Magico vs the world

Everywhere I look I only see people (end users and professional reviewers) raving about magico. Build quality, incredible sound, etc... everyone just loves them, especially the modern series, A3, M series, S series (mk2 variant). It is impressive for sure. But I am curious, what speakers have you heard that you compared to magico that you like as much or maybe even better?
If it is genuinely "technically fine," why would it not be enjoyable?
In regards to this particular post, as mheinze eluded to, it's a fantasy post, if you believe this guy had "several pairs of Magico," I have a bridge to sell you (I mean why would you keep buying speakers from a company you don't enjoy listening to - this guy doesn't even lie well).
BTW, Smodtactical I read Ultrasound regularly, never seen a review of the Vimberg, (and the Q7 cost $225K not $400K).
I have owned several pairs of Magico speakers. I loved their build quality and their clarity, speed and definition. I ultimately did not keep them in my system because I found I was just not listening for as long, in fact I would go many days if not weeks without listening. I ended up going back to Magneplanar speakers (20.7i) because although they do not do some things as well as the Magicos, they do transport me to the venue and bring the music alive in a way that it totally natural to my ears. They engage me with the music.

This to me is the very definition of what I call hi-fi sound: technically fine, if you can stand it. 

The whole point of a music system is to enjoy listening to music. If you're not enjoying then the components no good no matter how wonderful the build quality, clarity, speed, and definition. 

Another thing about the hi-fi sound, guys tend to think that because its so technically good but they just don't enjoy listening, that maybe with enough time it will get that last little bit of break-in that makes it so you can stand to listen to it. Forgetting (if they ever learned) that if it doesn't sound good right out of the box odds are it never will.

I got a friend, when he heard Jennifer Warnes the first time he asked if she was married. It was the voice that did it. Didn't even ask about her build quality.
I'm just curious what speaker could challenge or potentially beat a magico m6. Hrmm... interesting question to ponder.
Post removed 
Which pairs did you own?
I just looked at your posts, you never mentioned Magico before (you have not posted anything since 2017), and you say that you are a distributor for Prima Luna? Can you disclose more about your system?
I have owned several pairs of Magic speakers. I loved their build quality and their clarity, speed and definition. I ultimately did not keep them in my system because I found I was just not listening for as long, in fact I would go many days if not weeks without listening. I ended up going back to Magneplanar speakers (20.7i) because although they do not do some things as well as the Magicos, they do transport me to the venue and bring the music alive in a way that it totally natural to my ears. They engage me with the music. I end up playing my air guitar or drum kit. I listen for hours without fatigue. The only other speakers that I have had such engagement with have been the Proac K series (K6 and K8). I have a pair of REL subs partnered with them and love the soundstage scale of the combo.
I moved from a set of B&W 803D3 to S3mkII last year and I never looked back. I was very happy with my 803s but after listening to the S3s several times (my dealer was kind enough to let me bring CDs and LPs for a few listening sessions with a similar system), I realized that I was gaining so much more detail, bass definition and sound stage. What I heard at the dealer, luckily for me, carried over to my listening room. If I had a bit more money to spend, I would have gone to the M2, they are amazing.

I don’t claim to have the best ears, not even above average actually, but I do know what I like and for me, Magico makes one some of the top speakers in the business and I hope I am lucky enough to be able to keep my S3s forever, or at least until I can afford the M2s, lol. All this said, I don’t think it is Magico versus the world. The absolute beauty for us audiophiles is that we have SO MANY options to pick from based on sound and price. Aren’t we lucky?

krazy ivan out. 

Well the Focal's Sopra 2's sounded superior to me over the A3's with the Ayre equipment. I guess to each his own, I chose what I thought sounded best.
FYI, I also own the same Ayre preamp along with tube mono blocks and (4) JL Audio F-113 subs. So perhaps that negates the criticism of the Sopra's.


Can you please provide a link to Jeff review? I search the entire Ultraaudio site, did not find one. He did talk about buying them and show a factory visit, but I don’t see any review.
@stereo5 Well yes to me it sounds great. Thanks. I treat my listening room a bit like a listening lab. But I suppose quite a few of us do. 

