Personal amp evolution

Seeing the over night success of the speaker evolution thread, it may be interesting to see what type of amp(s) we have all run. Same deal as the other thread-we will sort of create a puzzle of our systems you'll have to visit multiple threads to put everything together!!! ;)
For me I started:
Adcom GFA-565 monoblocks
Rotel RB-990bx
Jeff Rowland Design Group Model 5
Balanced Audio Technology(BAT) VK-60

either a CAT JL2, BAT VK-75se or Tenor 75Wp on the horizon.
Onkyo 504 RS
Symphonic Line RG1 mk II
BAT VK 200
Perreaux 350P
Pass Aleph 30
Leak stereo 20
OCM 500
PrimaLuna Dialogue II
Plinius SA50 mk III
Leak Stereo 20
Ayon Spirit II
Yamaha CR-420
Cayin TA 30
Eastern Electric M88
I forgot one, here it is:
Onkyo 504 RS
Symphonic Line RG1 mk II
BAT VK 200
Perreaux 350P
Pass Aleph 30
Leak stereo 20
OCM 500
Audio Refinement Complete
PrimaLuna Dialogue II
Plinius SA50 mk III
Leak Stereo 20
Ayon Spirit II
Yamaha CR-420
Cayin TA 30
Eastern Electric M88
I'd like to say a few words about my latest amp, as it is somewhat off the beaten path. This summer I picked up a vintage GAS Son of Ampzilla. Part of the decision to go with this unit was that Mike Bettinger, who runs GAS Audio, is located nearby. Without going into all the details, not only was it completely reworked but I also opted for the J-FET upgrade.

Funny how this is the newest amp I have yet may be the oldest separate I've owned-depending on year of manufacture.
HK 435
Outlaw rr2150
Behringer ep4000s monos
Bryston 2b
Naim nait ii
Luxman 505u
Musical fidlity a5
Cary sli80 sig
Ayre ax7e
Exposure 2010s2
Octave v40se
Classe ca2300

So far my favorites are the outlaw, behringer, mac, exposure and mac. But i liked them all except the mf.
My first amp was an integrated, Sansui AU9900

Then I added a Carver M1.5t

Followed by a pair of B&K M200 Sonata

Changed my speakers and subsequently changed the amp out to a VTL Stereo 50/50... Great sounding amp when it worked. Picked up a B&K 2140 as a back up.

Bought an Anthem Amp 1, one of my favorite amps ever, wish I didn't sell it. Changed speakers again.... needed more power.

I put the 2140 back in the system for a while and bought a brand new McCormack DNA 125 a few years ago that I still use.

It's a great amp, I think it would cost considerably more to better it than I'm willing to spend right now.

I think my next amp is going to be a Conrad Johnson Classic 60......
Updating further. After 10 years with the Lamms, when I moved to a new home with a much smaller listening room I decided to downsize (principally in the number of pieces) my system. I sold the Lamms and replaced them with a single stereo amp, the VAC Phi 200. Still keeps me nice and toasty on cold days, but now there's only one 90-pound amp to lug around instead of two of them. And there is no drop-off at all in the quality of sound; a truly wonderful amplifier that serves the music well.
(60s) Minerva receiver
(70s) Marantz 2245
(70s) Mac 1900
(80s) Acoustat TNT 120/TNP pre
(80s) Acoustat TNT 200/TNP pre
(90s) Classe 70/30 pre
(90s) Classe CA200/CP60 pre
added 2nd Classe CA200 biamped
(00s) Rowland Concentra I (simplifying)
(now) Rowland Concentra II
added Rowland 201s biamped (done with simplifying)
(now) Music Reference 200/Rogue 90 Magnum (2nd system)
Starting late 1970s, my college years to present
Sherwood receiver
Yamaha B2
Acoustat Servos, integral amps w/Acoustat Monitor III speakers
Conrad Johnson MV75A1
Luxman 1050 receiver
Bryston 2B-LP
Bryston 4B
Creek 4240 integrated
Cary SLA70 Signature
Golden Tube Audio SE40
VAC AMP PA90C1, 4 chassis
Manley Reference 100/200 Monoblocks
Line Magnetics 218IA
Counterpoint SA1000; Threshold S100; Pass Aleph 0 Monoblocks; Audio Research DS450M Monoblocks.
Sansui 5000A,NAD 3020,McCormack DNA 225, McCormack DNA 500, VTL Stereo90 Deluxe Tube.


