So I contradict you? Is everyone suppose to agree with you or something ?
Nietzsche and Runaway Audio Consumption
Came across this today. A lot of posts bring up the issue of "how much is enough?" or "when is audio consumption justified" etc.
Does this Nietzsche aphorism apply to audio buying? You be the judge!
Friedrich Nietzsche: “Danger in riches. — Only he who has spirit ought to have possessions: otherwise possessions are a public danger. For the possessor who does not know how to make use of the free time which his possessions could purchase him will always continue to strive after possessions: this striving will constitute his entertainment, his strategy in his war against boredom.
Thus in the end the moderate possessions that would suffice the man of spirit are transformed into actual riches – riches which are in fact the glittering product of spiritual dependence and poverty. They only appear quite different from what their wretched origin would lead one to expect because they are able to mask themselves with art and culture: for they are, of course, able to purchase masks. By this means they arouse envy in the poorer and the uncultivated – who at bottom are envying culture and fail to recognize the masks as masks – and gradually prepare a social revolution: for gilded vulgarity and histrionic self-inflation in a supposed ‘enjoyment of culture’ instil into the latter the idea ‘it is only a matter of money’ – whereas, while it is to some extent a matter of money, it is much more a matter of spirit.”
Nietzsche, Friedrich. 1996. Human, All Too Human: A Book for Free Spirits. Cambridge University Press. (p. 283-4, an aphorism no. 310)
I'm pretty sure @mahgister will want to read this one! (Because they speak so artfully about avoiding the diversion that consumption poses to the quest for true aesthetic and acoustic excellence.)
Guess why i am in the defensive against you? You contradicted me for years here about anything audio included... Then i apologize because this evening you seem of good faith and it is me who his wrong being fearful of your remark... I am a bit too passionnate reacting....Forgive me...
thanks for your questions... Merry Christmast |
Do you ever stick on details? add them... What is your problem ? You are not able to understand that this list of few corporations fluctuate a bit each year caused by the way back and front and round trip of mass of money...the order between their power ordering listing MATTER NOT.... Anyway it is all the same persons who own all...Few hundreds... search yourself... I cannot spare you studies .... And i dont need to convince you about EVIDENCES...
Do you want the list of names of those who are investing their money in all these few mammoth corporations and control them and controol almost all the world? Read Forbes magazine or his equivalent journals about big money in the last 3 centuries... Nodody very powerful in this world wait in a line to be elected and wanted his face to be read by astrologer or by ordinary crowd... Ask Gates about this annoying and unconvenient fact to be a celebrity... Only ordinary people dream to be famous, no scientist dream about that first and no powerful man like pierpont Morgan or Rockfeller want to be annoy writing autographs.. The world scene is a theater, the powerful manager are not on the scene nor in the public...
Are you serious? Djones i already apologize to you about my rude way against you.... Try to understand what i already wrote CLEARLY... If you are not able stay silent....I dont want to argue with you about ANYTHING... I apologize again to be rude.... But i am wrong your question merit an answer: Blackrock, Vanguard , Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan Add to them the 4 more powerful tech corporations in big pharma and internet tech... is it simple enough?
Merry Christmast
Now i wanted to all of you to think about this proven fact: If Adam Smith and all the liberal conception of economy trace back to Mandeville and if all Karl Marx class struggles is only a weakened version of the class struggles in Mandeville... And if Mandeville understanding of mass programming exceede any liberal or communist propagandist in intelligence and power what about the distinction between left and right wing ideologies? They are only artefacts of control for the masses and for idiots to stick to them... You got the point? |
I never wanted to reduce Freud Genius you are right about him... But before Freud on a larger scale someone understood human unconscious in a way never before understood...Mandeville was never hypnotized by the libido only power and his insight of collective soul is overpassed only By Carl Jung after him... Freud nephew Bernays worked his uncle theory through Mandeville and pass all that to CIA and other mnanipulative agencies and corporate powers... the Nazi scientists inspired them a lot also and they never read Mandeville which is an influence mainly in english people culture or in the subterranean societies in the continent... Guess what Napoleon ( who is not ONLY the monster who some think he was) and France revolution was fighting against ? Guess against who the pilgrims coming to America to keep their freedom were against? Totalitarian controlling feudal and religious societies in Europe and other deep subterranean controlling factions... Guess how the first world war was programmed to be, and especially the Versailles treaty after it was programmed to create central bankers control and the second war inevitable modulo the Hitler puppet controlled by banks who are the ONLY reason why Hitler was able to seize power... You know how Lenin was able to go from Swiss to Russia with enough money to finance his propaganda ? Do you think he sell the gold jewels of his mother or he make a fortune in business? 😊 Ask to the first Russian who receive him from debarking the train...Who was with him? The original friendship of the first fathers of the American revolution and France were united against subterranean controlling feudal and CORPORATE european societies... But America and France were subverted to reverse to the masters behind the veil very soon and programmed to forgot about freedom soon ...Anyway the slave market which Napoleon fight against was very lucrative in America and in England ... Nowadays who are the masters of Macron puppet and Biden Puppet ? they are the same men in the two countries...