You have quite an impressive line up of equipment.  The systems must sound wonderful.
Somebody's put Tekton in the  Magico  thread  What are people thinking   ??
One interesting thing is Jeff from soundstageultra downgraded his $400k Magico Q7 system to a $40k system featuring Vimberg Tonda (non diamond). He could have chosen an S series magico for that price easily but he choose vimberg because of the sound. Reading his review it seems he really didn't even give up sound quality compared to the mighty Q7. This is why I think Tidal is one of the clear competitors to magico.

I read over some of the other replies above. At AXPONA last year I heard the Vandersteensn in their listening room and granted it is hard (some would say impossible) to get an accurate audition of a speaker at AXPONA, I will say that they were impressive. I had already purchased my Magico A3s from my local dealer before their price increase. The A3s are well designed and well built. Some say they sound clinical. I say accurate. This is a matter of taste. If you desire warmth get a tube amp or preamp. If you want blacker backgrounds get better cabling and power management. Also make sure your listening room is acoustically ok per your liking. I have space constraints. So the A3s meet my need in that regard. The Vandys or S3 mk2 would not fit. Plus here is the kicker. I live in a 4 story townhouse. Guess which floor my listening room is on? The A3s each weigh 100 lbs. Anything heavier isn’t going to make it to its destination without help from the Chicago Bears offensive line, though I imagine with some N95 masks they might be available. 
@skyscraper Sorry for the delay. My Magico A3s are on a all digital system of streaming or CD. Here is the system:
Power: 20amp dedicated line from the breaker box > Shunyata PS8 with Defender and Greenwave EMI filter > PS Audio PowerPlant P12.
Integrated amp in cold months: PrimaLuna
Dialogue Premium HP
Preamp is warmer months: Pass Labs XP-20 with Revelation Audio Labs power connection cable, with Amps: Benchmark AHB2 monoblocks, First Watt SIT-3 or M-2.
Sources: InnuOS Zenith Mk3 w/Innuos Phoenix running Roon Core w/Squeezelite.
DACs: a variety which I switch in and out - Chord M Scaler with Chord Quetest (w/SBooster power), PS Audio DirectStream DAC or Mytek Brooklyn DAC+ w/SBooster. CD: PS Audio DS MemoryPlayer with I2S connection to DS DAC.
Internet: Eero Pro to SOtM switch
Ethernet cables are DH Labs Reunion
Interconnects: Shunyata Delta
Power Cables: Almost all Shunyata Deltas NR except for Delta EFs on the Benchmark amps due to space constraints for the plugs.USB cables: Shunyata Venom
Speaker cables: Shunyata Delta
Speakers: Magico A3

I know. It’s a disease.

MAGICO is the number 1 in sales A3s sold now over 900 pairs because they don't sound good.Lets bad rap #1.If MAGICOS do not have great sounding preamp.amp,cd player they will not sound the best Ayre is a very bad match.

Very rarely a reviewer will comment on two speakers like that. The mid-bass on the Focal is elevated, the tweeters are raspy, and there is no low bass (and that is all verified with measurements). Some, of course, will prefer that kind of sound.

I went to hear the Magico A3 with the intention to purchase them based on all the glowing reviews. When I first heard them I thought, aha, now this sounds nice, but after a few minutes I noticed it to be a little cold/sterile sounding. They were being demoed with Ayre equipment. I ended up buying the Focal Sopra 2’s. I liked the sound better.

“There are far better choices for the prices Magico demand today.”

I couldn’t agree with you anymore! 
Well sorry to join the "not my cuppa" mob but I tend to agree on the Magico "sound"frankly, beautiful finish, top flight marketing obviously making the Owner lots of dosh! I've heard them in numerous settings from the First launch at CES-sadly my impressions remain the same to this day--rather brittle ,dry and I find them fatiguing especially on Digital material and heaven only knows why they present with a server or digital demo to prospective customers-beats me.

No its a brave attempt at a seemingly superior Transducer-but fails in my view. There are far better choices for the prices Magico demand today.

