

Responses from mirza78

How old are you?
It depend, Friday evening when i go to have a beers with some folks, i start at 62 yo, after some beers i can go down until 15 yo and if i drink until 12 yo then i have to go to bed because it's late for 12 yo... And the morning after i can get 96... 
What Ampliffier And Magico A3
Hello jo1mtbNot too bad, better than the MIT with my system, but i think that they are not enough accurate for Magico (maybe?). A friend of mine should lend me a pair of Audio Sensibility Signature. I will try them after summer hollydays, and i wi... 
Magico vs the world
Hello,I had a pair of Dunlavy SC V, and those speakers was suppose to be my last one, but when i heard the Magico A3 i was very impressed. For the sound of course, but also for the image. When the set up is good the image is as big as the Dunlavy ... 
What Ampliffier And Magico A3
I only tried other cheap speakers cables and it was very very good. MIT are very good cables, but not compatible with Magico A3. So yesterday i bought two pairs of Nordost Heimdall 2 RCA and one pair of speaker câbles Heimdall 2. I'll get them tod... 
What Ampliffier And Magico A3
Thanks you all for your advices, It's very appreciated .Here my Hi Fi,Note that the acoustic panels are under construction and i never keep the grids, of course, when i listen music.https://www.canuckaudiomart.com/view_userimages.php?user_id=123... 
What Ampliffier And Magico A3
Hello Dave and Troy,I will try all of it in the next weeks..I'm from Quebec, an i can't go to NY at this time, but i keep your informations preciously.Thanks very much for you for all those informations..Regards,Sylvain 
What Ampliffier And Magico A3
Hello Dave and TroyThanks for your answer.Here my hifi is:TT: ClearAudio Champion 2  PrePhono: Nagra PBS --- interconect Crystal Cable MicroCDP: Moon Evolution Supernova --- Interconect CrystalCable StandardPreAmp: Nagra PLL --- Interconect DIY ... 
Audiophile LP's
Maybe this can help you?http://dr.loudness-war.info/