All history is too deep to be read and understood by historians only, only a multidisciplanary analysis can did it.... Read Soljenitsyn who was never an historian to understood modern Russia... Read Tocqueville who was never an historian to understood the limit of democracy power in America... Idiot will call me a conspiracy theorist... Idiot dont read history...They repeat controlling mantras...
"Invite Rockfeller now and Karl Schwab and ask them where Mandeville is the greatest , they will say manipulation of masses and Crowd psychology..."
"Now guess what Freud and his nephew Edward Bernays would say about our master....They will say that he discover the unconscious and his way of working in a more general way than Freud himself thought in a more restricted way because Freud had no deep sociological insight in the collective...."
I'm sure Freud would regard the way his work has been used as a great tragedy. Given his unprecedented understanding of the human psyche, he'd hardly be surprised to see it thus. Whether the intention is to accrue yet even more lucrative income streams (Kissinger) or the enforcement of a barbaric final solution to the global population problem in order to preserve some self nominated elite (Schwab), this is indeed the era of the psychological warfare. The Plandemic is their greatest triumph so far. These guys make Mao look like an unambitious piker. Oh well, at least it seems to be an advance over simply blowing each other up. |
We're living in the land of make-believe |
It is not Nietszche who finally could understood mankind folly after Mandeville master control theory, it is Dostoievsky the deepest Christian critic who explain it all and is way more deep than Mandeville himself... If you dont like to read much, read the short novel so deep than it takes many reading to undertstand it a bit : «the dream of a ridiculous man" All the sory of the spiritual cosmos in a few pages... Dostoievsky is so deep almost all scientist nowadays dont even understood him a bit and will file his book on the rubric religious madness... Only Goethe is on par with Dostoievsky genius but not about human society, almost no one here is on par with D. but about the meaning of science and his relation to the soul.... Goethe cannot be filed in the rubric "religious madness"...He was a natural scientist on par with Darwin whicih is unrecognized even today in english circle, and after his death his collection of natural samples minerals,vegetals,or animals was one of the greatest in Europe...Goethe has developed his own evolution and mophological very deep theory and method deeper than Darwin...But less easy to explain and less easy to use in the wrong way... Very few mewn in history are on par with him with intelligence: Leonardo Da vinci, Archimedes, Aristotle dont look for any men under these geniuses for axample... Who is the only poet to contradict Newton and proving him wrong? Guess who.... But Goethe is too deep to begin with and less essential in understanding society than D.... Read only masters and disciples of the masters... For sure all is already written in few words by Lao-Tse or Christ....But it is too deeply implicit here to be taken seriously by supposed enlightened mind of today... If you want very short version of the spiritual cosmos history with no christian influence, then take Friedrich Von Kleist few pages "Puppets Theater" .. A treatise in few pages so deep that he resume ALL martial arts and all mankind history like the Genesis book but in a very different perspective... Goethe himself encountered Kleist and was "afraid" by this overpowering uncontrolled genius... That speak volume about Goethe and about Kleist...Alas! Kleist suffer too much to stay balanced exactly like Nietszche was .... My posts remind me of my job now retired i was teaching multidisciplinary reading analysis... The main important fact in reading analysis is the complementary interprenetrating contextual perspective in all fields... Contrary to relativistic deconstruction method my understanding was that there is only ONE fact in the universe: all is one.... i thank all for your patience with my loneliness...