I'd suggest Vandersteen 5a Carbons, Tidal Diaceras,Big Verity's-and a
Plethora of others for consideration  if box speakers are your quest.

Sorry Magico-like I said "not my cuppa"--well in my room anyway .



I really like the Harbeth 40.2, but they are so different vs. the Magico speakers I own that the comparison is meaningless.

In my own two systems I have the M3's and the Q3's.  They are famous for being neutral - very little, if anything, added to the ultimate sound. I thought the Q3 was the best speaker I ever heard in it's price range - until I bought the M3's.

I've listened to nearly all the current models of Magico speakers at trade shows and I like them all - for different reasons and applications. But, they are expensive. A used pair of any Magico, in good condition, might be an affordable option.
So many good speakers in the stratospheric price ranges. I’ve been to Axpona over many years and these are my top 6 that always impress...

Raido 5.1
Lumen White Lumyere
Magico M3/M6
Wilson Audio Alexx
Focal Utopia Grand
Acoustic Zen Crescendo

Magico! Magico!  Where art thou Magico.

We don't even have a Magico dealer in Denver that I am aware of.
@ smodtactica
Relaxed can be just as fatiguing as aggressive and bright. I just don’t like the sound of ceramic drivers; to my ears they have an unpleasant coloration; once you spot it, it never goes away. As I said in my posts, I have the A3, currently with the Pass INT-250.
Avantgarde Duo Horns get my vote

Haven’t heard anything that can touch them

But like other posters have said - I need a lottery win :-)
Unless some pot of gold falls out of the sky, I won't own these.  I personally found the 30K Sonus Faber/MAC more enjoyable than Wilson Sasha DAW/Audio Research.  Also like the Paradigm sound.  So many brands out there but Magico seems to have plenty of fans. And now for something completely different(Monty Python) the Tannoy sound was good.
i have an s5mk2 and absolute love it. especially with big class a power from a symphonic line kraft 300, the speakers have incredible tone and texture and have overcome any narrow soundstage issues that can be the case with magicos. i've come to understand that these speakers LOVE power. the more the better. they sounded great with 250watts from my odyssey amp but the 500 or so watts that the kraft can do just opened the speakers up in a massive way. high current designs are the way to go with any magico imo

i plan on listing them in the near future to move up to an m2, alsyvox tintoretto, or an mbl101e mk2. the s5's are no slouch compared to any of these and, ironically, the m2 offers the least upgrade (but damn are they cool!). the alsyvox and mbl's have a different magic that only those kind of designs+ribbons can give. that said, i never left those demo's feeling like my s5's were behind. it's more a matter of taste and being a gear hound. i think the s5mk2 can easily be the speakers around which to build a cost no object system.

It's kind of odd to me that, w/the exception of the JMLabs reference above, Focal doesn't seem to be on anyone's radar...I'm thinking that choosing between a Magico S3 and a Sopra 3 would probably be tough, and getting the cost evened out a bit more, how about something from the Utopia line?As many have observed, it's what sound you like/prefer ~ for me, the detail, imaging, and tonal accuracy of the Focals is wonderful...and best of all, I can get a slice of it for less than Magico's "cheapest" speakers [Aria, Kanta].
At Axpona last year the two best systems I heard were Magico M6's and the B&W 800D3's. Magico's running off of D'Agostino gear, B&W all Mcintosh gear. The amazing thing about the Magico display was that it was literally in an open air atrium in a dead end of a hallway outside of all the conventions sized listening rooms. It sounded like a concert. Pretty amazing. I wish I could post pictures here, you almost have to see it to believe it - they literally made a hallway sing.

