Pet audiophile peeves - name yours

1. Power supplies that are not the same size or finish as the preamp. Who decided this was a good idea?

2. Ridiculous and obvious snake oil salesman

People that use the term “jaw dropping” when referring to the sound of a new fuse!

CD players with such a ridiculously high output that I daren’t turn my amp volume pot much past 12 o’clock.


I’ve finally ordered a set of antenuators to see if that helps - or hinders.


1) CDs (or songs on CDs) recorded in inverted phase.
2) non-standard "pin-2: hot" XLR inputs &/or outputs on components.
3) different worldwide a/c polarity.
4) manufacturers who charge an arm & leg to change component voltage.
5) components that are mostly air/hollow inside.
The only thing more pathetic then the seller in question is the poor guys who believe and pay him.

I'm still keen on the "hot stamper" seller here.

I am particularly amused with his listing for Steve Windwood's "Back in the High Life." He is asking $75 and has the chutzpah to show the "$5.99" price tag on the shrink wrap in his listing picture. That thing is so hot you'll need to grab it with oven mitts.
Yes I love those hot stampers whose got all of them? Mine are stamped when the master is cold and I end up with blobs of semi cool vinyl with a few traces of the tracks. Acutally I know what some of the inner dead space markings now mean but just because you are getting a 1a 1a doesn't mean it will make it the reall hot stamper status any time and anyplace the seller may by law declare this or that record to be a hot stamper. All I really care about is whetherv it sounds goodand I do think a goodly amount of heat should be present during the stamping process.
The one thing I forgot to add earlier was the sickening lowballer definition when they are saying the price is firm in fact because offering anything other than their asking is a lowball. I think you should not be told that the seller knows that his price is a very fair price. If they mean a genuine value then it it easy a buyer will pay that much. Thus It is worth what somone will pay for it period. If you are being conceptual none of the prices in high end are fair.
That guy has the most amazing luck, he always seems to have "Hot Stampers"....... but I dont see his stuff flying off the shelf so it looks like most are too smart to play that game.
I'm still keen on the "hot stamper" seller here.

One of the latest ads claims "almost a hot stamper".

Cracks me up.

Is that like almost pregnant?
Looking at your sytem, I find it hard to believe that it gets bashed. It looks like a great system and I bet the sound is also great(even without tubes)
Sellers not disclosing the year their gear was made. It matters. Also not disclosing a "B" stock item as such.
People who bash solid state vs. tubes. My solid state system sounds great, and I get tired of people saying it's inferior. I don't bash tube systems for the short-comings they possess.
No it isn't.
But what upsets me the most is the bunch of advices that lead to classified ads - thanks a lot pal.
Find sockers some place else.

2. Dealers that are OK usually keep they mounth shut so they won't be scrutinized for being promoting their products. Those are the ones that I would actually like to long as they do not take it too far.
You know who you are "A" and "T" - I won't say your name but your advice is always welcome.

Rude and obnoxious audio dealers who feel they "know it all". Maybe I found one in this thread?
People who pay a fraction of retail for a used item and expect a piece better than new.
Sold a used subwoofer to an anal customer at close to one third of the retail price with clearly stated, conservatively rated 8/10 condition. After receiving it, he puts it under fluorescent lights looking for wood imperfections. Then proceeds to accuse me of obfuscating the truth, poor packing (double-boxed) and every other imaginable audiophile sin that exists on the face of the earth. Lesson: never ignore the red flags dealing with a bloody anal type.
Speaker cables that cost more than a benz, tell how 10ft of wire can cost this much.
No doubt Bill, it seems lately there are some high priced garbage lisitng and "HotStamper" is in heavy rotation, I wonder if its one big offender or a few idiots......they dont appear to sell which is a bit of justice.
Inexperienced vinyl sellers who continually advertise hot stampers when they couldn't tell one from a clothes hamper.

One would need to hear dozens of copies of the same record to designate any one a "hot stamper" and even then who decides it is sonically superior enough to wear that crown.

And please define hot stamper.