in a word: Adam smith+Marx+Freud+Darwin FOUR alleged geniuses coming really from only one sourcing head before them ... History is a great master when we read it... all these ideas comes from ONLY one source : Bernard Mandeville... verify by yourself... Guess who study Mandeville till this day like an operating manual ? A cue: Dr. Bernard Mandeville. Lecture on a Master Mind.HAYEK Friedrich August von (1966.)In this conference Hayek pointed out the fact that Mandeville is a greater psychological and sociological master than an economical master like Keynes think he was ... Think about that Keynes and Hayek arguing about in what field this genius is the greatest... Invite Rockfeller now and Karl Schwab and ask them where Mandeville is the greatest , they will say manipulation of masses and Crowd psychology... Ask the father of transhumanism in which field Mandeville is the greatest: they will answer that he is the FIRST to understand animals are perfect robot after Descartes but contrary to Descartes he was the first to PROVE it and he demonstrate how men is a workable animals and future cyborg in a perfect hive... Now guess what Freud and his nephew Edward Bernays would say about our master....They will say that he discover the unconscious and his way of working in a more general way than Freud himself thought in a more restricted way because Freud had no deep sociological insight in the collective.... Ask the dead Marx how the Mandeville more general class theory struggles explained his own more restricted class theory linked to a more superficial economical insight than in liberal economy thinkers before him, all of which come anyway already from Mandeville... I will let that to pounder in you... When genius are too deep or too clever nobody understand them save a few for the worst or for the better... Ask Darwin and he will say that Mandeville idea of society influence him at least on par with Malthus....And even Maltus read Mandeville anyway through Adam Smith which is indepted to Mandeville for most of his ideas... Ok no single man could explain history and all ideas by himself alone... My sketched arguments here was to UNDERLINE a deep undercurrent with one of his first conscious source till powerful today... Then think and dont argue that Mandeville cannot explain all there is in the last 3 centuries i know that perfectly well... But Chance dont explain why so much of the more powerful influent ideologies to come after Mandevillre were all in the single egg of his story of the fable of the bees and his subsequent works of philosophy.... I wrote all this to make you think about the ACTUAL CRISIS and his meaning...Not reading newspaper but genius itself... Dont read audio magazine read Helmholtz and some acousticians...
Dont upgrade your brain embed it rightfully.... |
In the era of television the greatest ploy against humanity, save all the useless marketed wars, was the conditioned marketing mass manipulation for corporations of the people into consumers, it was not "communism" which is now erased save in China, because corporations let it grow for greed reason and because they need this fear to controls us.... In the era of internet the greatest ploy against humanity is the technological transhumanism cult of power by corporations which are all of them ruled and/or controlled by 3 main investment corporation worldwide, Vanguard, Blacrock and i forgot the other name... It is not conspiracy but proven, open fact for all to see... All crisis were manufactured from at least 3 centuries ago from the teachings of some master manipulators, one of them being a genius born in 1670, so clever and underrated most dont know even his name in low level " intellectual" elite : Bernard Mandeville... In spite of that underestimated general status the world was rigorously ruled with his discoveries about the way humans are workable animals, and animals themselves pure machines like said Descartes... How surprizing this worldeview is the actual view in transhumnanism corporate cult whose center is in Davos and central bankers and big corporations like Google... How surprizing central private bankers were introduced in control in US in 1913, after corporate interests destroyed Tesla, destroyed humans transforming them in consumers, before transforming them in cyborgs tomorrow... Freedom where it is? I can vote some sleepwalker will say.... Democrats are communist and republican are honest men, or the reverse democrats are rational and republicans elite powered greed robots... All this political litterature is pure non-sense created by design ,the cookbook is written for all elite grreed power to use from Mandeville...Orwell and the Huxley brothers are not geniuses, the real genius know better than them centuries before them... The same useless debates exist in audio with the programmed consumerism under the technlogical hubris power... Basic acoustic and psycho-acoustic science is not at the center but put aside with irrational ready made costly "technological" solutions... Ok audio debates are nothing compared to world debates but one mirror the other: no basic kowledge of science rule here, only technological power at all scale from the audio gear to higher tech hubris...Sound is not first and last the result of electronic technology but from acoustic and psycho-acoustic principles from millenia ago... Freedom exist in our hand, all social engineering exist to erase this fact from our consciousness...But you must think and study and with this vaccinate yourself with the only necessary core vaccination : thinking process... Remember that the immune system could be programmed by healthier life and right thinking and some kind of music by the way... Ask Christ or Buddha and Helmholtz and some others , not to your congressman or health minister or to your favorite consumer market....