How can anybody make a better speaker than magico? Its a cost no object speaker designed to be the absolute best. What are you supposed to do to make it better?
Well you can use different technology that works better, that's one way.
With respect to comparing and judging speakers it’s imperative that comparisons are auditioned in the same environment. You’re just guessing otherwise which is what we do because home speaker trials are rare I think. FWIW
Hello,I had a pair of Dunlavy SC V, and those speakers was suppose to be my last one, but when i heard the Magico A3 i was very impressed. For the sound of course, but also for the image. When the set up is good the image is as big as the Dunlavy SC V with much less speakers volume.
So,I bought the Magico A3 after listening three other pairs of speakers. It was: Sonus Faber Olympica, Dynaudio Contour 60 and Paradigm Persona 5F. Those speakers was good, but nothing comparable with the Magico A3 for the same price. The sound and the image of the A3 was more than three time better than the others speakers that i heard.It's why i bought them. 
First if you buy them new, be patient, patient and patient.... Some people sold them after six mounth or less and i hunderstand them. The Magico are very difficult to break in("à rôder" in french). You have to be patient because at the beginning they sound very badly. Acording to Magico it takes 600 hours, but i thing it takes more than that.
And when they start to sing's Magico.
Heard the S5 I think it was ... not even close to a natural presentation.  No thanks.  I recommend the Canalis Allegra.   It's like they're not there.
P.s. after a couple of years of listening session with several brands I ended up buying WA Alexia which to my ears have a much more natural (analog) sound. It’s not just about better voice or more natural acoustic instruments, they just give a better “picture”. I would also put my previous speakers (linn Komri) above Magico, as The are less natural than Alexia but incredibly detailed, resulting in a better overall picture.
fair to say that it’s a personal assessment based on my taste and I find magico very detailed and balanced too

I’m not a big fan of magico, I’ve listened to all of them (including the M project with opus cable etc with d’agostino, audio research, constellation and other crazily expensive stuff) and never fell in love with their sound.. impressive detail, but it’s not warm and natural 
my personal taste 
I have heard the Q7 with Dan D'Agostino M400 monoblocks and a crazy expensive dac.
I think that my PrimaLuna HP Integrated, Orchid dac and Tekton Design Double Impacts are 80% there, and has more natural sounding voices.It would be fun to compare the Tekton Ulfberht with the Q7

This was in a home, not at a show
Well, I've listened to various Magicos, mainly the S1 MkIIs through to the S5s. I don't really think of the S3s or S5s as being cool or clinical, as some have implied, just very real - with the right matching equipment and lots of watts driving them. Superb soundstaging and imaging with, for the most part, great tonal balance and timbre. However, this doesn't apply to the S1 MkII: I tried a pair for a fortnight and hated them - crystal clear, but also sibilant, with a treble emphasis and limited bass. The S3s seem to be the Magico sweet spot, whereas the A3s are so so - good, but not spectacular - which tells you a lot about the technology in their more expensive speakers.

Interestingly, Wilson Benesch reveal many similar benefits, with their carbon fibre models at very high prices; and similar problems with their lesser models. However, even the Act needs the Torus bass emitter - so I would probably buy the Magico S3 MkII.

So, after years of experimentation with everything from Sonus Faber to Tannoys, I settled on a brand that gets very little exposure, but is big in terms of its 'bang for your buck' quotient: the Audio Solutions Figaro L - from a distant Lithuania. Superb cabin design, imaging as good as the front end allows, huge soundstage and bass, and tremendous finesse when required. Superb treble extension and control, a slight hint of warmth, but wonderful clarity and articulation of both instruments and voices. Great with jazz, classical music and rock. They are hardly heard of in most audio circles, but offer 95% of what the S5s offer for a fifth of the price. Not the absolute last degree of realism, but certainly more than nearly all of the speakers mentioned above, apart from Magico and Vivid (the Giyas). Note, the "Ls" are significantly larger and better than the "Ms", and they offer considerably more than the likes of Vandersteen, B&W, Kef, Wilson Audio, etc. They are also pretty efficient at 93db, so they love my 35 watt amp. 

Like Magico, they represent a new wave of innovative design, but at a quite different price point - at least with their Figaro series. 