Onkyo 676 receiver
Rogue Audio Magnum 120 monoblocs
ARC VS-110
Onkyo 676 receiver
Sophia Baby Electric
Rega Brio 3
Rega Mira
YBA YA 201
LSA Statement
In college, I scraped together some money for a Sherwood receiver (no idea what model--from the late 80s), driving Bose 401 speakers. I thought it sounded great at the time. Would love to compare that head to head with my current system. After that, my amp progression was:

Denon receiver (again, no idea what model)
Carver AV-705
Sunfire Cinema Grand (still use that one for my HT system)
Bel Canto Ref 500m monoblocks
Primaluna Dialogue Premium

And while I do like the Primaluna lot, I think the amp journey will continue over time.
Sony TA 515- circa 1978
Arcam FMJ 22 integrated circa 1998
Arcam FMJ P30 power amp - 1999
Bryson 4 BST - 2000
Bryson 14 BSST- 2001
Lyrita tube mono blocs 2004
Conrad Johnson LP 70S -2007
Wavac HE 833 V2- 2013
End of journey
If we start at the beginning I had a Pioneer SX-450 receiver (1977) which continued to be in use until a few years ago when a relative I gave it to put it out for collection. It still worked.

In 1985 I bought an Akai 45 wpc receiver. No recall of the model number- it was a forgettable amp was bought solely on specs vs cost. The Pioneer sounded better.

Around 1989 I bought an Adom GFA 545, 100 wpc. It was solid but a bit cold/hard. Their smaller power amp sounded better.

In 1990 I bought a pair of Magnepan MG2.6R speakers. The dealer urged me to sell the Adcom and get a more powerful amp. I traded the Adcom for a Bryston 4B.

I had the Bryston 10-11 years (during that time I bought a used AR solid state amp- might have been 75wpc? Didnt keep it long)

Sold the Bryton and bought a Proceed HPA-2. I also had an Ayre on loan for a bit but liked the Proceed better.

Kept the Proceed until 2003 or so and bought a CJ MV60SE

Kept the CJ until 2009, sold it and bought a Rogue Temest II Magnum. I thought it was better than the CJ (I was using a CJ LS172 preamp, which to this day remains the finest Pre I ever owned).

By summer of 2013 I decided my 10 year run of tubes was over. Sold the Rogue and am happily now with a Pass INT-150
Pioneer SX-650 (1977)
Nakamichi TA2A (1989)
Rotel RSX-1055 (2004)
Arcam AVR350 (2006)
Odyssey Khartago (2009)
Pass Labs XA30.5 (2010)
Plinius SA103 (2012)
QuickSilver V4 monos (2013)
Lamm ML1 monos (2014)
ca. 1981: Panasonic console
ca. 1991: Kenwood receiver
ca. 1997: Carver TFM-35x
2013: used Forte 1a
2013: Pass Labs x250.5
2014: added a used Pass Aleph 5 to the rotation. Still have the x250.5 as primary
1992 Arcam Alpha 2
1992 Arcam Delta 90.2 (needed something bigger than the alpha!)
1998 Naim Nait 3 (to replace the stolen! arcam delta)
2014 Rogue Sphinx.
Yamaha DSP A-3090 7.1 AC3 Home Theater Receiver
Sunfire Cinema Grand 5 Channel Amp
Bryston 9B-SST 5 Channel Amp
Bryston 14B-SST 2 Channel Amp
Levinson 33H monos
PBN Denali monos
Lamm M1.2

Whew!! What a journey. But I'm staying with Lamm. :)

Just did the Bryston 14BSST2 compare with the Levinson 33H monos (which I have auditioned briefly once)? And of course to your current Lamms? Thanks for any insight.

