Missing shipment

I recently made a purchase for $860 for a used item from a private seller. The seller shipped USPS Priority Mail. USPS tracking says that it was delivered. It was not by my door that day or for the next 3 days. This is the very first time in my many years of buying/selling that a package has gone missing. I live in a safe neighborhood. The seller did not insure it. We did not discuss insurance. I assumed that he would do so since $860 is a significant sum. He has 100% positive feedback – as do I. I’ll be filing a ’missing mail’ report with the USPS in the hopes that it will be located. But, since it wasn’t insured, will I be stuck with this loss?
If USPS shows that the package was delivered to you, you will have a hard time proving that you did not receive it. If it was insured you would still have to prove that it was not delivered to you. Next time you should request a signature conformation. Hopefully it will show up ,if it doesn't you're SOL!
That’s why USPS is only good for insured or certified mail. I’m sorry to say you’re probably SOL. The burden of proof will likely be on you, but try contacting your local postmaster. Who knows..maybe they have an employee who they’ve been suspecting of theft. It happens in that organization.
All someone has to do is wait to see if you're home and then walk up and take the package. Happens all the time in the land of the free. Like stated, unless you're required to sign for it, there's not much you can do.

Check with you neighbors to see if they saw something or someone suspicious loitering about and if they themselves had any problems recently. Police will tell you it's very likely someone who lives close by (within a two block radius) so you might be one of many who've been burgled lately. 

If you're lucky, the idiot will strike again and be caught and hopefully, you and anyone else can inquire and look to see if he has your gear.

All the best,
If an item is insured for at least $200 with USPS, then it will automatically require a signature.

"We did not discuss insurance. I assumed that he would do so since $860 is a significant sum."

Even if the other person was a good friend, I would never assume anything. These days it's best to make sure every "i" is dotted and every "t" is crossed.

I would never have something delivered when no one was home. Ship to work or have it held at the shipper for pick up.
OP - I have made purchases or had equipment delivered without insurance and have never had trouble.  I would go ahead with the "missing mail" report.  I would find out from the seller the size and appearance of the package.  I have heard of people having success doing this and sincerely hope you will be one of them!

Alll the best!

PS  Check with the seller to be sure he had your address information exactly right.  That's a big deal.  If he did possibly mess up you could include the information about the possible mailing mistake to the PO to help the USPS hunt down your package.
I had this happen to me several years back and thought the package was stolen.
Turns out that USPS delivered the package to the wrong address, about 5 houses down the street. I forget how long it took, but it was several days until I got my package.
I always thought the package was the shippers responsibility until delivered safely to the recipient. If a buyer says he didn't receive something, isn't the shipper required to show proof of the shipment? It's what Paypal says that matters. They're very liberal with buyers. I always ship insured. Joe 

I always thought the package was the shippers responsibility until delivered safely to the recipient. If a buyer says he didn't receive something, isn't the shipper required to show proof of the shipment? It's what Paypal says that matters. They're very liberal with buyers. I always ship insured. Joe
OP has tracking# but didn't schedule for anyone to be home day of delivery.  If stolen off his property, why is it shipper's responsibility?  What's the point getting tracking#?

For anything reasonably expensive, I always arrange for someone home for deliver.
Couple of times it showed as delivered but in fact was delivered next day. I also had packages delivered to me that were not mine. I simply delivered them to the recepient. That was UPS, though. But my first exampe was USPS. So maybe you'll get it tomorrow.
Hi joecasey, Because without someone signing for it, who says it was delivered at all? Even though the USPS says so, Paypal will side with the buyer IF seller can't provide proof of receipt. Even if insurance is bought and a signed receipt is at hand it still may come back to bite the seller if he didn't follow ALL the rules by packing to correct specs. When selling it is absolutely necessary to follow the selling websites rules as well as the shipping companies rules and last but not least, Paypals. Fall short of any of these and a seller can kiss his money goodbye. 
I'd phone your local post office regarding this and have the manager talk to the driver to verify what happened. I suggest this because my USPS delivery person usually is excellent however one time the tracking number showed a package was delivered to me but actually it was was still in the delivery jeep but mistakenly recorded as delivered.
I'm sorry for your loss, hopefully, the package will show up.
I have a cameras at my property so there's no way these lying crackheads can show me their status update without actually being there and dropping my package. When they hear conversation about security camera they freeze and start looking for your package HARD.
Hi joecasey, Because without someone signing for it, who says it was delivered at all? Even though the USPS says so ...
Well if package is important enough, OP had tracking# so why didn’t he arrange for someone at home waiting for it?