Merry christmast to all... I will quit for sometime and i apologize to the OP who was right from the beginning really i speak too much... He is a very generous man especially with me... I am a retired fool...
P.S. this article is free for download and is only the TIP of the iceberg Mandeville but it is a beginning... THE INFLUENCE OF BERNARD MANDEVILLE BY F. B. KAYE Even to scholars Bernard Mandeville’s Fable of the Bees is now little more than a name and the recollection of a long-dead scandal. Yet the book had an extraordinary effect on the history of thought, an effect international in scope and still felt. Indeed, so great was Mandeville’s influence that he can, I believe, be shown to be a major dignitary of eighteenth century thought. To demonstrate this is the aim of the present paper... Another cue: «Bernard Mandeville’s work, The Fable of the Bees, put forth the idea of a social order which did not rely on a central design to function, but rather on the individual actions of its constituents; this was adopted by Charles Darwin in his theory that life creates order and change not because of a providential guiding force, but through its own existence.» |
But are we choosing? Hundreds of thousands of images especially during our formative years pulling us hither and thither. And forget the theories. We are the experiment with no controls. Not sure we or the theorists have a clue as to the outcome. Those in power will do what they can to continue in power but they have no ultimate say. As the printing press led to the Reformation and it’s attendant ills and positives, so television and the internet will lead us to salvation or oblivion. Or maybe not. Who knows, just somewhere very uncertain. Let them eat data.
Neither bull nor Ferdinand. |
You are perfectly right like as usual being wrong in your original way mocking every "tinfoil hat" there is, be it mystics or audiophile crystal users ( like me)...... But wait a minute is a born blind man has the right to declare "colors" only "words" because he cannot experience them ? Is this a proof of something? common place and pleonasm are not arguments do you catch the difference? Think for a minute instead of sticking to your narrow and boring seemingly "down to earth" opinion.... Sorry but you are a specialist of the 2 line sarcasm here about "tweaks" and now it seems about mystics......I respect ONLY arguments and experience...Take your common place sentence at the opposite location of where i put my "tin foil hat"... By the way ask me politely and i will explain to you how to perceive intangible entity using the rigourously Goethan method, illustrated by Wolfgang Schad in a 1300 pages book about the morphology and environment of animals i just bought... Perhaps you will understand now after that better than your cheap clothes used to the fabric at discount nominalism....And you will spare not only to mystics of all countries but also to audiophiles of the world your next boring sarcasm...
@hilde45 , that was some great and brilliant animation. All the best, |
Spirit is what informs one. Material interests, information, data all emanate from human spirit. One has the freedom to choose what spirits inform. Choose malevolent spirits, anger, complaint consumes, choose good spirit, experience a more measured mind.
Wisdom is good spirit, knowledge only elementary. Having the widest possible perspective is what wisdom seeker after. Having only self perspective is blind man, everything zero sum game. One can only gain wisdom with courage, fear closes doors, courage opens.
And its not enough to merely read the words and digest facts, one must encounter the spirit, in other words be empathetic to those with differing perspectives. Intention then becomes known, spirit drives intention, intention is the spirit.
So much conflict created by misjudging intention. Understanding intention or keeping mindful one may not know another's intent will help mediate one's reaction.