I all honesty, I really have no idea how the 14BSST2 compares to the Levinson 33Hs, because they were in two entirely different systems in two entirely different spaces. My apologies. The Bryston, however, was always crisp & clean in its presentation when it drove the Legacy Audio Focus speakers. The Levinsons, on the other hand, always presented a 3D soundstage with the warmth of a wool blanket when it drove the Revel Salons. But they both pale in comparison to the presence of the Lamm M1.2s.
Hi Thesaint519,

Thanks and understand. My own impressions of the 33H was that I could see from the first hearing why they are such venerable amps. Really effortless control and full-sound with a very nice balance.

The only part where I felt 'clearly audio design has advanced in the last 10-20 years' was in the treble where I felt compared with the latest and greatest (I suspect like your Lamms)...there seemed like a whisper of treble grain.

I am thinking of Gryphon, D'Agostino, even Boulder 2060...where I feel like those comparably powerful SS amps are even more refined, filigreed (without being dark, smoothed out) in the treble.

I have never heard Lamms...with my Wilson X1s...despite loving my Gryphon, many have told me about the wonderful sound one gets from their ML2 series with these speakers. I nearly went for a second hand pair of ML2.2s once, but without hearing (and knowing I would keep the X1s 'forever'...I was not confident to go for 18 watt monos). I felt the Gryphon at 160 watts pure Class A...I had more flexibility for today and tomorrow.

What about the Lamms makes them better to you than either the Bryston or Levinson? Most curious! Thanks.

I'm not sure the Lamms are any better than Brystons and/or Levinson, because I've never A/B'd them in my current system, although I suspect the Lamms are. I suspect so because of the glowing reviews and the audio community's overwhelming acceptance. But for the sake of full disclosure, having learned that the system is more than the sum of its parts, the system (and system synergy) is more than any one piece of equipment. What the Lamms do with my Sashas is more realistic, more full, well rounded, and weightier than the presentation of the other 2 systems, which included those respective amps.
Thanks Thesaint519,

Yes, that makes sense...Lamm and Wilson go waay back, as they say! Congrats...must be a magic combination.
Finally got a chance to listen to the new set up. There is far more presence with the Meitner MA-1 pulling decoding duty. The sweet spot seemed to grow - wider and deeper. Details are more apparent. This new realism allows me to see deeper into the musical event - and sometimes discover new sounds, accents or other treats that would otherwise remain hidden. It's a refreshing approach to the music that Ive been accustomed to listening to through the dCS Purcell/Delius stack. Although I like the new DAC, and it'll take some aural adjusting to fully engage the new sound, I could've lived with the dCS stack and been happy. What I liked about the dCS combo was the intimacy that was conveyed. This is just the first impression. The MA-1 was a dealer demo, and may take some additional breaking in. I'll continue to update you all as time progresses.
I know this thread was for amp evolution, but I mad the mistake of posting my impressions about a newly acquired MA-1, and felt compelled to update whoever read it. Here goes:

