
Has anyone recently lost any of their playlists on Qobuz?  I opened the app up today and 6 out of 130 playlists are gone. 


I have problems with Qobuz playing through a Bluesound Node with updated firmware on the node. There are dead spots between songs on albums such as Pink Floyds The Wall, choppiness. Other albums have problems also. I don't know if was because it was a 2 month free trial or what?

I use an Innuos Zen Mk 3. On that system of late the Qobuz albums have disappeared from “Albums” leaving only albums stored on the hard drive. The Qobuz albums can be found if you scroll down to “Streaming Service”. Playlists are fine. I reached out to Innuos and they said it’s a Qobuz coding issue that they are working with them to resolve. Not sure if that’s related but it’s annoying: in that location albums can’t be sorted by artist or title—you are stuck w the default: the order in which they were added.

@bwguy Qobuz stopped working today through the BluOs app. I notified Bluesound but they are notoriously bad at responding with anything helpful. As for the Playlists... I'll have to check once connected again. The Qobuz homepage does not show me playlists - they must be stored just on the ipad in the BluOs app.

+1 to @sns Use one of the apps he describes. I used "TuneMyMusic" to transfer all my playlists, favorite albums, and tracks from Spotify to Tidal a couple years ago. Worked great and also offers the option of saving it as .csv files that can be opened in Excel or one of the free Excel compatible programs. I kept it just long enough to do my transfer, download those .csv files as a safety back up, and then cancelled my subscription.

I found it nice to have those files for going back and revisiting (finding!) albums I "favorited" long ago but might have nearly forgotten about. Gives me an incentive to listen to them again.

I figure the similar aps might also offer that same functionality. But TuneMyMusic worked fine.


Get one the apps that saves and/or transfers playlists across multiple music players.

Is there a maximum number of songs you can put on a playlist in Qobuz and is there a maximum number of playlists you can have??

Thanks everyone.  Qobuz says they are gone and can’t be recovered.  I know I did not delete them.  6 playlists with about 200 tracks each, or 1200.  Bummer for me.

Never happened to me with my Qobuz playlists, however some of my favorite albums became unavailable, some of them permanently, some I had to delete due to unable to access and then save them again. Same issue happened even to some individual tracks too.

That happened to me while I was auditioning Quboz. Fortunately I had all my playlists saved in Amazon Music and was able to retransfer them. Quboz responded to my inquiry and said they could not restore them, and transferring was the only choice. Good luck.


I subscribe to both Tidal and Qobuz. Every once in a in a while, I have to reboot my Roon server in order to get my Qobuz playlists back. I think the Qobuz suffers from slow processing as well, from time to time

Had some issues the week before last with Roon being extraordinarily slow.  Qobuz is my only streaming service, so it could have been the cause.


The problem went away on its own about 4 days later.

A little while back a Tidal user inadvertently deleted his playlists and contacted Tidal and they were able to restore them much to his relief.  May be worth reaching out to Qobuz if you haven’t already to see if they can restore them for you.  

I figured out that unexpected system errors happening to everyone everywhere not only with Qobuz. It happend to me with my bank