is excellent advice! 

Grant fidelity don’t have the phone number to call them?Email them no response?

Daveyf uncle Kevin was panicking why he bought big dollar for the sanitizer, He is saying don’t panic or you might end up making a mistake buying bad expensive tubes. 

Leave it to self-important and entitled Americans to stress out about tubes supplies when there is no shortage and we have bigger fish to fry anyway.  Sheesh.  Are all the hoarders storing their tubes with their toilet paper?  I wonder.

Who is freaking out and why? I find all the tubes I need no problems. Although, I'm using only NOS....which are seemingly still plentiful. 

New Sensor just advised me that they are back on track to get supplies.


Happy Listening.

It's all really hilarious and self created drama.
I was on his site before I saw this video and as i was browsing around most tubes are shown as out of stock. So I well imagine people looking for tubes actually started calling to see what was available...I mean after all that is what he does...sell tubes.......

I'm still trying to figure out why he went and apparently spent big$$ on that large bottle of hand sanitizer...?? 

@newbee FWIW Victor Khomenco sez the problem has been solved and Russian tubes will be available. Posted on Audio Asylum on 3/16.


Fyi, different spelling of last name, with a "k", not c.

  • by Victor Kohomenko (M)

The AA post shares other hurdles, delays, concerns. May not be "solved" yet. And there will be added price for it too. Might just put all of my amps and TS tubes to sleep in their boxes.

Nice!  Thanks for posting!   This applies to a lot of things, especially selling off real estate in CA right after an  earthquake!    Man, you can buy acreage for 5 cents on the dollar.

Made up, on the spot? Or, did you make a killing while there was blood in the streets?

All the best,


@tksteingraber Understood. I guess I'm from a field where constant debate is normal so for me it is a standard M.O. to strip off my reactions to someone's tone of voice or style ("whiny" as you put it) in order to examine the reasons or claims they are making. I realize of course that others want to comment on other things, but to me those lead to conflict and lack of rational understanding. To each his/her/their own.

Post removed 

@hilde45 understand point taken…. His message isn’t the issue but but the manner in how he does it.. I took this video as  a whiney attack on tube customers character and  others. This isn’t his first rodeo posting these type of negative videos.  Let’s just take a positive non critical approach instead…probably just me reacting to it all.


If your worried about tube supplies buy extra sets and stop worrying about your next tube failure and enjoy your equipment!

@tksteingraber He gave reasons as to why panic is not justified. You just attacked his character. I have no personal feelings about Kevin but I don't like ad hominem attacks. They are both logically and ethically pitiable.

Appreciate very much the message not to panic from those with much more time/experience with the tube audio scene than this 1st time tube amp owner. A lot of the sentiment that one can always score NOS at the drop of a hat is very little solace to tube gear owners of meager finances who stretched the budget just to get into the hobby though. $200 a quad for GL KT-77s was a once-per-decade extravagance and $100/quad (Mullard EL 34 reissues) was “pushing things but doable”. I don’t think I’m the only one in these circumstances…..Will there be light at the end of this particular tunnel? Unclear at best. 🙁

FWIW Victor Khomenco sez the problem has been solved and Russian tubes will be available. Posted on Audio Asylum on 3/16.

Whine whine whine….comes across as self promotion from a “know it all” while talking down to his  customers or no longer customers.  Better if he just stopped making these criticizing whiney videos. Maybe it’s just me but “Not a Fan”!

Nice!  Thanks for posting!   This applies to a lot of things, especially selling off real estate in CA right after an  earthquake!    Man, you can buy acreage for 5 cents on the dollar.