The Meitner MA-1 has forced me to reconsider my former statement, "Although I like the new DAC, and it'll take some aural adjusting to fully engage the new sound, I could've lived with the dCS stack and been happy." The MA-1 is leagues beyond my previous dCS Purcell/Delius stack. The spatial information that I'm experiencing now is unprecedented in my system. The height, width, depth and weight of each item in the soundstage is the closest to "real" that I've had in any of my previous efforts. This feels goooood, and it's getting better each day.
Hmmm....interesting forum.
Pioneer SX 1250 - not an amp BUT my first "hifi" purchase ever...and a long time ago. (purchased brand spanking new)
The Carver Cube! SS
Cayin A50T integrated tube
Pioneer Elite M91. SS
Aragon 4004. SS
Conrad Johnson MF2100 SS - and sorry I sold it
Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum tube
First Watt M2 SS
Pass Labs X150.5. SS - pretty much my all time this moment
Fisher 500*, was my father’s receiver
Sansui model 8*, from early seventies
Marantz model 18, early 70s, which I kept.
Marantz model 15*, and 16* power amplifiers
Marantz model 7* model 8*
Phase Liner 400*
Pioneer SPEC 1* and SPEC 2*, later SPEC 4*
Pioneer C 21*, D23*, M24*
Sansui AU 717 TU 717
Auduioncs B2, C2*
McIntosh model 2005* and model 29* pre
Conrad Johnson PA 3*
GAS Ampzilla*
McIntosh MC 60, pair*
Carver, do not remember model*,
ARC SP 11*, D 150*
ARC LS 22, VT 100*
Threshold T 200*, T 400*, T3*
Krell KSA 150*
Forte model 4*, and 44*
ML 27*
Parasound HAV 2200 II*
Denon 4802
Classe SSP 25
Classe CA 100*, CA 150, CA 300*
Anthem MC 2
B&K Referenve 7205*
Bryston 4B ST
Bryston 5B ST
After 2008
Cary CM 200
BAT VK 55*
VTL 450*
BAT VK 60, in mono, now two in mono
HT, Cary 200 front, and 5B, centre/back
Denon, and Acurus bedroom
Here's my amp/int amp/rec'r journey from 1984 to 2015:

1. Yamaha M50, crown straight line 1 preamp
2. Sansui AU717
3. NAD 2155, Luxman preamp & Acoustat TNP pre
4. B&K ST140, Acoustat TNP pre, Music reference RM5 mkII pre & dyna PAS 2
5. Dynaco ST70, Dyna PAS 3
6. McIntosh MC225, Music Reference pre
7. B&K EX442 Sonata - sounded almost exactly like the Paoli's), Music Ref pre
8. Paoli M60 monoblocks, Music Ref pre
9. cj MV50, Music Ref pre
10. Music Reference RM9, Music Ref pre
11. AMC CVT-3030
12. Mac 1900 Rec'r
13. Mitsubishe DA-R7 rec'r
14. Creek 5050 int.
15. Acurus A80, Hegeman Hapi2 pre
16. Early Korneff 6bq5 SE int.
17. John Ecklund PP6bg6 triode - moded Conn organ amp
18. Custom KT66 SE int (from ebay)
19. Onix OA-21s
20. ads A-2
21. JVC AX-55, 80 watt Special class A int.
22. Musical Fidelity B1
23. Kailin 6bq5 int
24. Rawsonte Brick gainclones, Superphon Rev. Basic Dual Mono preamp
25. Audio Space Mini-Galaxy II
26. John Ecklund PP6bg6 triode - moded
27. Yamaha AX-550 int amp
28. Tandberg 3030 receiver
29. Fleawatt TPA3122 D2 Soft Maple amp
30. Fleawatt cigar box amp TPA3122
31. Fleawatt TDA7297 Zebrawood
32. Optonica SM-1515B int.
33. Onix OA-20/2
34. Ditton Elan DI-260

And the most memorable/best sounding: Mac MC225, Korneff, 6bg6, the Onix's, the B&K's, Paolis, the Fleawatt's, and the Ditton Elan

And the worst sounding/bigest disappointment: cj (just didn't mate up with the MR preamp & wish I had a PV5), Musical Fidelity B1, Kailin (fans just too darn loud), MAC1900 (great tuner but early SS harsh sounding amp)
2 aditional pieces in 2015:

35. Denon DRA-700 receiver
36. Antique Sound Lab MG-si15DT

Surprisingly good sounding receiver & very nice Single Ended Triode / Pentode integrated amp :)
I don't remember all the model numbers since it goes back to the 60's but here goes

Lafayette tube mono
Yamaha integrated
Luxman 1050 intregrated
Luxman R something ( when they were crap)
Arcam A38
McIntosh MA 2275
PrimaLuna Dialgoue Premium integrated
Plinius Hautonga integrated
I'm now using a Sandersound Magtech. It is fantastic with my Soundlab U-1s. I would suggest it as an alternative to the Parasound monos or even the most expensive tube amps. I found Sanders easy to work with and over 2 years the amps haven't hiccuped once.