Some say love is greatest lacking in world, I've always thought empathy greatest lacking. |
Yes, you got it. That Darwinian social engineering, attaching primordially necessary emotions to play people like puppets to want more and grind for more. Stoicism teaches us to rationalize this. Best not to study modern day books, but only the ancients where they were less influenced by materialism. |
Just follow the money. Our society revolves around the economy and the economy revolves around marketing and marketing takes no prisoners. Same for hifi. People market all over the place here there and everywhere. Each has their own plan and your spiritual well being is NOT a part of it. It is what it is. A simple power game to obtain a larger portion of the pie. Or merely just someone trying to make a living and get by. Maybe make people happy in the process? No sinister intent. We are human. Humans have needs and desires. Just be mindful. Think for yourself not as others would have you. Yin and Yang. No single truth that explains it all. |
I am with you not very clever myself...But i know WHY i am not a genius, i study them all my life and study multi-reading analysis in different fields ... How to make links, relations, and how to analyse a text in a context... Please understand my point: I spoke about HISTORY not about my intelligence or yours... Darwin is more intelligent than you and me probably... But Swedenborg is on a COMPLETE NEW LEVEL compared to even Darwin.. The popularity of an idea dont define his level of depth at all.....Darwin is way more celebrated than Swedenborg but it takes a few minutes of reading history to understand the differences in intelligence here between these two...Swedenborg knowledge is bordering SUPERHUMAN by all facts and testimonies...He was called by ALL the Leonardo Da vinci of the north... Then reading my post and applying my analysis of history about geniuses to each one of us here is wrong... Mandeville is an atheist and very clever, a genius... I am not a genius and probably you are not one either... Then if you feel dumb dont accuse me... History is not full with a crowd of non spiritual, atheists genius, sorry.... Is Dawkins a genius? a clever man yes but nothing more... Then dont put what i never said in my mouth to distort what i say by interpretating all atheist to be dumb... The fact is universal genius, not simple genius, are very rarely atheist, i dont even know one...A universal genius is bordering superhuman because he master many fields at once and deeply... Anyway i apologize if you are hurted by my observation about history...It was not my goal... I never encounter a dumb mystic in ANY religions... I encounter dumb religious people by great numbers though... Guess why mystics are completely different than all ordinary very religious people? Answer: direct personal experience of the spiritual dimensions and by consequence of it , they wrote rigorous analysis or deep poetic understanding of TRUTH and lived experience compared to school dogmas and religious ideology... Christ is a genious not all christians are.... Freud is a genius not all atheist are...All mystics of all religions understand one another why? they say the same thing and dont repeat dissociative dogmas... Their understanding is not PROPOSITIONAL but EXPERIENTIAL, not discursive only like many theologians but intuitive...Mystics experience UNITY OVER differences and encompassing and generating all differences... And mediocrity is a point of departure by the way not the end of the road for all of us... Anyone who dare to understand a genius and why someone is one is HUMBLED completely if not he dont understand at all this genius... Now imagine you try to understand a universal genius like Goethe for example... It takes to Ernst cassirer himself a genius all his life to understand Goethe... Is it mediocrity? Not at all ... But sorry all man are not created equal.... Then if you read my post like an ACUSATION against you i am very sorry but it was not and it is not my goal....And if you think that being atheist is the cleverest of all idea sorry it is not by history testimonies if we study great men.... Read EMERSON... I apologize to you if i have hurted you... I am sorry...
You are naive if you dont know the master plan... Study one of the rare materialist genius : Bernard Mandeville..Who is the first thinker of mass manipulation ( before Bernays Freud nephew in America) among other fields he created singlehandly like modern market invisible hand thoery before Smith and class theory on a level more clever than MArx... Marx+Freud+Huxley+Orwell+Smith+ Machiavel in one head, Mandeville anticipated all the theories of these 6 men, or put them like in the Machiavel case on a way deeper level, and sometimes 2 centuries before them which is so great that the austrian economist Hayek did a conference and call him "our master of us all"...Adam Smith is an idiot compared to Mandeville...Even Marx is because Mandeville would have NOTHING to learn from even Freud contrary to Marx...Think about that...Mandeville is not even known nowadays... The master plan is WRITTEN completely in 1705... This is HISTORY of philosophy not conspiracy....even Bernays the nephew of Freud and creator singlehandly of all the American modern propaganda machine is a dwarf compared to Mandeville...All Bernays is already in Mandeville books and understanding... Now guess who read and understand perfectly well Mandeville among his contemporaries? Do you think Hayek was the only one to understand this master almost 2 centuries only after his death ? I will not go further...Because superficial mind will accuse me of conspiracy theory...An expression if not created, usedwith success, for the UNSOLVED murder of Kennedy even today... Think about that... But read me right compared to Goethe or Swedenborg the clever genius of Mandeville is not CREATIVE but only TENTACULAR....It is a daemonic mephistophelic intelligence....Thats all... But so clever that Kissinger for example is an idiot compared to this man...I dont say that Mandeville was EVIL, his genius was not the human person... He was a doctor and observe men and completely understood the animal part of men...