Beware of the rookies.
nothing wrong with asking a question
if the answers will save you a costly mistakes.
Nobody is perfect.
I think it is nice to know that there is someone who can help.
So if you can help
You never know when you will need a hand.
Isn't it what this is all about????
There are audiophiles on differant levels
but we all share the same passion - MUSIC.
Isnt some rule about that in the list of do and dont's about Audiogon? Yet many postings about new and relevant items go poof! Weekly
I agree. Yes, there is still a wealth of knowledge when you do a good search. I always try to do a search before I start a thread. There are some newbies who still haven't figured the search thing out yet, though. You would think that whoever the moderators are for our forums that before they allow a thread to be posted they would take that into consideration to avoid wasted bandwidth.
I know the search need work but you have to admit there are a huge number of folks who dont even try to search an answer, the site and the web in general has such a wealth of knowledge its a shame many dont take advantage of it.
Sadly, as much as I love Audiogon, their search engine leaves MUCH to be desired. Until the Audiogon folks invest in a better search engine such as the one on the AA site, certain threads will have to be repeated from time to time. IMHO.
Here is a new peeve,
Why do we answer the same questions over and over and over?, nobody does a search anymore...its out of hand.
I know about Bose bashing in general - just wanted to know what his reasons were. Mags5000 gave a good answer.
Bashing Bose (wdich I am a bit guilty of aswell) just seems too simple and an easy target that requires no thought or wit, like comparing Nickleback to Pink Floyd, it just has no merit or proper context. As long as people explore,listen and purchase music, who is anyone to is about enjoying music right?
Back before computers were in the home, e-mails, the internet, etc.( 1978 ), I mailed a short, hand-written letter to The Absolute Sound, Attn: Mr. Harry Pearson, with the words, "Dear. Mr. Pearson, I am considering buying the new Bose 901 Series II loudspeakers. I would appreciate your opinion on these speakers." He returned the note, handwriting a short note on the back, "with the exception of sheer spaciousness, I can't recommend these loudspeakers for musical enjoyment." Signed, HP. I didn't buy the speakers, going with DCM Time Windows instead. I wish I had kept that note. It might have been worth something some day.
Have to agree regarding the Bose bashing. The "We are so much smarter and better than Bose listeners" gets old quickly. All it does is make us look like a bunch of dorks. Although, I do think we are a bunch of dorks with better systems than the Bose crowd.

If you'll do a search on "Bose", you'll understand what he's talking about re: Bose Bashing
Jdodmead, please elaborate. Not looking to argue, but am curious as to your reasons.
Speaker manufactures who include cheap, flimsy footers with heavy floorstanders. These invariably break, making things very difficult for the owner who spent a lot of money for said speakers.

Getting an offer for 50% off of one's reasonable asking price.
Sellers who don't reply to emails. I have two enquiries at the moment where I am happy to pay the listed price, I just need a freight price.

In my business, I can't afford to ignore customers when they are trying to give me money...
I dont leave or ask for feedback on many transactions, if it is left I will respond in kind but it doesnt mean much after you get 10 or so under your belt. Bottom line is if someone wants to sell something, they will with a email or a phone call for confidence so it has some value but not much, how can it if you cant leave bad feedback?

1. This seems to getting more common, buyers and sellers who don't leave feedback on Audiogon. I will not do repeat business with anyone who doesn't leave feedback, either on Audiogon or ebay. I feel that it's rude.

2. You can't be hearing what you're hearing because there is no scientific explanation for it, i.e. PCs, ICs etc. cannot possibly make a difference in sound or in other words, they all sound the same. There's a lot of stuff that science can't explain. Does that mean it's not happening?

3. The best conductor has to sound better than less efficient conductors. Why?
Yeah, right. Everybody likes anal retentive guys at their party. Now Jax2 is a different story. This guy is one funny Mofo. Search the threads where he and Gunbei( aka Gumby, our cute little green slanted-head buddy) used to trade funnies. Now, there are some dudes you'd want at your party.
Retentive, bad? Oh my. I am constrained to confess that I prefer anal retention to the unpleasantly messy alternative.
cheers apo
It's "MIGHT", dammit! May is for permission. Oops! Sorry, I was getting a little retentive again.
don't worry, chad, all mine were already mentioned otherwise I MAY have beat you for the title.