Reasons not to freak out about tube supplies

I found this fairly persuasive. Of course, freaking out is not really a good plan about anything.



Showing 3 responses by hilde45

@kennyc Thanks. I have refrained from asking the question, "Well, it seems Russian tubes will not be running short, but should perhaps they be boycotted for ethical reasons?" because that would likely start a food fight/hissy fit/barroom brawl. (Such brawls are all the more inevitable when the answer is easy and the inconvenience is acute.)

@tksteingraber He gave reasons as to why panic is not justified. You just attacked his character. I have no personal feelings about Kevin but I don't like ad hominem attacks. They are both logically and ethically pitiable.

@tksteingraber Understood. I guess I'm from a field where constant debate is normal so for me it is a standard M.O. to strip off my reactions to someone's tone of voice or style ("whiny" as you put it) in order to examine the reasons or claims they are making. I realize of course that others want to comment on other things, but to me those lead to conflict and lack of rational understanding. To each his/her/their own.