Not one is a universal genius, save Democrites disciple of Leucippes which created a very different and deep atomic theory before the modern one... None in this list compare to the universal genius of a Swedenborg, Goethe. Aristotle or Leonard Da vinci...To name a few...Or Newton or Leibnitz.... In economy/sociology and psychanalysis the real genius is not Marx which is a children compared to Bernard Mandeville 2 centuries before he was even born.. Darwin is a great natural scientist by no means a universal genius ...Even Goethe is on par with him in natural science or the Humboltd brothers, Shaw is not even Voltaire which is not a universal genius... Lucretious is brillant but only a Leucippes and Democrites disciple in the latin world... The greatest geniuses in all culture are spiritual men, not materialist, try Archimedes the greek superhuman scientist who create almost the modern calculus but nobody was enough clever to notice it before Newton did his part..., Ramanujan who spoke each night with the gooddess of knowledge or Grothendieck who wrote a book about his relation with God ( one thousand pages in french i read it) and like Archimedes created by himself modern mathematics ...Only Poincaré is near Gronthendieck in the 20 th century or Gauss and Riemann before them... If many deist are dumb , atheist are not very clever either...Some exception exist: for example Freud is a genius over Marx and Even Darwin...Is Freud a universal genius? No... Why? It is impossible to be a creative universal genius WITHOUT a creative superlative IMAGINATION... What is imagination ? It is the first step of inspiration and intuition which are the three of them the PERCEPTIVE intelligence of meaning and form in their universal ssetting... A materialist universe has no MEANING and even no deep form by design...Read Nietzsche description of the eternal return...
"No conspiracy or master plan but an incoherent commercialization of culture" Agree, except for the plan part! It may not be master, but the incoherence most experience yields a fair amount of control and profit for, let's say, .1%. |
There is something going on in modern first World society that challenges much of past philosophy. No conspiracy or master plan but an incoherent commercialization of culture promulgated by newspapers, advertisements, films, tv, radio, photography, internet...How do our limited primate brains parse the bombardment of multiple purveyors of what constitutes our happiness? A beer summons beautiful women. A car defines manhood. Clothes hipness. It goes on and on. Are we all resultant outcomes of hundreds of thousands of economic images and subtle (or overt) implications? Is our audio equipment fixation mere emulation of Esquire magazine or a Hugh Hefner after hours production? And maybe we return to the OP's subject and something N sensed. Neither Gopher or Tortoise. |
As time goes by you will see There, by your side, I will be Thoughts of another day As time goes by, you will see We're gonna be free |
Are you serious? the actual problem is this one: The trick is to not get caught up in what you ascribe to the point where that "matter" takes on a life of it’s own and becomes a dictum. Then, we’re in trouble. Why do you think there is so much distress in the world right now? Is it because people perceive their FREE spirit or any spirit? No it is because people are captive in the supertstition of "matter" and are prisoner of those who hold the key to this jail... A clue: corporations greed and power...Ask Buddha or Christ... I dont think these 2 people had low IQ. ask them advice... 😁😊😊😊 Ok they are "celebrated" religious figure and you dont want them... Then try Plato and his disciple Aristotle...Or try Goethe his IQ. in on par with all these people i just listed...But dont ask anything from any psychiatrist or any materialist philosopher... They are only sellers of "normality" AKA sleepwalking with pills or without... Name me three materialist genius in human history? Good luck i never encounter one save the first one Democrites... Nietzsche so intelligent he was die because he trust the atomistic science of his time and Darwinism too much... His master was not so much naive: Schopenhauer...S. was reading and lerrning from Goethe and India and all sciences... Anyway materialism died with Planck discovery and the master said it himself... "I regard matter as derivative from consciousness. We cannot get behind consciousness." - Max Planck.