I only have issue with your statement

I always thought the package was the shippers responsibility until delivered safely to the recipient.

Don’t buyers have some responsibilities too? PayPal is a different animal.

IMO, it's buyers responsibility to negotiate a shipping method.   Never assume on anything that's important / expensive.
I had this happen to me several years back and thought the package was stolen.  Turns out that USPS delivered the package to the wrong address
Same exact thing here.
If USPS shows that the package was delivered then the seller is off the hook. It is up to the OP to do some detective work as to find out what happened. BTW ,insurance covers for damage, not for a delivery that was shown being delivered!
If USPS shows that the package was delivered then the seller is off the hook.

This is not true. The seller is only off the hook if he has the signature of the recipient. If the seller sent the package with no signature required, then he is foolish, and he is still on the hook.

It is on the seller to prove that the item was delivered. USPS has no skin in the game.

I always ship with a signature required, to protect myself, as the seller.
"BTW ,insurance covers for damage, not for a delivery that was shown being delivered!"

Check the USPS website. It states that the insurance is to protect against loss or damage. Also, with at least $200 insurance, a signature is required for delivery.

I never ship or agree to receive anything of value without insurance. It's a small price to pay for peace of mind.
Seriously, that's on the seller. If the seller had insured the item for the stated value a signature would be required. If the seller had spent a couple of bucks on signature confirmation there would have been no issue. There's also a geo-tracking option on the new scanners the USPS uses for delivery that in concert with Google Earth will show where delivery was effected.

Paypal will back you up. If there's no signature, delivery cannot be proven. The seller took the course of saving a few bucks. That's not on you. Have the seller file a claim for the $50 that Priority automatically includes and ask for a full refund while he pursues his claim. I handle this type of stuff all the time. I'm a Postmaster.
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Go to all of your neighbors and ask.Just last week this happened with a coworker,he ordered guitar pickups..that day a different mail carrier was working..my buddy happened to see it at the front porch of a neighbor .it had been there for 3 days!..those neighbors always went in thru their garage and never saw it.
My friend also learned that the pickup company only insured the shipment for 50 bucks.His cash outlay was 160 dollars so if he hadnt found his shipment he was out most of his money.
also,the mail carrier hadnt even scanned as delivered so it showed as 'out for delivery'..
My 15 year-old neighborhood has still not been assigned a "regular" mail carrier by our local Postmaster. I never know what will happen on any given day. When they are good, they are really good. When they are bad, their lack of process discipline (axememan's example for instance), customer service (never answer the phone at the local PO), and lack of accountability can darn well make resolution near impossible. Best to expect the worst and be pleasantly surprised when they don't screw it up.

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Okay, you've established that you have a winning case. If the fellow you're dealing with is a stand up guy you won't need any of that. He'll just refund. If however, it's not that easy, watch your time limits. If your Paypal purchase was funded by a credit card you have a year to file. If however your Paypal purchase was funded by your Paypal balance, your time frame to file is much shorter. Stay in contact with Paypal and don't exceed your time limit because you could turn a winning case into a loss by taking too long. It's best to deal with the seller directly and give him a reasonable chance to do the right thing. Be careful though if any delay should compromise your time to file for recompense.
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I have packages that are still in transit since couple years ago. Tracking is virtual that may be far from real.
You can update tracking any time you want, but it ain't guarantee what factually happened.