I had it with the Wolcotts since I moved to an 1818 house and I don't believe there was enough juice in the living room to drive them....Hope the new owner is happy.
Onkyo A5
NAD 3020 still have it !
PS Audio something or or a 2 square box...
Early HK Citation SS
Hafler DH200
CJ mv45a midrange to die for powering ESL
Threshold 400
Mac 240 dads 1961..wish it was still his..
Mac 2202
Ayre VX-R
Updated list:
Onkyo 504 RS
Symphonic Line RG1 mk II
BAT VK 200
Perreaux 350P
Pass Aleph 30
Leak stereo 20
OCM 500
Audio Refinement Complete
PrimaLuna Dialogue II
Plinius SA50 mk III
Leak Stereo 20
Ayon Spirit II
Yamaha CR-420
Cayin TA 30
Eastern Electric M88
Marantz 2215B
Bob Carver LLC VTA-20S Black Magic
Well here goes:
Yamaha AST-A10
VSP Labs TransNova Gold
Carver M1.0
Carver M4.0 ( real spongy for the power rating )
Adcom 5300
Hafler Se120
Bi amped Hafler TE1100 pro amps
Mcintosh 7100
B&K ST2140
PS Audio c100 ( twice ) really like that one
Music Hall A50 upgraded op amps and it sounded nice for price
Jolida 1501rc integrated

Many times being unhappy with an amp is really being unhappy with speakers. I also have an audio problem.
Classe Audio 15, 25, CAP-151
BEL Labs
Audio Research Class D
Densen mono-amps
Peachtree 220SE integrated
Parasound A21
Jeff Rowland M525
Jeff Rowland Continuum S2 Integrated

Honey I swear I'm done...that's my story to my wife and I'm sticking to it!
A recent epiphany of sorts.

For many years I've been happy with a pair of MFA M120 B tube mono amps paired with dynamic speakers, Chapman T7's and Sonus Faber Liutos.

I recently acquired Magnepan MMG's and the tube amps just didn't cut it. I was unpleasantly surprised.

On a whim, I purchased a NAD C 272 amp. This modestly priced little amp is a game changer for me. Now I can only imagine what something like the Sanders, Odyssey Monos, or Wells would sound like powering the MMGs.

I am pairing the NAD with the wonderful MFA Luminescence pre amp.
perreaux sx60 monoblocks - Good value amps to get me started.
plinius sb 300 - Great bass, but prefer tubes.
quicksilver v4 monoblocks - More musical than the sb 300 bit to romantic for me.
shindo haut brion - This has everything I ever want. Its visceral, dynamic, fast leading edge like a solidstate amp, but has all the great tube traits the way cymbals dissipate and the boogie factor is amazing. I also love how it doesn't smear over the detail and its ability to draw me into the music and emotionally connect to the performance rather than get distracted by sound.
Well I'm back to separates. Sold the Pass INT-150 and bought a Pass XP-10 pre and an X150.8 amp. Finest setup to get grave my abode

BTW- Pass recommends balanced cables between their amps & preamps. I tried an unbalanced cable first then balanced. Wow- if you are using Pass gear, run and get balanced. Even a $100 set of Mogami star quad will yield better results than a $1000 unbalanced IC
Ayre VX- R to Twenty ( Double Diamond )
also based on using REF 75 SE as a standin will be getting filters, etc to make the MC240 work in the main system.
Regards to Zavato...
Sold my Pass X150.5 and regret it almost daily. Back to separates here as well, now using a McIntosh MC275 amp with an Audio Research LS3 pre. Pretty darn good, but the Pass, IMHO, beats pretty much everything else out there. I'll be getting back to Pass shortly - have you heard of Reno Hifi?
  • Sony Stereo Amp from the 90’s (inherited in 2012)  
  • Emotiva UPA-200 (2013)  
  •  Peachtree Audio Decco 65 (2014)  
  •  Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum (2015)  
  •  McIntosh MA6500 (2015) 

Really like the last 2, but if pushed, I’d take the Mac.