Like I said, it's just a name we give things: an attribute that conforms to how we think and see things. Some provoke more emotion, some less. The trick is to not get caught up in what you ascribe to the point where that "spirit" takes on a life of it's own and becomes a dictum. Then, we're in trouble. All the best,
Are there humans devoid of spirit, or is it only unknown to themselves? God and N not dead as long as they evoke spirit in others.
Spirit much like love, sometimes spontaneous combustion within us, other times dies without warning. When it leaves us, where does it go? Why is love and spirit so often thought of as coming from the heart?
Some claim to read chakras, some feel vibrations, often called vibes, auras, etc. in response to all sorts of stimulus. These are symptoms or forms of spirit reported by humans down through history, universal and timeless.
And an Eastern way of thinking of Self (large S) which permeates the whole universe and connects us all as opposed to self our animal instincts of preservation. No, I don't see any evidence of this sort of spirit, soul, Self, God. Maybe I'm confusing the meaning of" human spirit " but this
sounds more like conscience to me. Whichever it's not really that important. It's difficult for a reductionist like myself to follow these philosophical conversations. |
This image is very simple and is the prime numbers embeddings with one unit represented by small circle added to one another... The interrelated primes are represented by increasing circles toward the infinite... There exist no object in any universe, and even in all universes in any finite number of them in any finite numbers we may chose that exceed this distributed indefinite complexity... NONE... Save the first infinity itself containing all the primes.. If you think about that ask yourself this question: Who created this object? Answer: NO HUMAN... We observe it like we observe the distibutions of stars... But all the galaxies in the known universe is only a drop inside this object... This is my faith.... But this faith is based on an exact direct perception of this object meaning and dynamic.... This object is only an image of the EMPTY cosmic memory, or a fixated snap in one moment of its internal dynamic... The mathematic of this living object is described by Shinichi Mochizuki...
I had faith from my young age... Faith in the only intellectual discovery in all my lifetime... The distribution of prime numbers is the most complex object existing in ANY possible cosmos or transcending ANY universe... The prime number distribution is a fixated instantaneous image of the dynamical cosmic memory...Nothing less.... Like an image on a cinematographic film ribbon containing many other one... I did not sleep over that for a month when i was 24 years old...... Someone else discovered it in his own way with way greater mathematical skill than me but it is too complex to be judged here... There even exist a worldwide controversy right now about this mathematical theory... A fascinating story in the making right now... Shinichi Mochizuki , the great japanese mathematician , the greatest after Grothendieck his master, he called it "inter-universal geometry"... I believe only mathematicians and mystics... All the rest is only limited physical experiments...Or otherwise technological or religious superstitions...
@mahgister - If you'd care to conduct a scientific experiment, regarding that hypothesis: stop over sometime. I have numerous ways to explore your proposition; IF you have the FAITH!
By the way my most important discovery this year was that we dont know YET what is sound... Then think twice before reading audio magazine... The only science is HISTORY of science...To quote Goethe in my own word....I add the word "ONLY " to be more clear using the Goethe sentence... Idolization of science is SUPERSTITION like in transhumanist cult... Human spirit progress by METAMORPHOSIS of himself in non linear time,not by a linear progress toward some transhumanist technological hubris "singularity" and HIVE mind...
Ok i apologize for my rant but i dont like when some people present their short uninformed opinions like EVIDENT uncontroversial PROVEN fact.... Reality exceed our little convenient opinions and toys.... And being a believer in God of which name you choose to name him or it, is no more stupid than being an activist atheist and materialist like fact it is less stupid if we inform ourself... I will myself adopt the less stupid and narrow stance... Guess which one and why ?
I forgot to correct my post: there is THREE parts in the Bruno Groning documentary: more than 4 hours... |