For what its worth ................      
Not sure the model number of the speaker. Very expensive room however. The speakers I believe were around $20K per pair. It was the Magico room last summer, 'The Show' in LA. Rooms that impressed me were the ATC speakers from Europe, the Odyssey room, Joseph Audio room. Many rooms were set up poorly. The Magico room as I recall did not benefit from 2 additional very expensive sub woofers they had set up with it. I even asked why would you need 2 sub woofers with $20K speakers? I think the subs were around $5k for the pair. The sound was not at all musical to me. Maybe I heard a bad recording or the room was not set up properly but was not impressed. To each his own.
@mikesawtell Which magicos did you hear?
I don't think its a matter of people not having a good ear more just a matter of taste. There are also so many variables... what were the electronics, what was the room like, what were they playing?
People with well trained ears love magico so I don't think its some issue of them appealing only to novice listeners. Actually the s5mk2 and m2 is on stereophile class A 2020 recommendations. And every pro reviewer and those who listen to magico that I've seen gush about them. Feelings like yours are relatively rare from what I've seen. But of course they may not to be your taste and I am not negatively criticizing you at all. This is subjective.
My brother and I wandered into the Magico room at the show in LA last summer. We have been at this for a while. My brother used to set up Von Schweikert speakers at shows for Albert in the 90's. His ear is much better than mine. We both have had high quality systems, while not mega dollar, good solid systems. Anyway, we both had never heard Magico and were really interested in hearing them. At the show, the Magicos were presented by a nice reputable dealer from here in SoCal, so we thought this is going to be good!  They were not. We listened for a few minutes and looked at each other and said, 'lets get outta here' Sorry, but these speakers were the most over rated, non-musical, sterile sound, I, personally have ever heard. I figured that most of the folks who were in the room and liked them must not have a good ear. Meaning they would not know a good speaker if it bit them in the rear. I mean not borderline 'not great' but actually, 'really not good'. The cool part of that show was that Albert was there and my bro chatted with him, he had not seen him for 25 years. Plenty of good sound at that show, just not in the Magico room. 
Also Mheinze I wonder if you would like vimberg more. Its also ceramic but its tuned to be much more relaxed and not fatiguing. Soundstage ultra has a good review of the Tondas.
@mheinze which Tidal models did you hear and which what electronics?
Also which magicos and what electronics?
The Tidal are beautiful loudspeakers, but for me, just like all other speakers with ceramic drivers, are ultimately fatiguing. I spend hours in front of a system mastering recordings, and what may sound impressive at a demo can become extremely unpleasant in the long run.
The Magico don’t jump at you, they are balanced and neutral, and they will take the form of whatever it is you put through them (look at all the different opinions, many are at a complete contradiction with each other). Some will find it boring. Many audiophiles are looking for extra excitement when listening to music. I just want to hear the music as it was capture, it is interesting enough.
I agree with most of you who said they are exceptional speakers. I still remember hearing the m2 and it was just incredible. The only speaker that I can say was definitely better was the tidal contriva g2. But that carbon fiber and aluminum build quality is just so nice.
Love my Energy RC-70’s
  dislike treble heavy speakers.

these Energy’s are my grail!

 I love. Them!

Your description has piqued my interest immensely.  Once the restrictions are relaxed, I will contact the local dealer where I bought my  last 3 pairs of GE speakers.  I have been dealing with them for years.  My wife was in the owners class in Catholic High School.  I am sure he will be doing "by appointment only" within the next couple of months.  Enjoy your speakers, I love mine.

As always, what works great in one system may not be as good in another. For me, the Triton 1r's  are ideal. Their high sensitivity (92 spl) and the fact that they have their own powered bass drivers allows me to drive them effortlessly with my modestly powered 50w tubed mono blocks (Cary Audi Six Pacs). Im using a Prima Luna Dialogue Premium tube pre amp and the combination is so musical that I dont even think about hardware anymore. I'm sure there are things I could do to tweek and improve the overall sound but it sounds so good that I'm reluctant to touch anything. I have a Classe 175w SS stereo amp as a backup for when I just want to have background music for parties, etc. Helps keep hours off the tubes. Listen to mostly Jazz and my source is a relatively unknown CD player from Sweden (XTZ 100) which is build like a brick shithouse and pairs up nicely with my gear. Only thing I'm considering is adding a Schitt Bitfrost 2 outboard DAC.  Very, very happy.
